Workout Exercises

April 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Protica Research

Whether you are looking to lose weight, or simply get or stay fit, there are some basic guidelines to follow. You should eat well balanced meals that are high in nutritional value and low in processed food and sugars. You should also ensure that you are drinking plenty of water. You also want to engage in regular exercise.

When it comes to exercise, there are a wide variety of workout exercises to choose from. Many people who have a favorite workout exercise tout it as being “the best” way to lose weight or get fit. The truth is, there are many ways to get useful exercise, and your choice of workout exercises should be something that you enjoy, and therefore will keep you motivated to keep exercising! Some workout exercises may be too daunting or strenuous for you…switch to something else. If you don’t enjoy it, chances are you’ll stop doing it. While workout exercises vary greatly, let’s take a look at some basics of exercise you should know, and then we’ll take a look at some popular workout exercises to choose from.

How Often To Exercise

You can get valuable benefits from exercise by engaging in workout exercises for at least 30 minutes for 3 times a week. This will get your heart pumping and your metabolism kicked into a higher gear. The benefits will include weight loss, decreased change of heart disease and stroke, lower cholesterol levels, and a decrease in the chance of osteoporosis.

Mix It Up

One of the biggest mistakes people make with the workout exercises is not varying the types of exercise they do. Sticking with the same workout day in and day out leads to boredom, and then the loss of motivation. Change up your routine. Try out different workout exercises until you find a few that you really enjoy, and then rotate those. This will give you something to look forward to, and will also help with working out different muscle groups and keeping the body guessing, which will help optimize your metabolism rate.

Home or Gym?

The choice is yours…and as stated above, try to mix it up. The benefits of doing workout exercises in your home include convenience, variety, and the decreased chance of feeling embarrassed in front of others. There are a number of workout exercises that are available online. You can do them via a download and play them at your convenience, or try one of the new live streaming workouts from another location. You will be working out in the convenience of your own home…with others around the state, country, or even world!

Some people prefer the structure of going to a gym. There is also a wide variety of equipment you can use that you would not have access to at your home.

Buddy Up

One of the best things you can do to ensure you are engaging in regular workout exercises is to work out with a buddy. It can be a spouse or a good friend, just find someone who will enjoy doing the same types of workout exercises as you do. It will help you to get out of bed or get to the gym when you know someone is counting on you as your workout buddy to be there. Workout buddies are also great to help push you to the next level. Just make sure you are giving as much as you are getting!

Some Workout Exercises to Choose From

Here are a few workout exercises to try to find something you like

Dance – there are a multitude of dance classes available at local gyms, studios, or on DVD’s and the internet. You can learn to ballroom dance like the stars on tv. Or try out a hip hop dance class to show off some moves to your kids! Or try a pole dancing class to get in great shape…and impress your husband. Dance is a fun way to get your exercise. The time goes by quickly, and you don’t even realize how much you’ve been working out until you feel it in your muscles the next day.

Biking – Biking can be done on the road, or in the gym. It is a surprisingly full body workout exercise. There are many clubs you can join for the social aspect, or classes you can join such as spinning. Or you can enjoy a good book while putting in the miles at the gym.

Rowing – Rowing is another great full body workout. It is amazing how you will be using your legs, arms, stomach and back, as well as working your lungs and heart. You can join a local rowing club if you have water near you, or work out on a rowing machine at the gym.

Yoga/Pilates – As workout exercises go, you may think this is too easy to be a real exercise, but it not! Yoga and Pilates are both incredible forms of exercise. The added benefit is learning how to breathe correctly which can help with stress levels and overall relaxation…all while getting a fit body.

Rollerblading – It may have been the rage years ago, but it’s still a great and fun way to work out. Try rollerblading around a local park and enjoy nature as you are getting fit. You will be surprised at the feeling in your leg muscles when you are done “having fun”.

Take Care of Your Body

While you are engaging in workout exercises, make sure you are taking good care of your body. As you are working out more, you will need to rebuild and repair the muscles you are breaking down. Be sure to drink plenty of water, and eat a good amount of protein to replenish your muscles and cells. You can get plenty of protein by adding some to each meal. Protein supplements are another great way to ensure you are taking good care of your muscles. Profect from Protica is a liquid protein shot that provides an easy way to meet your protein needs and is convenient as well.

