Free Weights VS Machine exercise

March 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Rodney Stokes

Something you need to keep in mind and never forget is that when you exercise, you are training for life. You still may spend an hour a day in the gym, although that will still leave another 23 hoursor so for your muscles to function without using any fancy equipment.

Whenever you do any type of exercise, the movement of your body during the exercise is known as the range of motion. The more difficult the range of motion is, the more effective the exercise will be, because your body has to work twice as hard to perform the movement.

Take for the instance the classic dumbbell bicep curl. If you aren’t familiar with the exercise, it is performed by standing up straight with your palms facing forward, and a pair of dumbbells held down by your sides. You’ll contract your biceps to bring the dumbbells up to your shoulder height, then repeat the exercise as many times as you wish.

Using that same movement for exercise on a bicep curl machine, you should sit down, brace your upper arms on a pad, grasp 2 handles that are in front of you, then perform the same movement as above to move the handles in an upward motion.

Now, looking at the muscle contractions in this exercise, you are contracting essentially your biceps if you are using the curl machine, and that is pretty much all you are doing. When you use the machine you are sitting down, which will limit just how much your shoulders give. The machine has several muscles used in this exercise limited to the biceps, as well as the muscles in your forearms and fingers.

Most of the time, when using machine weights, you will always be limited as to what type of exercise you can perform. You must always follow a strict procedure, which is pretty much the same with free weights. Unlike free weights, machine weights offer a certain degree of resistance.

One of the best thing about free weights is the fact that you move a little chuck around to select the weight you want to use. Instead of dragging it over to your exercise area, you simply select it on the machine. When you are tired during a workout, this can be a blessing.

A lot of people argue in the fact that free weights are the best for your body. While this is normally true, many people out there feel that machine weights are the best. There are pros and cons with both machines, although free weights have been around a lot longer and have been proven time after time to achieve dramatic results.

Body builders for example, have used free weights over the years to build very impressive bodies. If you ask most of them about machine weights, they would probably laugh at you and tell you that you need to quit joking around.

In a nutshell, free weights will use more of your muscles than the machines do, which makes them more effective overall. This doesn’t mean that the machines are a waste of use, as they offer some great advantages. In some cases, it is best to stabilize the muscles that are being used in a movement, which is where machines are the best to use.

The decision on which to use for you should be based on what you hope to achieve with lifting weights and where you plan to use the equipment,such as home or at a gym. Both systems are great for your body, although the free weights are best to use if you want the best possible workout, and always ensure that your muscles are getting the right workouts they need.

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Keeping your arms straight, move weights up and down in front of you. Learn how to do this exercise with free weights in this fitness video from a Pilates instructor. Expert: Jeri Ryan Bio: Jeri Ryan is the owner of Pilates Pure N Simple. She was certified as a Pilates instructor through Core Conditioning Physical Therapy in Studio City, California. Filmmaker: Christian Munoz-Donoso

Toning Your Arms With Hand Weights For Women

March 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

If you are tired of that flabby extra skin and fat which hangs from underneath your arms, now is the time to take care of it. One of the most simple ways to do this is through the use of simple hand weight exercises.

First, you need to understand that in order to tone your muscles, you need to first lose fat. This is the big essential tip that you need to learn.

Arm toning is not possible without losing fat. Sadly, it is not possible to lose fat off of only your arms.

This means that if you want to tone your arms, you need to start a weight loss program that will help you lose weight off of your whole body. Only when your body has a low fat percentage that your muscles will start to shine through as defined and firm.

So, weight loss is just as important as muscle gain when it comes to arm toning. Next, you need to work with actual weights in order to make an impact.

On the other side of the equation is it the muscle that you build, shows through whatever fat you have on your arm. The bigger they are, the better they will show through.

Many women worry about getting bulky but this isn’t really a concern, as women do not have the necessary testosterone to get big. However, if you do want to get big, there are many ways to do it.

You cannot achieve these results with two pound lifts at a time-you need some real pounds to work with. If anyone at your gym tells you to use light weights with high reps to tone your arms, you can recognize they are wrong!

Working out with lighter ones, and higher reps is a bad rumor that we should all ignore. The reason is simple.

