Best Way to do Pull Ups and Chin Ups

April 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

Article by Dee

When I was in grade school I treasured PE period! I believe it was my favorite thing about school other than lunch time. I know it might have beat out lunch except our school had the best sticky buns and pizza.When you added those with the milk you invested 25 cents for it was like having a tiny piece of your own heaven. I am getting chills right now thinking about it! There is only one thing I would do to develop the moment and that would be to change the milk to a non- dairy almond milk. Speaking of non-dairy milk, have you tasted it? I held back from it for a long time because I thought it wouldn’t taste good. The non dairy variety is delicious so make sure you try it.

Yes… Physical education happened to be my best-loved time slot in school. I loved all we did this included archery, tennis, and running. I particularly loved when it was time for the Presidential Fitness test… at least that’s what it was named when I was in school. On the test, you had to do as many sit ups and pull ups as you could and if you fell within a certain number you would get a certificate. I don’t believe I ever failed in getting a certificate and I took pride in going up to get it in front of my school mates. Although I never failed in getting a certificate, I always seemed to fail on one part of the test and it was always pull ups. No matter how powerful I thought I was, pull ups always had a way of bringing me quickly back to reality. Since it made me feel that way, I always avoided doing them in the weight room as I matured in age. I decided recently to get better at doing pull ups and make my weakness a strength. I wonder if I am the only one who avoided doing them of the weakness factor Hmmm…

Difference of a pull up and chin up

Do you know the contrast between a pull up and a chin up? Occasionally people use the words to mean the same but they are very seperate. In a pull up, the hands are in a pronated or overhand position while in the chin up they are in the supinated or underhand position. While both of these work the back muscles there is a greater emphasis or activation on them with the pull up. Chin ups work the lats to a smaller degree but work the rhomboids and levator scapulae a more because of the change in grip. In addition, chin ups implicate more bicep motion while pull ups use alot more forearm. The arms are the first to get tired as most people depend on them rather than the back to pull them up.

The Best Back Workout

Pull ups and chin ups are some the greatest back exercises you can try. Most people stay away from doing them simply because they

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