Location Matter With Outdoor Fitness Training
April 12, 2012 by admin
Filed under Circuit Training
Article by Alyssa Amato
There is so much buzz about getting outside to train now for the fresh air, the extra sun, water views, training variety and so on. When most people head outside to do some personal training or outdoor group training they are often going off a recommendation from a friend or making a decision based on price and availability. Have you stopped to consider how good the Outdoor Training location is?
Having a good outdoor fitness training location is paramount and should be a major consideration. Most businesses want more business and hence pick a spot that is very prominent, close to pedestrian or vehicle traffic. They want maximum exposure as most outdoor businesses do not have a physical shop front. If they do this they may be sacrificing training conditions such as lighting, training surfaces, toilet facilities, drinking taps, wet weather options, shade and protection from the elements.
A good training location should have the following:
• Good lighting for day and night • Hard and soft surfaces • All weather training areas for summer and winter • An indoor wet weather venue for if it is storming • An undercover area if there are light showers • Enough space for static training, circuits, games etc • Fresh air, away from traffic • Client safety (dogs stalkers, traffic) • Good distance from housing • Toilets • Drink Tap • Car parking • Hills or stairs close by • Logs and steps • Benches • Brick walls • Chin-up or monkey bars • Soft sand • Close to running tracks • A pool or water body of sorts
Imagine the difference it can make to your safety, training results and comfort if your trainer has all of this going for him instead of being on a tiny strip of grass that is uneven, sloping, poorly lit and in full public view. In the Manly area there are many trainers on the beach front grass strip that miss some really important criteria, in hope of picking up some new business.
Your total training experience is a vital link to successful goals. If you can’t train due to weather or cancellations then you aren’t consistently moving forward to achieving your goals. If you aren’t achieving your goals quick enough or seeing significant progress then frustration will set in. It has been my experience that if someone doesn’t start to feel the benefits of an improvement in their health and fitness prior to reaching their frustration point or some other significant distraction that they lose sight of their goals, believe that they can’t do it or simply go back to enjoying comforts.
If you have a training location with all the good elements in the list as well as an Outdoor Trainer, great training variety, and supportive friends then you are going to have a great time. Some nice to haves are things like a local cafe close by that you can go to with friends for breakfast afterward. It is good for the outdoor fitness training business to have strong links with local businesses, schools, and charity organizations so that there is member growth that will eventuate in great class variety and energy in the group. Start today at
To know more about Outdoor Trainer OR Corporate Fitness, please visit website.
MMA Conditioning Training Workouts Tips
April 7, 2012 by admin
Filed under Circuit Training
Article by Terry Sandhu
A significant part of of MMA training needs to be focused on MMA conditioning training workouts.
You may have all the methodology on the planet, however , if you do not possess the bodily conditioning along with the aerobic capacity to last a fight, all your other martial arts training will have been in vain.
Your mma training workouts for conditioning needs to focus on two major areas|There are 2 main aspects that you ought to look at when it comes to martial arts conditioning. The first is your aerobic conditioning. The second is the conditioning of the muscular areas.
In a mixed martial arts competition, your opponent is not going to allow you to have a rest when you fancy a breather. Any indication of tiredness will encourage the individual that you fighting to go for the knockout.
The way that you train should reflect the way that you fight in competition. This means training with very little rest. The aim is to exercise without taking a rest for around five minutes. It doesn’t mean just sticking to one exercise for that length of time. You have to use several exercises which focus on a variety of muscles.
There are a number of exercises which you could use to achieve this effect. You can squat by using a quite heavy weight for 10 reps, then quickly move on to other exercises like the dumbbell press, the flat bench press, dead lifts, pull-ups, or maybe bent over rows.
Your main mma conditioning training workouts should include a circuit of around half a dozen exercises which will be repeated until your 5 minutes were up. Not only would this greatly improve the staying power of the muscles, it will also boost your cardiovascular levels.
This kind of mma training can be quite difficult, so if you are not at the level to execute this level of training, you will need to build up to it. Start with training all out for one minute, after which add more time as your levels of conditioning increase. The objective is the 5 minute mark.
When it’s possible to complete a full period of 5 minutes, try extending the time. The next milestone would be 10 minutes. The reality is that once you can do Ten minutes of continual mma training in this manner, you can be somebody that is going to be feared. Furthermore, you will be completely confident in your capabilities to go the distance.