When you train, you break your muscles slightly-when they rebuilt, this is where growth occurs. Heavy pounds obviously stresses them more, and will amount to more muscles being torn and rebuilt.

Heavier will also speed up your metabolism, which in turn will burn more fat, helping you to tone your arms. To start with your biceps, go with a bar bell curl.

Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, grab a bar bell about shoulder width apart. With your elbows locked firmly to a position by your side, lift the pounds up using your biceps, to the top of your chest.

Lower it slowly down without moving your elbows and repeat. Next, try to alternate dumb bell curl.

Standing with feet shoulder width apart, and grab two dumb bells and let them rest at your side. Tensing your bicep, curl one up and twist it so that when the dumb bell reaches its top position near your shoulder, your palm is facing your shoulder.

As you lower this dumb bell down to its starting position, repeat with the opposite arm. Laying on a bench, take a medium heavy bar bell, a bit narrower than shoulder width grip, and bring it down to your lower ribs.

Push it up using your triceps, and lower it to the same position. Just before it reaches your chest, fire it up in the pushing direction again before it gets a chance to rest on your body.

This prevents your chest from taking over with the lifting. Take a light dumb bell in your right hand.

Place your left hand and left knee on a low flat bench. Keeping your back straight, lift your elbow so that your upper arm is in line with your torso.

Slowly tense your tricep, and lift the dumb bell to a position where you arm is almost locked out straight. Lower and repeat.

These are the basic four exercises that you will use to build your foundation of strength and technique. Remember, without perfect technique, you will not make any progress, so exert yourself in making sure that your posture and lifting method is perfect.

Warm up with some cardio, stretching, and light weights. Then do your bar bell curls, your narrow grip bench press, your alternate dumb bell curls, and tricep kickbacks.

Remember, when a rep number says 8-10 it means that you should pick a weight that causes you to ‘fail’ in that rep range. It does not mean that you pick a light weight and only do 8 reps.

It means you should be struggling to get to 8. Perform each exercise with care and slowly.

You will love your arms! Today is the day to start.

Jack R. Landry has been writing about the exercise and health industry for years. He recommends using fitness equipment to stay healthy and fit.

Contact Info:

Jack R. Landry

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Arm Exercise sessions For Gals

March 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Bernice Reeves

Floppy arms are a person of the principal problems of ladies today. They are frequently referred to as bat wings given that they would not end heading anytime you transfer your arms. It may possibly seem to be unfeasible to eliminate this added flab but this can be completed by executing this uncomplicated arm exercises. By subsequent these directions cautiously, you may well finally say goodbye to your bat wings.

One workout that you may do to say goodbye to flabby arms is by toning your biceps. You can do this by executing biceps curls. You can do this by standing erect in front of a mirror even though keeping a barbell with weights attached to it in your hand. You then elevate your shoulders and then little by little convey it down. You repeat this until you feel your arms melt away.

Yet another point you can make use of preacher curls in which you park oneself on a preacher bench with fingers stretched on the bench and palms struggling with toward the ceiling. You then hold the barbell with weights connected to it and then lift the barbell till your shoulder degree. You then lessen it down slowly and return it to its genuine place repeatedly.

The 3rd work out is the Incline Biceps curls wherein you sit on an incline bench then hold a single dumbbell each in both equally your arms. You then raise the dumbbells until eventually the shoulders and then bring it down step by step. You then repeat this for the other hand.

Yet another arm exercise is the triceps exercise sessions which consists of the triceps presses, lying barbell extensions and double bar triceps. In the triceps presses, you 1st place in front of an overhead pulley and connect a bar to it. You then correct the weight clip ad maintain the bar from over with equally your fingers. Then you transfer the bar downwards absolutely and then convey it up slowly and gradually. This is performed in repetition.

For the Lying Barbell extension, you recline down on your back then hold a barbell in your hands with palms struggling with upwards. You then bit by bit curve your elbows in the movement of an arc, to retain the barbell about an inch or so above your forehead and then you go back again to the unique position.

The Double Bar Triceps Dips on the other hand includes you holding a double bar with your palms going through every single other. You then assist your human body by holding the bar then slowly and gradually shifting downwards and remain in this place for someday or you can do quick repetitions.

