Abs Workout Exercises That Are Highly Effective

January 31, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Richard S Murphy

When we think of abs workout exercises. We tend to think of exercises that are focused centrally on helping to build up the abdominal muscles. Therefore, when considering what type of abs workout exercises to do specifically, one must focus on those exercises that are highly effective in their own way to get the job done. Abdominal exercises are not just excellent for strengthening abdominal muscles. They also help to improve over all performance where back pain is concerned, the ability to handle punches, and in certain sports activities in addition. The right abdominal exercises are the ones that do the trick for each individual and it is not all about losing belly fat or the body’s distribution of body fat in other areas.

Different kinds of abdominal exercises work in their own way and have their own level of measured effectiveness. The types of abs workout exercises that you do chose for yourself should be the ones that you believe will be most effective to meet your needs for them. We each have our own personal requirements when it comes to exercise and these personal requirements are what encourage us to use the exercise regiment that we pick for ourselves in the long run.

Some of the abs workout exercises that are highly effective include the disciplines of Pilates, Tai Chi, yoga, and jogging to name only a few. Pilates is a physical fitness program that was created by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century. Pilates offers a routine of body conditioning exercises that build up strength and flexibility in the abdominal region, the legs, the arms and back. Tai Chi is a Chinese martial art that is used to develop both defense training and health benefits in addition. Tai Chi Chuan dates back to ancient times and it comes available in five different styles. The core training that belongs to Tai Chi has two main features that involve the solo form and the pushing of hands. The solo form involves the use of a sequence of slow movements that keep the spine situated straight, has a natural range of motion, and has abdominal breathing present. The pushing of hands technique involves movement with form that is usually practiced with another partner.

Yoga is a discipline of mind, body, and spirit that first originated in ancient India. One of the main goals of practicing yoga is something that goes beyond physical improvement of the body. It involves trying to achieve a state of peace and spiritual understanding. However, the goals of yoga are varied, and it can be used for the improvement of one’s health too. The stretching exercises that are connected to Hatha yoga not only can work the abs. It can also prove to be a good alternative medicine for existing health conditions from heart disease to cancer to depression. Jogging is a form of running or trotting at a slower pace to increase fitness with a less amount of stress on the body than other types of faster running. Jogging as an exercise dates back to the middle of the 17th century and was first done in England. Jogging came to the United States in 1962 and has been used as an excellent form of physical fitness ever since.

Abs workout exercises that are highly effective are those that you make highly effective to achieve the best ab results possible for yourself. It is you and no one else that can make them work from the onset.

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Exercise Equipment

January 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

The fitness exercise equipment market is huge, a billion dollar industry. Just watch television for any length of time and you’ll see the never-ending infomercials on the latest and greatest machine to come down the pike. Some appear to be fairly good products, some, well, maybe more gadget and probably not so great.

The thing is, there are many, many very good devices for getting a very good, calorie-burning cardiovascular workout in your home. Even if you choose a simple set of free weights, a good workout can be had. Although there are probably better options for most individuals. Free weights are less convenient, cumbersome and generally take much longer to get a well-rounded workout, if you’re targeting all major muscle groups. The constant changing of weights is a total deal-breaker for many.

The Total Gym type machines are very good.

You’ve probably seen the Total Gym advertised on television by Chuck Norris and his beautiful wife. These machines offer the capability to workout every major muscle group, but are also very affordable and have the convenience of being able to be folded and stored in a relatively small area. They’re unique in the fact that they have an inclined, adjustable bench that has a sliding seat and the setup uses the person’s body weight to provide resistance. The more the bench is inclined, the greater resistance. They also have the option to attach a weight bar and weights, to provide even more resistance if needed.

Exercise bikes have been around for many decades, and although they don’t have the flexibility of some other machines, one can be had for very little money. They don’t take up a lot of space and it’s easy to jump on and get a good cardiovascular workout in just a few minutes.

Even 15-20 minutes a day would be extremely beneficial. I wouldn’t recommend this be your only source of exercise though. It’s very limiting in which muscle groups it targets directly. The upper body receives very little attention on a standard exercise bike.

Some people love rowing machines. They’re not space hogs, are very affordable, target most major muscle groups, and you can jump on and have a very good workout in a short amount of time.

