Seven simplified tips to boost Metabolism

February 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by vijay jain

When trying to lose weight, one of the most effective things you can do to speed the process along is implement small changes in your routine that give a boost to your metabolism. This will magnify the results of your diet and exercise routines and help give you the confidence to keep going. Use the following seven simple strategies for how to lose weight fast, an instant metabolic lift:

1. Avoid eating within three hours of your usual bedtime – it is important to allow your body to digest before going to sleep; otherwise, you are likely to store away more calories as body fat since your system has no immediate need for the energy. Nighttime eating sabotages your metabolism, and if you choose just one recommendation from this list, this should be it.

2. Drink eight glasses of water a day – keeping well hydrated is key to maintaining an elevated metabolism. Without adequate fluids, you will become dehydrated and your metabolism will slow down, making fat loss naturally much more difficult. For an increased metabolic boost, drink hot water with lemon instead of cold water.

3. Take a brisk 30-minute walk or bike ride at least a few times every week. If you have a regular exercise routine in place, walk on your rest days. You should also incorporate weight training into your exercise regimen if you have not already, since this form of exercise has been shown to raise your metabolism for up to 24 hours following a workout.

4. Drink tea – green tea, black tea and white tea have all been shown to help increase metabolism. Avoid coffee and diet pills that contain a lot of caffeine – caffeine does boost metabolism, but the side effects are not worth it. Drinking too much caffeine can lead to dehydration, which depresses metabolism and outweighs any gains.

5. Spice up your food – chilies and other spices have been shown to boost metabolism, and can have other health benefits, as well.

6. Eat rasberries – some studies have suggested that they help raise metabolism (it is not known exactly how, but they taste good anyway, so you shouldn’t need too much evidence to be convinced), and they also contain a substance that triggers receptors in the brain to signal that you are full.

7. Resveratrol, which can be found in red wine or as a supplement, is a powerful antioxidant that has also been shown to help boost metabolism. This is a good method to lose weight fast.

Vijay wants to give you the tips on how to lose body fat naturally , which is not harmful for our body.

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HCG Diet Drops vs Jillian Michaels vs ProShapeRx.

February 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Marvin Wallace

If you are Serious about Reducing Excess Body Fat

Everyone by now has heard of the BMI, or Body Mass Index that is being utilized to gage the amount of body fat that you have and to give a range of what is healthy for you. Basically the BMI is a measurement of body weight that is based on your own weight and height. It doesn’t really actually measure the percentage of your body fat that you have, it is used as a guideline to estimate what your body weight should be based on your height. It has now become a very widely used and accepted practice to identify whether a person is overweight, or even underweight. It is nothing new — having been invested in the mid 1800’s but it has become increasing popular along with the wide range of health and diet aids that have hit the market over the last few decades.

There are lots of quick and easy online tools to access your own personal BMI, but basically it is a calculation of your current weight against your height. A ‘normal’ range of BMI is estimated to be between 18.5 and 24.9. A survey conducted in 1994 indicated that over 59% of American men and 49% of American women were over 25%. A 2007 survey now states that 63% of people are now over 25%. That is a startling statistic and certainly one that indicates that losing weight is more critical than ever as that trend needs to be reduced.

Scoring a BMI that is over 30 indicates that you are on the wrong track and that losing weight should be a primary focus to regain your health. But sometimes it can be daunting on where you can go to start to lose that weight and reduce your BMI. But luckily for you there have been teams of researchers and doctors who have been doing the homework for you and have now formulated a weight loss system that not only works, but is also comprised of 100% natural ingredients.


This weight loss system will help you not only lose weight but also reduce your body fat. You will start to notice immediate results even after only seven days. You will start to lose your cravings and the hunger pangs will soon be a thing of the past. Once you lose those two main deterrents to sticking to a healthier way of eating, your body fat will start to decrease significantly. Your BMI will start to decrease and that will help reduce other health factors associated with being overweight.

Just think of plugging your new weight into the BMI calculator and watching as you become closer to that goal number of 25. With the ProShape RX weight loss system, you will find it easier to stick to your goals and soon you will be at your ideal weight and your ideal BMI in no time. The ProShapeRX system is guaranteed to give you the results you need or your money back. In fact, for a limited time, you can have a free 30 day trial to get you started. So what do you have to lose except that excess weight? Order your free trial today and get started on that optimum BMI goal!

