Secrets Of Body Builders: The Best Way To Build Muscle

December 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Body Builders

Article by Best Way To Build Muscles

Do you wonder why most body builders look alike? With those six pack abs and massive arms and thighs, even from afar you can see that these lean mean machine of a man have broad shoulders, great physique a V-formed torso and rippling muscled legs. It is then very easy for you to become envious with how great they look. However, achieving a great and healthy body is now easy if you know how to do it properly.Unfortunately, if you want to build your muscles the right way, there is no magic pill or short cut. The best way to build muscles is for you to work hard and building it slowly but surely. Please don’t take this task very lightly because if you want a magic pill, there are plenty of over the counter steroids but the negative effects of this to your health is not worth it! So how do you get those rippling muscles and six pack abs properly? Here are the secrets most body builders use.

Proper Diet

Some people overlook diet when it comes to building muscles. The thing here is that before you hit the gym, make sure that you eat the right food to help you grow your muscle. Having said this, don’t expect to grow your muscles if you are on a banana diet. The best food to eat when trying to build muscle is through protein. Protein and its amino acids is the precursor of muscles. Although this may be the case, don’t go binging on hamburgers and fries daily. Make sure that you choose healthy protein like fish, chicken, eggs and lean meats.

Do The Right Exercise

So what is the right exercise regimen for people who want to build their muscles? The answer is weight lifting. Make sure that your exercise regimen has a lot of squats, push ups and military bench presses. You can also do dead lifts to increase your muscle mass.

Let Your Muscles Rest

Unfortunately, only a few people understand the benefits of resting. In a hurry to achieve the best way to build muscle fast, most people spend day in and day out inside the gym doing weight lifting. The problem with over training is that your muscles tend to become injured thus you may end up loosing them instead of gaining them in the process. This means that if you lifted weights today, you can still go to the gym tomorrow to perform other workouts and resume your muscle training a few days later.

So if you want to learn how to build muscle fast, do it the right way!

The author is a certified fitness professional who wants to help people build muscle the right way. For more information, please clicks here and you are on your way to a great body full of rippling muscles.

Dave Ruel’s Anabolic Cookbook For Body Builders: An Assessment

December 19, 2011 by  
Filed under Body Builders

Article by Andrew Charles

Look about and you’ll find many kinds of diet cookbooks. Whatever eating plan you intend to follow, whether it’s a mainstream diet like South Beach or Atkins or something more unusual like macrobiotic, you’re going to find plenty of relevant cookbooks at your local bookstore. One of the upcoming weight loss plans at present is the anabolic plan for fitness buffs who predominantly want to gain muscle. Body builders, in particular, are interested in anabolic cooking and that’s why we determined to glimpse at the Anabolic Cookbook.

The author of the Anabolic Cookbook, also called Anabolic Cooking, is Dave Ruel. A body-building pro, Dave wishes you to take pleasure in good-tasting foods that are good for you. Dull, monotonous, and deficient in taste describe the foods that most body builders consume, according to Dave. The meals inside Dave’s cookbook reflect his own boredom with the usual fare given to body builders and contain recipes to tickle the taste buds while remaining healthy and suitable for gaining muscle without gaining fat.

About foods intended for fitness buffs, you can’t argue with Dave’s perspective. What you eat on your eating plan doesn’t have to be disgusting or tasteless. In fact, lots of folks seem to have the misconception that good-tasting food has to be bad. The terrific taste of some foods may well come from fat, but what in reality provides anything a pleasing flavor is its essence, not anything added. When you limit your diet to healthy, attractive foods, you’ll find there are many choices.

How can we characterize the idea of cooking anabolically? Anabolic cooking is a way of cooking that is meant to aid the body to build muscle mass, obtain enough nutrition but not take in lots of fat. Any valuable, healthy diet should likewise contain ingredients that your body will actually use effectively. With this in mind, Dave gets it absolutely precise.

What we wonder about is the price. This is not an cheap cookbook. Nearly all cookbooks need not come near the rate of forty-seven dollars, which is what Dave’s website says is the present price of the book. It is very true that the cookbook comes with a bunch of special bonus materials but we can’t help but think if there isn’t a means to find all of the same information online or even off–at the library or a bookstore–for free or a lot cheaper than the current price of this book.

