Benefits of Strength Training

May 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Peter Harris

Strength training is a style of weight lifting that uses progressive resistance to strengthen muscles. There are several other benefits in performing strength training and conditioning workouts. These benefits include improving muscle tone, muscular endurance, muscle size, strength (including tendon, bones and ligaments). This article will discuss the benefits of strength training.

Strength training can improve our overall level of performance. Our muscles are utilizing energy everyday to help us complete our movements. The more strength and endurance our muscles have the more efficiently they will work to allow us to better participate in our daily activities, sports and hobbies.

Another long-term benefit of strength training is the prevention of muscle loss. It is normal for us to lose muscle mass as we age. If we engage in ongoing strength training and conditioning workouts then we can slow down or even reverse this process. We don’t have to succumb to the effects of aging. We can do something about it and it starts with exercise.

The benefits of strength training can also improve our physical appearance. This type of training can effectively help a person burn off bodyfat, replacing bodyfat with quality lean muscle. If you stick to a strength training program combined with proper nutrition you will change your appearance to one that is leaner and stronger.

Another consideration to take into account is that as we age our metabolism will slow down. As this happens it becomes harder for us to burn bodyfat and keep our weight down. The food that we eat is more easily stored as bodyfat. Following the basics of strength training exercises we can increase our metabolic rate so that we may continue to burn calories and bodyfat – even when we are sleeping.

People will often make the mistake of not strength training when they are trying to lose weight. They will focus on cardiovascular exercise and cutting calories. What they may not realize is that cutting calories in the absence of strength training may lead to muscle loss along with the fat. Strength training will help you maintain your muscle size while you are burning bodyfat. You won’t get big and bulky with strength training. You will get a strong, lean appearance.

This article was written to share the many benefits of strength training. After reading this my hope is that you can appreciate the importance of utilizing strength training and conditioning workouts to improve your health, burn bodyfat, increase your metabolism and keep you strong and healthy for years to come.

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of strength training from a world reknowned fitness expert that will produce results quickly then visit us now at: strength Training Benefits
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