Bodybuilding Tips

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

As you embark on the strictest of routine for bodybuilding, you have to realize that your body will be going through a lot of strain. So you must allow it to have enough nutrients to keep going. Have regular meals throughout the day. Eat at least 6 meals a day. However, never overeat. And it is to stop you from gorging that we are suggesting you to have a number of meals so that you never go hungry. With the food, also have plenty of water everyday. Workouts involve a lot of sweating so to keep your body hydrated drink anything between four and five liters of water everyday.

Check your Gym

Before you enroll for a gym try to find out if they have all the facilities on offer which you are looking for or not. And apart from the facilities, what you will also need is a qualified trainer who can guide you through the entire process of bodybuilding.

Although many of us do not lay that much stress on this and just go to the nearest gym, it is something you should never ignore if you are truly keen on bodybuilding. You will be investing a lot on your membership fee, so you should not compromise. The other thing you must do before joining the gym is to consult your personal physician to make sure your body will be able to withstand the workout you are planning to undertake.

Figure Out a Routine

Once you have joined the gym, the next thing you will need to do is to figure out which are the exercises that work the best for you. While your trainer at the gym will be the best person to help you out, you can also help yourself by reading up on the topic. A huge amount of writing could be found on the Internet. However, you should make sure that you are referring to the proper articles, as on the net you can also get a lot of trash. Once you know the routine, you will have to single-mindedly pursue that routine. Give the best you have, maybe a bit more. However, you must remember a few of things. First of all, do plenty of stretches and warm up your body so that all the muscles are loose and in the right condition to undertake more rigorous challenges. Secondly, ensure that you have the right posture while performing the exercises. Thirdly, you should not push your body excessively as it might lead to breakdown.

Allow the Body to Rest

In your routine you should allow at least one off day every week so that your body has enough time to recuperate. Since bodybuilding involves a lot of strain on your muscles, there can be minor wear and tear over the week of exercise and this rest day allows the body the time to fix such issues. Also when you are planning the workout routine with your trainer do not suggest that you want to improve only your biceps or abs. Remember that the best of bodybuilders give equal importance to all the parts of their body. The other thing that you can do is to add variety to your training routine. This will kill boredom and you will be able to stay focused.

Be Mindful of Your Eating Habits

While lot of exercise and careful eating habits will greatly improve your features, for many bodybuilders a major issue becomes gaining body mass without gaining extra fat. The solution is to add proper supplements to your regular diet. That way you can gain body mass quickly and help develop your muscles in a shorter span of time.

INFORMATION ON PROHORMONES we suggest you stay away from pro hormones they are unstable and dangerous!!! IAD (I-androstene-3beta, 17beta-diol) is the precursor to I-Testosterone and has similar pros and cons. However, as there are conversion byproducts here, there is an increase in the risk of side effects. Moreover, it offers a lower efficiency than I-Testosterone as only a part of it is converted in the conversion process. 4-AD (4-androstenediol) is another precursor to testosterone and offers the same benefits. However, as in the case of IAD, there is a conversion process here which leads to an increase in the conversion of metabolites. In addition to this, there is a decrease in the amount of converted testosterone wherein there may be side effects. Nordiol (19-nor-4-androstenediol) is another pro-hormone that doesn’t convert into testosterone. Instead it converts to nortestosterone to produce less androgenic effects and side effects. Thought there is no conversion to estrogen with typical pathways, you find that it produces unwanted estrogen through progesterone pathway. 1, 4-Andro (1, 4-androstadiene-3, 17-Dione) is a pro-hormone that has relatively fewer side effects. One of its side effects is water retention. However, it is a pro-hormone that has sufficient anabolic properties and also converts to estrogen in its conversion process. There is a possibility of an increase in estrogen related side effects like water retention, gynecomastia
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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