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Finding Effective Arm Exercises that Work

March 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Protica Research

There are some parts of the body that simply defy toning, no matter what you do to them. Some people are blessed with arms that stay slender even when they gain a little bit of extra weight while others may have toneless, flabby arms even at their thinnest. No matter which one you are, if you are interested in arm exercises, there are several things that you should know.

First, you should know the mechanics of bulking up. There are a number of myths that still keep women from picking up a dumbbell. Second, you should know where to go to learn not only exercises but to learn proper and safe form as well. If you are not going to do your arm exercises correctly, you would be better off not doing them at all. Third, you should also understand how good nutrition is as important as the right exercises at toning your body because no matter how much weight you pick up or how many times you lift it up and down, it won’t be effective if your muscles are hidden by a layer of fat and flab.

The Truth About Bulky Arms and More

Women have often refused to pick up more than a two or three pound dumbbell, curling it once or twice and then putting them down, aghast that they are suddenly going to turn into the Terminator. It is important to note that women do not automatically bulk up and that genetically, they are not predisposed to being big and beefy.

The women who compete in the body building competitions are rare- they have worked very hard, often for hours at a time, putting particular effort into each and every muscle group in their body to look the way they do. In addition to all of the hard work that they do in the gym, they also know how to flex and pose their muscles to make them appear even bigger and more toned. A man may do a few reps with a dumbbell and get some pretty solid definition because genetically he is meant to have more upper body strength than a woman does.

Even when a man does a lot of repetitions with a dumbbell, he may only see so much progression because he is not challenging his arm muscles. Once they learn the arm exercises that are being used they use muscle memory and work more efficiently. While you want that with your heart and with your car’s engine, you don’t want your muscles to be so efficient that they do not have to work to accomplish what they need to do.

The key to finding the right arm exercises is to find one that exhausts your arm muscles within twelve reps. If you can safely and effectively do more than fifteen reps, you are either using improper form or you have been using a weight that is too light. If you cannot complete ten reps, your weight is too heavy.

Proper Form and Safety

There are several different types of arm exercises that can be used effectively including those that use weights and those that do not. Exercises that do not rely on weights may instead use body weight as the resistance and can include pushups, chin ups, arm dips, and others. Exercises that use various types of weights or others should be designed to hit all of the muscle groups in the arms. Regardless of the type of arm exercises that you are doing, you need to be sure that you are using proper form. If you are lifting too high or not high enough, you are not going to see any results and are far more likely to cause injuries which can lead you to slacking off on upcoming workouts and then not managing to accomplish you goals.

The Tools You Need for Arm Exercises

You can use a solid bar with several pounds on each end (called a barbell) or a small hand weight called a dumbbell. These are not the only tools that can be beneficial for arm exercises however. There are stretchy bands that can also give you fast, effective and very portable exercise no matter where you are going.

In addition, there is the kettle bell which delivers more fat fighting and body toning benefits than both 30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes of traditional weight lifting. The kettle bell uses full body motions that rev your heart rate faster and causes more calorie burn with an estimated 400 calories in 20 minutes. Just as with other types of arm exercises and tools, the kettle bell has a number of guidelines including: standing tall, keeping the shoulders down and the chest lifted. Contract your core to both stabilize yourself as you lift and to provide a secondary ab workout at the same time. And finally, whether you are using the kettle bell or doing the same movements with a dumbbell, you should make sure that you are using controlled movements throughout each repetition. Do not let momentum make the move for you.

Why Good Nutrition Matters to Your Arm Exercises too

As previously mentioned, the arm exercises will have no impact on the look of your arms if you are buried under the flab and fat of being overweight. Muscle burns more calories than fat does so once you start building solid and lean mass, you will be able to eat a little more without gaining weight, however you have to kick your metabolism into gear before that can happen.

A good diet is one that has the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fats, and the right number of calories per day. As you get active, your hunger will pick up- you have to work to find the right number of calories that keep you satisfied but do not pack on more weight. You may also find that you need to boost the amount of protein that you are consuming as well. For some, protein supplements are a good idea and can include Profect from Protica which has 25 grams of protein per 110 calorie serving.