For more information, go to

HCG Diet Drops

Day 1-2During the first two days of your program, (while taking the HCG drops) we ask that you eat as you normally do, but please do not over eat. This is a very important step in the diet because it prepares the body for the weight reduction program. This also allows time for the HCG to get into your system thus cutting your appetite so that you may avoid the possibility of suffering from hunger. Make sure and take 25 drops (this will amount to 1/2 to 3/4 of a dropper) of the HCG liquid before each meal.

Day 3-15+Your weight loss protocol begins on day three. At this point you MUST follow the prescribed program without deviation. Eating more food than the plan allows, or consuming foods that are not allowed, will only cause an immediate weight gain. It is also important that you correct any deviations. Should deviations occur, you must return immediately to the stated diet plan. Make sure to continue taking 25 drops (this will amount to 1/2 to 3/4 of a dropper) of the HCG liquid before each meal.

Jillian Michaels Diet

Jillian has combined years of training experience with the weight-loss secrets from her success on NBC’s hit series The Biggest Loser to create her proven online program. This is your real solution to weight loss. Change your life by following Jillian’s triple-threat approach to success: self, science, and sweat.

Self: Learn how to change your behaviors to finally reach your goals.•Inspiration and advice from Jillian•Weight-Loss Buddies who share your goals•Message Boards for daily motivation•Calorie Calculator & Interactive Weight Tracker•Jillian’s 7 Steps to Behavioral Modification

Science: Eat right for your metabolism.•100s of metabolism-boosting recipes•Meal Plans and Menus for your body type•Special food guides to help you eat right•Customized info on your metabolic rate

Sweat: Train your body for serious weight loss•151 printable exercises you can do from home•Cardio workouts that you enjoy•Complete Muscle Manual•Fitness Advice Videos

So lets sum it all up

ProshapeRx takes a natural approach using natural ingredients.

HGC Diet Drops takes a medical approach.

Jillian Michaels takes the old fashioned approach.

And last but not least always consult with your doctor first.

My name is Marvin, Im a stay at home dad and I enjoy working from home and spending time with my family and friends. In my spare time I enjoy creative writing and posting articles about different topics. Thank you for reading my article.

Ten Ways To Boost Your Metabolism

February 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Emily Josephine

“How can I boost my metabolism?”

One of my friends asked me this question over lunch the other day. It’s a question I’ve heard echoed repeatedly by various people, online and off, over the past few years.

I have a couple problems with the question. First, what research shows works for many people, may not work for you. Second, most people who ask this question are hoping to get a “magic bullet” kind of answer: just do this one really easy thing, and your extra pounds will fall off like ice cream melting from a cone on a hot summer’s day.

But if you will read this article with the understanding that first, the answer is different for everyone and requires experimentation; and that second, boosting your metabolism will require sacrifice and work, then I am happy to share with you ten ways to boost metabolism.

1. Eat several small meals per day.

Dave Ramsey says that if you want to know how to be thin, ask a thin person. So take a hint from me: I eat three square meals a day consisting of three to four hundred calories each, along with a mid-morning snack and mid-afternoon snack consisting of three hundred calories each. (How many calories you consume depends on your size and activity level.)

DO NOT DEPRIVE YOURSELF OF FOOD. Eating every three to four hours actually keeps your metabolism going. As long as your body has something to process, it will keep the calories burning. But when you make yourself go hungry for even five hours, this can cause your body to instinctively go into survival mode and slow down its metabolism.

2. Exercise first thing in the morning.

Before you have even one bite of breakfast, do your daily exercise (yes, I said daily, not three times a week). Without any food in your system, your body has to burn the fat that is on your body, rather than the calories you just ate. Plus, your body gets revved up and keeps up a higher metabolism all day than if you had waited until later to exercise.

3. Do some kind of strength training three days per week.

Research shows that lifting weights or performing other kinds of strength training is better at boosting your metabolism, and keeps your metabolism going at a higher rate for a longer period of time than aerobic exercise.

4. Refrain from alcoholic and caffienated beverages.

Yes, coffee and black tea too. Sorry. I didn’t do the study. The only exception is green tea. Because of its chemical make-up, the caffeine in green tea does not slow down metabolism . Water should always be your drink of choice, followed by herbal teas and fresh green juices.

5. Take a maqui berry supplement.

People who drink the Be Young superfood juice Masaji have reported to constantly lose wieght. This would be because of the maqui berry it contains. This one superfood has been shown in studies to boost metaoblism and increase weight loss.