About Protica Research ( Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of dense nutrition in compact forms. Protica manufactures Profect (, IsoMetric (, Pediagro (, Fruitasia ( and many other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility. Copyright – Protica
 http This is a biceps demonstration using dumbbell curls and preacher curls. These exercises, done correctly with good form can help you build muscle. The most important thing is technique. You just can’t throw the weights around. Focus on ,moving the weights with the intended muscle group. In this case, the biceps. Try to take tension out of the other parts of your body and focus on pulling and moving the weights with your biceps. with the biceps. Use a weight that is manageable, that doesn’t mean light. It basically means a weight you can move for at least 10 reps while maintaining good form. I always say use weights you can move, not weights that move you. My goals is to help you get bigger and more muscular, naturally, using intelligent techniques that work. Victor Costa has developed an incredible training program that can help you develop your arms, biceps, triceps, chest, legs, shoulders and abs. On my website I offer dvds and audios that you can take to the gym with you. These are personal training sessions that you load to any smartphone or mp3 player. I would love for you to take a look at my site and this recent article, titles, Best Personal Trainers in the World. Let’s get bigger and more cut together. Peace, Vic

More Arm Workout Exercises Articles


April 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Hanna Ann

Here’s a trimester-by-trimester guide to the perfect walking workout for pregnant women of all sizes, shapes and fitness levels.Walking is the one workout that suits pregnant women of all stripes. It’s as gentle or as challenging as you need it to be. It requires no investment (all you really need is a good pair of shoes and a water bottle). Plus, you can do it nearly anywhere, anytime. Excuses like “I hate the gym” or “I’ve never exercised before” just won’t fly.”I recommend walking to most of my patients who are pregnant,” says Tanya Ghatan, M.D., an OB-GYN at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. “It’s easy entry for women who’ve never exercised and gives athletic women a way to stay active without the high impact of other activities they’ve participated in.” This program is designed to be started in the first trimester. However, you can jump in at the appropriate level no matter how pregnant you are. (If you were inactive before your pregnancy, however, start at the first trimester program for beginners.)Regardless of your fitness level, keep in mind that it’s not only fine but smart to swap days, shorten your walks or even skip them occasionally according to how you feel. It’s also perfectly OK to break up a day’s total walking time into two or more shorter sessions.Get your doctor’s approval before starting this (or any other) exercise program, and remember to warm up first by doing arm and ankle circles and leg swings for a couple of minutes (also take five minutes to stretch after each walk). Now, get out there and just start putting one foot in front of the other.Keep it safeTake the talk during the hardest part of your workout, you should be able to converse without gasping for breath, though not with complete ease, either.Use the rate of perceived exertion (RPE) scale on a scale of 1-10, most of your walks should fall between a 3 (slowWalk) and a 7 (fast enough that you couldn’t keep it up for more than 30-40 minutes).Watch for danger signs Stop if you experience pain, bleeding, dizziness, faintness, sudden swelling, lack of normal fetal movement, an abnormally rapid heartbeat or extreme fatigue.What’s your fitness level?Beginner: You’ve never exercised or you do so only rarely.Intermediate: You’re active, but exercise may be sporadic.Advanced: You’re fit and exercise four or more times per week.Trimester 1 (up to 13 weeks)BeginnerApproach this program gradually and focus primarily on sticking with it. Increases in intensity and duration will come over time.■ Start by walking 10-15 minutes a day, three days a week, taking at least one day off between walks.■ When you feel ready, add another day of walking and increase each walk by 5 minutes.■ After a few weeks, add a fifth day of walking.Your Goal Toward the end of the trimester, try walking 10-20 minutes a day, five days a week.IntermediateThe fitter you were before you became pregnant, the sooner you can ramp up to six days of walking a week.■ Start by walking 20 minutes a day, four days a week.■ When you feel ready (after four to five weeks), add a fifth day, then a sixth. Also, increase the length of each walk by a few minutes.Your Goal Toward the end of the trimester, try walking 20-40 minutes a day, six days a week.AdvancedEven if you’re fit and a faithful exerciser, changing to a low-impact walking program might be just what you need to continue staying active and feeling good.■ Start by walking 20-30 minutes a day, five days a week.