About Protica Research ( Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of dense nutrition in compact forms. Protica manufactures Profect (, IsoMetric (, Pediagro (, Fruitasia ( and many other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility. Copyright – Protica

Build triceps and arms with exercise bands; learn resistance band exercises for upper body muscles in this free video. Expert: Jeanette Stojcevski Bio: Jeannette Stojcevski has been an avid runner for over 15 years. Her track career started in middle school and spans through college. Filmmaker: Nili Nathan

Exercise Routine – Best Arm Toning Exercises

March 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Muscle Trainer

If you want to have lean, muscular arms, then, apart from a balanced diet, you crisis to do arm toning exercises.

It is very easy to injure yourself when lifting weights. It is advisable not to use weights when you are alone and don’t think of working at so if you have an existing injury Only use weights that are well within your ability to lift and if in any doubt seek the advise of a qualified professional.

Firstly The Bar Bell Bicep Curl

The classic arm toning exercise is the bar bell bicep curl. This is truly a simple exercise but must be completed right to get the maximum benefit. Make sure that your feet are shoulder width apart, your back is straight and your elbows are firmly at your side before curling the bar upwards and into your chest. You should raise the bar to a point simply below your neck. Be cynical when you lessen the bar, slowly and smoothly without moving your elbows.

Secondly The Alternate Dumb Bell Curl

The second arm toning exercise we are appearing at is the alternate dumb bell curl. With this technique you can focus on just one arm. This is an exercise at which heavier weights are often used but you must realise that the heavier the weight the greater the risk of injury. Before lifting the weight, just recently as previously, your back must be straight and your feet shoulder width apart. To ensure a tight contraction you need to curl the weight firmly into your shoulder. You can do this one arm at a phase or, with two weights, do environmentally friendly lifts. When lowering the weights do it little by little and smoothly so that they finish up by your sides.

And Thirdly Skull Crushers!

Finally we have the colorfully named skull crusher. This exercise is used to tone up the triceps and will produce discernable possible outcome hastily but will be able to never be attempted alone as there is a relatively high risk of injury.

Lying on a bench, on your returning holding the bar bell, you extend your arms upwards at that time slowly back until the bar has passed your head. When the bar is a few inches above the floor behind your head shoot it back to the upright position and do as numerous repetitions as you can comfortably manage.

Your arms can be toned, your whole physique leaner, your outlook more positive with a expertly designed diet and training program. You can get more fitness and nutrition information by visiting

I’m a internet trainer who specializes in muscle gain and weight loss. I’m here to help individuals build lean muscle and lose fat with fast, effective workouts.

I don’t believe in spending endless time on cardio machines in hopes of losing fat. Instead, using proven training techniques that deliver faster results in less time. You can get more fitness and nutrition information by visiting

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Women’s Body Sculpting Exercises

February 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Mohamad Al

What does it mean when we talk about Body Sculpting Exercises for women and how do we choose those effective ones? Well let me first explain Body Sculpting Exercises; they are exercises which can be used to burn off body fat. For example, the muscles of your arms are visibly seen. In other words, your body needs to reach a certain level of leanness in order for the muscles/curves to be visible, and for others to notice. Now don’t get me wrong about only focusing on losing body fat because for this very reason so many women become so occupied with performing aerobic training like running or cycling they forget about adding any type of resistance training. So adding resistance training for women is part of the right formula to have an effective body sculpting exercises for women, period. Women’s Body Sculpting Exercises (Exercise One) 100-Meter Sprinting Actually it does not have to be a 100-Meter Sprint because not every one is able to do that, and I don’t ask most of my clients to start with that. But if you have been running for some time, then you should try to sprint for 7 to 10 seconds, and then you should take a walk as you gather your energy before repeating the same thing for another 10 to 20 bouts. Ouch! – Warming up for 5 7 minutes is very critical; so don’t neglect that. – You sprint by jogging first (for about 4 seconds) then start running (for about 4 seconds) and finally start sprinting for 7 to 10 seconds and as you progress you should be able to add another 2 or 3 seconds more for a total of 12 to 13 seconds. – The best place to sprint is in a high school or college track. Or you can sprint on a paved trail that has a smooth surface and is safe enough so you can sprint. Women’s Body Sculpting Exercises (Exercise Two) The Tiger Walk w/ Push-ups The Tiger Walk is similar to the bear crawl except you don’t stick the butt up high, but instead you will have the body level, so if you place a cup of water on your back it should not tip over.

