The Best Bodybuilding Diet for Speedy Results

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

Article by Jacc Jents

“Bodybuilding is 80% diet.” This statement

was uttered many years in the past by one of the greatest

bodybuilding trainers of his era, Vince Gironda.

With some fame as a bodybuilder himself, “The Iron

Guru,” as he grew to become recognized, was more well-known for assisting a

newcomer to the USA, Arnold Schwartzenegger move rapidly

up the street to become one of the biggest bodybuilders of

all time.

His acolytes list reads like a who’s who in

bodybuilding of the 1950s through 1997.

Vince was convinced that a bodybuilding diet was the

key to muscle-building success, and he was fundamental in

convincing other people of this principle in his

multi-decade profession as a trainer of champions.

In a nutshell, a bodybuilding diet plan ought to concentrate on the

greatest useable sources of protein, natural carbohydrates in

the type of refreshing greens and fruits, fats and oils,

and finally, nuts. Bodybuilders also need to consist of

dietary supplements that help grow muscle tissue and decrease the

subcutaneous fat on the body.

Renowned biologist, Bernard Beverley, said that human

tissue is 100% biological. What that indicates for

bodybuilders is that eating foods that are extremely high in

biological content is very important for developing that

tissue as far as you possibly can. Lots of people confuse foods

high in biological content with foods higher in protein, but

this isn’t completely the case as not all protein will be the

exact same. Biological content means food that consists of protein

of a structure that is extremely comparable to the protein

contained in human tissue.

This might arrive as a surprise to some, however the meals

with the highest biological content will be the humble egg!

Other meals high in biological content include raw milk,

organ meats (heart, liver, kidneys and sweetbreads),

steak, lamb, poultry and fish. Beans, legumes and some

other vegetables are also good resources of protein, so it’s

truly important to consist of them inside your diet also.

On the other hand, soybeans, although famously higher in

protein, are only 22% biological. Therefore you would have to

consume huge quantities of soy to equal the amino acid content of

the greater quality protein previously listed. For contest

preparation, the Iron Guru recommended avoiding anabolic

steroids in favor of consuming as numerous as 3 dozen eggs


The idea is that this gives your muscle tissue an enormous influx

of biological protein to ensure that they are able to attain new levels of

strength and rapidly repair any damage. After six to 8

weeks, you need to then decrease this quantity to one or two

per day, as you would have achieved your goal.

On the other hand, other bodybuilding diet programs concentrate on

red meat and fresh greens, or one high in dairy

goods and fish. Every of these methods serves a

specific objective, that of loading the system with protein

to replace and rebuild muscle tissue torn down by large

workout sessions. They aren’t long-term diet ideas

however. Bodybuilding dietary supplements that Gironda recommended

had been: Kelp tablets, desiccated liver, lipotropic amino

acids(inositol, choline, methionine, betain that help in

themetabolism and assimilation of protein) and wheat germ

oil. An additional diet technique the Iron Guru developed was

placing his students on a special bodybuilding diet cycle

in preparation for contests, to get rid of that last bit

of subcutaneous fat.

This was composed of four days of zero carbohydrates,

then on the fifth day consume usually. For the next four days

eat zero carbs, and on the tenth day consume usually. They

students would keep this up for between three and 8

weeks, until every muscle separation and vein popped out

on the surface.

In summary, a great bodybuilding diet ought to be focused

on protein, fats, great carbohydrates and fiber. The

breakdown ought to be 24% protein, 40% organic carbs (no

refined starches or sugars) and also the stability in excess fat and


Just prior to competition diet programs, and cycling of zero

carbs for 4 days and also the fifth day free, ought to be

followed for no greater than 8 weeks. Appropriate

dietary supplements should be taken.

