Calcaneal Bursitis

April 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Do you suffer from severe pain in your heel after you open your shoes? Do you have a problem keeping the heel on the ground? Is there any inflammation of the heel or the appearance of a sac like fluid filled structure on the heel? If the answers for the above are all in affirmative, then you may be suffering from the problem of Calcaneal Bursitis. Calcaneal Bursitis is medical condition of the heel in which a victim suffers from severe pain and or inflammation in the posterior portion of the heel. The condition is the result of bruising of the tissue covering the heel bone. Calcaneal bruising is mostly caused by injury or continued stress on the tendons and ligaments of the heel. The result of the continued stress or injury is the formation of a fluid filled sac in the heel that causes a lot of pain and irritation. Calcaneal Bursitis can be very painful for people like athletes or runners who have to put more stress on their heels.

The regular stress on the heels, result into this painful medical condition and it can be a cause of great concern for the victims as they cannot perform their daily tasks like walking and running.

Calcaneal bursitis can also exist adjacent to other medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or gout. Researchers have noticed that in the US there is an increase in the number of people suffering from Calcaneal bursitis and they attribute it to the increase in activities involving musculoskeletal body parts. Though this problem never takes a fatal turn but if proper treatment is not received in time, then it can result into permanent damage of the tendons. The women are at a higher risk of developing the problem because of the tight fitting footwear they use.

Middle aged and elderly people are more likely to suffer from the problem but athletes of all age groups can fall victim to this dreadful condition. The general treatments for Calcaneal bursitis is injecting anesthetics or a mixture of corticosteroid, but they are all temporary treatments and do not provide long term relief.

People suffering from the problem of Calcaneal bursitis are advised to use heel seats or soft soled shoes for relief during excess pain in the heels. Heel seats in particular are very effective in treating the problem because they not only provide a soft padding but they actually stretch the ligament and provide acupressure to the heel. The use of heel seats have a long term healing effect as it not only gives relief from the pain, but gives extra protection from any future injuries or stresses. More and more victims of Calcaneal Bursitis are using the heel seats as they are very effective in acute pain and the success rate of these heel seats is also huge. More and more people are opting for the heel seats and the customer feedback is also very good. Heel seats are far better than the normal padding and cushioning shoes that are available because they ensure long term prevention from Calcaneal Bursitis. They also do not cost a fortune and are relatively less costly than he other modes of treatments available in the market. Heel seats have proved to be a real healer and a great help for people suffering from the excruciating pain of Calcaneal Bursitis. affordable reliable products

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