Best Triceps Exercises for Visually Appealing Arms

December 14, 2011 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

Article by Jeremy Thomas

Having a good set of muscular arms can be a striking representation of toughness, and this is definitely one area that should be included in a proper weight lifting regime.

Often the case is that the front area of the arms known as the biceps regularly receive the most focus, where the triceps can be occasionally left out. Having a better understanding of what the best triceps exercises actually are can ensure that this problem does not happen.

It’ll help a great deal more once you understand more about the best triceps exercises. Conducting what is known as the close grip bench press is understood to be one of the best triceps exercises around.

With your back resting on a flat exercise bench, take a firm grip of the barbell adjusting both hands at about just less than shoulder width apart and then press the barbell up where it’s three inches or so away from your chest.

During this process, be sure to keep those elbows tucked into the body. Even with having a narrow grip the elbows can begin to part. What happens though is instead of exercising those triceps, the chest muscles wind up doing much of the work which really defeats the purpose of this exercise.

Secondly, there are French presses which can be used as one of the best triceps exercises.

What this exercise entails is with your back lying flat on an exercise bench have your arms bent holding the barbell just in front of your forehead. The exercise needs to be done while maintaining good form, and keeping those elbows right by your sides. Or else those chest muscles are the ones which become targeted more than the triceps.

Another option with this exercise is to use dumbbells instead of barbells.

This can be explained where if one hand is more capable than the other, the stronger arm can take care of the heavier weight. With the example of the weight being 120lbs and the stronger arm lifting 70lbs while the opposite one takes on 40lbs.

Tricep kickbacks come as one other of the best triceps exercises to do. Lean forward while standing having your body be parallel to the floor.With one dumbbell in hand, bend the elbow to a 90 degree angle, and have your arm come backwards so that it becomes straight. And, then return it to the initial position.

For the most benefits keep those triceps tensed. Then, continue to carry out the process once more with the alternative arm after you’ve done so for a steady amount of sets. It might be easier doing this while making use of a bench to support your other arm and leg.

This can also aid to relieve some of the tension from the back area also.Always remember that the triceps are a critical muscle group to workout, and mustn’t be overlooked. The triceps should go side by side with workouts of the biceps.

For the total scoop on Best Triceps Exercises make sure you visit: Best Triceps Exercises for Mass

Jeremy Thomas prides himself by keeping his body fit and healthy on a regular basis. If you’d like to find out about a great product that he recommends, check out: Blast Your Biceps

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