For more information on The Best Muscle Building Diet Plan for Fast Results, visit pro bodybuilding tips

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Bodybuilding Workout Routine – Diet Recommendation

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

I will cover this in more detail in another article, but for now I’ll give this advice: it is best to consume a diet consisting of approximately 50-60% carbohydrate (mostly complex carbs.), 30-40% protein, and around 10% fat. Try to stay away from junk food, and drink plenty of water. To stay fully hydrated is very important to building muscle tissue – remember, muscle is 70% water. Protein sources should come from white and red meat, fish, eggs and other dairy produce. Good carb sources are rice, pasta, potatoes etc.

If you are also trying to lose body fat, you must eat in the above way, but you must also create a ‘caloric deficit’ i.e. take in slightly fewer calories than you burn up each day, while training, and keeping you’re protein intake high.

In order to work out your maintenance caloric intake, i.e. the number of calories you need to take in each day to maintain weight, add up the calories from everything you have eaten in a seven day period, and divide by seven during a week in which you’re weight has not changed.

This is you’re maintenance caloric intake. In order to lose fat, consume about 300 calories less each day than this figure. In this way, you will lose body fat while maintaining, or perhaps increasing, your current muscle mass. The addition of some mild aerobic exercise a couple of times a week will also increase the fat burning process. Once you are happy with you’re body fat level, you must then increase your caloric intake in order to gain muscular bodyweight.

If you are initially just trying to add muscular bodyweight, then it is obviously important to eat slightly more than your maintenance level number of calories per day. Increase slowly, eating good food, and in so doing, determine how much you need to eat to progress, without putting on large amounts of body fat. Remember, though, that it is not possible to put on large amounts of muscle without adding some body fat in the process, which can be periodically removed with alterations in training and diet, revealing your hard-earned new muscle.

What rate of progress is to be expected?
In the first six months or so, if you do everything right, you should experience quite rapid progress, especially in terms of strength. However, sooner or later you will hit a plateau where you will have to experiment with your training and diet in order to make further progress, which is where determination and patience come in. Make no mistake about it, there is a law of diminishing returns in bodybuilding where the bigger and stronger you get, the harder it is to add further strength and muscle mass.

This is why so many trainees lose interest and give up training, because they lack this determination and drive. The greatest battle that you have in bodybuilding or other strength sport is not with the weights, but with yourself; quite simply put, if you don’t have the guts to push yourself, and the will to be consistent, you won’t reach your training goals.

In future articles, I’ll cover more advanced training for strength in specific exercises, and dietary considerations. Until then; go for it!  

Mick Hart – Hardcore bodybuilder – expert Muscle Growth Tips and training , author of two anabolic steroid best selling books, steroids and bodybuilding magazine publisher. Steroid Training Advice and Muscle Workout Routine exercises to develop SAFE huge muscles.

Natural Bodybuilding Secret To Success

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

Article by Jim O’Connor

Natural bodybuilding precision is a technique that is sure to maximize muscle gain in the shortest possible time. Some natural bodybuilders even see the results of steroid users by paying very close attention to their training precision. If you are a natural bodybuilder, and want huge results, now is the time to start paying attention to the word precision.

In natural bodybuilding, there leaves very little room for training error. Natural training with precision is crucial for significant muscle achievement. Let’s face it, a steroid induced bodybuilder is granted a greater margin of error in training, and nutrition. Steroids aid bodybuilders in recovering faster, and can support longer, more intense bodybuilding training sessions. This enables bodybuilders the liberty to train and eat with less precision, and still reap fantastic muscle development. However, natural bodybuilding athletes must pay very close attention to detail in order to benefit from great muscle building results. Witnessing excellent bodybuilding results can be the difference between performing too many training sets, and not enough intensity.

You most likely ask how you can determine if your natural bodybuilding routine is precisely what it should be in order to achieve massive, steroid-free results. Are you working out with the precise amount of training sets per body part? How about the reps, or rest days between workouts? Is your training intensity significant enough to illicit a natural bodybuilding response?

There is an easy way to find out! If you learn only one thing from this natural bodybuilding article, please let this next tip be it. To determine if your training program is the most effective natural bodybuilding routine, pay close attention to detail by recording, and tracking your bodybuilding workouts.