As I have mentioned, there are numerous exercises that you can use. The key is to use a a few different body parts in your mma conditioning training workouts in order to get into the best shape of your life.
For more information on MMA strength and conditioning, and how you can take your fitness to a much higher level, visit us for tips on MMA Training.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Circuit training at its finest!
April 4, 2012 by admin
Filed under Circuit Training
Article by John Platero
In a time when everyone is promoting 30-minute workouts to make Personal Training affordable, I’d like to remind you that most athletes could never train for just thirty minutes and make any gains, let alone maintain their form. Baseball, basketball, football, tennis, soccer, volleyball, triathlons, cycling and jogging all last longer than a half an hour. Although, a volley in tennis or volleyball might last a few seconds or a football, basketball or baseball play might last the same, an athlete must be able to focus, concentrate and keep their head on the game for much longer than 30 minutes. However, in soccer, cycling, triathlons and running it’s rarely the case these sporting events will last less than 30 minutes. Think back to your high school or college days. When did your practice ever last 30 minutes? There was the warm-up, stretching, skills, plays, scrimmaging, special teams, laps and a cool-down. All that in 30 minutes? Can’t happen. The human body is an amazing machine. It can withstand a whole lot of punishing. It also can adapt very well. Very quickly, this machine will be able to handle 30 minutes. The workouts below are for conditioning not hypertrophy. A bodybuilder would rarely train this long. Most clients won’t have the time, but some will not only have the time, but also have the money. Because of the long days of summer, you might be able to perform this training outside. These workouts should last about two hours plus and burn approximately 1500 calories depending on the size of the client and intensity of the exercises.
30-40 minutes on the treadmill, bike or some piece of cardio.
Starting at 15 minutes, add at a 1:1 work: rest ratio,.60,.90 and 1:20 second intervals with 3-5 minutes in between those three intervals. The intervals could be speed or hill intervals. Progressively increase the speed or the grade of the hill on each interval. You might need to keep the first and second bouts the same speeds or incline.
For example:
5.0 mph for 15 minutes or 0% grade5.5 mph for.30 seconds or 3% grade5.0 mph for.30 seconds or 0% grade6.0 mph for.90 seconds or 4% grade5.0 mph for.90 seconds or 0% grade6.5 mph for 1:20 seconds or 5% grade5.0 mph for 3-5 minutes.
Repeat the same or proceed starting with 6.0 mph or 4% grade.
Circuit Training
Here are four circuits to be completed twice each before the bouts of jumping rope.The loads and reps might change based on your client.Always obtain a client profile with exercise history, medical history and any medications.
1. 2 ft box jumps with 20-40lb weighted vest 15-25 reps2. Medicine ball sit ups (with weighted vest) 25-50 reps3. Squat. Same vest 25-50 reps4. The plank 3-minutes:.30 prone,.30 to each side with.30 prone in between and then.60 prone to finish.
Jump rope for 5 minutes
1. Hamstring curl (heavy) 8-12 reps2. Dumbbell clean and press 15-25 reps3. Reverse hip extension on ball 15-25 reps4. Standing lunge with a lateral raise (until failure)
Jump rope for 5 minutes
1. Plyometric dumbbell push-up to a standing dumbbell press. (Pick light dumbbells and good luck trying to get 25 reps)2. Reverse crunches 25-50 reps3. Pec dec or one-armed cable cross-overs 15-25 reps4. Ab machine (heavy 10-12 reps)
Jump rope for 5 minutes
1. Pull-ups (as many as possible)2. Russian twists w/medicine ball (2kg) between the feet3. Contralateral one-arm rows with a lunge on a low cable 4. Leg raises with a medicine ball (2kg) between the feet
Jump rope for 5 minutes
Jog, cycle or perform some mode of cardio for 30 minutes at 60-70% of functional capacity.
Stretch and cool down
Perform the same as the previous workout
Circuit Training
(Start with body weight and then add a weighted vest)
Squat 25-50 reps90 degree jumps with a wide stance. 25-50 repsSplit jumps 15-25 repsJump squats 25 reps
UBE (upper body ergometer or tubing) for 5 minutes
Drop push-ups off of two medicine balls. 10-15 repetitionsPec deck on two stability balls. 10-15 reps. (Prone, a wide stance with elbows bent, one on each ball similar to a Pec deck)Push-ups with legs on the stability ball. 15-20 repsOne-armed cable crossovers. 15-25 reps
Stationary bike for 16 minutes performing intervals at a 1:1 work to rest ratio, 2 minutes seated, two minutes standing for a total of four intervals.
