Boost Your Metabolism Eating Your favorite Food

December 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Trudy Stevens

How will you feel when you know that you can boost metabolism and control fat as well even after eating your favorite food. Also, there are some ways by which you can prevent several diseases harm your body just by eating your all time favorite food. Some Simple steps you can follow to burn fat using real food are as follows:Eat more Spicy: It is a fact known by very less people that spicy food is very helpful in burning the calories and hence reducing fat. People generally use spices to make their food more delicious, flavorful and attractive (some spices acts just to enhance the color). But these spices are beneficial in other ways as well. Some major spices which are very helful to boost metabolism are mentioned below:Cayenne is one of the major spices which boost your metabolism and burn a lot of calories. So, just mix cayenne pepper to your favorite non vegetarian food and stay fit.Garlic is a zinc rich spice necessary to boost immunity of human being. The best way to use it is with lemon on fish baked well. It is very effective for cough and cold. Garlic not only prevents from such allergic infections but also adds taste to your food.Cinnamon is known to be used to increase the storage life of some foods. Its best used with tea and meats. The ground part is less sweet than the stick of cinnamon. It is having a good medicinal value and is considered very good for diabetics as it helps insulin hormone function properly hence controlling blood sugar level. It can also be used to prevent sores, inflammation etc.Nutmegs are rich in antioxidants they are said to lessen the impact of toxins and free radicals that are harmful to our body and prevent fatigue. It can be consumed with coffee or shakes or spinach. They help a lot in boosting up the metabolism.All the above mentioned spices not only make meals tasty but also help burning fat and calories that comes with gravies and other foods consequently promoting an internally healthy and fit body. So, what do you think? Isn’t it the best way to stay fit? Especially the food lovers who love to eat do not need to worry about their favorite diet now. Breakfast Booster: Not only spices but the breakfast booster also helps you boost your metabolism. Strawberries and blueberries are very good antioxidants which can again be good for you.

A fitness expert from USA having experirnce of 17 years. Have trained various renowned celebrities from hollywood on fat loss and weight loss.

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

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