Being a drug free bodybuilder, and knowing what your numbers are at all times, is being an intelligent bodybuilder. Can you imagine not tracking your checking account balance? What a silly question! Not closely tracking your bodybuilding progress is considered just as silly. Besides overtraining, lack of tracking your progress is the biggest mistake fellow bodybuilders are making.

How can you train with maximum effort and efficiency to improve your musculature if you don’t know really where your numbers are? Remember, developing natural muscle is much more challenging, but a sense of precision is gained when you track your progress. Without bodybuilding workout precision, it is like driving a car in a strange place blindfolded.

The results of tracking can assist your natural bodybuilding efforts by making the whole story visible. Tracking will help determine if the amount of rest days between workouts are optimal or not. If your strength is improving with each and every workout, you are getting the precise amount of rest needed for optimal growth. If it is not, your rest days are not optimal. Therefore, tracking can direct your muscle building workouts into a precise science.

As soon as your natural bodybuilding log reveals a few training sessions that show no gains or decreasing strength, you are most certainly overtraining. Training more than is necessary is the worst enemy for any natural bodybuilder. Just remember, your body won’t be able to recover from the training stress as rapidly as a steroid induced bodybuilder can. Therefore, if you try to duplicate a steroid aided training program, you will be dead in the water. Your natural muscle building results will definitely suffer. Once again, focusing on a specific program for you, and you only, is a key point to remember. Consider your training log the key to all the information necessary for significant natural bodybuilding gains.

Take a closer look at your training log. If you find you have achieved 10 reps on a particular exercise for two consecutive workouts, you should focus your mind on pumping out the eleventh reps during the next training session. This specific data, if followed, will direct and focus your natural bodybuilding routine into precisely what is necessary for growth.

This valuable data can also serve as a great motivator for achieving your specific goals. I call it training smart. If you know precisely what numbers are needed to accomplish your goal during the next workout, you are more likely to achieve it, thus, overloading your system in order to develop rock hard muscle. Take, for instance, a retail store. If they don’t track how much money they made yesterday, how will they stay focused on what they need to beat today?

The fact of tracking performance is a huge strategy that accounts for huge natural muscle gains. Just think, upon entering the gym, you will know exactly what needs to accomplished. Your mind is already focused and gearing up for you to knock out one more reps. Now that is motivation!

Another excellent tip to achieving natural bodybuilding results is paying attention to the timing of your nutrients. Once again, it is critical for a natural bodybuilder to pay close attention to what is happening on the nutrition side of the natural bodybuilding puzzle. Research suggests it is important to eat carbs, and protein within one hour following a hi-intensity, natural bodybuilding workout. This particular bodybuilding nutrition regimen will help stimulate the muscle building recovery process. Natural bodybuilding buffs also need to pay close attention to the amount of calories they are taking in. Just as training, I also recommend tracking your nutrition regimen.

By training with precision natural bodybuilders reap the benefits of maximum muscle growth in the shortest possible time. By following the advice given above, and paying attention to your training log, natural bodybuilding results will skyrocket.

*** Attention: Ezine Editors / Website Owners ***Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine, Blog, Autoresponder, or on your website as long as the links, and resource box are not altered in any way.

Jim O’Connor – Exercise Physiologist / The Fitness Promoter

Copyright (c) – Wellness Word, LLC 9461 Charleville Blvd. #312 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 1-866-935-5967

According to Exercise Physiologist Jim O’Connor, training smart leads to huge natural bodybuilding gains. He has created a website devoted entirely to natural bodybuilding workoutsecrets, tips, tricks, and strategies.

Wellness Word, LLC is a health and fitness promotion firm located in Beverly Hills, California. Its goal is to provide consumers with the latest, and greatest health and fitness, bodybuilding, and nutrition tips, tricks, and techniqes available today. Wellness Word’s managing partner is Celebrity Exercise Physiologist, and Trainer Jim O’Connor. The fitness truth is promoted through the Wellness Word Multimedia Newsletter.

