Body Fortress 100% Pure Glutamine Powder, 300 Grams

August 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Glutamine

  • Used as a cellular fuel, supports protein metabolism, and may help replenish muscle glycogen stores when combined with carbohydrates
  • Glutamine has also been found to boost bicarbonate production, which can be important for buffering lactic acid produced during intense training
  • Use in conjunction with an intense daily exercise program and a balanced diet including an adequate caloric intake

Product Description
Heavy training can take a toll on your muscles, and when you’re training hard every day your body may not be able to produce sufficient glutamine for recovery. Hardcore lifters and athletes know that supplemental glutamine is a must if they want to maximize recovery – since glutamine is a conditionally essential amino acid…. More >>

Body Fortress 100% Pure Glutamine Powder, 300 Grams

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