Chest Exercises For Beginning Bodybuilders
June 6, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
The chest area is one of the easist muscle groups for beginning bodybuilders to strengthen and develop. It consists of a large muscle (pectoralis major) to either side of the breastbone and a smaller muscle (pectoralis minor) underneath. The pecs are relatively easy to develop in the early stages simply because they can be trained intensively although care needs to be taken to work them from different angles to ensure full development.
For beginners, three safe but effective exercises are recommended:
1. Incline dumbbell press – 3 sets of 10-15 reps. When you feel comfortable with the mechanics involved in this exercise you can move on to using a barbell instead, remembering to maintain proper form.
2. Incline dumbbell flyes – 3 sets of 10-15 reps. Done properly, this exercise is good for inner and outer pecs.
3. Push-ups – 3 sets of 10-15 reps.
Keep your body straight from head to knees and lower your body until your arms form right angles. Done properly, the old fashioned push-up still offers benefits to the chest muscles.
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As with all exercises you need to take care in scheduling specific body parts. To begin with you should incorporate your chest exercises into a program similar to the one suggested below:
Day 1: Biceps, Back, Abs
Day 2: Hamstrings, Shoulders, Abs
Day 3: Quads, Forearms, Calves
Day 4: Triceps, Chest, Abs
For the first couple of weeks complete one set but then add one set each week to a maximum of three. At the end of three months you will be ready to move on to more intensive intermediate level exercises.
Oli works full time as a Market Analyst.He graduated in Management.He can help you to grow your computer consulting. For more on teaching and education, be sure to check out the website. Involved in FREE advertisement for all kind of online businesses. Everyone needs business exposure. There’s FREE advertising gift for your business.
Upper Chest Workout
June 3, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
While you’re just getting started, a full body workout is highly recommended rather than jumping right into, and targeting more, specific muscle groups. You can do that later, once your full body workout has helped in pinpointing your weaknesses. And if, in this case, your chest is the part that needs the most improvement, here’s an upper chest workout that’ll do the trick for you.
Remember that when doing a full body workout, be sure to do chest exercises first before building up your triceps and shoulders. Saving the chest for last is not advisable as your triceps and shoulders will be tired by then and the chest’s workout will be compromised. Once you’re more advanced, you may set aside one day a week specially for your chest routine alone. Monday is preferable as you’re just coming out of a weekend-long break. Or any day will do, as long as you’ve had two days of rest beforehand.
The ubiquitous bench press is still the best exercise there is for working the chest muscles.
Whether done on a flat bench or an incline, or using a bar or a pair of dumbbells, a good and correctly done bench press works the chest, as well as the shoulders.
Try doing an incline (45 degrees) bench or dumbbell press. Do 12 reps. That’s one set. Do four sets, decreasing the number of reps by two each time. So for the second set, do 10 reps. For the third set, do 8, and so on.
Next, do incline dumbbell flyes at 10 reps for the first set and 8 reps for the second.
And there you have it-your upper chest workout.
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Home chest exercises without weights
May 31, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
A myriad of people are convinced that weightlifting and body building exercise should be the only two effective techniques for carpet cleaning working on your pectoral muscles, or perhaps in general, working with a muscular upper body. Well, that isn’t the actual truth. There are several exercises and workout routines, not involving weights, which will make in building muscle. Here, we intend to give thought to a chest workout without weights. In this article information on chest exercises without weights will in working on your chest muscles and toning your pectorals.
Probably The Most Chest Exercises Without Weights
Let us take a think about a diverse set of exercises, as a direct result which you’ll exercise both, your upper chest, including your lower chest. Below are some upper chest exercises without weights.
Push Ups
It’s really a well-known undeniable fact that push ups help the development and toning of not just your shoulder muscles, as well as your chest.
Push ups can be executed the majority of ways:
Push ups against a kitchen countertop
Push ups on knees
Push ups on toes
Push ups by using a medicine ball, etc.
