Best Exercises for Hardgainers

August 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

Article by Troy Foss

Best Exercises for Hardgainers – Health – Fitness

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Looking for the Best Exercises for Hardgainers? Look no further, I’m about to show you the best exercises a hardgainer can do to gain huge amounts of muscle.

Best exercises – Dips, Chin Ups, Bench Press, Rows, Squats, Lunges, Deadlifts. These exercises are the most efficient exercises to build huge amounts of muscle. They use more than one muscle, enable you to lift a lot more weight and they stimulate the release of our powerful muscle building hormones, Testosterone and Growth Hormone.

You may notice that I didn’t include any arm exercises. This is because exercises like bench press, dips and chin ups build bigger arms much faster than bicep curls or triceps kickbacks.

Only do one set to failure – Once you have taken a muscle to complete failure, there is no need to do any more work. You have done all that is necessary to stimulate muscle growth. Only go to failure on your last set for any exercises. After that, all you have to do is give your muscles enough time to recover and grow stronger. Doing any more work is pointless and can interfere with your recovery.

I should mention that if you can do your last set with the same weight as the first sets, for the same or more reps, then you didn’t do the first sets hard enough.

Train each muscle only once a week – Never train a muscle more thn once a week. Muscles don’t grow with training. Yes training is the stimulus for growth, but if you do not give your muscles enough rest, recovery and food, you won’t gain a pound of muscle.

After going to failure, your muscles need about 48-72 hours to recover and regain the condition they were in before the workout. They then need another 2-3 days to adapt and grow stronger. Statistics show that muscles keep growing stronger up to 3 weeks after a workout. It’s because of all these reasons that training each muscle only once a week is ideal.

I have just given you the best exercises you can perform if you are a hardgainer and some tips for how to perform those exercises. These will greatly help you on your journey to gain muscle, but if you want truly amazing gains, you will need to apply some other tips and techniques.

About the Author

Click to learn more techniques about the Best Exercises for Hardgainers. Troy Foss is quickly becoming recognized as one of the leaders in teaching the average guy how to build muscle. He manages a blog that gives tips on how to gain huge amounts of muscle in a short amount of time. You can visit his blog by clicking Here!

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Troy Foss

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Click to learn more techniques about the Best Exercises for Hardgainers. Troy Foss is quickly becoming recognized as one of the leaders in teaching the average guy how to build muscle. He manages a blog that gives tips on how to gain huge amounts of muscle in a short amount of time. You can visit his blog by clicking Here!

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included. http Best Tricep workouts Best triceps workout program bodybuilding workouts exercises routine Want to know how to develop a big back? Want the best back workout of your life? Want to know how to develop your chest and biceps? Want to know how to get cut and develop six pack abs? Want to know how to develop bulging quads? Want to know how to develop big shoulders and triceps? Want to lose weight without losing muscle? Victor Costa takes natural bodybuilding to the next level. Follow his workout program and develop a muscular and cut physique. Try his specialized weight training routines and add muscle quickly, gain mass quickly and get ripped and cut quickly without getting injured. Victor Costa has developed an incredible training program that can help you develop your arms, biceps, triceps, chest, legs, shoulders and abs. Vic provides 2 workout dvds- one for home workouts and one for the gym. The bets part about it is that Vic has developed his workouts so you can take them to the gym with you on your mp3 player or ipod. You can also take Vic’s workouts to the gym with you on your mp3 player or IPOD. Let’s get bigger and more cut biceps, triceps, back, biceps, shoulders a legs and abs. Victor Costa from Vic’s Natural is considered to be one of the Best Trainer’s in the World. Visit Vic now at and follow him on Facebook. http
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