If you desire to get healthy you need to build muscle and lose fat. You want your body to be strong and muscular instead of flabby. Anabolic cooking can surely help with that, particularly if you are in the body building community. Nourishing food will always work better in your body than drugs or man-made supplements. Consider purchasing the Anabolic Cookbook if your objectives agree with Dave’s and if you’ve done enough exploration to know it’s right for you.

Andrew’s websites: Pennibs, Pony Shoes, Portugese Water Dog and Psp Covers.

Bodybuilder Charles Kemp hits the mandatory poses at the 2002 IFBB Southwest USA Pro Cup. DVDs from this event, featuring 26 pro competitors, are available at a special package price at MostMuscular.Com.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Warning to Body Builders – Dos and Don’ts For Exercise

December 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Body Builders

Article by Gaetane Ross

For many people their exercise program begins the day they no longer like what they see in the mirror. Sadly, a lot of people do not have the will power or the drive to actually see any results from their exercise.

If you are like many other people today looking for advice to get you going and then maintaining your exercise routine, you have come to the right site. Take a deep breath, shore up your perseverance and check out the tips below that will help you become healthy and fit. These ideas can get you started on a training program and help you stick to it.

Don’t overdo it! The first big mistake most people make is to begin an exercise program with unrealistic expectations. They go full steam ahead trying to burn off fat that they have put on over many years in one exercise session. There are many ill effects that can happen from this approach.

1. Injury- If you try too hard too soon you could injure yourself. You can simply push your body too far with sudden physical exertion that you are not used to. Add to this hard pounding routine a lack of proper warm up and cool down sessions and you have a great recipe for disaster. This type of exercise routine will get you hurt and set you back for some time.

2. Burn Out- You do not want to burn out after only a few training sessions. Remember, that training should be consistent and intense. If you lack either of these qualities in your routine, you will have no results and a heaping lot of frustration.

If you will start at a comfortable pace and consistently increase the intensity over time, say about 10% per week, you will avoid both injury and burn out. This is a great way to avoid overdoing things at the outset.

3. Balance- You need a good balance to your regimen, too many people will hyper focus on one area of the body. This is never recommended for the long term. It is better to have a whole body regimen than singling out specific areas; this is healthier and may spur weight loss or muscle development for your chosen area. You see the body is not a collection of parts working independently of one another, it is a system. Developing any one part of the body means looking at the whole.

Lack of balance takes you back to injury as well, your risks increase when you are focused on one area. Avoid this type of work out altogether.

4. Nutrition- Often times when people are trying to lose weight they will drastically cut their calories. This is a bad idea overall. When dieting remember you should never cut more than half of your caloric intake, any more than that, your body can go into starvation mode where it hangs on to the fat stores you have. Basically, your metabolism will slow to a crawl making it even more difficult to lose weight.

Don’t forget the water! You will find that some people tend to shy away from many kinds of fluids just to achieve a lower weight. The problem is water is vitally important to your workout. When you stay properly hydrated your bodily functions work correctly and often you will flush toxins and fat from the body, which makes losing weight easier.

Don’t forget to eat well. You should eat a healthy balanced lunch or breakfast. For supper you can go light and just have a snack or skip the meal entirely, however never skip the first meal of the day.

Do Persevere! After the new wears off your new gym clothes and walking shoes, you may find yourself avoiding exercise again. Be on the lookout for this type of behavior and snap out of it when you slip. Set and keep realistic weight loss and body building goals. You will have to work hard to attain them, but nothing is better than enjoying your image in the mirror.

Any time you feel like quitting or you need some motivation remind yourself of your goals. Now that you have a few great tools, what are you waiting for? Plan and execute your exercise regimen today!

Your mind will be your most powerful weapon; a great looking body demands the use of your mind. It will be what helps you develop your plan and stick to it. In the end you will find that you can attain an exercise routing that is both rewarding and fulfilling, which equals a routine you can keep for life.