In the first type case, available use of a wall or perhaps a kitchen countertop for performing push ups. It is an ideal exercise for beginners to judge potency and efficacy levels and their stamina. Start with a bouquet of 12 push ups, and gradually improve the overall count each day. If you are at ease with this type, you’ll be able to progress in regards towards the next one, i.e. push ups on knees. Here, you rest your knees on to the floor, and perform push ups parallel down. Type 3, i.e. push ups on toes, is one of common way of performing push ups. Just as before, perform this variant held in a set of 12 repetitions, and gradually improve the overall count as your stamina builds up. The very last type involves performing push ups while resting your own feet on a medicine ball, together with your palms on to the floor. In this type of position, the human body should approximately make an angle of 45 degrees essentially the most floor. Now you have an advanced level position, and a second which requires a good massive number of shoulder strength. You should attempt it only when you finally gain a certain massive number of expertise aided by the earlier push up types.
Pull Ups
Pull ups can be an excellent way of working on your lats, i.e. lateral chest muscles (or wings, because they are popularly referred to by men). In relation to exercise equipment, all that you will should get is a standard pull up bar. This is one way to build up a pull up bar. Pull ups too, can be executed in a way, including the inward palms position, the outward palms position, kipping pull ups, close grip pull ups, wide grip pull ups, etc. Without getting yourself into the nitty-gritty of each and every type (I’m sure you can actually google that for your own benefit!), permit me to give an explanation for a wide variety of that pull ups have to give. Basically, pull ups are probably the best exercises when considering overall muscle mass building. They as well as work on your own chest, lats and shoulders, but in addition on your own abs and back muscles. As well as setting up a V-shaped torso, in addition they help out with providing a good a higher level strength and stability to your personal entire upper body.
Swimming is a superb way of exercising your entire body, not just your chest. Anyway, in as much as chest exercises without weights in order to, a good swim workout exercises both, your upper chest, together with your lower chest muscles. Ideally, a good 30 minute swim, 3 to 4 times a week, is far more than sufficient in order to your chest muscles a good workout. In order to create your swim workout even much more effective, try alternating between different swimming strokes, so you come across yourself exercising every one of the groups of muscles.
With a bit of upper chest exercises without weights, give consideration to lower chest exercises without weights.
Resistance Band Exercises
That you’re performing these exercises, to obtain the a level of quality resistance band. Basically, resistance band chest work outs are not like chest exercises which will make use of weights. The truth is, the exercise continues to be same; all those things ? changes is considered the equipment, i.e. you replace weights by having a resistance band. Various resistance band chest exercises which perform are:
Resistance band chest press
Resistance band push ups
Arm punch
Resistance band flat bench press
Standing fly
Chair Dips
This really is really need to way of working your chest muscles. You just need 2 strong, high-backed wooden chairs. Back up for sale in this manner that their backs face the other person, in addition to the distance bewteen barefoot and shoes is slightly in excess of your shoulder width. You ought to stand back and forth chairs, grip the tops of each one all around the chair backs with either hand, bend your legs inside of the knees, and perform chair dips, i.e. lower yourself slightly in direction of ground, hold, and get back to the very first position. It’s really a tough exercise, and the other which is going to need a few days of practice (and persistence!) to make their own.
Yoga comes with a plethora of health and wellness, One must be strengthening the chest muscles. Certain yoga exercises and asanas like the Bhujangasana i.e. Cobra pose, or even the Surya Namaskara (Sun salutation exercise), can be extremely useful in exercising and toning your chest muscles (as well as your entire upper body and back).
For more on chest workout without weights check out the arm exercises without weights community.
More Chest Exercises For Men Without Weights Articles
Best Chest Workout For Men
May 28, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
The pectoralis primary may very well be the largest muscle group within the higher body. The chest muscles are large slabs unfold across the higher torso, so the ideal best chest workout for men is achieved by operating with heavy weights in several workout routines that focus about the higher, decrease, inner and outer pecs.