■ When you feel ready, add a sixth day and increase the length of each walk by a few minutes each day.■ If you feel up to it, also add hills, stairs and/or bursts of increased speed (intervals), but don’t push beyond an RPE of 7 (see “Keep It Safe,” at top).Your Goal Toward the end of the trimester, try walking 30-60 minutes a day, six days a week.Trimester 2 (13-25 weeks)BeginnerDuring this “honeymoon” trimester, energy peaks and nausea should be history–the perfect time to exercise.■ If you are beginning this program in your second trimester, start by walking 10 minutes a day, four to five days a week.■ When you’re ready, pick two days that will become your longer-walk days (15-30 minutes) and add another day of walking. Your Goal Toward the end of the trimester, try walking 15-30 minutes a day, four to six days a week.IntermediateYou’re ready to gradually lengthen your walks and pick up the pace at certain points. Just be sure not to push if you’re feeling tired or get overheated.■ If you are beginning in your second trimester, start by walking 20 minutes a day, four to six days a week.■ Gradually add minutes every other day so that your total on those days is at least 30-40 minutes.■ Once or twice a week, if you’re feeling up to it, increase your RPE by one level (see “Keep It Safe,” at top) for 10-15 minutes during the middle of the workout.Your Goal Toward the end of the trimester, try walking 25-40 minutes a day, five to six days a week, increasing your speed during one or two walks.AdvancedProvided you’re feeling good, it’s fine to continue increasing the length of your walks and picking up the pace a couple of times a week.■ If you are beginning in your second trimester, start by walking 30-40 minutes a day, six days a week.■ Choose at least one day when you aim for 50 minutes, incorporating hills, stairs and/or intervals, but don’t push beyond an RPE of 7.■ Lengthen your shorter walks until your total is at least 40-50 minutes on each of the remaining five days.Your Goal Toward the end of the trimester, try walking 40-50 minutes a day, five or six days a week; and 60 minutes a day, one day a week.Trimester 3 (26-40 weeks)BeginnerTry to stick with the five- to six-days-a-week goal, but be prepared to slow down as your belly gets bigger.■ If you are beginning this program in your third trimester, start by walking 10 minutes a day, four to six days a week.■ If your energy slumps, decrease the length of your walks or break them down into shorter sessions.■ Aim to maintain the same total minutes of walking per week as at the end of the second trimester, but know that your pace–and thus the distance you cover–will naturally decrease.Your Goal Toward the end of the trimester, try walking 15-30 minutes a day, five to six days a week.IntermediateSpeed and distance take a back seat to consistency now. The goal is to keep walking for the same number of minutes whenever you feel you can.■ If you are beginning this program in your third trimester, start by walking 10-20 minutes a day, four to six days a week.■ Be ready to reduce the speed and distance of your walks as your pregnancy progresses. You may also want to drop a day.■ Break up your longer walks into shorter sessions if that’s more comfortable for you.Your Goal Toward the end of the trimester, try walking 20-45 minutes a day, five to six days a week.AdvancedThis trimester is all about staying comfortable, so keep the focus on simply remaining active.■ If you are starting in your third trimester, begin by walking 20-50 minutes a day, four to six days a week.■ Forget about speed and distance, and don’t push beyond an RPE of 7.■ Divide your walks into shorter sessions if that’s more comfortable for you.You’re Goal Toward the end of the trimester, try walking 25-50 minutes a day, five to six days a week.

Hanna Ann, professional writer. She likes Fit Junction .

Prenatal Exercises for Pregnant Women: Legs and Arms Exercise

Pregnancy Exercises and Prenatal Fitness for Pregnant Women: Safe and Effective Leg and Arm Exercise for Pregnant Women
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Flabby Arms Exercises

April 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Waving and then stopping but the arms keep moving. Not a really a nice picture right? Then how do you get rid of loose and flabby arms? It is very easy Routine and the right eating habits is the solution. Problem is, not really all people have time to check out the gym. Here are some ways on how you can get rid of flabby arms in just with a minimum time spent. This is a very easy routine that may help you lose your loose and flabby arms. You’ll be able to execute this in the privacy of your place, in the office or perhaps at the shopping line.

All you should do is extend your arms down at your side and then tighten up your arms and push back. Remember not to push too far back. If you are new to this, try to begin by placing your hands up against the wall and try to keep your rib cage elevated. Tighten up your arms and hands facing the wall. Push your palms back up against the wall.