It’s impossible to touch on even a fraction of the many different kinds of fitness exercise equipment. That’s actually not what this article is about. It’s about finding something that you will use…and use it!! If an exercise bike is maybe all that you know you’ll use, then get one. They’re an excellent device for a good cardiovascular workout. Combined with maybe a brisk walk in the morning or night, and occasional swim and possibly some Pilates, and you’ll be getting some excellent exercise.

Whether you choose an elliptical trainer, exercise bike, rowing machine, free weights or one of the other pieces of fitness exercise equipment, the problem is this…most equipment ends up collecting dust in the corner of a basement or garage. You can buy the best, most expensive piece of fitness exercise equipment to be had, but if you don’t use it, you’ve accomplished little more than wasting some money.

It’s really hard to understand, but many people will work 60-70 hours per week to afford that nice big house and luxury automobile, but won’t devote 30 minutes per day a few times a week to take care of themselves. Combine this with the stress and horrible diets that many people subject themselves to, and you have a heart attack waiting to happen. It’s inevitable.

Just remember, you deserve to enjoy a long, healthy, happy life just like the rest of us. Your loved ones deserve to have you around for as long as possible. You kids, especially, want and deserve to have you here until they have little ones of their own, and even longer. Doesn’t it just seem insane to die thirty years before your time just because you wouldn’t put forth a little effort to exercise, even moderately and watch what you eat ?

Purchasing any piece of fitness exercise equipment isn’t the quick fix that we as Americans so often look for. It can just make doing a good workout a little more convenient. If you don’t use it, well, it’s just so much dead weight…unfortunately, that’s what happens to your body also.

Does it make you think ? I hope so.

Don’t be like so many others that purchase Fitness Exercise Equipment only to let it set for a couple of years, and to later be sold in a garage sale for . Buy it, and then USE IT!!

“Arm Exercise For Arm Toning”

January 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Stan Moore

Our body has a way of storing excess fat and this varies as a result of different number of fat cells located in different places around the body. The number of these fat cells and their location in our body is usually influenced by our different genetics. Wherever we have a large concentration of these fat cells are the very places where we find it too difficult to lose fat. Some people have theirs at the tummy, others at the butts; some at the arms while some at the laps, hips etc. For cases where the excess fats are stored around the arms, it is usually difficult losing such stubborn fat with arm exercise, so patience and more commitment to good arm exercise is required.

When trying to lose fat from flabby arms, it is noticed that we lose more fat from other areas first (even areas we were not expecting fat loss) before losing the flabby fat, this is because our body uses energy from all the different parts during exercises instead of that very particular area where we want to lose weight from. So the best option is to tone the arm muscles during arm exercise.

Single joint exercises or arm exercise that could tone the arm are curls and kick-backs which work very well on the biceps, triceps and fore-arms. such arm exercise include, dumbbell curls, reverse curls, incline dumbbell curls, preacher dumbbell curls, dumbbell concentration curls, dumbbell kickbacks, barbell curls, preacher barbell curls, lying barbell extensions, close grip bench presses, bench dips etc,. It is good to work more on the triceps when on arm exercise program as this makes up about 2/3 of the arm size. For faster and better result, multi-muscle exercise is preferred to single-joint exercise which tends to work at that very part where the ugly fat is located. So, reducing the overall body fat is the best for reduction of flabby arm, though arm exercise will tone the arm muscles giving it a leaner appearance while the arm exercise lasts.

Stan Moore is an experienced and Certified Nutrition and Fitness Specialist, who major mostly on Nutrition and Fitness Counseling for a Healthy Living. He is also a Social Health Worker and owner of one of the most visited fitness website on the internet. If you want the best in Fitness and Nutrition visit today.http://weightweaker.com

How To Build Muscle With Free Weights and Machine Weights

January 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Niz Rambo aka Nizam Shapie

Something you need to keep in mind and by no means put behind you is with the intention of while you do exercises, you are training for life. You still may well consume an hour a day in the fitness center, although that will still leave an additional 23 hours or so on behalf of your muscles to function exclusive of using any fancy equipment.

Whenever you do any type of drill, the movement of your body in the course of the work out is established as the range of motion. The more difficult the range of motion is, the more efficient the work out will be, because your body has to work twice as hard to perform the movement.Take on behalf of the instance the classic dumbbell bicep curl.

