Best Ab Exercises with Ball – your abs will thank you

February 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by Jonny Jonson

Exercise balls are not a new concept and have been around for quite some time in other health related disciplines. The use of an exercise ball will greatly assist the development of a well developed core in addition to working other muscle groups. This will assist in overall weight loss by burning additional calories both during and after exercise.

To develop a great six-pack requires more than just doing endless sit-ups and leg lifts and hoping that they will materialize. There are a huge number of exercises that can be undertaken using a ball but the best ab exercises with ball are detailed below:-

Best Ab Exercises With Ball # 1

It is good to begin with an exercise that is similar to a normal press-up but with your hands up on the ball. Once you have a stable position move one leg at a time in the direction of your chest. Do around 15 repetitions but don’t overdo this if you are new to a program.

Best Ab Exercises With Ball # 2

The second ball exercise starts in the press-up position once again but involves moving the arms forward and dropping the torso towards the floor around 8″. This will work the shoulder area and should be held for around a minute if this can be done without over-straining. Have a break of thirty seconds and then repeat for 15 repetitions.

Best Ab Exercises With Ball # 3

The third exercise also starts with the press-up position, but instead of the hands being on the ball, the feet are placed there instead. Contract the ab muscles to move the feet closer and lift the hips. Once more do again 15 times.

Best Ab Exercises With Ball # 4

For this exercise we sit on the ball, move the feet forward a little so that the ball is now supporting the mid to lower back area. Give your neck some support with your hands and then you will now make the same action as you would for a sit-up. This workout will emphasise the upper abs more than the lower abs.

Best Ab Exercises With Ball # 5

This on is similar to the last but with a sideways twist as you move to a sitting position. Go back to horizontal and then twist to the other side while sitting up. As you improve you will want to retain some tautness in the abs by not sitting up completely.

Best Ab Exercises With Ball # 6

To work the lower abs begin with the ball between your legs. Put you hands behind you to provide some support. Extend the legs again before contracting up to the chest area. Let your legs down without the ball coming into contact with the floor before raising them again.

As discussed at the beginning, there are many exercises that can be undertaken using the ball and there are no real best exercises with ball. These exercises will work the abs in particular and will help you get started.

For lots more information on weight loss, developing six-pack abs, and other related topics check out the attached link:-

Jonny has spent considerable time researching medical journals, books and other material to find the best answers to this often complicated and conflicting subject.

Jonny is an active participant in the weight loss and fitness industry. If you would like to check out lots more information and tips check out the attached link:

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