After that you can sense beneath your arm tightening up. Hold that for a couple seconds and take a deep breath. Relax the arms and shake them out. Repeat this twice. If you are sitting on a chair and have those arm rests, put your arms up against the arm rest and press your palms against tit. To begin, you’ll need some type of resistance to feel your muscles tighten up so you will need to push back against anything. When you get used to it, you can do this even while you are standing at the grocery line. Tighten the arms and push back gently and no one will notice that you’re performing an routine. With your arms hanging out, again keep the rib cage fully elevated and take a slow deep breath. And don’t forget to stretch out. You’ll need some stretching out considering that the arms could possibly feel tightly held. Bend your elbows and slowly and gradually raise it upward. You could then sense the under the arms extending. Keep that that is at least 15 seconds.

Absolutely no regular membership charge and no need to check out the gym. This exercise will tighten up your arms quickly in just five minutes a day.

Bob Brendon– exercises for flabby arms — how to lose weight

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Arm Toning Exercises

April 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Having fat and flabby arms can be a very big barrier if you want to wear sleeveless shirts. No amount of accessory can make up for the sexy sight of a well toned arm. However, what you must know is that there is no such thing as spot reduction or reducing fat at one part of the body.

Losing weight is an all-body process, so if you want to learn how to lose arm fat, you have to engage not just your arms in the exercise. There are actually two steps to get a slim and sexy arm to show off.

Losing the Fat

People get arm fat via two methods. First is because they are generally overweight wherein the body stores the extra fat all over the physique. The second is when the genes come into play and deposit more fatty substances in just one body part – the arms.

If you belong to the first group, then your resort would be to lose the arm fat first before starting arm toning exercises. The reason for this is that you don’t want the muscles to hide beneath a layer of fat.

The best course of action for those who have flabby arms because of their total weight is a regimen that includes the whole body.

There are no shortcuts here, ladies and gentlemen. Exercise and diet are the top two things you need to be most concerned about.

Toning the Arm

You don’t have to wait for the arm to lose the fat before developing the muscles. The usual routine would involve cardio exercises, workouts for the arms and a proper diet.

Here are a few arm toning exercises that are guaranteed to bring out the muscle in you.

Push Ups

The most used and most effective arm exercise, although it may look easy, pushups don’t really work as well when done improperly. Initially, you should start on your hands and knees. Arms should form a straight line with the wrists directly under your shoulders and the knees directly under the hips. Now, extend your legs back until it’s balanced on your toes, one leg at time so you won’t tip over. Don’t hunch and make sure that your body is creating a straight line from shoulder to toes. Stomach and muscles tight, bend your elbows and rise up slowly while maintaining proper form all the way. Try to go for 15 repetitions. This exercise will target your chest, triceps and shoulders.

Dumb Bell Curl

This exercise will focus mostly on your bicep. To start, hold a dumb bell in each hand and stand straight. Now, curl just one dumb bell in a move that looks as if you are attempting to move the equipment beyond your shoulder. Lower the dumbbell slowly and repeat the exercise with your other arm. Keep in mind that what you are after here is the contraction of the muscles, not the speed. Hence, letting the muscle feel the intensity of the exercise is better than doing as much exercise as you can.

Last tip for the ladies on how to lose arm fat: don’t be afraid if you start developing bulky muscles. That naturally occurs at the beginning of the exercise and will start to look slim and toned after some time.

Bob Brendon
How to Lose Arm Fat
How to Get Rid of Cellulite

More Toning Arm Exercises Articles

Toning Your Arms With Hand Weights For Women

April 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

If you are tired of that flabby extra skin and fat which hangs from underneath your arms, now is the time to take care of it. One of the most simple ways to do this is through the use of simple hand weight exercises.

First, you need to understand that in order to tone your muscles, you need to first lose fat. This is the big essential tip that you need to learn.

Arm toning is not possible without losing fat. Sadly, it is not possible to lose fat off of only your arms.

This means that if you want to tone your arms, you need to start a weight loss program that will help you lose weight off of your whole body. Only when your body has a low fat percentage that your muscles will start to shine through as defined and firm.

So, weight loss is just as important as muscle gain when it comes to arm toning. Next, you need to work with actual weights in order to make an impact.