If you aren’t familiar with the drill, it is performed by standing up straight with your palms facing forwards, and a pair of dumbbells held down by your sides. You’ll contract your biceps to bring the dumbbells up to your shoulder height, then repeat the work out as many times as you want.Using that same movement in favor of exercise on a bicep curl machine, you ought to sit down, brace your upper arms on a pad, grasp 2 handles that are in front of you, followed by perform the same movement like above to move the handles in an upward movement.

At this point, looking on the muscle contractions in this work out, you are contracting effectively your biceps if you are using the curl machine, and that is pretty much all you are doing. While you use the machine you are sitting down, which will limit just how much your shoulders perform. The machine has several muscles used during this drill limited to the biceps, as well as the muscles within your forearms and fingers.

For the most part of the time, while using machine weights, you will always be restricted as to what type of drill you can do. You must always follow a strict procedure, which is pretty much the same with free weights. Unlike free weights, machine weights offer a certain degree of resistance.One of the most excellent thing about free weights is the fact that you move a slight chuck around to choose the weight you want to work out. Instead of dragging it over to your work out area, you simply choose it on the machine.

When you are tired during a workout, this can be a blessing.A lot of people argue in the reality that free weights are the most excellent for your body. While this is normally factual, many people out there feel that machine weights are the most excellent.

There are pros and cons with both equipments, although free weights have been around a lot longer and have been proven time after time to reach dramatic results.Body builders for example, have used free weights over the years to build very impressive bodies. If you ask the majority of them regarding machine weights, they would probably laugh at you and tell you that you need to stop joking around.Inside a nutshell, free weights will operate more of your muscles than the machines do, which makes them more efficient overall. This doesn’t mean that the machines are a waste of use, as they offer various significant advantages.

In some cases, it is most excellent to stabilize the muscles that are being used during a movement, which is where machines are the best to use. The decision on which to work out for you must be based on what you expect to accomplish with lifting weights and where you intend to operate the equipment, such as residence or at a gymnasium. Both systems are significant for your body, although the free weights are best to use if you wish for the most excellent possible workout, and always ensure that your muscles are getting the proper workouts they need.

Nizam Shapie is an expert on fitness consultation and losing fat for man (gynecomastia). For more information about weight training and supplementation, please visit http://www.BuildMuscleSystem.com/blog. You also can get FREE Fat Killer Report at http://www.HowToLoseManBoobsSecrets.com

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3 Best Arm Toning Exercises

January 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

If you want to have lean, muscular arms, then, apart from a balanced diet, you need to do arm toning exercises.

It is very easy to injure yourself when lifting weights. It is advisable not to use weights when you are alone and don’t think of doing so if you have an existing injury Only use weights that are well within your ability to lift and if in any doubt seek the advise of a qualified professional.

Firstly The Bar Bell Bicep Curl

The classic arm toning exercise is the bar bell bicep curl. This is essentially a simple exercise but must be done correctly to get the maximum benefit. Make sure that your feet are shoulder width apart, your back is straight and your elbows are firmly at your side before curling the bar upwards and into your chest. You should raise the bar to a point just below your neck. Be careful when you lower the bar, slowly and smoothly without moving your elbows.

Secondly The Alternate Dumb Bell Curl

The second arm toning exercise we are looking at is the alternate dumb bell curl.

With this technique you can focus on just one arm. This is an exercise where heavier weights are often used but you must realise that the heavier the weight the greater the risk of injury. Before lifting the weight, just as previously, your back must be straight and your feet shoulder width apart. To ensure a tight contraction you need to curl the weight firmly into your shoulder. You can do this one arm at a time or, with two weights, do alternative lifts. When lowering the weights do it slowly and smoothly so that they finish up by your sides.

And Thirdly Skull Crushers !

Finally we have the colorfully named skull crusher.

This exercise is used to tone up the triceps and will produce noticeable results quickly but should never be attempted alone as there is a fairly high risk of injury.

Lying on a bench, on your back holding the bar bell, you extend your arms upwards then slowly back until the bar has passed your head. When the bar is a few inches above the floor behind your head bring it back to the upright position and do as many repetitions as you can comfortably manage.