Instructions – In this exercise you will walk on your hands and your feet like crawling, but the knees are NOT touching the floor. – Perform the Tiger Walk for six steps then pause to perform one push up – Continue with performing the Tiger Walk for another six steps, and then pause for your second push-up – Repeat the motion until you complete 24 Tiger Walks and 4 push-ups. The great thing about the Women’s Body Sculpting Exercises is that you are expending a significant amount of calories, and at the same time you are preserving your muscle tissue.

Mohamad is a personal trainer and has been an online marketing entrepreneur for several years, you can check his latest webstie best home treadmill review Do you want to learn how to quickly and easily create an online business? If so, check this out: internet marketing training

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Get Rid Of Flab Arms For Women Fast

February 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Wendy Jane

Females feel it move whenever they shake hands, they feel it jiggle when they wave hello and they feel it wiggle when they brush their teeth and good bye-it’s their unwanted, unsightly, flabby arms. Flabby arms are usually caused by extra fat build up in the upper back of women’s arms, also known as the location of the triceps muscles. You can get rid of these sagging arms by doing some workouts for your triceps muscle.

When doing most of these exercises, you require a great pair of dumbbells. In order to determine what weight would be best to use, keep in mind that lighter weights are much better for toning when paired with lots of reps whereas heavier weights are better for bulking up when paired with several repetitions. The right light weight dumbbells weight 2 to 3 pounds, while the heavy ones weigh 6 to 7 lbs. And, you are ready to begin when you’ve decided your aim and selected the right type of dumbbell.

Listed here are some simple yet efficient workouts to aid you work out your triceps and get rid of your flabby arms forever:

Workout 1: While standing, grab a pair of dumbbells and raise your arms straight above your shoulders. Keep your arms facing to the front and gradually bend the forearms backward with the elbows acting as the hinge. You should keep your shoulders and upper arms steady and your back straight. The forearms are lowered until they become parallel to the floor. When you reach this position, take a single breath, and then gradually straighten out your arms, taking them to your initial position.

Exercise 2: Holding a pair of dumbbells, lie face up on a flat surface. Keep your arms straight above your head, the palms facing towards each other and then slowly the elbows are bent. Keep your upper arms in exactly the same position while lowering your hands and arms. The forearms are lowered until they are horizontal to the floor at around 45 degree. After a single breath in this position, gradually straighten your arms and again bring them back to their initial position.

Exercise 3: Get a set of dumbbells, keep the palms facing inwards and keep your arms hanging at the sides. Slightly arch your torso forward, until you are a comfortable bend, and then raise your elbows upwards towards the ceiling until your arms are at a 90 degree angle. Keeping the back strong and the upper part of the arm steady, straighten up your forearms so that your whole arm forms a straight-line until your shoulder. After a single breath in this position, slowly straighten up your arms and again bring them back to their initial position. When doing this exercise, you can raise the level of difficulty by trying to reach back as far and as high as you can with your arms while still maintaining exactly the same position throughout the rest of your body.

Get results starting today – Get Rid of Flabby Arms

Is it really this fast!

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Hiring Plastic Surgeons For Arm Lift Surgery

February 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Alfred Ardis

Arm lift surgery is an increasingly popular plastic surgery procedure in the US and internationally. This procedure combines liposuction and skin removal surgery to restore a youthful, toned look to the upper arm region. The most common reasons for this surgery are age and profound weight loss. Plastic surgeons are seeing more men and women seeking out this procedure but find that many are not educated about the details. If you’ve heard of or thought about arm lift surgery, it’s best to get an informed idea about what this surgery entails before heading into a consultation session with a surgeon.

There are several reasons to look into an arm lift procedure. Depending on your unique body and what your body has experienced, surgical procedures can be minimally invasive or extensive. For men and women in their late 40s and early 50s, you may find that even an active lifestyle cannot reverse the signs of aging. Your underarms may become flabby and the skin start to sag. Diet and exercise will not help reverse this effect. Chances are if you live an active lifestyle, your arm lift procedure will simply require a surgeon to remove excess skin. Plastic surgeons can also reconstruct muscles to correct lost tone. For those who have lost a significant amount of weight, you may not only have excess skin but old fat that cannot be removed through diet and exercise. At any age, the longer your body retains excess fat the harder it is to remove. Your surgery will be more extensive and require some liposuction.