The pecs are “pushing” muscles that tie in closely with your arms and shoulders. Whenever you operate your upper entire body, your triceps and deltoids also get some do the job. The size, spread and depth of one’s pecs is directly related on the weights applied in your training regimen.
Ideal Upper body Work out for Guys.
Bench Press – When the upper physique might be the topic of conversation and evaluation, the bench press would be the very first considered. This work out may possibly maybe be executed within a selection of methods and by using exclusive benches, grips, angles and weights.
The Olympic bar commonly employed plus the plates are the only commonalities inside the varieties of bench presses.
A wide-grip within the bar even though doing work with a flat bench may possibly be the fundamental bench press.
The broad grip will put far more exertion throughout the outer pecs. Regardless of whether or not the bar is decreased for the neck or on the higher system will figure out regardless of whether the upper or center together with the pecs is worked.
From the event the bar is decreased to the center of your upper body and the elbows are kept inside lifter’s sides, the triceps are involved in moving the weights. When the bar is reduced to your neck and the elbows are splayed widely, the frontal deltoids are used together with the pecs.
The bench press may possibly perhaps be executed on an incline board along with all the bar decreased to your neck. This will exercise the higher pecs. When executed around the decline board, the decrease pecs are worked.
Parallel Bar Dips – These are incredibly outstanding for functioning the inner and higher pecs when the lifter’s hands are at shoulder width. Placed wider, the outer pecs and delt-pec tie-in are involved.
Dumbbell Exercises for a Upper body Exercising – Dumbbells may perhaps perhaps be applied for a number of bench perform outs that closely approximate the Olympic bar lifts. They might maybe also be employed to perform flies on a flat, incline or decline bench. These are excellent for stretching the pecs and ripping them up.
Cable-And-Pulley Machine – This device is great for upper body finishing workout routines like the two-handed crunch, where the physical workout begins with arms spread vast and then the handles are brought together in front of your upper body, by using the arms slightly bent in the elbow.
Bent-Arm-Pullover – This move is performed on a flat bench with all of the excess weight to your floor. The lifter assumes a supine position and reaches back over his head for the barbell. Keeping his arms bent, the body weight is brought for the chest inside a circular motion.
A compound exercise is carried out in the event the weight is then pressed from the chest as a close-grip bench press. The return is back in the direction of the chest after which diminished for the floor within the circular motion.
The best chest workout for men is to start utilizing the heavier pounds workout routines (bench press) and move “down the ladder” by means with the barbell do the job outs in the direction of the dumbbells and finally in the direction of the body weight resistance physical workouts to finish off the pecs.
For more articles I have written to help you get the body you have always desired check out my website at Muscle-Building-Formula.comClick Here for the #1 Chest Workout for Men
Best Chest Workout for Mass
May 21, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
4 Effective Workout routines For your Upper
For many upper chest are the most toughest to develop. These people find it much easier to develop the center and lower pectoral muscles, however very much difficulty in building upper chest. At this point I will demonstrate several powerful upper pec workout routines. These aren’t anything new and invented by me. These are a few of the highly effective basic exercises to develop a massive upper pec.
1. Incline Weights Bench Press Exercise
Incline barbell bench press exercise builds mass and power in the upper pectorals. Bench press is probably the key compound exercise for that torso. This also generates mass and strength for your chest area, shoulder muscles and triceps.To perform upper barbell bench press, rest upon an incline bench. Grasp the bar by using a medium wide hold.
Pick up the bar and carry it at arms length over you. Bring down the bar in your upper pecs, stop for a moment and press to the
starting position.
2. Incline Dumbbell Press
Incline dumbbell presses are done in a similar manner as of incline barbell bench press exercise. However the distinction is that you’re utilizing dumbbells as the name implies, instead of barbells. Get two weight loads in each hands and lay back on an incline bench. Support the dumbbells at shoulder height palms facing onward. Lift them simultaneously directly over head, then lower them back to the starting posture. Some individuals, particularly smaller guys believe it is much more beneficial to do dumbbell press, as it gives a larger range of motion.
