Bodybuilding using fitness bands

April 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Harry

Fitness bands are a new addition to the Body building world. The fitness bands have gained increased popularity because they are versatile and can give a full body workout. These bands are also portable and cheap.

These fitness bands apply the same theory of resistance like those of the gym. Except that these bands rely on elastic bands to provide the resistance whereas the weights in the gym rely on cables and pulleys. The bands offer various levels of resistance depending upon their thickness.

These fitness bands are also effective as they will allow you a wider range of motion and provide you with a full body workout rather than the traditional weights. When you’re able to get a wider range of motion then you can recreate any exercise similar to those of the health clubs.

The cost of fitness bands is very low compared to the gym equipment and the traditional weight machines or the home gym systems. The bands generally cost just around fifty dollars while offering resistance of five pounds to twenty-five pounds. These bands can be attached to ankle straps and used to perform exercises so that they give you increased resistance. For example, the resistance offered by the band is very less then you can change another band or add another band and attach the bands to the ankle straps.

These fitness bands can be used to build muscles for any body part. So you don’t need to go buying fitness equipment for different body parts. The convenience offered by these fitness bands is its strongest selling point. You could take your fitness bands and use them while holidaying or at home or in the field. You can carry them anywhere you want and they are also versatile. They are quite easy to pack in a bag and you can work with them anywhere you want. You can build muscles with these bands no matter what your fitness and budget level is.

Fitness bands are inexpensive but most of these bands are not quite effective. Currently the most effective fitness bands are those of the Bodylastics. Bodylastics is the industry standard home gym that is available from just fifty dollars. You can buy these fitness bands separately or purchase the whole package with various extensions. The bands at Bodylastics just cost from ten dollars.

Visit Bodylastics Fitness Bands Here.

Read my review of Bodylastics.

Read a comparison between Bodylastics And Bowflex .

Harry Ramsay is a muscle building expert who quit working out in the gym after using bodylastics.
 – Fitness Band Thera Band Workout FITNESS 4 MMA is sponsored by Otuga
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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