Hip extension on ball. 10-15 repsSupermans.60-1.30 secondsProne free style kick on stability ball..60-1.30 seconds. (Prone, on stability ball with hands secured to something)
UBE 5 minutes
Smith machine chins. 15-25 reps. (If the client is not strong enough adjust the bar so it’s only about 2-ft above the ground. Have the client lie down under it). Alternating pulls with torso rotation. 25 repsStaggered stance one-arm rows 15-25 reps (you may incorporate a lunge)One armed cleans. 15 reps. (start in a squat position and hang the dumbbell between the legs, sumo style)
Jog, cycle or perform some mode of cardio for 30 minutes at 60-70% of functional capacity.
Stretch and cool down
I hope this gives you some ideas. ENJOY!
John Platero is the founder and owner of Future Fit, Inc. a successful multi-faceted fitness company that manages personal trainers, provides fitness products, services and educational services for the consumer. He is also the Director of the N.C.C.P.T. (The National Council of Certified Personal Trainers) which has certified thousands of personal trainers at its intensive, two-day workshops held throughout the country. For more informa
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Sculpt Your Curves at Curves
March 30, 2012 by admin
Filed under Circuit Training
Article by Paul Robert
One of the newest and increasingly popular fitness programs is Curves, a place and an exercise regimen created especially for women. Women have been quick to recognize this new exercising opportunity, and are signing up. Let’s see if the Curves program works.
Women generally tend to dislike gyms, especially where both sexes are exercising together. They feel vulnerable showing their bodies under these conditions. Most women would prefer to exercise in comfortably fitting gym wear, but when there are men around, women tend to wear baggy clothes to avoid embarrassment from being looked at. Women who are self-conscious about their bodies refuse to go to a gym, and they are most probably in greatest need of finding a good exercise program What is the solution to their dilemma? Perhaps Curves is the answer.
Curves is an exercise facility and program that has been created for women only. Being only with other women enables women to wear comfortable, figure hugging clothing without feeling the awkwardness experienced when exercising in mixed company.
Curves promises women that they can get into shape by investing only thirty minutes each day in the Curves’ circuit training exercise program. Women who participate in circuit training move from one piece of exercise equipment to another with only about one minute between changes.
Circuit training requires alternating between cardio exercises and strength training in order to burn off fat and build muscle. The program requires only thirty minutes each day. Whenever you have thirty minutes of free time, morning, noon, or evening, go to your nearby Curves facility and get your daily workout.
Curves membership is open to any woman who wishes to join. Regardless of which center at which you choose to sign up, your membership allows you to exercise at any Curves gym. Even if you’re vacationing in another state, if there is a Curves gym in the area, you are welcome to drop in for your thirty minute workout.
The program has been successful. Women keep going for several reasons. Convenience, privacy, excellent staff, and location are certainly factors, and the circuit training method gets results. Each of the Curves’ exercise machines employ what is called the “CurvesSmart” system, a fitness coaching program that adjusts the exercise to fit your fitness level, while making subtle changes to further challenge you.
Curves members are also exposed to many opportunities for learning about proper diet and nutrition, and its importance to your general health. Curves also offers excellent online support for their exercise, and offer a guide for healthy eating. Curves strives to keep their programs up-to-date and challenging. They must be doing something right, because women swear by the program.
One of the newest and increasingly popular fitness programs is Curves, a place and an exercise regimen created especially for women. Women have been quick to recognize this new exercising opportunity, and are signing up. Let’s see if the Curves program works.
Basics for MMA Circuit training
March 27, 2012 by admin
Filed under Circuit Training
Article by Mark Franco
MMA Training Circuit Basics
MMA Circuit training is a basic part of any MMA workout routine. Every successful MMA fighter incorporates circuits in their training, and if you want to be truly successful, you should learn the benefits of this kind of workout too. There is no point doing something if you don’t know it’s advantages. You don’t want to be running around like a headless chicken.