Your arms can be toned, your whole physique leaner, your outlook more positive with a expertly designed diet and training program.

Author Liz has more information concerning arm toning execises here http://www.fastdiets4u.com/arm-toning-exercises.php She has, after a great deal of research, narrowed down to only four, the diets that she considers to be the best available online, check them out here: http://www.fastdiets4u.com

Four of the Best Stomach Exercises For Women

January 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Jeremy Thomas

Although men often battle with saggy guts, women are many times met with the challenge of losing belly fat after pregnancy.

In order to take care of this problem the following are a number of the best stomach exercises for women. A very favored one of the best stomach exercises for women is something labeled the bicycle. What this very exercise tends to target is that area that regularly is coined a six pack.

The process for this includes having your hands resting behind your head, and the knees bent with feet up off the ground.Then, begin to twist your right arm in the way of your left knee, having extended the right leg outwards.

Move from twisting to one arm and knee to the other then stretch out the other leg. Rather than moving the elbow, twist the waist and at the same time try to keep the back straight on the ground.

Or else what happens is that the abs won’t receive much of a workout.Another one of the best stomach exercises for women is the twisting crunch. This involves having your back remain flat on the floor and the feet flat with the knees bent.

Get your hands behind your head and start to crunch up where the right shoulder should move towards the left knee. And then move to the other side of your shoulder and knee. Make sure that you continue to breath properly while doing so for instance – while coming up breath out, and begin to while you lie back but do not come back entirely. As with any other stomach exercise, there should be constant tension experienced around the abs with doing this.

A standing crunch exercise maybe the best stomach exercise for women for any pregnant woman to do to help exercise those abs.This requires you to stand upright and bend slightly forward to where you feel the tightening of your abs and breath out. Hold steady for a number of seconds and gradually see yourself right back up and take a deep breath in.

One more thing that can be done is resting your hands behind your head for support as you lean forward. The V-knee is one of the best stomach exercises for women, although is seen to be a little more of an advanced exercise to engage in.

This begins perched on the floor with arms bent placed behind you, legs straight out, and palms flat on the floor.Start to lean back a little and bring your chest forward once you bring your knees to your chest.

Also have your chest come forward. While keeping your legs in the air, allow them to return to the first position, and do several more repetitions. These exercises can really prove to be amazing for burning belly fat once tried out.

Jeremy Thomas prides himself in keeping his body fit and healthy. To view the full article on this, you can check out: Best Stomach Exercises for Women Aside from that, here’s a review of a great product worth taking a look at: The Truth About Abs Review

More Best Arm Exercises For Women Articles

No Weights Needed to Get Great Arm Exercises

January 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Jack Bush

Any time you perform arm exercises, the muscles that are influenced the most are of course your biceps, triceps, and all the muscles that are located in your hands and in your wrist. The only arm exercises that work do not have to always be curling dumbbells or other weight related activities. Because weights are not always available when you want to work on your arms, there are alternatives. There are some arm strengthening exercises out there that do not require weights that you can do. The most effective of these weightless exercises are pushups and pull ups. These are effective for either gender. When using these exercises on a regular basis, women find that their arm flab begins to disappear.

Time and money are required to be a member of a fitness center. This sometimes can be the reason that we don’t attend. In developing your arms you do not have to have a fitness center. Exercising at home without the use of weights can give you just as good of results in your arms. Worried that you need to go by some exercise equipment? No need to worry. All you need is your body.

Pull Ups and Push Ups

Pushups: What exercise routine across the country does not include pushups? They are so easy. The very issues they can be done with them are innumerable. What to stay at the bottom position of a push up for longer? It can be done. Add resistance and increase the level of difficulty just by elevating your feet as you perform the exercise. Yes, these are arm muscles, but they are also great for the chest and shoulders.

Pull Ups: It is only pulling your body up with your arms. Look around for horizontal bar to performed the pull ups on. Grab on to the horizontal bar as you’re lying under it within overhand grip. Pull yourself up and you will then be performing a supine pull up. The biceps really get targeted if you pull up as you are sitting under the bar.