P6 Extreme Bodybuilding Supplement Review

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

The recent crackdown by the FDA has made it increasingly difficult to find a high quality tesosterone boosting supplement. In years past, noticeable weight gains were commonplace with the likes of 1-AD and methylated andro supplements. Now a person would be hard pressed to finda testosterone supplement that could yield minimal gains, if any.

Bodybuilding supplement companies have been trying to find compounds that would illicit a hormonal response without any side effects. So far, they have been unsuccessful. Today’s test boosting supplements are tame compared to what you could get a few years ago. All of the andros have been replaced with different types of herbs like Tribulus, which can’t deliver the same effect. Some researchers say herbs like Tribulus are effective while others think they are a waste of money.

One of the more popular testosterone boosting supplements on the market currently is Cellucor P6 extreme.

P6 Extreme is a natural testosterone booster that has actually been around for several years but many people are just now hearing about it. P6 gets pretty good feedback from quite a few people. This is especially intriguing since it is a pretty expensive product. Users can expect to pay around $ 120 for a bottle of this stuff ($ 120 for a bottle of 120 or $ 70 for a bottle of 60).

Is a natural testosterone booster like Cellucor P6 really worth it. Most experienced users would say no. Some would say that paying over a hundred bucks for a natural testosterone booster would be crazy. Others would say it is a great product and is worth it. When dealing with hormones it is impossible to say how effective a particular product will be.

Generally, most supplements like this will have varying opinions on its effectiveness.

For helpful advice and more in depth reviews on products like p6 extreme or any Cellucor product, visit our website at There you will find unbiased reviews on dozens of the top bodybuilding supplements on the market today.

Bodybuilding Workouts For Size

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

If your are looking for bodybuilding workouts for size and shape you have come to the right place. Too many people waste time and fluff in the gym. You are obviously different or ready to take your muscle building to the next level if you are researching bodybuilding workouts for size. Lets get right down to it and find the best bodybuilding workouts for you.

Your progress will quickly level off once your muscles become used to the weights you are lifting. By working out and using increasing weights over time, you also begin to add to the resistance so that your muscles will begin to grow larger over time. Good body building exercises are all about giving your muscles the right stimulation so that they can grow as time goes on.

Most natural bodybuilding workouts eventually lose their effectiveness since the muscle building will cease after a certain amount of time. Your muscles will eventually get used to the amount of weight you are lifting and your body building will hit a plateau.

There is zero stress on the spine, and a kid can throw a bunch of weight on and get to draggin’ right off the bat. For advanced trainees, they serve as a great accessory movement for squatting and dead lifting and also as a great conditioning tool for fat loss. If you need to jack up your volume of leg work, sled dragging is the way to go because there is no eccentric to the movements which eliminates soreness and CNS fatigue.

The third secret that makes a good workout is the use of heavy weights on low numbers of reps. If you’re doing a lot of reps that means the weight is too light and you are not going to see as much muscle gain as you could.

Progressive resistance is perhaps one of the most basic principles in your workout program. Once you start lifting weights, you need to increase the weight of the bar. If you do not want to increase the weight, then you have to increase the number of repetitions for every exercise that you do. It would probably be a good idea to get a journal for your bodybuilding workouts.

In order to stimulate arm muscle growth using your bodybuilding workout program you must increase your effort. Force the muscles to adapt, and grow. Increase the weight training weight, reps, or decrease the rest between sets. Make your bodybuilding workout progressive in nature. Keep trying to beat the reps, and weight you accomplished the previous arm workout.

Your bodybuilding workouts should consist of two different types of mass building programs if you want to build a strong, muscular yet totally lean and ripped physique. An overall mass building program to build a rock solid foundation and an isolation mass building workout that will give you that detailed, chiseled look. You must have both types of mass building programs incorporated into your bodybuilding workouts if you really want to get ripped.