An MMA training circuit basics routine involves combining multiple exercises and performing them little rest. Normally, a circuit will last about five minutes. More experienced fighters give themselves more time, but 5 minutes is an ideal training time.
Circuit training in MMA is effective because it simulates what a real fight is like. Non stop constant action. When you’re in the ring, you won’t have time for rest, and you must have enough stamina to outlast your opponent. This is especially valid in cases where you’re up against an opponent of equal skill to yours. Then, the fight will be mostly decided by who can last longer – as soon as you start getting tired and let your guard down you start to expose yourself and be an open target for your opponent.
With that in mind, to create your MMA training circuit basics program, you need to think of exercises which simulate fighting to some degree. For example, skipping rope, punching bag, running, etc – exercises which use actions which you would normally use in an actual fight. This way, you’ll train yourself to more efficiently conserve your energy when you’re in the ring, and you’ll be prepared for the exhaustion that comes after a long fighting session.
This is what a lot of MMA fighters lack, and if you can train yourself perfectly in that aspect, you’re already well ahead of the majority of your competition – just by being able to last longer. This is why circuit training is a basic part of any MMA workout routine.
Of course, you should adjust your choice of exercises according to your preferred style of fighting. Some people are better in wrestling, for example, and they prefer to take the fight to the ground where they have the upper hand. If you’re one of those, you need to concentrate Get the ultimate mma training hereon your wrestling skills – doing weight exercises is always useful for this purpose, for example. If your advantage is in your speed, try to incorporate more exercises which develop that further, etc. It all boils down to your style of fighting.
Mixing up the exercises is very important because you do not want your body is adapt to your training, thus your training improvement will be slowed down. Your muscle memory is important because when you are tired and not thinking properly as you usually would, this is where it jumps in and takes over. It becomes natural for you. You need to repeat those exercises a lot to have a real effect from them though, so don’t neglect your MMA training circuit basics if you want to be a good MMA fighter.
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Benefits Of Weight Training
March 19, 2012 by admin
Filed under Circuit Training
Article by Kirsten Hawkins
Weight training isn’t just for Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone anymore. It’s really a system of exercise and health benefits that are available to everyone. If you go to a local gym and observe, you can find everyone from teenagers to great-grandmas exercising and strength training.
Weight training doesn’t mean just using barbells – it involves much more than that and is most often combined with aerobic activity during the “circuit.”
The natural benefits of weight training include:
– Slowing down bone loss – Making your bones stronger – Toning and firm up your body – Increasing your muscle strength
Most people will tell you that strength training and using weights makes them more energized and happier, along with reducing stress. It’s amazing how much better you’ll feel when working out after a hard day at the office! The endorphins your body creates in response to exercise like this is very much “addictive,” and you’ll find that beyond being less-stressed, you’ll actually “crave” your workouts and look forward to them!
One of the benefits I have personally found in strength training is that it’s made my back stronger. Prior to beginning my workout, if I had to lift a lot of boxes or move heavy things, I really felt it the rest of the day, and sometimes the rest of the week. However after just a month of weight training, I found that I didn’t need to take an anti-inflammatory medication every time I moved some boxes around.
Of course, all professionals will tell you to consult a doctor before beginning your workout habit; you’ll want to make sure that there are no impediments to beginning this new part of your daily routine. Most doctors will tell you to use caution and listen to the trainers, but nearly none will eliminate exercise altogether for their patients–there are simply too many benefits from the exertion.
If you go to a chiropractor, ask him or her how strength training and weight lifting can help you and what specific exercises would benefit your back and joints. Again, s/he will probably have some specific suggestions for your body and spinal ‘issues,’ but generally, a chiropractor will tell you that strengthening back and abdominal muscles will benefit you greatly.
If you do find that you ‘overdo it’ initially, scale it back just a bit until you’re ready to move on. You can use cold and heat to minister to the aching muscle(s), and take an anti-inflammatory agent to help in the recovery. But if you do ache a bit, don’t take it as your body’s way of saying that you ‘shouldn’t workout.’ What your body is telling you is that you haven’t worked out enough and that it’s not used to the exertion!
If you plan your workout well, you will find that weight training machines can be a great part of your exercise plan and your health will improve greatly in very short order.
Kirsten Hawkins is a nutrition and health expert from Nashville, TN. Visit http://www.popular-diets.com/ for more great nutrition, well-being, and vitamin tips as well as reviews and comments on popular diets.