Develop Stronger Hands and Wrists

Chinese Hand Balls: Just place the Chinese balls in your hand and hold them parallel to the ground. The number of balls used in the beginning will be two. Over time it can increase up to six. Keep the balls constantly moving with using your fingers well at the same time not bumping them together. It stretches your hands and even your arm muscles. Arthritis patients can find is beneficial.

Massage Rings: Squeezing the rings in a rhythmic pattern is the key. Made out of rubber they possess nodules that help in the exercise. Plan on two to three sets of twenty squeezes a day.

The thought of many people is that no weights used in arm exercises are more natural. They actually simulate the motions the arms encounter each day. Faster muscle development can be found when using weights in the exercise regimen. Your results will last longer when you develop your muscles using natural exercises. Give it some time. You get lifelong benefits when you perform arm exercises with no weights.

Do you want to look for more information about building muscle quickly? Please visit the muscle building workout programs. They are proven programs of step-by-step guide to help you gain mass muscle. Please click the reviews for more…Read the review on muscle gaining secrets for more.Click the No nonsense muscle building ebook to read more.Read the Muscle Gain Truth Review for more.Click the 7 minute muscle pdf to read more.

If you want to find more information about muscle building programs, Please check it out at muscle gaining secrets. It is a proven program of step-by-step guide to help you gain more muscle mass. Read the muscle gaining secrets review for more.

Exercises For Pregnant Women

December 31, 2011 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

One of the biggest misconceptions about exercising during pregnancy is that it is not safe. Actually, it’s quite the opposite. Obviously, some concessions must be made in light of the unique physical demands of pregnancy. Heavy exercise is not recommended, nor is exercise for a prolonged amount of time. Generally, no more than 30 minutes a day is all you need to increase your energy level, improve health and reduce painful or uncomfortable side effects of pregnancy.

Go onto your hands and knees and make sure your back is flat. Lift your right knee forward and then extend your right leg backwards until it is straight. Repeat this exercise 10 times on each leg, always making sure you keep your back straight.

Ball Squats: Place the ball on the wall behind your lower back. Step forward, standing with your feet shoulder width apart. The next step is to sit down to your knee height very slowly and then push back up again.Do this workout for 12-15 times.

Wear the right shoes for walking especially that now you are pregnant always wear shoes that are comfortable to you so you wouldn’t injure yourself. So buy good shoes.Wear the right clothes for walking don’t wear anything too tight on you, you want freedom not tight clothes to make you feel constricted.

Swimming is a great pain reliever when it comes to strained joints and a stressed out back. So for a pregnant woman like you, swimming is one of the first options there are for you to exercise and trim up. So to get the exercising going and get a sexier body, swimming 20 to 30 minutes a week will do that pretty well for you. It will keep you in shape during your pregnancy and help you regain your naturally slimmer body with ease.

Just place your hands against the wall. Then bring your body to the wall until your nose almost makes contact with the wall. Then push your body off. Try to do for as many reps as you can. Shoot for doing 3 sets.This will work your upper body, chest, arms, and shoulders. If you can, try to do these pushups 3 or 4 times a week.

This is a nice, smooth exercise. The bouncing is pretty minimal actually. It’s not like you’re going to be jumping 5 inches up off the mini-trampoline. Instead, you sway your feet back and forth while your toes never leave contact with the mini-trampoline. Only your heels lift off it. Do this for a total of 15-20 minutes a day. It’s a great exercise for diminishing cellulite as well. Do this everyday.

Judicious combination of healthy diet and easy workouts could be extremely beneficial for your health during pregnancy. At the same time it will be good for the child in the womb as well. Most pregnant woman suffers from one major health hazard. They accumulate fat that destroys their body shapes. If you stick to good diet and healthy workout such things will not happen and you will not loose your attractive body structure during pregnancy.

During pregnancy you should try and maintain your exercise intensity between a 5-7, the fitter you were prior to pregnancy and the more exercise you have done during then the safer and more appropriate it is to stay closer to a 7. If you didn’t exercise prior to pregnancy then it would be better for you stay closer to a 5 and build it up slowly. When you are exercising this method is more appropriate to see if you can push yourself that little bit more, for example if you did 15 reps of a dumbbell squat using two 4kg dumbbells and found it relatively easy but wasn’t sure if you could push yourself think about this scale.