The basics of the procedure address the problematic area in the lower region of the upper arm and arm pit. The procedure can be minimally invasive or extensive, as discussed previously. You will be put under general anesthesia for the procedure. After the procedure, most plastic surgeons suggest a week of rest and several weeks of limited activity, especially reaching with your arms. Although results can vary, most patients find that revision surgery is unnecessary.

Plastic surgeons also find that many patients walk through their doors looking to arm lift surgery as a solution to their problems when diet and exercise has not been considered. Before you choose to make an appointment for a consultation, it is important to consider whether you can handle transformation on your own through diet and weight training. Just because you are interested in the surgery and committed to your decision does not make you a good candidate for surgery. Men and women in their 20s and 30s of average weight are rarely good candidates, for this surgery despite their general level of health.

When considering arm lift surgery, keep this information in mind. Plastic surgeons prefer to have in depth conversations and want prospective patients to fully understand the procedure they are considering. If you feel comfortable with what you’ve learned here, you are more prepared for a consultation.

When interested in getting an arm lift surgery and looking for plastic surgeons in Arizona be sure to check out the credentials of the staff at

Hi, in this video I show you how to build and tone your arm muscles, specifically, your biceps, triceps, chest and shoulders. Weightlifting with dumbbells is a wonderful way to strengthen and tone your arms; even works your core and back. Increasing your muscle tone also revs up your metabolism by increasing your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) so you’ll burn more calories even at rest. I hope you find this video helpful. Please subscribe because I have many more helpful videos to come on so many helpful topics. There’s something for everyone! Thanks for viewing :o) For more helpful tips please visit me at my blogspot: To purchase a YouTips4U Custom Designed T-Shirt, please click here

Go From Flab Arms to Sexy Arms In 4 Easy Steps

February 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by William Onedge

Flabby arms have a way of making a person feel insecure, even if they are not overweight. They can ruin your day, and put a damper on your entire sense of being. It’s amazing how something that seems so insignificant can do so much damage. Luckily, all of that can be changed.

When you go from flabby arms to sexy arms, your life will seem better, and everything will look good on you. To make it a reality, you’ll need to first start making simple changes in your diet. Is your diet loaded with carbs? Most likely, it is because unfortunately, people do not know how to eat these days. There are good carbs and bad carbs. Bad carbs consist of mostly refined sugars and junk foods such as candy, cakes, ice cream, white bread, and potato chips. Good carbs consist of food containing more nutritional value such as bananas, apples, wheat bread, wheat noodles, and all vegetables.

1.) To get rid of flabby arms, there is no doubt that you have got to stop consuming so many bad carbs. Pay attention to your beverages as well. If you drink a lot of soda and artificial juice, your body will continue to hold onto fat. To get rid of flabby arms, you have to change your eating habits by adopting a healthier lifestyle.

By making a few simple changes in your diet, you should start to notice that your arms shrink considerably, especially over the first couple of weeks. Although you will be experiencing fat loss, you will still have to do something about that flab. Having flabby arms is what makes it all so unattractive. To put an end to this, you are going to have to exercise.

2.) Triceps and biceps exercises should be enough to take care of the flab. Keep in mind from the very beginning that you’ll have to stay persistent in your efforts to see positive results. Biceps curls are a great way to decrease some of the flabbiness you may be dealing with. Simply take a bar and some weight you cannot lift anymore than eight to ten times. You want to make sure that the weight on the bar is a bit of a challenge so that you see quicker results. The muscles need to really work hard to tighten up and burn any additional fat you are left with.

3.) Triceps pull downs and kickbacks are another good way to get rid of flabby arms completely. Most people tend to experience flab on the back on of their arms surrounding the triceps area more so than anywhere else. The weight lifted for these exercises also needs to be no more than you can do eight to ten times each. The amount of sets you do should be somewhere in the middle, ranging from around four to seven. Rest is very important when doing flabby arms exercises because that is when the tightening will start to occur. Your muscles cannot tighten and burn fat adequately if no rest is provided. Give your arms about 48 hours of rest before working them again.