On the other side of the equation is it the muscle that you build, shows through whatever fat you have on your arm. The bigger they are, the better they will show through.

Many women worry about getting bulky but this isn’t really a concern, as women do not have the necessary testosterone to get big. However, if you do want to get big, there are many ways to do it.

You cannot achieve these results with two pound lifts at a time-you need some real pounds to work with. If anyone at your gym tells you to use light weights with high reps to tone your arms, you can recognize they are wrong!

Working out with lighter ones, and higher reps is a bad rumor that we should all ignore. The reason is simple.

When you train, you break your muscles slightly-when they rebuilt, this is where growth occurs. Heavy pounds obviously stresses them more, and will amount to more muscles being torn and rebuilt.

Heavier will also speed up your metabolism, which in turn will burn more fat, helping you to tone your arms. To start with your biceps, go with a bar bell curl.

Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, grab a bar bell about shoulder width apart. With your elbows locked firmly to a position by your side, lift the pounds up using your biceps, to the top of your chest.

Lower it slowly down without moving your elbows and repeat. Next, try to alternate dumb bell curl.

Standing with feet shoulder width apart, and grab two dumb bells and let them rest at your side. Tensing your bicep, curl one up and twist it so that when the dumb bell reaches its top position near your shoulder, your palm is facing your shoulder.

As you lower this dumb bell down to its starting position, repeat with the opposite arm. Laying on a bench, take a medium heavy bar bell, a bit narrower than shoulder width grip, and bring it down to your lower ribs.

Push it up using your triceps, and lower it to the same position. Just before it reaches your chest, fire it up in the pushing direction again before it gets a chance to rest on your body.

This prevents your chest from taking over with the lifting. Take a light dumb bell in your right hand.

Place your left hand and left knee on a low flat bench. Keeping your back straight, lift your elbow so that your upper arm is in line with your torso.

Slowly tense your tricep, and lift the dumb bell to a position where you arm is almost locked out straight. Lower and repeat.

These are the basic four exercises that you will use to build your foundation of strength and technique. Remember, without perfect technique, you will not make any progress, so exert yourself in making sure that your posture and lifting method is perfect.

Warm up with some cardio, stretching, and light weights. Then do your bar bell curls, your narrow grip bench press, your alternate dumb bell curls, and tricep kickbacks.

Remember, when a rep number says 8-10 it means that you should pick a weight that causes you to ‘fail’ in that rep range. It does not mean that you pick a light weight and only do 8 reps.

It means you should be struggling to get to 8. Perform each exercise with care and slowly.

You will love your arms! Today is the day to start.

Jack R. Landry has been writing about the exercise and health industry for years. He recommends using fitness equipment to stay healthy and fit.

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Jack R. Landry

Are Wrist Curls a Good Arm Toning Exercise For Women?

April 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Figuring out which arm exercises for women are the best can be extremely frustrating. But if you really want to get rid of that arm fat, there is hope!

The main reason for all this frustration lies in all the confusing opinions out there. There are simply too many options to digest.

And the average women does not know how to separate fact from fiction. You might end up pulling your hair out or emptying your purse. Yet I have some good news. I’ve already done all the hair pulling and purse emptying for you.

I am going to analyze as many arm exercises as I can so that there is no more confusion. After all, learning how to lose arm fat should not be stressful! So without further ado, here is my analysis of wrist curls:

1. Overview: This exercise is great for working the forearms, but that is not our goal. Our goal is to get rid of upper arm flab as quickly as humanly possible.

Thus, this is not a good exercise for your purposes.

2. Technique: Sit on a bench with forearms resting on your thighs. Grasp a barbell. Breathe out and raise the barbell. Then slowly lower it. Repeat.

3. High frequency mistakes: Grabbing the barbell with too much force which is painful for the wrists. Not using a full range of motion when doing the curl. And letting the elbows wiggle around.

4. Conclusion: You should not be doing this exercise unless you have a special condition that requires strong wrists and/or forearms. It does not tone your upper arm area. And you need to tone your upper arm area if you want to get rid of the jiggle.

Unfortunately, it’s not possible for me to review all of the best arm exercises for women in the space of a single article.

So stay tuned. Good luck!

Author Katherine Crawford, founder and creator of Sleeveless in 7, is an expert on arm exercises for women. Learn how to get sexy and toned arms right now by visiting her blog on how to get rid of fat arms!

