Benefits of Weight Training For Women

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Paul Yost

Weight training for women is still a fairly non-existent subject. This is because women typically don’t perform much, if any, weight training exercise in comparison to their male counterparts. Almost every gym I’ve ever been to has the same dynamic — women on cardiovascular machines and men on the weights. This is due to a number of factors, but weight training for women should definitely be incorporated into any fitness endeavor.

Why Women Don’t Weight Train

1. Fear of Big Bulky Muscles

This is easily the number one reason why women don’t weight train. I completely understand why. There aren’t all that many men that want a woman with huge legs, a big muscular back and bulging biceps. The main problem with this idea is the fact that most women don’t produce enough testosterone to cause this effect. If you still don’t believe me, just think of all the gyms packed with young males trying to get HYUUUGGGEE with little success. If a hormonally advantaged male can’t get jacked, why do you think you can overnight?

2. The Environment

Let’s face it, most women don’t weight train all that seriously at your typical gym. That means the male to female ratio is largely skewed. This intimidates many women from using the equipment. Some of it could be lack of training knowledge, but I think most of it has to do with the screaming and clatter of weights.

3. Social Aspects

I all ready said it before, but most women don’t weight train so there aren’t any other women to talk to. Not that I think it should be a huge social event, but many women would like a training partner or at least someone to talk to.

4. The Media

Media gimmicks will have you believe all that you need is something simple. It could be a supplement, a piece of cardio equipment, a piece of plastic to squeeze, etc. to reach your fitness goals. I have news for you; Very little of this stuff will get you the results you’re after. In fact, most of it is useless crap!

The Benefits

1. Increased Muscle Mass

Yes, I said it. Most women need to build muscle to reach their goal. Why? Because most women have very little muscle mass to provide much bodily shape. Having more muscle also increases the metabolic rate, increasing the number of calories burned daily. Obviously, this is a desired benefit.

2. Increased Strength

Most women need more strength. Having higher levels of strength will enhance daily productivity and make ADL’s (acitivities of daily living) easier.

3. Maintenance of Muscle Tissue

The bodies main purpose is to remain as efficient as possible. When in a caloric deficit, muscle mass can be sacrificed due to it’s high caloric cost. Muscle tissue is desired because of it’s shaping properties as well as it’s energy consuming effects.

4. Increased Energy

Weight training also stimulates metabolic changes. Metabolically speaking, weight training promotes enhanced energy through increases in muscle oxidative capacity.

5. Decreased Risk of Osteoporosis

Often, this is the last thing women worry about when embarking on any kind of exercise program. Cardiovascular exercise itself is limited in promoting bone growth. Weight training is a highly favorable choice.


If not, you should be. Weight training for women is very important for both short and long-term health. It also provides desirable changes in a woman’s physique which you probably care more about.

Paul Yost is the Owner/Operator of Paramount Fitness Training, a fitness company based in Houston, TX. He also works as a Strength and Conditioning Coach in professional baseball. Find more about his services and information at:

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