Best Abdominal Exercises Machines Review on the Ab Coaster

July 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by Shaun North

Best Abdominal Exercises Machines Review on the Ab Coaster – Health – Fitness

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The Ab Coaster, a high quality ab exercise machine has proved to be extremely effective and targets the core which will effectively strengthen the abdominal muscles. The build quality of this machine was impressive and is built from heavy due steel materials, which can hold up to three hundred pounds. The arm and knee pads provide comfort and are top of the line. It is built to last and built for extensive use. This machine comes with a comprehensive manual, digital counter, workout DVD and a sensible meal plan. Without having to adjust the machine it is designed to accommodate people from 4’10” to 6″10″ tall.To target the oblique muscles, the molded foam padded seat can be adjusted to various angels and the weight plates allow 20lbs of weight, which are optional and have to be bought separately, the best abdominal exercises machines review has been awarded the best machine on the market. And does it work? Yes it does! This machine delivers the best workout and targets the core ab muscles, and for those that want six pack abs and burn off stomach fat, this machine is a superior choice and is fun to use. As opposed to the ab crunch machine, the ab-coaster works the muscles thoroughly. Most machines work the ab muscles from the top downwards, whereas the ab-coaster works the muscles from the bottom upwards, which helps to burn the fat deposited in the lower abs and in turn build muscle. The only ab exercise program you will really need is the ab-coaster. This machine also comes with a comfortable knee carriage, as the ab coaster machine requires you to pull your knees upwards. The knee carriage smoothly glides along the biometrically curved track as you lift, and firstly engages the lower abs, then the middle and upper abs, which in turn gives the abdominal muscles a complete thorough workout. Due to the ab region being isolated this exercise machine promotes core stabilization and at the same time eliminates hip flexor movement.The best way to describe the ab coaster exercise machine is that it is easy to use, regardless of you level of fitness; it will keep you in top form and will exercise your abdominal regions properly without putting any strain on your lower back or neck. However, the ab coaster exercise machine is much larger and heavier than most other ab exercise machines and also cost a lot more. The ab exercise machine that has been rated number one is the Ab Coaster Pro.

About the Author

Shaun North has healthiness specialization writes many article related to the topics like best abdominal exercises machines review. He shares useful information regarding abdominal exercises machines and other fitness program.

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Shaun North

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Shaun North has healthiness specialization writes many article related to the topics like best abdominal exercises machines review. He shares useful information regarding abdominal exercises machines and other fitness program.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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