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Stomach Exercises For Men

April 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

 Is it impossible? Quite the contrary my friend, stomach exercises for men are what you need in order to get the results you want!

So, what are the best stomach exercises for men? If you think they are exercises for the stomach on weight machines you are wrong. The best exercises for losing your stomach can be performed anywhere you feel free to do it, let’s look at them.

The Vacuum

The vacuum is one of the forgotten stomach exercises for men. It’s a breathing exercise that will work your transverse abdominal muscles, the deeper set of muscles in your stomach. The steps are pretty simple:

Slowly Inhale until your lungs are full.
While slowly exhaling, bring your belly button towards your spine.
Once you feel your sides tighten it means it is working. Hold the position for 10 seconds.

This is one repetition. Repeat 10 times.

The Bicycle Exercise

Recent studies have shown that the bicycle is the exercise that triggers the most activity on your abs. This makes it an excellent stomach exercise for men, and it works many parts of the abs section at once.

Lie on a flat surface; make sure your lower back is pressed on the ground.
Take your hands behind your ears. Then bring up your knees at a 45 degree angle.
Start doing a bicycle pedalling motion. Touch your elbow with the opposite knee (right elbow with left knee and so on, alternating).
Breathe relaxed and evenly throughout the whole exercise.

The Vertical Leg Crunch

The vertical leg crunch is a variation of the common crunch. It adds a twist to the movement, increasing its power.

Lie on your back on a flat surface, using a mat or a towel.
Put your hands behind your ears.
Lift your legs into the air locking them at the ankles and bending slightly your knees.
Raise your head, shoulders and upper back to a 30 degree angle by using your abs.
Go back slowly and repeat for a set.

The Plank

Did you think Pilates was just for women? Pilates have excellent stomach exercises for men, since they work the core area of your body, giving you superior strength.

Here’s how to do the most effective exercise, the plank:

Lie face down.
With your elbows push your body and stay on your elbows and fingertips.
Hold for 30-60 seconds.
Repeat 3 times.

These stomach exercises for men will give you strength and definition. However don’t forget your cardio routine and a healthy diet if you want the six pack to fully show.

Learn how The Truth About Six Pack Abs can help you get a tight stomach in our exclusive review.

While you are there be sure to join our free newsletter for tips and more product reviews. – Visit for more. Stomach exercises and nutrition tips to lose belly fat.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

The Best Arm Exercises For Women

April 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

If you are looking for a few arm exercises for women to tone and shape your arms, today is your most fortunate day. You don’t have to go to the gym to do them, either. They’re easy, quick, and there’s nothing hard about them.

So, if you want to take care of that saggy flesh drooping from your arms, read on.

The Best Arm Exercises For Women

Close Hand Pushups

You may want to try doing these from your knees instead of your toes. Just go ahead and assume the pushup position from your knees. Position your hands so they are just about 6 inches away from each other. Then go ahead and see how many you can do.

After that, rest for about a minute. Do 4 total sets of these. For best results, do these everyday. For more modest results, do these every other day.

The reason this exercise works is because it focuses on the triceps instead of your chest.

This is accomplished by placing your hands close together.

This is one of the best ways to get rid of that ridiculous looking flesh that sags from way too many women’s arms. Don’t be one of those. You’re better than that!

Curls Done With Hand Resistance

No weights are necessary for this one. This exercise focuses on the biceps. Place one arm out at your side. Then position the hand of your other arm over the forearm of the arm resting at your side. Then curl that arm up while placing resistance with the other arm.

Use sufficient resistance that it takes you about ten seconds to completely curl the arm all the way up. After you have finished that, do the same thing with other arm. Keep this going back and forth between arms until you have done 5 curls with each arm.

This isometric tension exercise is great for toning the muscles of your arms.

So, there you have it.

Two easy arm exercises for women that you can do quickly from the privacy of your home. Get to it!

Josie McEachern enjoys writing about a wide variety of topics. If you would like to find the best Gargage Door Prices, all you have to do is visit

7 Easy Upper Body Exercises For Women

April 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

A women’s body has an entirely different orientation than a man’s body. The center of balance is lower, the sense of balance is different and the ways women walk, sit and stand are all different because of the entirely different shape each gender is supporting. And as such, the exercises for women are also different.