3. Incline Dumbbell Fly’s
Incline dumbbell fly’s is one of my favourite chest muscles workouts. It may help to build up mass within the upper pectorals.To complete incline dumbbell fly’s, lay on an incline bench grasping dumbbells at arm’s length over you with palms facing one another. Bring down the weight load out and down to either side in the wide arc as far as you are able to, feeling maximum stretch in the pectoral muscles. Throughout the movement, the hands must face one another.
4. Incline Bench Cable Crossovers
Incline bench cable crossovers build upper and inner pectoral muscle tissue. Lay in an incline bench in between two floor-level pulleys. Get the grips in each hand and carry the hands jointly at arm’s length on top of you with hands facing each other. Moderately bent your arms and lower your hands out to each side in a broad arc till the pectorals are fully extended. Take your arms back towards the starting up position, passing through exactly the same sweeping arc.
We put together the Best Chest Workout for Mass review site fo those that want to learn different styles of Chest Workouts for Men.
How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast For Women At Home
May 12, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Article by Wendy Jane
Despite their endearing name, love handles aren’t usually a much loved part of the body. The additional fat deposited on the belly, above the hips are informally called love handles. Men might also develop love handles, but it is the curvaceous shape of women’s body that make it more noticeable in women.
These 2 general methods may help you to rid of the love handles around your waist:
Adjust your diet plan. The focus should not be on eating less, but on eating the right amount. The market is full of foods which are packaged in an enticing way, opening the path to take food that’s low on nutritional value but high on fats and calories. Make yourself conscious of this kind of foods. Before you decide to eat anything read the nutritional details printed on the labels. Try substituting your regular packaged snacked food items with natural or organic alternatives like apple chips rather than potato chips, slices of fruit rather than cake and frozen fruit juice popsicles rather than ice cream. For those determined to make a change, employing a nutritionist could be of big help. Although you might find it a hard task to adjust your diet in the beginning, but you need to begin it anyhow. And, the surprise may be just round the corner when you find yourself feeling and looking good.
Do a little bit of workout. Normally, crunches are best for targeting the mid section, but when it comes to love handles they are not effective. As love handles are situated at the side of the mid-section, also called the obliques, crunches don’t target them and also they should. Your exercise for targeting the love handles could be turned into fun by grabbing a mid-sized ball and a friend. Both you and your friend must sit back to back, straightening your legs to the front. The ball is then held to the chest with both of your hands, and then it is passed to the friend by twisting your torso right. Ask your friend to do exactly the same thing as you get the ball from her from your left. Continue to do this at moderate speed for about 3 minutes then begin again on your other side.
Determination and discipline are the two primary factors that will help you to focus on any part of your body. You aren’t going to achieve any physical or mental results using half-hearted efforts and excuses, but to attain the tapered waist you would require to work hard with total dedication.

Push Up On Knees | Chest Exercise Woman / Female breast firming
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Exercises For Your Lower Abs – Reach Your Goal Today!
April 30, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Article by Douglas Pullins
Finding the right exercises for your lower abs is a frequent goal among people these days. Our abs really distinguish us as a person who is serious about their fitness and health. People with abs are usually seen as the “ripped” guy or girl, and believe it right now that people want to be noticed as that person who is “ripped.”
So if we’re focused on finding exercises for our abs, more specifically exercises for the lower abs, lets find the right exercise to get us to the goal we want.
The Vertical Leg Crunch
This exercise is phenomenal for working out your lower abs. If you’re going to perform this exercise anytime soon first you should know what you’ll need to do to perform this exercise effectively. While performing the Vertical Leg Crunch, make sure that you keep your legs straight as they’re up in the air. Keep them in a fixed position throughout the entire workout if you want to get the results you want.