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How to Gain the Bodybuilding Workout Routines Effectively

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

Article by Swalesta

The following article includes relevant information that may root you to re-evaluate what you notion implicit. The most important thing is to learn with an open mind and be willing to modify your perceptive if necessary.

Whether you are looking for a bodybuilding workout routine to prepare for competition or simply one that will help you to reclaim the muscular body of your youth, you will need to find a program that will be tailored to your unique situation and goals. There are plenty of options for resources, from your local gym to Internet sites, but how do you know which routine will work the best for you? Sometimes it can be a matter of trial and error to develop a bodybuilding workout routine that you enjoy and that gives you the desired results. However, there are a few basic guidelines in weight training that will help to get you started.

Beginner Bodybuilders

If you are just beginning a bodybuilding workout routine, your first step should be into your doctor’s office to ensure that you are healthy enough for this type of workout. Your doctor can also advise you as to the best choices in bodybuilding workout routines for you. Your next step should be to your local gym or fitness center to find a personal trainer that can help you to tailor a bodybuilding workout routine to your unique needs and goals. You don’t have to continue to work with the trainer indefinitely, but a few sessions will ensure that you are working on a good program, and that you are performing the individual exercises properly.

While it may be tempting to jump into a daily bodybuilding workout routine to see results as quickly as possible, keep in mind that even the most experienced bodybuilders do not pick up weights every day. It is best to give your muscles 24 hours in between workouts to rest and recover. You may think that it’s okay to work your shoulders one day, your triceps the next and your chest the following day, but in reality, your triceps are working overtime since they are needed for all three of these muscle groups. Some weight lifters will do the upper body exercises on one day and the lower body the next. This works well for those with limited time, but a full workout every other day is generally the preferred bodybuilding workout routine for most bodybuilders.

Advanced Techniques

Once you have gotten into the groove of a good bodybuilding workout routine, keep in mind that you are going to want to modify that program every four to six weeks. This will ensure that your muscles continue to be challenged to their peak efficiency, and that muscle mass will continue to grow. Once your repetitions become too easy to complete, it is time to up the weight amount and the difficulty of your workout. A good series will include some easy repetitions at the beginning of the set, and some very challenging ones at the end. If you are having difficulty completing the last couple of lifts, you are probably right on target with your bodybuilding workout routine.

Now you can be a convinced on bodybuilding workout routine and you should have something to bring to the table next time you join a discussion.

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Bodybuilding for Beginners

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

Article by Frank Gerome

After a good workout at the gym, I often enjoy sitting outside in evenings, with family and friends, in the backyard around ouroutdoor gas fireplace.  After a good meal there’s nothing more relaxing to me than being under the stars, staring at the glow from the fire and having some good conversations.

Often times conversations with some of my close friends turn to working out.  I’m an avid gym goer, and I often get questions about working out and bodybuilding from friends that are interested in bodybuilding but are unsure where to start.

One of my friends said he had been researching online, the many different bodybuilding programs for sale, but had no clue which one would be right for him.  I’ll tell you what I told him, “There is no secret to working out and bodybuilding”.  You won’t find it in an e-book that’s promises 10 lbs of muscle in a week.  Hard experience has taught me that the only true way to gain muscle can be summed up in these 3 things:

1. Your diet will comprise 80-90% of your muscle building success.  Most people think they eat too much; many probably do… but when it comes to gaining muscle, you must eat in excess of what it takes to just maintain yourself.  Your body just won’t grow without enough quality food, especially protein.

2. Sleep.  If you want to grow, you need to rest.  You might be tearing it up in the gym, but that’s not wear you grow.  Your muscles repair themselves while you rest.  Not enough rest also means low testosterone levels.  So if you are tired, that’s your body telling you that you need more rest.  Obvious?  Not to some.  Some think they can squeeze by on 5-6 hours of sleep at night and get through their day at work.  Maybe, but this does not apply when you’re trying to build muscle.  You need sleep and lots of it.

