Best exercises for building muscle mass fast

February 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

Article by Rustu

In this article I will discuss the exercises, which will allow you to quickly gain muscle mass. In addition, these exercises allow you to gain weight fast!The best exercises for a set of muscles are heavy compound basic exercises. The advantage of such exercises is that they involve in the work of several muscle groups, so your training becomes more intense, and therefore effective. It should say at once that in the exercises, which I quote below, you should only use heavy weights. If you want to gain muscle mass, you should work as hard as possible. Concentrate your attention on training. And now, the actual list of exercises that I advise you to perform fast and efficient recruitment of muscle mass. Chest: flat bench press bar, incline barbell press, decline barbell press, dipsBack: Deadlift, pull-ups (different grips), bent over rowsLegs: squatsShoulders: military pressTriceps: dips, close grip bench pressBiceps: chins, standing barbell curlPress: leg raisesAll these exercises are the absolute best on your way to beautiful and strong body. I also would like to give you some rules for the application of these exercises in your training program. My proposed exercises are very heavy and require from you so much power, so do not be surprised if after 30 minutes of exercise you awake unable to continue the occupation. I recommend you train each muscle group once a week, otherwise you will quickly overtraining. Try to constantly increase the weight in each exercise and work to failure. Each repetition should be your last. Work hard and intense and you are sure to grow.

Besides, you may try to read my articles about drill stand and read some interesting information about portable drill stand.

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