The Vertical Leg Crunch is a different version of the Basic Crunch. This exercise will ensure that your lower back is always pressed against the floor. This is a fantastic variation of the Basic Crunch because when you’re doing regular crunches you’ll have a tendency to raise your lower back off the floor.
This is most definitely one of the best exercises for your lower abs, and you have an ab routine you should definitely incorporate this exercise into it.
To Begin this exercise the first step is to lie flat on your back with your legs extended straight up in the air. Your back and legs should form a 90 degree angle as you lie flat on the floor. Next thing you do is place your hands behind your head, and slowly raise your head so that it is slightly off the floor. Raise your shoulders and upper back to start the movement. Be sure to contract your abs and raise up until your shoulder blades leave the floor.
Helpful Tips For this Exercise & Staying Fit-
Do not tuck in your chin toward your chest when you begin the movement in The Vertical Leg Crunch.
Avoid high sodium foods
If you’re a coffee person, be sure to have 1 or 2 cups before you workout. Doing this helps to boost your metabolism and burn fat throughout your workout. Even though this helps, make sure you drink plenty of water as you do the workout.
Enjoy the websites above. They are really helpful to obtaining the abs you want and getting in the shape that you want!
Finding the right exercises for your lower abs is a frequent goal among people these days. Our abs really distinguish us as a person who is serious about their fitness and health. People with abs are usually seen as the “ripped” guy or girl, and believe it right now that people want to be noticed as that person who is “ripped.”
Remove the Myths From Your Chest Workout: There are so many home chest workouts to pick from but unfortunately, there are just as many myths and poor chest exercises choices found in them. Perhaps there is no greater chest workout myth than the value of the chest fly or pec fly exercise. People will rely on this chest exercise as a staple of their chest workout but in doing so…are making a big mistake. The problem with the dumbbell fly is that it is supposed to give you an advantage of normal bench presses and pushups for developing your chest by incorporating an extra stretch on your pecs. In reality, the only muscle that you’re stretching is your coracobrachialis and NOT your pectoralis muscle, making this point a moot one. At the same time, this chest workout myth serves to push you in the direction of performing an exercise that is actually quick to compromise the health of your shoulder joint and leave you with a chest muscle injury. Stop doing exercises that either don’t work or put you at risk for injury. Instead, put the science back in your strength training routine with The ATHLEAN-X Training System. Get celebrity pro athlete trainer Jeff Cavaliere’s 90 day workout plan at http and see how training like a pro athlete can have you looking like one not too long from now.
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Top Chest Exercises for Developing Full Muscular Pecs
April 26, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Article by Brendan Matthews
It may be every guy’s dream to have a superior physique, but it seldom happens just by dreaming. One has to work at building up the chest muscles through the appropriate chest exercises. Start by understanding the anatomy and functions of the body before choosing the right exercises for building up the desired body areas.
Chest Anatomy
The chest is made up of major and minor pectoral muscles called pectoralis.
The pectoralis minor muscles are smaller and placed beneath the major pectoral which makes them less observable. These muscles are attached to the mid ribs, coracoids and scapula to allow the shoulders to move forward. The pectoralis major muscles are bigger and more pronounced at the humerus bone near your shoulder and fan out to different areas of the breastbone right at your chest center.
The primary function of the pectoralis major muscles is to allow the upper arms to cross over the body front, just like what bodybuilders do in a chest pose.
Best Chest Exercises
Once you understand the anatomy of the body, you can check out the appropriate exercises to build up the chest muscles.
Bench Press
Bench presses are a favorite with the guys as they want to build up their chest muscles too. The bench press works best on the chest with the pressing and strengthening of the upper body. You can use accessories with the bench press such as grips, bench angles, dumbbells or elbow tights.
A typical exercise routine includes sitting on a flat bench with a barbell in each hand. Take a medium width grip with the elbows tucked in as a safety precaution before lowering the bar to the lower chest.
