Bodybuilding Workout Routines

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

Article by Nikola Milivojac

Bodybuilding Workout Routines – Gaining mass is probably the most predominant goal amongst weight trainees. However, a very small percentage of current trainees are satisfied with their gaining schedule after their first 12 weeks into it. Why, because pretty much any training system will work for a novice lifter. To keep making gains, one must follow proper training principles.

Bodybuilding Workout Routines

To further add to the problem, there is no single mass gaining training program that works for everybody. However there are training principles that will help you design one that works best for you. For any given training program, there are four main factors that affect its outcome:1. The interpretation by its reader on how to apply the program. No two readers will interpret and implement a given set of loading parameters in the same fashion.

2. Not everybody reacts to out-of-the gym training stressors. One situation can be looked on placidly by one trainer, while another trainer’s cortisol levels will shoot up.

3. Genetics. No two trainers are born with the same genetic make-up to respond to a given training program. Even in identical twins, I have seen differences in training responses, this may have to do with the fact that there is one who is always more dominant psychologically.

4. Training age. A program that may be great to get your bodyweight from165 lbs to 180 lbs, will be useless to get your from 180 to 190 lbs. Trainers who have made significant gains in hypertrophy have one thing in common: they have tried many approaches.

The objective of this chapter is to give you the necessary framework to design an hypertrophy program that works for you. In part I of this chapter I will outline 22time and result tested training principles for hypertrophy. Part II will outline sample workout programs that apply those success based principles.

Knowing the best exercise technique for each lift is more important than any loading parameter, dietary regime, supplement, or psychological technique. Whether you have a perfect diet, get quality sleep and have a great routine, if you don’t know how to lift properly you are opening yourself to plenty of wasted efforts and frustration. My clients have often reported to me, that tips on how to lift that I have taught them have had the greatest positive influence on their progress curve. If you don’t know how to lift, don’t waste time, get help from a qualified professional. Without a shadow of a doubt, non-gainers have horrendous lifting technique. How many trainees do you know who are limited in their exercise selection because of training injuries? By the way, rep tempo and exercise are not synonymous. Poor mechanics at a controlled tempo is still poor technique.

People who want to gain large amounts of muscle mass should never train more than two days in a row. Olympic level throwers have long been proponents of this concept. Training more frequently tends to lead to overtraining not so much at the level of the muscle cell but at the nervous system level. In other words, it is hard to recruit high threshold motor units training at high intensities for more than two days in arrow. There are three possible options of split routines to the individuals wanted to gain weight:

Option 1 – Three non-consecutive days a week, whole body workouts. Example: Monday, Wednesday, Friday. In this case, I prefer to use two different routines covering all major body parts. This routine is best suited for 20% of trainees. The ones with more limited recovery ability, or for individuals with limited time for training like medical school students for instance.

Option 2 – Four days a week, split workouts. Example: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. In this case, the lower body would be trained Monday and Thursday, while the upper body is trained Tuesday and Friday. This is the option which I would prescribe 60% of the time. It is well suited for the individual with average recovery ability. Leg training is most demanding and should be done first when coming back from the weekend recovery period. Like option 1, it also offers the advantage of leaving the weekends off for rest and relaxation.

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