4.) Probably you can work your arms about three times per week. Along with the flabby arms exercises, you will need to continue to pay close attention to your diet and practice other methods of fat loss, such as cardiovascular exercise, at least three days per week for about 45 minutes. This type of exercise will help to keep your metabolism up, making it very difficult for your flabby arms to return.

Give your diet and exercise program about a month or two before taking full effect. Before you know it, you’ll have the attractive arms you have always wanted, and everyone will notice. The only difference is that this time, people won’t be looking because they’re disgusted, they’ll be looking because they want to!

You need to eat, but just do not overdo it. That’s where a good weight loss system can help you. At There’s a Free Workout Program and a Great Product Review on a system that can help you on your way to fabulous looking arms and the body you always wanted in less time than you think.

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How to Buy the Right Exercise Equipment

February 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Edwin Jones

Sometimes going to the gym is just not convenient. We have to work, take care of the kids and do the many chores that require us to live in a modern world. Unfortunately today’s busy lifestyle can really take a toll on your health. We all know that we need to take the time to exercise but where do we actually find that time? A solution is to purchase exercise equipment for your home.

There are a few things to consider when you think of purchasing exercise equipment. How often are you going to use it? Do you have space in your home? What kind of exercises do you like to do? Should you purchase used or new? Do you want to buy equipment with a specific body area in mind?

Are you Really Going to Use the Equipment?

The market for used exercise equipment is huge. The reason is not typically because people want to upgrade their equipment, but because they bought something that they had no intention of using in the first place. If you are not a runner, then perhaps you would not like a treadmill, despite it being the most popular piece of exercise equipment you can buy. Maybe you would be more comfortable with an elliptical machine instead.

How many times have you been seduced by those info commercials showing hot bodies working out with fancy machines? It takes a long time to look as good as the models. The equipment is not going to magically transform you into a bodybuilder. You have to use the exercise equipment consistently to create a healthy body. So make sure before you spend the money that you actually expect to use the equipment.

Decide what Type of Exercise You Like

Many people buy exercise equipment thinking that they would like to get involved in the activity without ever really participating in it. It seems as though the first piece of exercise equipment purchased is a treadmill. Now, if you do not like to go outside for a walk or running is not your thing, there should be serious doubts that you would enjoy it any better inside your home. However, if you always enjoyed lifting weights at the gym, then you know you would benefit from having a high quality bench and a few choice dumb bells in your home.

Make Sure You Have the Space

Before you run out and buy a couple of exercise machines you probably want to map out where you intend to put it in your home. Exercise equipment can look relatively small in huge gyms, but the same piece of equipment in your little upstairs bedroom can dominate the room. There are many pieces of equipment made nowadays that can fold up into smaller units perfect for closet storage or fit in unused corner areas.

Buying New or Used

There are so many pieces of quality exercise equipment for sale used and cheap that it is difficult to recommend that you buy them new. The only reason to buy new is if you could not find the exact piece that you really want. Convenience in purchasing a new one also comes into play, but with this convenience comes a high cost. There are numerous quality second hand stores that sell used equipment. Also it is a good idea to comb through the classifieds in the paper and see if anyone is selling good equipment.

What Part of the Body to Concentrate On?

You might consider what body parts you are most interested in working out with home exercise equipment. Maybe you only want something that can help tone your abdominal muscles. Or perhaps you are not getting enough legwork and want equipment to build those muscles. Of course, there is also exercise equipment that can work out the entire body. The idea is to consider your goals and what you want to accomplish with the exercise equipment and then make your purchase.

Exercise equipment can be a time saver for those people who want a workout but cannot make it to the gym. There are many types of equipment available so choosing the right one will ensure that it will actually be used. Exercise equipment can make you healthier but only if you use it and do not relegate it to the junk pile.

About the Author: Edwin Jones is a writer on a wide range of Health and fitness related topics. His latest website has detailed information about Discount Home Gyms. Find out more here about Discount Home Gyms You have full permission to reprint this article provided the sentence above and links are kept.

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