Plus Masaji will give you that burst of energy you’ve been using coffee for.

6. Get rid of processed foods.

I told you that learning how to boost your metabolism would take sacrifice. Processed foods often contain chemicals and “bad” fats that slow down metabolism. Learn how to eat a whole foods diet.

7. Eat at least twenty grams of saturated or monounsaturated fat every day.

Organic butter, virgin coconut oil, raw nuts and seeds, extra virgin olive oil…all of these fats actually stimulate the fat-burning hormone in your brain. Other kinds of fats, or low-fat diets, slow down the fat-burning process.

8. Move throughout the day.

Just because you did thirty minutes of exercise in the morning before breakfast doesn’t mean you can stay sedentary the rest of the day and expect great weight loss results. Get up and walk around, or at least stretch every thirty to sixty minutes throughout the day. Park a distance away from the store’s entry. Take the stairs. Etc.

9. Don’t eat before bed.

Be done eating your several small meals/snacks two hours before bedtime. If that’s impossible because of your schedule, make it at least one hour before bed. If your system has to spend the nighttime hours digesting food, the metabolism becomes sluggish.

10. Have some kind of protein with every meal or snack.

The protein in nuts and seeds counts, if you’re not the kind who wants to eat hard-boiled eggs, cheese and beef jerky all day long. But if you include some protein and cut back on the starch, your body’s metabolism gets a nice boost.

At least three or four of these ideas should work for you to answer your burning question, “How do I boost my metabolism?” Try them out today, and be sure to comment below to let me how these ideas worked for you.

Learn the principles of healthy living that the longest-lived and healthiest people on earth follow! It’s all at The Crunchy Coach blog.

Natural Metabolism Boosters

January 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

As we age our metabolism slows down. However some people naturally have a slower metabolism due to their genetic makeup. A slow metabolism can be the cause of extra weight gain or fat storage in the body. Metabolism is dependent on several factors not just genetics including age, gender, physical condition, fat and muscle in the body. In spite of this there are always ways to boost your metabolism at any point throughout your lifespan.

Metabolism is the amount of energy our bodies need to maintain proper body functioning on a daily basis. Our body is constantly burning calories to keep the heart pumping, brain firing, muscles contracting and every other function right down to the cellular level. The speed at which our body burns calories is our metabolic rate, which naturally changes throughout our life cycle.

When we are younger our body has a higher metabolic rate because of the rapid rate of growth and the energy and calories it needs to grow. In addition, men generally have a higher metabolic rate than women. If you take in more calories than your body uses throughout the day the calories are stored within the body, most often as fat. The more fat that gets stored the more weight you will gain and your metabolism will slow down. Fat uses less calories to maintain itself than muscle which justifies the decrease in metabolism of heavier individuals.

Other factors which contribute to a low metabolism include fasting or starving oneself, low calorie diet, snacking on high sugar foods such as candy, cola, gum or cakes, eating too much sugar, and a lack of physical activity.

Simple carbohydrates such as sugar use fewer calories for the body to break down than complex carbohydrates. Therefore eating junk food, candy, sweets and fatty foods require less energy from the body to digest it. All of the body’s functions even digestion requires energy. Therefore if you eat foods that have a higher nutritional value, the more calories will be burned to digest it. When you fast or starve yourself of food, you body tries to hold on to its fat stores because it doesn’t know when the next time it will get calories. The body slows the metabolism to slow the rate of calorie burn to save its energy. Lower levels of physical activity, means higher percentage of body fat. Fat only burns 2 calories per pound to maintain function in the body, compared to muscle, which burns 50 calories. Therefore less muscles within the body, lower metabolic rate. However, even if you have a slower metabolism, you can always increase it by making a change in your diet and daily lifestyle.

There are several ways to boost your metabolism. The best way is to start exercising. Daily exercise can boost your metabolism and keep your body burning calories for hours after you stopped exercising. The more weight that your body has to move during a workout the more calories it will burn. Try to include muscle-building exercises in your workout routine. Building muscle will reduce your fat and increase your metabolism tremendously. Avoid sugar and alcohol in your diet, which can easily be converted to fat. Eat foods that have a high nutritional value to increase calorie burning during digestion. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. Our bodies are primarily made up of water and therefore water is needed to maintain proper body functioning. Drinking different temperature water can increase metabolic rate because the body will need to burn calories to warm or cool the water once inside the body. In addition to changing your daily habits there are natural metabolism boosters that you can add to your diet.

