Bicep Workouts – 3 Key Exercises to Get Shredded Arms!

July 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

Article by Mike Balone

Bicep Workouts – 3 Key Exercises to Get Shredded Arms! – Health – Fitness

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Here are a few great bicep workouts that many beginners seem to over look when starting out at the gym. First, your bicep is broken up into 3 different parts, and different exercises work different sides of the muscle. I see so many guys at the college gym come in and go straight for the 2 armed cable curls then after 5 sets they are done, all because they got that “pump” that they were looking for. Don’t get me wrong, I love the feeling of a rock hard pumped muscle after a good workout, however, this really is not getting you great results.Try adding these exercises into your weekly bicep workout and I guarantee you will notice the difference in strength and size.

1. Seated 2 Arm Dumbbell CurlThis is definitely one of the staple bicep workouts, however it seems to be neglected by so many people. Seated on a bench, grab 2 moderate weight dumbbells, with your arms at your side, elbows at your side, and hands forward, simply raise both dumbbells up to your chest. Try to count 1-2-3 on the way back down to ensure a good negative. You want to do 3 sets of 8-10 reps. Remember the key things to focus on is to sit up straight, and never swing your elbows around, don’t cheat your muscles, it will not get you any results. Also, try this exercise while sitting on a large yoga ball. This technique will help with working you core and stability muscles. Result, toned abs the ladies will love.

2. 1 Arm Cable CurlsFor these bicep workouts, focus on keeping your arm nice and close to your body with your elbow at your side. This exercise specifically gives a great contraction at the top of your bicep. The key to this exercise over barbell curls is that each bicep has to pull its weight. Do 8-10 reps and then switch arms. Beginners only go max 2 sets and advanced go 3 sets.

3. Seated Concentrated CurlsThis exercise will focus the muscle groups. Put your elbow so that it rests just below your inner thigh. Use full extension of the bicep and nice slow negatives on the way down. Remember just like any exercise, if you cheat yourself on your bicep workouts, you wont get the results. This exercise is a great way to finish your arms off for the day. Do 8-10 reps, and 3 sets.

Another thing to remember is that you can alternate between regular bicep curls and hammer curls. In case you don’t know a hammer curl is used in all of the same workouts as stated above, but instead of having your hands facing forward with the dumbbells in them, face your hands to your sides. A great advantage of doing hammer curls as well is that it works more specifically on the outside of the bicep, as well as your forearms.

I hope that this has been insightful to many of you beginners.Thanks.

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