Basic Upper Body Exercises:

There are several very easy exercises you can perform to tone your upper body. Let’s look at some of these in more detail below:

Push Ups: – Pushups are an old standby for toning the arms and shoulders. You must perform at least 10 to 20 push ups daily. You may increase the number once you have built some stamina. Most of the women’s face difficulties in performing a standard push up. To perform a modified push up, simply push up from your knees to your arms instead of placing your weight on your hands and feet.

Most women can do a push up in this position.

Triceps Dips: – Triceps push downs is the another exercise you can perform for improving the size & shape of your arms. To perform this exercise, you would need to sit on a strong chair or bench. Place your hands on the edge of the chair and point the fingers forward. Now start lifting your back and bend down towards the ground and then get back to the original position. This is an excellent exercise for toning the arms.

Bicep Curls: –
Bicep Curls is one of the best exercises which you can perform safely and easily from the comfort of your own home. In case you do not have a set of barbells, you may work out with the milk jug by filling them with water.  Lowering down is as important as lifting weight. By doing so you would evenly spread the weight bearing exercise to your arms.

Chest Exercises: – Hands wide pushups & Hand pushes in front of your body are the 2 great exercises for women’s if you want to uplift your breasts and enhance cleavage… so give them a try for a couple weeks.

Back Exercises: – This upper body workout for women helps them get rid of the back pain. Even if you are healthy, it would help you prevent it.

Shoulder Workout: – Biceps and triceps exercises would help you gain strength for your shoulders.

Cardio and Stretching Exercises: –
These would help you lose the extra flab and also helps in boosting the metabolism.

So these are some upper body exercises that can help you to shape your chest, back, shoulders and arms. In order to tone your body completely, you must do exercises that shape the upper as well as the lower body. Workout for women is slightly different from men. This is because women have different reasons for their weight gain; they have different problems associated to extra fat. They must focus on exercising for their upper body. This would help you get rid of flabby arms & weak chest muscles.

The author is health & fitness fanatic. He thinks that exercise must be done regularly to maintain healthy life because healthy mind stays in healthy body. Exercise done in the morning keeps you fresh & energetic throughout the day.

Weightless Workout – Strength Training Without Equipment

March 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by David “Mr. Weightless” McCormick

If you haven’t already, it would benefit you to read the previous article, Weight Training for Weight Loss?, click hereResistance training, also known as strength training, does not require a gym membership. It does not even require an expensive home gym. In this article, you will discover the secret of isometric training and its effectiveness for muscle growth.Weightless Strength Training:

