Black Women in Business

May 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Body Builders

Most of you should know this: The first black millionaire was a woman Madame C. J. Walker. Since her time until today Black women have played a vital role in the success & survival of Black Businesses. Black businesswomen have had to endure not only racism but also sexism. But through it all they have not only survived but thrived. Trailblazers like Patricia Bransford President Of the Urban Technology Center, Donna Walker-Kuhne CEO of Walker International Communications Group Inc., LindaMichelle Baron President Of Harlin Jacque Publishing Inc. These and countless other African American women have refused to accept mediocrity & excelled.

In order for our people to be successful & rise from poverty & despair the Black woman must take the lead. I know a lot of the men will be mad at me for saying that. However Black women are at the head of most of our households & are making the financial decisions in most families.

So they are the ones in the best position now to help solve our problems. Listen Brothers we must step up and take our place as the head & sisters will be more than happy to support & be there for us until then let’s support & be there for them. We will talk more on that in a later subject.

Black women must look to become entrepreneurs & business owners & not always give away your natural Divine Skill & Ingenuity. No one is more resourceful & creative than the Black woman. Think about how Momma & Nanna made beautiful things for us out of virtually nothing. How delicious meals were prepared with no food. There are thousands of ideas & inventions that came from the mind of the Black woman that corporate America is making Billions on. It’s time for the Black woman to cash in on her own ideas and take the cash to better the lives of herself & family.

What’s stopping you? What’s your excuse? You know you always wanted to to.

You might say I don’t know where to start! I don’t have proper business training! I don’t have any money! I have a family! I have a career! I just don’t have the time! ETC…

What if I told you that I have the solution to all of your so-called excuses! A dynamic organization dedicated to building wealth & making stronger businesses in our community. It’s called the Black Business Builders Club this organization is the most complete wealth building program available period. It offers extensive entrepreneurial training to all of it’s members. Whether you are looking to start a business, are a current business owner looking to increase profits the BBBC is the place for you.

Network With Other Successful People

The Black Business Builders Club Is full of members who are experts in just about every field of business & are more than willing to help you in your venture. As the saying goes” It’s Not What You Know. It’s Who You Know!”There is strength in numbers. So, if our businesses are going to survive and grow, we are going to have to work at better organizing ourselves & support each other. Just like every other”self-interest” group in America has had to learn to organize themselves. No one is going to do it for us. We must network & help each other to be successful. This is what the BBBC is all about . It’s gives you the flexibility to work part time & still be successful. The extensive entrepreneurial training gives you the knowledge and understanding on how to create and run a successful business. This program will also teach current business owners how to increase their profits. Provide an additional source of income. And save you money on everyday products & services with our shopping discount benefit.

Sisters with this program there are no excuses. Go to to our website check it out. give me your honest opinion & let me know what you think. Embrace your legacy become a business owner today!

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