Beginner’s Weight Lifting Exercises

May 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Article by Kevin Pola

Beginner’s Weight Lifting Exercises – Health

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Lifting weights for beginners. Weightlifting will give you the result you desire when following strict and specific exercise routines. You need to understand and follow the correct methods for each of the lifting methods you use. Everybody starts as a beginner, and at this stage your main priority must be to understand your body and choose the appropriate weight lifting exercises by concentrating on your weaknesses first as they will slow your progress towards your goals. It is possible to achieve the perfect body for you type but you need to stay focused, and disciplined. Working out for long periods and lifting heavy weights does not always help you achieve your goals quicker. Let’s now look into some basic rules that a beginner should follow during weightlifting exercises. Train using the correct technique for the lifts you are using. Lift enough weights to stretch yourself on the last reps but be careful, lifting too much cause incorrect lifting and slow the development of your muscles and in worst case it could lead to injury. Take short rests between repetitions before going onto the next one, approximately 60 to 90 seconds. Motivate yourself by setting goals. Take photos; keep records or measurement of your muscles to assess your progress towards your goals. Develop a complete diet plan for you weightlifting routine and follow it. If you have any questions ask the staff at your gym or consult a professional trainer. Alternate muscle groups with your workout to rest your muscles is extremely important in your muscle building routine. Rest for 30 seconds between each set of exercise, and never more than 90 seconds. Warming up by stretching and lifting light weights is a vital part of your weight building routine. Now for a detailed look at the exercises appropriate for a beginner. Leg Press, With you feet at shoulder width sit on the leg press machine. Grip the handles and start lifting the weight slowly keeping pressure on the muscles at all times, do the same when returning the to the starting position by resisting the weights. Leg Extensions, Sit on the machine with you feet under the bar. Adjust the machine to suit your body, most machine will have directions. If not ask the staff at the gym. Lift by extending your legs until they are almost straight, at all time keeping pressure on the muscles. Resisting the weights on returning to start start position will keep the muscles under pressure. Lying Leg Curls – When lying on the machine face down you lift your legs slowly from the knees. It is important that you keep pressure on the muscles at all times through the lift so you get the most benefit out of the workout. Your ankles should be resting on the pads. Start curling your legs until the hamstrings are contracted fully, and then extend your legs. Lats wide grip pull down – While sitting on the machine with you knees locked under the pads pull down slowly. Your grip should be at least twice your shoulder width. Pull the bar down until it reaches your chest. ChestMachine bench press – sit down on the machine, rest your back on the backrest and start pushing the bar forward extending your arms. Slowly return the bar by resisting the weights on the way back. Machine Chest Fly, With your back firmly against the back rest sit on the machine. Keeping your arms parallel to the ground bring the bars slowly forward until your hands almost meet in front of you Then return slowly by resisting the weights. Triceps push down, standing in front of the machine with you legs together and you elbows at your side. Hold the rope or bar with your arms extended in front of you, slowly draw your arms downwards then back to the starting point keeping pressure on the muscles all the way. Biceps machine curls – while holding the bar with your hands facing upwards draw the weights upwards slowly the back down maintaining pressure on the muscles all the way. Shoulder Machine shoulder press or the military press, While in the sitting position make sure your back is firm on the backrest. Keeping pressure on your muscles lift the bar slowly until you are fully extending then return slowly to the start. Abdominal crunch machine, working on this machine is similar to doing sit-ups or crunchers. Using the machine to do these exercises give you the option to add weights to the workout. As in all weight training you should perform this lift slowly keeping tension on the muscles all the way. Bicycle Crunches – Put your hands behind your head while you lie on your back. With you legs raised keep your calves parallel to the floor and you thighs perpendicular. Curl up and bring your left elbow towards the right side of your body while drawing your right knee to meet the elbow. With the right diet and adequate rest to supplement your workout routine, that day is not far when your work will bear fruit.

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Hi my name is Kevin Pola, I hope you gained some useful information about weight training from my article. For more please visit our site at and claim you free 7 part e Course when you sign up.

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Kevin Pola

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Hi my name is Kevin Pola, I hope you gained some useful information about weight training from my article. For more please visit our site at and claim you free 7 part e Course when you sign up.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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