Regardless of what your reasons are, exercise is a great way to look and feel fantastic. Thebottom line is you need to work out and the gym is the best place to do that. Why not your own“Home Fitness Gym” stocked with dozens of pieces of equipment. A good place to start is right here:

Stay Fit with Top Home Fitness Equipment

Muscle Building – Information For Body Builders

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Body Builders

How to lose 10 pounds of weight per week is a secret that every obese or fat or large sized person wants to uncover today, given our 21st century sedentary lifestyles, which are not being any helpful in helping us maintain an ideal or healthy weight. This couple with the distraction of junk food in every nook and cranny to tease one’s taste buds, makes it all the more difficult for ordinary people to maintain a desirable figure.

If you can lose your weight, the first and foremost compliment is the one that your mirror will give you every day when you can fit into the sexiest and trendiest of clothing without having to look oversized or out of shape. More than anything else, a beautiful, light and toned body, implies a healthy and young you that everyone craves to be like. 

The larger your size, the more the amount of enzyme activity in your body.

The more the number of toxins in your body and consequently the more the possibility of diseases in your body. You can lose 10 pounds of weight per week if you can concentrate on incorporating a diet that aims at cleansing your colon. This is the only way and also the most effective way to achieve the quickest of possible weight loss.

When we eat unhealthy food, we are making our colons, the storehouse of all possible wastes and toxins that find it hard to find their way out of our system, thereby making us lethargic, obese, oversized and unattractive. Trans fats, saturated fats, processed foods, canned foods, junk foods, preservatives, insecticides and pesticides not properly washed off food grains, fruits and raw vegetables are all sources of the contaminating waste material that occupies our colons.

Finding a consistent and permanent outlet for these wastes from our colons is the best way to quickly lose weight.

These accumulated toxins and daily storage themselves make up for the reasons, why we find our large weight stagnant or increasing, as time passes by, because there is an uncontrolled supply of wastes daily to our systems.

An average human carries nearly 8 pounds of colon waste, which is horrible for the body in the long run. It makes your body the center of all diseases and distortions. Any natural colon cleanser is a good alternative to help clear up as much as 3 to 4 pounds from your colon, thereby helping you win nearly half the battle in your 10 pound per week, weight loss quest. 

A badly functioning or a semi-dysfunctional colon promotes fat deposition in place of fat elimination. Once your colon is cleansed with a natural colon cleanser, your body’s ability to eliminate fats increases, implying a better metabolic rate. This is because eliminating excess wastes helps restore the colon back to its original optimum functioning. 

If you digestive system is not burdened with toxins, then it has the capacity to digest and convert your intake of food into instant energy instead of layers of fat deposition. This also implies better absorption of nutrients and a healthier you, in spite of losing weight at the rate of 10 pounds per week.

Matthew invite you to sign up to his new daily e-ltters, learn how to build muscle faster than ever before. once you sign up you will receive a e-books,emails,reviews unlimited emails to ask matthew any questions you like. Also, soon matthew will be sending podcasts and videos with every email and of course they are all free, just visit

Vehicle Body Builder

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Body Builders

If you are a business which uses trucks on a regular basis then it is more than possible that you have, at some point, required the services of a vehicle body builder. Often, a vehicle body builder is required to build premium truck and van bodies so that you, as the owner of your business, can feel happy that your vans and trucks are up to scratch for the purposes you require of them. A vehicle body builder will make sure that this job is done, leaving you to get on with the important job of running your business.

Of course, there are many companies which offer a vehicle body builder service but you want to make sure that you get the best vehicle body builder around. Not only that, a vehicle body builder can also be quite a considerable expense along with all of the other necessities that you have to pay for in order for your business to run smoothly. In these instances, it is even more important to make sure that you choose a vehicle body builder who is extremely competitive.

One such company is CPD Bodies Limited. Although they are a newly established company, they have over thirty years’ experience in offering a vehicle body builder service and their service is second to none. Their vehicle body builder service is specialist and they provide hand built quality truck and van bodies. They are based in Stockton on Tees in North East England but they are accessible to all areas in the UK and, whether the vehicle body builder service that you require is from 1 body to 100, they promise to deliver a first class job in the time scale that you require. Why not visit them online at today and find out for yourself what a great service they offer. specialises in hand built premium quality truck and van bodies; visit our site for more on Vehicle Body Builder and

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