The reason why it is believed to be the best exercise is because it exercises not only their cardio but also their arms and legs. They will also feel lighter even though they are heavier than their usual weight when they are not pregnant. Another enjoyable exercise for pregnant women is dancing. Here they can do it at home, they just need to play their favorite music and start pumping their body.

Read about bodybuilding supplements. Also read about neck strengthening exercises and how to reduce weight.

Easy & Quick Arm Toning Exercises

December 28, 2011 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

To get a strong handshake and stronger biceps, there are several arm sculpting exercises that will make a huge differenceYou’ll look much better with nice arms and benefit from the boost in confidence.

Nobody likes flabby arms.With flabby arms, you’ll be more self-conscious and uncomfortable about the fact.The good news is, it is relatively easy to tone and sculpt your arms.There are several exercises that can be done any time of day to get your arms in shape.

Using weights is the most effective way to get your arm muscle growing fast.It is a good idea to start off with light weights to get your arms warmed up.Dumb bells that are around five to eight pounds can quickly help to tone and develop your muscles.If you don’t have any dumbbells around, try filling some old soda bottles with water or rocks.By using weights on a daily basis, the flab can fly off leaving the arms a lot more toned and attractive.

Wall push ups are another effective method to improve the muscle tone in your arms.This kind of push up is much easier than regular floor push ups because you are not lifting your full weight off of the floor.

Stand with your arms stretched out fully so that your hands touch the wall.Bend your arms, while keeping your feet from moving, so that your chest comes close to the wall.And finally, push yourself away from the wall, back to the position you started in.Try to do this at least ten of fifteen times on the first day, and then gradually increase the number as the weeks go by.

Jumping jacks are another surprising good arm sculpting exercise.When you are rapidly moving your arms you are toning them.While you are jumping in the air remember to swing your arms from your sides all the way above your head.Not only does it tone your arms, but it also is good for your cardiovascular system.

For those serious about packing on some serious muscle fast, I recommend using 1 of 2 workout programs I’ve reviewed.  Why?  Because they are the best. Period.  Their step-by-step workouts, diet plans and bonus features are unparalleled when it comes to building muscle fast.  Get the Turbulence Training ebook and the No Nonsense Muscle Building ebook.

More Easy Arm Exercises Articles

The Best Upper Arm Exercises

December 25, 2011 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Dr. Begovich

Throughout the centuries men have always wanted huge arms to impress people and women have always wanted lean and toned arms without the flab. Everyone seems to struggle with this at one time or another in their workout life. It should not be that difficult but there is more to it than just lifting weights for upper arm exercises. So here is my take on this concept and what every man and woman can do to help themselves achieve their best looking arms. The concept is a two step approach which consists of exercises and diet management.

Well I believe the first thing you need to accomplish is the actual arm exercise routine, but your goals will dictate your workout. The two obvious goals are to either get huge defined arms or lean and toned arms. The approach is vastly different and below is a typical workout regimen to help for either goal.


If you have flabby arms with a lot of fat and skin then the workouts you need to accomplish are two-fold. The first part of your exercise regimen will have to start with a cardiovascular routine. I recommend a routine that is a high intensity interval training. For example, if you are working out on the elliptical then try to adjust your intensity every 2-3 minutes from a low to high level or a high to low level. This will allow your body to keep guessing which way you are going with the intervals and then it has to work harder to get the workout done. Burning off the fat will enhance your upper arm exercises and their outcome. Further, you should adjust your cardio from one exercise to another, such as a elliptical to treadmill to biking, etc…

Next, you need to workout the muscles of the upper arm to get the results you desire. The above cardiovascular routine will help burn fat off the arms and then the weight exercises will increase the strength and size of the arms. This result will lead to lean and toned arms with less flab and more definition.

The upper arm exercises I recommend to begin with are as follows:


This is the muscle on the top of the upper arm.

Each exercise is for 10-12 reps per set for 3 sets. However, the Three Part Bicep Curl, which is 18-24 reps for 3 sets.

1. Alternating Dumbbell Supination Curls. Begin with a dumbbell weight you can handle and hold it with your palms facing behind you. As you curl the weight up rotate your arm to where your palms are facing you. Pause at the top and give an extra squeeze with the bicep. Then slowly lower the weight back to where your palms are facing behind you and repeat. You can curl each dumbbell at the same time or alternate arms, it’s your choice.