Never skip your meals especially breakfast. When you skip meals your body thinks it is being starved and therefore drops your metabolism to store fat. By eating 5-6 small meals throughout your day you keep your metabolism at a higher rate by burning more calories. Small meals can include an apple, string cheese, yogurt, and a handful of almonds. Other additives that can boost your immune system include cayenne pepper, cinnamon, mustard, chili pepper, honey, garlic, apple cider vinegar and green tea. You can include these ingredients in your food preparation, take them individually or sprinkle them on top of your food to get an all natural boost to your metabolism. Also maintain your levels of vitamin B. The group of B vitamins are needed for many processes within the body and a deficiency can lead to depression, fatigue and disease. Taking vitamin B complex regularly can naturally boost your metabolism and keep your body healthy. In addition to drinking water throughout your day, green tea can have an added kick to your metabolic rate.


Graduated with a BA in exercise science and have worked in the medical field since. My focus is alternative medicine however all aspects of health interest me. Check out my health website! Everyday Health, Live your Life to the fullest!

Boost Your Metabolism Fast

January 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Eat frequently. Rather than having three big meals a day you should be aiming to get around five or six smaller meals. It is all about balance when eating to get lean. Also avoid eating right before you go to bed.

Drink more water. The more water you drink, the more fat you will burn. Researchers say that a cup of water burns off about eight calories of pure fat. It boosts your metabolism to the max and helps your body digest food. Water also keeps you hydrated through a tough workout on a hot summer day.

Have a cup of coffee. Despite anything you ever heard about coffee it is not a bad idea to have a cup in the morning or before you perform physical activity. Caffeine gives you that extra boost of energy to stay focused and burn more. Studies show that people who drank just a cup of coffee a day burnt more than those that did not.

Eat more protein.  By getting more protein in your diet you more boosting your metabolism to the max.

That is because calories from protein are burnt off much quicker than carbs or fat. On top of that you need to protein to build muscle mass.

Hit the weights. Working out more will greatly improve your fat loss results. Especially weight training because you build more muscle which promotes even more weight loss. Start off slow and go for a rep range of 12-15 to get toned up. Always have basics in your workout like push ups and sit ups as well.

If you want to learn about more fat loss tips click on this link. —> best fat loss program

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Metabolism Boosting Foods

January 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Do foods that increase metabolism speed really exist? I have been told that they do. Or is it just that these foods that boost metabolism which induce their influence by causing your metabolism to work harder not faster?

To start with, what are we comparing these metabolism boostingfoods against? Before you begin to suggest there are foods that increase metabolism, you need some sort of control foodsfor comparison.

In our rush-along, everyday lives, many of us consume pre-prepared processed foods so, for the sake of argument let’s use these as the control group to compare against our metabolism boosting foods.

Generally ready-to-eat meals are so refined they are quite easy for us to digest and for our metabolism to convert into energy. So, you could be forgiven for thinking, surely that’s no bad thing? Well no, not really. As everyone knows, processed foods are anything but good for us because they are loaded with salt, fat, refined sugar – you name it and it’s more than likely it’s in your preferred processed food.

Let’s not kid ourselves, our bodies evolved to metabolize and digest foods as nature intended so it is obvious that there are going to be complications when we change that natural state too much. Consequently, all these negative side effects from processed foods induce problems for our [metabolic system|metabolism}. With our bodies clogged up with fats and toxins, our digestions barely manage to cope, and the effect is our metabolism appears to slow down.

So, conversely, it would seem to be true to say that near enough any non-processed food (i.e. natural food) would speed up your metabolism! Indeed, that does seem to be not far short of the truth. After extensive research into foods that speed up metabolism, it appears there is one common denominator throughout all of them. That is, quite simply, that they are in their natural state.

Rather than list them one by one, I have divided them into three simple groups to show foods that make metabolism faster.

Fruits and Vegetables.

Supporters of Vegetarian and Raw Food diets will vouch for this I am sure – because they comprise fibre and complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables take more energy to digest than processed foods. This energy comes from metabolism which works faster to cope.

Lean Proteins.

Turkey & Chicken and fish are the greatest source of lean protein as they are naturally with less fat than red meats. Research has indictaed that protein helps speed up metabolic rate because just like fibre it is less easily digested and therefore consumes more energy to digest.