Not only are the pectoralis worked on, the shoulder as well as the triceps are worked on too. Alternatively, you can use an inclined bench with dumbbells as an added stress on the shoulders to work them.
Parallel Bars
Bar dips can work the chest muscles and triceps. The dips can be used together with dumbbells to cross your arms over your body to firm up the chest muscles.
Cable crossovers
Stand at the dual cable device holding the machine handles with your spread out arms. Bring the handles in to the chest front with a slight bend at the elbows. This is a good exercise choice to end your workout regimen as it is a light weight exercise.
Dumbbell Pullover
Lie flat on the bench with hands holding dumbbells above your head. Then reach backwards behind your head with arms slightly bent. There are many variations of exercises that you can try out to develop your chest fully and to increase your opportunity to be attractive. Be sure to choose a proper workout regimen for developing your chest.
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Chest Exercises For Men
April 23, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Of all of the different muscles that are worked out at the gym regularly, the chest is probably the one that most men spend the majority of time working on. The unfortunate thing is, many of them are working it in such a way that they see some results but not the amount of results that they could see if they worked properly.
Many guys waste tons of time in the gym lifting in ways that are not the most effective for getting a good looking chest. If you want a chest that is strong and, more importantly, looks strong you have to switch up your workout. Stop doing the bench press with the bar every time you workout your chest. If you have man boobs or if you have no chest at all you can benefit from these exercises.
So, what chest exercises for men are there? Well, if you are one of the people who had never been to the gym before, one exercise you must know of is chest push ups.
Besides adding strength to your chest, this exercise will stimulate a small muscle called serratus anterior, which is the part responsible for the movement of your shoulder blades.
Chest Exercises For Men can be done with very basic equipment, for example could it be a set of barbells and a bench. While lying down on the bench lower the barbells to within 3 inches of your chest, just a tad below the Adam’s apple, and then lift it up and place it on the rack. As you are getting stronger you can gradually increase the weight
Dips are an awesome, but often neglected, exercise. You don’t need fancy equipment to perform dips (you can improvise with a couple of chairs), but, like the overhead press, you aren’t directly targeting your chest, so your gains will be minimized if you only do this movement.
To do a pseudo planche pushup, get in a regular pushup position with your elbows locked at the top of the movement. Now, lean your body forwards so you hands are now closer to being beneath your hips, as opposed to beneath your shoulders. Your elbows should still be locked in this position.
Dumbbell Flyes: Make sure you don’t lock your elbows when you do these. Really concentrate on flexing the chest to the top of movement for maximum effect. Concentrate on doing the movement slowly at first then work on adding heavy weights slowly.
Begin to place a small books under one arm and perform push-ups. Then place books under other hand and exercise other side. Develop your push-ups to the level where you can make a push up with one hand on at least nine inch high support.
The weight of the bar can be adjusted by adding or removing plates from the bar. It is always a good idea to have someone spotting when using a bench press because the weight can cause injury if the user is unable to lift it from his chest.
Although these chest exercises are great, you want to make sure you’re switching it up and increasing your intensity regularly. If you don’t progress, you won’t make gains. It’s as simple as that.
Keep a high protein diet with at least 1 to 1.5 times your body weight in grams of protein. If you are looking to build muscle you should think about keeping a calorie surplus.
There are various exercises that you can do to improve the muscles in your chest. You just need to make sure that you will choose the one which will be appropriate for you. Always remember that each exercise has its own specialty. Learn to do exercises that can help you improve the body part that you want to look good.
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Top 5 Exercises To Build Neck Muscles
April 18, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Article by Balu Muscle
There are several reasons why people want to build neck muscles; you will look taller, you will look great in your outfit and it gives a feeling of strength and health to the public.
A lot of fighters work on their neck because studies have shown that having strong neck muscles will make it harder to get knocked out and I guess every fighter want to avoid that.
Exercises for your neck