Best Body Building Workout Schedule for You

February 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

Article by Impactinformation

When it comes to bodybuilding workout routine there things you must put into consideration as bodybuilding is not so easy a task. When you have decided to build your muscle and get that fine toned physique there are lots of do’s and don’ts attached to it. Body building requires a lot of attention and adherence and determination to make it work. You must learn to put so many things aside if you must achieve your dream physique and work with a body building workout routine schedule. One of the things you must learn not to do is to miss your gym classes for some party with your friends.

To arrive at a successful result, you need to know how to properly follow a bodybuilding work schedule which will help you with the kind of technique you need to apply at a certain time in your workout sessions.

To build a fantastic muscle like the type you want, the first rule you must and should always remember is never to advice from anybody you see at the gym. The thing is this, not everybody that you see at the gym is a pro, and some are just workers there who have been able to gain so much muscle over a period of time. Just because they have all the massive muscle you wish were yours doesn’t make them pro’s. so, be certain about who you take your instructions from and make sure you choose a perfect routine that your body responds to faster, diligently practice this routine between the time period of 2-3 weeks and you would start seeing results before you know it.

In following a proper bodybuilding workout schedule, always concentrate on a particular region of your body and work on it for one day. Take each section on different days for maximum impact. When you do this you will find out that there would be more strength for you to lift more weight the next day. Before every exercise make sure you start it with a proper warm up. Warm up is very important because it helps you prevent minor injuries like cramps from occurring.

After warming up you can go ahead and do any other rigorous exercise which may consist of 10-12 reps in the first round, then you can increase the weight a little bit more with another pound and try to push for 8 reps which you have hit can be increased by another pound again. At this point all you have to do is do as many reps as you can because this is the heaviest point it should get for you. Make sure you are using a perfect position during this bodybuilding workout schedule so that you don’t get injured by taking a wrong position. This is the part where you need a body building instructor to help you with the various bodies building techniques that most appropriate at every given time.

Like I said earlier building one muscle each day would help you achieve your result faster and this is how to do a one day one muscle workout routine.

First Day: The focus for this day is the chest. Here are the various techniques you can use

1. Barbell Bench Press2. Incline Dumbbell Press3. Decline Dumbbell Press4. Flat/Decline Dumbbell Fly

Before the end of this exercise gets a weight plate properly centralized on your back, do as many push-ups as you can and you are ready to end the days training

Second day: The focus here is the shoulder region. You may start up with a military press followed by Dumbbell Over Head Press and then Dumbbell Lateral Raises comes into play and the finishing technique is the Dumbbell Front Raises.

Day one focuses on the chest, day two goes for the shoulder, day three should go for the triceps and day for should go for the legs, day five for the back which concentrates on your traps and finally day six goes for the biceps. Day one and two already gives you an idea on how a one day one muscle bodybuilding workout schedule should work. I hope this article has been able to open your eyes to the things you never saw until now.

The final step you should learn about body-building workout that has been tested and proven by hundreds of people is to quickly visit: a website that contains necessary informations and resources on how you can have that perfect shape you desire within days

Mon: Chest, Arm, Shoulders Tue: Abs, Back, Legs, Cardio Wed: Chest, Arm, Shoulders Thu: Abs, Back, Legs, Cardio Fri: Chest, Arm, Shoulders Twitter:
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