Hot Spices

Cayenne Pepper and Chillies have been shown to temporarily speed up metabolism for around 3 hours because they have thermagenic properties which cause your body to heat up (remember how you break into a sweat if you eat hot chillies?) after consumption by stimulating your body to secrete extra stress hormones which speed up your heart rate and, consequently, your metabolism.

On this evidence it appears to me that although the thermagenic foods actually do make your metabolism work faster, generally foods that ‘speed up’ your metabolism do not so much quicken things as cause your metabolism to work harder to produce the end product.

Ultimately I suppose it doesn’t matter if our metabolism speeds up or works harder. The end result is that extra calories are burnt to carry out the process of metabolising these foods, so there is less waste energy to be turned into fat.

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Foods That Boost Metabolism

January 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Kevin Michaels

Simply stated, metabolism is the process in which our bodies burn calories at rest. The human body expends energy (the burning of calories) for the process of digestion, breathing, blood circulation, the regulation of body temperature, and detoxification.

Foods the boost metabolism are high in fiber, lower in calories, and are nutrient dense. These foods are also known as whole foods and they are: fruits and vegetables. whole grains, lean meats, poultry, fish, and low fat dairy. Due to the higher fiber content in these foods, the human body takes longer to digest them, thus burning more calories, and your appetite is suppressed longer. Another benefit is the higher nutritional value.

Green tea helps to detoxify the body and is a power house of antioxidants that remove free radicals that can lead to dis-ease thereby improving the immune system. There are studies that show the compound EGCG found in green tea can increase the body’s metabolic rate.

Fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, and fish oil supplements, increase the levels of fat burning enzymes and decrease the levels of fat storing enzymes. They also help with lower blood pressure, lower LDL (bad cholesterol), and raise HDL (good cholesterol).

Proteins help build muscle, and more muscle mass helps to improve metabolism. Weight training, resistance and strenght training help build muscle.

Water is important in a higher protein diet. A diet rich in protein can stress the kidneys, therefore, an increase in water consumption is needed.

Always eat breakfast. Your body’s metabolism has slowed down during the night. To rev up your metabolism you must break the fast by eating a healthy breakfast.

Eating whole foods that boost your metabolism will not increase your metabolism alone. You also need to incorporate exercise, weight or resistance training, and get adequate sleep into your lifestyle.

If you liked this article and would like more information and a free mini-course, please click here!

Kevin Michaels is the publisher of Nature’s Wisdom blog. Check out his blog at:

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Know The Fastest Way To Burn Fat Weight Loss Tips

January 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Jeramey Thompson

Burning off fat is neither easy nor fast, but you can definitely do things that could help boost up your metabolism to burn more calories. It is found that with age our body’s metabolism slows down and we tend to lose about half a pound of muscles each year and if the muscle is not used it could lead to formation of fats as fewer calories are burnt. It is true that there is no fastest way to burn fat, but you have to use ways to burn calories, with about losing 1 pound of fat requiring burning of 3500 calories. However there are various ways that you can burn more calories and lose fat.

Running proves to be one the fastest way to burn fat, with exercise helping as the best way to burn fat effectively and quickly. Doing aerobic exercises and strength training helps, with the general fastest way to burn fat being those that involve more intensity. It is true that rock climbing, biking, step aerobics, swimming and running could give the best result and bring about improvement in overall health. I would say the best results could be expected with doing aerobic and strength training exercises on alternate days.

I would never agree with people that told me that not having a breakfast would help, for our metabolism slows down as we sleep and breakfast helps to speed it up with the digestion of food. Taking a breakfast of 300 to 400 calories that has high fiber preferably a cereal with skimmed milk and fruit proves to also be the fastest way to burn fat, as fiber has always proved useful in fat and weight loss programs.

It is again worth noting that having protein at each meal could also prove to the fastest way to burn fat as it speeds up the metabolism, with the digestive system using more energy to break proteins down. So this could help burn more calories, with taking about 20 to 30 percent of the diet as protein helping to burn fat. However this percentage should not be increased as it could lead to strain on the kidney and storing of fats.

Consuming green tea proves to be not only useful to fight cancer, but it can also prove to be the fastest way to burn fat for some. People that take green-tea extract 3 times a day found that their metabolism increased by about 4%, meaning you burnt about 60 more calories in a day that amounted to about 6 pounds in a year. The catechins in green tea helped to increase the metabolic speeding chemical, norepinephrine in the brain.

