Bicep Exercises Without Weights – An Interesting Few To Try Out

March 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Article by Jefferie Wilkenson

In this article we will look at a number of bodyweight exercises that work out the biceps. Sometimes the biceps are not the primary muscle group worked, but they still get a good workout.

Wide grip push-up. With a normal push-up your arms are approximately shoulder width apart and the focus is placed on working the chest muscles and arms. However, if you adopt a wider stance with your arms more than shoulder width apart you take the focus off the arm and shoulder muscles and place it back on the chest muscles. Wide grip push-ups tend to work the outer chest muscles more and are good for shaping and toning.

Seated Dumbell Curls for Biceps. By sitting down when doing a bicep curl as opposed to standing up you will focus on working out the biceps. It is harder to cheat when sitting down as you wont be able to put your back or leg muscles into it to help you out. It will be the biceps all the way. So sit at the end of a workout bench and hold a dumbell in each of your hands with them down by your side. Start with your palms facing towards your body. Then, one arm at a time, lift the weights up whilst turning your palms up to the ceiling. At the moment of full muscle contraction give the biceps a nice big squeeze for a second or two and then slowly lower the weights down to the ground.

Bicep Dumbell Concentration Curls. Sit down on the edge of a workout bench and while holding a dumbell in one hand rest the elbow of that hand against your inner knee. Your free arm will be placed down against your other knee for support. Then slowly bring the dumbell upwards whilst ensuring that your elbow remains in place against the inside of your knee at all times. At the top squeeze for a second and then slowly lower. Do 4-6 reps of this exercise for one arm, have a rest, and then do the same for the other arm. This is a very powerful home bicep workout exercise because your are completely zoning in on working the bicep muscles and all other muscles are taken out of the equation on this one.

Decline Push-Ups. To do a declined push-up place your feet on an elevated object such as a box or a chair. Your arms should be on the ground as usual. You will then lower your upper body towards the ground at a steeper angle than a normal push-up. This puts more of a focus on the lower part of the chest. It is always a good idea to mix up the widths of the push-up grips so that all areas of the chest muscles get in a decent workout.

Incline Push Ups. Push-ups on an incline involve you raising your arms onto a platform such as a chair or a box. Your feet will be on the floor. Do the press up as usual but at this new angle. You will find that you will feel the exercise working your upper chest area with an incline push up. Upper chest muscles often get neglected so incline push ups are a great addition to your arsenal of bodyweight exercises.

T Stretch (Chest). This is a stretching exercise for the chest and should be done before and after workouts. It is very simple to do. Stand in an upright position and raise your hands to either side so that you form a T shape. Your palms should be facing the sky. And then gently stretch you arms backwards as far as you can go so that you start to feel a stretch in your chest. Only go as far back as is comfortable to give a nice mild stretch across your pectorial muscles. Hold the stretch for approximately 20 seconds. Another good way to use this chest stretching exercise is to do it just before a major chest exercise such as push ups or a bench press. This will mean that you will be pre-exhausting your chest muscles (tiring them out a bit before hand) to make the major chest exercise even more challenging.

For more information please see the bicep exercises without weights blog post and the bicep exercises without weights article.

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