2. Isolated Dumbbell Curls. If you have a weight lifting bench then put it at an incline and take a weight you can handle effectively. Bring yourself to the top of the inclined weight bench and stick the top of the weight bench in your arm pit. You may have to bring a stool to the weight bench so you can sit on the stool with your arm over the weight bench. This will allow your arm to lower onto the weight bench fully. Then without taking your upper arm off of the bench, curl the weight up and as noted above give an extra squeeze and pause at the top of the curl then slowly lower the weight and repeat.

3. Three Part Bicep Curl. Begin with a lighter weight than what you would normally use. Have the dumbbells at your side with the palms facing outward. Curl the weight up halfway and then lower it back to the starting position at least 6-8 times. Then start with the weight halfway curled up with your hands sticking out in front of you. Now curl up from the halfway starting position up to the top and then lower back only to the halfway point and repeat at least 6-8 times. Finally you can then curl from the bottom to the top 6-8 times for a total of 18-24 reps.


This is the muscle at the back of the upper arm.

Each exercise is for 10-12 reps per set & perform 3 sets per exercise.

1. Closed Grip Bench Press. For this exercise you start with either dumbbells or a barbell with the proper amount of weight for you to use. Keep your hands as close to each other as possible and perform a bench press workout emphasizing on the tricep extension.

2. Tricep Extensions with Dumbbells. For this exercise start in a bent over position and pick a weight that you can handle. Keep your arm from shoulder to elbow locked in against your side and then bend your elbow towards your head and then extend to a full position.

3. Overhead Extensions. For this exercise pick a weight that you can handle. In a standing position raise the dumbbell overhead with your arm completely extended. Then bend at the elbow and lower the weight behind your head and then extend it back up to the starting position.

Perform the above exercise routine at least twice per week mixed in with the cardio routine.

Now for the next workout, which is to obtain the goal of getting huge arms. This workout is typically for the man who wants larger muscles in the upper arms. This is a a size and mass gaining routine.


For these exercises you should perform 5 sets in a stepwise fashion of starting with lighter weights and progressing to heavier weights. Each set will work the arms muscle fibers differently to gain size, strength and mass.


1. Barbell or Dumbbell Curls.

2. Alternating Dumbbell Supination Curls

3. Preacher Dumbbell or Barbell Curls

4. Hammer Curls. Pick your weight and hold the dumbbell in your hand so your arm from elbow to dumbbell looks like a hammer. Your fist should be knuckles to the outside and fingers to the inside.


1. Closed Grip Bench Press

2. Bent over Tricep Extensions

3. Overhead Tricep Extensions

4. Lying Down Tricep Extnesions. Lay down on a bench and hold the dumbbells straight up to the ceiling. Then lower them to your forehead and then extend at the elbows to a full extension for one rep.

The most important part of this workout is to drink or eat a light snack about an hour before the workout with fast acting carbohydrates. This will allow the energy you need to finish the exercises.

Once your workout is over you need to drink a post-workout protein shake with protein and carbohydrates. This will give the muscles the nutrients they need to grow.

Further, don’t forget to rest as your upper arm muscles will grow when you rest.


You should have a healthy diet with lean meats, vegetables and complex carbohydrates. Look at portion sizes as they should be the size of your fist or palm of your hand. You should eat at least every 3 hours to keep your metabolism elevated to help with burning fat calories. Your intake of protein is the most crucial as you should consume at least 1gram of protein per pound of body weight. The rest of your caloric intake should mainly be with green vegetables and complex carbohydrates.

This should be a good start for your upper arm exercises to either help with getting lean and toned or huge upper arms that most men desire to carry around town. There is a dietary start, a cardio exercise routine and the most important a weight exercise routine. Start today and get the upper arms you want.

For what it’s worth,

Dr. B.

You can check out more information on diet and exercises for healthy weight loss at http://www.healthyweightlossasap.com.

Dr. Begovich is a physician dedicated to helping everyone achieve their weight loss goals. He is a practicing rehabilitation physician and Expert Author at GoArticles, EzineArticles and other sites. If you liked this article, then check out others at HealthyWeightLossASAP!

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