It is strange, but true that one fastest way to burn fat is by what is known as thermo genesis. It is found that people burn fats especially in the winter months in extreme cold climates by simply going out in the cold air. This could be also done with taking a shower with very cold water, as much as one can stand. The process of the body trying to warm itself with thermo genesis will aid your losing calories and fats for hours. The similar effect could be got with drinking very cold water.

That’s to the fastest way to each one finding one method superior to all the others.

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Ways to Boost Metabolism to Lose Weight – Doing Two Things at the Same Time

December 30, 2011 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Sally H

Let me show you how I lost 45 Pounds with a easy Weight Loss system in as little as 2 months. Click here now!

If you have experienced trying to lose weight previously then you have already familiarized your self with the various barrier that prevents you from achieving your goal of losing weight. Your plans may be blocked by temptation of eating junk foods; inability to resolve emotional issues, the program became routine, inability to be consistent and probably even genetics. But, you have to remember one basic thing in losing weight and it is metabolism. Metabolism has a lot to do with losing weight.

So, how do you boost your metabolism in order for you to lose weight?

Eating Breakfast

Skipping breakfast just because you want to lose weight is a big no-no. This is because eating breakfast is one of the ways that you can actually boost your metabolism. If you skip breakfast while you are trying to lose weight will not help since your body’s reaction would be to save up fat for future use and not burn them.

Increase in Protein

Your diet must be rich in protein because this will help you so much in building muscles and will heighten the speed of your metabolism, which in turn will make you burn more fats in the process. Since, protein is the hardest element to burn, your bodies will double the effort in order to burn it and in turn this response will make your body burn more calories during the process.

There are still other ways that you can boost your metabolism in order to lose weight. But, these two major things mentioned are a good way to start.

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How to Boost Metabolism

December 23, 2011 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Alex Bjorkin

Increasing Metabolism

With each passing year, our culture becomes increasingly over weight or obese. The concern for weight related medical problems has never been greater. Many people are looking for approaches to loose weight and become more physically fit.

Improving your metabolism is one evident way to lose weight, and many people do this with exercise. Working out is a successful strategy to help boost your metabolism since it makes your heart work harder and thus boosts blood flow. Additionally, it can give you more energy and stamina and also improve your mood.

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism is the level at which calories in your system are burned and ultimately decides how rapidly weight is gathered and dropped by the body. Metabolism and metabolic rate are largely caused by genes, although fitness experts think that regular exercise raises metabolism by about 10-20 percent.


Exercise is among the greatest options to help you improve your metabolism. Physical exercise helps to cut down unwanted fat and increase the quantity of lean tissue in the body, which is great because muscle mass or lean tissue, is much more “metabolically active” than fat. Exercises must be varied to keep things intriguing and give your muscles a more unique workout.

Aerobic exercise, which could even be just taking a short stroll, will slowly build up a higher metabolism, in addition to increasing all around wellness. Exercise has many advantageous benefits but concerning weight reduction, one of the major advantages is that lean muscle mass is increased therefore increasing your base metabolism or metabolic rate. You should also eat the right food while exercising. Adequate protein intake is important in boosting metabolism.

Weight Loss

Many of the more well known plans for slimming down entail severe calorie restriction and cutting carbs. However, starvation only works in drastically slowing the metabolism, thereby preventing weight loss or even promoting weight gain. Feelings of tiredness, nervousness, frustration and head pain are very common side effects of food depravation. To boost your metabolic rate while experiencing rapid long-lasting fat reduction, you must also focus on properly hydrating your body, maintain good eating and dietary habits, and a reasonable level of fitness.

Organic Herbs to Boost Your Metabolism

For those who struggle with losing weight, an herbal supplement may be the answer to boost metabolism and attain that desired body weight objective. Guarana is the herbal equivalent of caffeine and is also used in weight loss supplements due to its stimulating qualities. Bitter Orange is successful in increasing your metabolism and also behaves as a thermogenic (heat producing) weight reduction supplement. Coconut oil is yet another organic way to boost your metabolism. It can be utilized as a substitute for margarine or cooking oil.


Most health and fitness experts in recent years have concluded the easiest method to increase metabolism is by adding muscle via strength training, such as weight lifting. The best program consists of weight training and aerobics ideally on different days. Because muscle tissue is denser than fat tissue, it takes more fuel (calories) to maintain the same weight. So with the addition of lean muscle mass, you naturally increase your base metabolism.

After some practice and commitment, you can manage your weight rather than it controlling you. You can take control of your body’s engine and burn those calories at the speed you select.

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