3. Avoid over training.  The fastest way to set yourself back is by over doing it.  For me, 3 times a week is plenty.  Some of you may have better recovery systems and your muscles repair faster.  Maybe you can handle more workouts, but the only way you will find out is just trying it out.  Everyone is different, it is your job to find out about your body… that’s part of the journey of bodybuilding.

Now, with that said.  Skip the e-books.  Visit well known bodybuilding forums and do the research.  Try; this is probably one of the best sites to learn about the basics.  Visit the journal section and see what others are doing that works for them.. Try a program out and see how you like it.  You’ll be far better off than paying $ 99 for an e-book that promises miracles.  There are no short-cuts.  Work hard, eat, rest and repeat.  In time your results will show.

Frank has enjoyed writing various articles for the last 4 years.  Be sure to check out his latest site which is useful for people looking for outdoor gas fireplace products to create a warm backyard setting.

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Bodybuilding Tips for Beginners: Mitsakes to Avoid

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

Article by Bodybuilding tips 4 all

These bodybuilding tips for beginners are intended for newbies that are about to embark on this quest to build muscle. Every bodybuilder has made mistakes but eventually overcame them to add muscle to their frame. Trainees will continue to make mistakes in their training but these tips will help minimize them.

There Are No Shortcuts

Aside from taking drugs, there are no short cuts in bodybuilding. For the person with average genetics, it takes years to build quality muscle. Don’t expect to gain 30 lbs of lean mass in a year unless you’re in the midst of a growth spurt. The key to gaining muscle is hard work, consistency, proper nutrition, and intelligent supplementation. If you plan to build a physique that turn heads, plan to be in this for the long haul.

There Are No Magic Pills

This is one of the most important bodybuilding tips for beginners, especially teenagers. The purpose of supplements is to SUPPLEMENT good nutrition and training. Each year supplement companies produce the next greatest supplement promising to add X amount of muscle in Y weeks. Each year, these wonder supplements are replaced by the next greatest thing. There are great supplements on the market but they will not perform miracles. If a fat burner promises to shed fat without changing your eating habits, leave it on the shelf!

You Must Be In a Caloric Surplus to Gain Muscle

One of the biggest mistakes I see beginners make is trying to stay super lean while gaining muscle. There are blessed individuals that can gain muscle while maintaining a chiseled six pack but the majority of trainees don’t fall in that category. To gain muscle, you must consume more calories than your body uses. If you do this correctly, the excess calories will be used to build muscle. Unfortunately, some of this new muscle will be accompanied by fat gain. This is NOT an endorsement to get fat (over 15% bf) but don’t expect to be super lean while in a gaining phase.

Genetics Play a Huge Role

Don’t you hate that guy that can eat McDonalds and pizza everyday and not gain a pound? Or that guy that barely touches a weight and seems to gain muscle quickly? That is genetics. Thanks Mom and Dad! Every individual has to play the hand he was dealt. If you have a high metabolism and can’t seem to gain muscle no matter what you do, you better start eating A LOT, everyday. If you seem to gain weight by just looking at a cheeseburger, you better cut back on the carbs, buddy! Your calves won’t grow? You need to train them almost every day.

YOU Need to Get Stronger

This is one of the bodybuilding tips for beginners that most trainees don’t understand. Bodybuilding is about looking good and building larger muscles. With this in mind, most newbies go to the gym and hit set after set with little regard for strength. Your muscles need a reason to get bigger. If you are constantly exposing your muscles to the same stimulus (weight), it has no reason to get bigger. If you are constantly trying to add weight to the bar, your muscles will need to grow in order to handle the extra weight. You don’t need to train like a powerlifter but your goal should be to handle more weight in a rep range conducive to building muscle.

These were a few bodybuilding tips for beginners. Many beginners keep making these same mistakes. Mistakes aren’t entirely bad because it is part of learning how your body responds to different things. Hopefully these tips will minimize the mistakes you make. Learn more bodybuilding tips for beginners on

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