Still requires a warm-up, with stretching afterwards. Still requires protein to increase musculature. Can be more effective than lifting weights, because you can “max out” Is safer than lifting weights, and can be done without equipment of any kind. Requires just a bit of experimentation to determine proper position. Consult your physician regarding chronic problems before starting. Before and AfterJust like lifting weights, you should always warm up before isometrics. This means a light jog or other low-impact activity that will raise your heart rate and raise your core temperature by a few degrees. This should last at least 5 minutes, preferably 10 or more. After this, you should do joint rotations. This is not a stretch, it is preparing the joint for work by encouraging blood flow. Then, do the resistance training. At the end, stretch all of the joints you have worked that day. Studies have shown that stretching before strength training actually reduces the muscle’s capacity, and does not prevent injury as was previously thought. Stretching after the work out will protect the joint and prevent cramping.Maximum OverloadAnyone who has done a little research into muscle growth knows that what triggers muscle growth and strength gains is overload of the muscle. If you can do 20 reps with 20 lbs, you’re exhausting the muscle, not overloading it. If you pile on 100 lbs, and can only do 3 reps, this is ideal for lifting weights in a gym. But it is still not the maximum overload possible. Your goal for the most efficient workout is to flex with all your might during a partial rep (the range of motion where you can exert the most power).You can’t really accomplish maximum overload at all using conventional weights. For one thing, you’d need a spotter to hand you the weights when you’re in the optimum range, and you’d have to instantly get a perfect grip on them. Furthermore, what weight do you use? You can’t be sure how much stronger you’ve gotten since your last workout, if you put too little, you’re not maxing out, and if you put too much you’ll drop it and risk muscle injury.The answer is easier than you think. Get into the optimal range, then press (or push or pull) on something immovable. You can exert your absolute maximum force, and there’s no danger. That’s Isometrics: Intense muscle contraction at an ideal muscle length without moving – because the muscle is acting against an equal force. About 10 seconds of maximum force is the most that anyone can sustain, so try to aim for 3 sets of 10 seconds for each exercise.Ideal LengthYour muscles aren’t made to exert the same amount of force throughout their range of motion. You have a weak range and a strong range. The ideal length for isometric exercises is at the muscle length where you can exert the most force. It is different for each muscle, and varies a bit person to person. For this reason, you may have to experiment a bit by varying the positions I recommend below until you feel the most force.How do I perform weightless exercises?Let’s start with the chest muscles, called the pectoralis (major and minor). Using standard equipment in the gym, you would normally use a barbell bench press or a dumbell flies. To convert this into an isometric exercise, you may think that you can just do the same action against a wall, since the wall is immovable. But that’s not true, because it’s really your legs that are pressing your hands into the wall, not your chest. (Try it!) This would only work if you were in a narrow hallway, with one wall against your back, and your palms flat against the opposite wall. That way you’d be pressing with your chest. However, unless you’re 9 feet tall, most hallways will be too wide for you. There are two practical ways to do the isometric chest exercise: sqeezing an object (one that won’t be easily crushed) between your palms, or pressing your palms together (since one side of your chest should be about the same strength as the other, each arm should provide exactly the right amount of resistance for the other arm).For most people, the ideal muscle length for the pectoralis is nearly fully contracted. If you were doing a standard dumbell flye or a bench-press, that’s the top of the action, with the weight almost fully pressed away above your chest. So, when trying to crush a wooden box between your palms, or pressing your palms together, your arms should be nearly fully extended. You should have a small bend in the elbows, and your wrists, elbows and shoulders should be level. Do not drop your elbows, or you won’t be able to exert yourself as much, and you risk hurting your elbow joint. Concentrate on flexing your chest as much as possible for 10 seconds, exhaling slowly as you do. Then relax, and move on to your upper arms.Once you understand the chest exercise, the biceps and triceps should be pretty obvious. With palms together, press your writs together as in the chest exercise, but this time with one hand facing up and the other down. The hand facing up will be flexing the biceps, attempting to pull towards your chest. The palm facing down will attempt to push away, flexing the triceps. Apply as much pressure as you can for 10 seconds, wrist to wrist (not into your palm or fingers, because that relies on your wrist strength, which will limit the development of your biceps and triceps). Then switch hands, and work the complementary muscle on the other arm.The ideal length for the biceps is just more than half-way flexed. Make a “L” with your arm, then flex it a little more. For the triceps, the ideal length with the arm at almost full extension. This means that, for me, when I work my left biceps, my right arm has to cross my chest. Unlike the chest exercise, both elbows should be pointing towards the floor.What about the shoulders or deltoids? For this one you will need a doorway, and if you’re short, you’ll also need a stool. Simply stand with spine straight and legs flexed, and press your palms into the top of the door frame for 10 seconds.The biggest back muscle is the latissimus darsi, otherwise known as the “lats”. Still standing in the doorway with your hands above your head from the previous exercise, press your elbows into the sides of the door frame. The ideal length of the lats is almost a full extension, so technically, the narrower the door the better. A linen closet usually has a smaller door, so if you have one, use it.If you’ve tried these exercises and feel the principles, you should be able to make up weightless exercises for any muscle in your body. I personally cannot figure out an isometric ab exercise without using special equipment, so if you can invent one, please write me to tell me about it. Email: info@weightlessproducts.comCautionThe best part about the Weightless Workout is that it is so safe. If you ever feel pain or discomfort you can stop immediately and not risk dropping a heavy weight on yourself. You can just stop, and you should. Even the weakest elderly people can do isometric exercises because your own muscles define how much work you do. However, as with any other activity, there is a risk of injury, so consult your physician, especially if you suspect that your muscles are stronger than your joints or bones. Persons with osteoporosis can actually cause bone fractures because their muscles exert more force than their brittle bones can take.

David McCormick is the founder of Weightless Products and the originator of “Mr. Weightless”, a superhero whose power is to melt the excess weight off you. His motto is “Wait Less for Weight Loss.” Visit best weight loss program for men: Mr. Weightless

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