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Circuit Training: Fast Workout For Quick Paced People.
March 16, 2012 by admin
Filed under Circuit Training
Article by James Conte
Everyone knows the value of exercise and other physical activities to one’s health. However, the people today are more preoccupied by work and other responsibilities that can’t seem to allocate time for exercise. Nonetheless, many people still want to keep fit and are looking for ways to improve their well-being and their physique without spending too much time on exercise.
Circuit training is a workout program that could help you better your health and physique. It uses different strength training that are done at a specified period of time and targets major muscle groups found in the upper, lower and core of the body. Individuals who want to try this program should remember that no two consecutive exercises should target the same muscle group. There should be a 30-second gap between each exercise and each workout lasts for at least 20-30 seconds too. After doing a 3-5 sets of exercises, there’s a 3-minute recovery period between each set.
Circuit training boosts one’s strength, muscle endurance and metabolism due to consistent movements. In addition to these health benefits, if circuit exercises are done at speed, some benefits of aerobic exercises can be achieved as well. However, circuit workout is not capable of burning ample amount of calories and promote significant decrease in weight. Circuit training may have advantages but it also has some disadvantages.
Here are the advantages of circuit training. Promotes strength and endurance and this is used when training in sports training. Circuit training can be adjusted for appropriate age, fitness, and health of individuals. The exercises involved are simple and it gives you a sense of achievement after the workout. The wide array of circuit exercises available gives the person a chance to choose which exercise he likes to use best.
In order for you to improve your health, the exercises in circuit training must be done properly. Excessively training is one of the most common mistakes that many individuals commit because they want to achieve good physique and health rapid. Excessively training could overstretch and injure your muscles and bones so it must be avoided all the time. This happens because the body literally undergoes “wear and tear” during training. To build muscles and improve the body, it needs to rest to attain normal development. Studies show that fatigue and respiratory infection could result from excessively training. Other effects of excessively training are low sperm quality and production in men. Low sperm quality and production is due to the decline in the level of hormones in the bloodstream during an intense physical exercise. Sperm production and quality will only go back to normal if you rest for at least 2 to 3 days.
Seek advice from your doctor before you jumpstart your circuit training or any workout for that matter. They could formulate a workout and diet regimen that is appropriate for your health needs. The Best way to improve your health and physique is for you to understand the advantages and disadvantages of physical activities first.
To learn more about circuit training pay us a visit To find out more about circuit training workouts visit us
Weight Workouts For Men – Muscle Pyramid
March 11, 2012 by admin
Filed under Circuit Training
Article by Alexa Meyer
Weight workouts for men may include split training, or full body workouts. These workouts are good to focus males physical fitness. By working out on all of the muscle groups in the body, you will be able to balance your physique and attain general health fitness. Not only that, full body workouts are also use to burn more fat than focusing on one workout per day.
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One of the common ways to get a low impact, full body workout is swimming. By doing simple tricks in swimming in every repeated laps like strokes and kicks, your body able to receive a good body workout. Unlike any other forms of exercise, swimming is much gentler and slower form of workout.
You can also include free weights training. This can help you see faster result. However, it often requires some services of a professional trainer for much better and safer results. With the use of free weights, you can isolate your workout to a single muscle. There are some varieties of exercises that must be performed to ensure a full body exercise. By looking your free weight training exercise as circuit training, you can easily move through out your muscle groups, hitting each group at least once in a particular workout.
It is still much better to ask for a physician before performing any form of workout. This is because there are some forms of exercise that might injure your body while performing them. With the advice of this experts, the risk of getting injure is really preventable.
If you want to be successful in your routine, then it is good to follow these tips. This is one way on how will you improve your overall physique, lifestyle and health as well. Weight workouts for men can be difficult, but with proper discipline, it is highly achievable.
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This author writes about Weight Workouts For Men at Abs Workout For Men
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Fast Fat Loss Workouts Bodyweight Circuit Training
March 8, 2012 by admin
Filed under Circuit Training
Circuit training is a form of conditioning combining resistance training and high-intensity aerobics. It is designed to be easy to follow and target strength building as well as muscular endurance. An exercise “circuit” is one completion of all prescribed exercises in the program. When one circuit is complete, one begins the first exercise again for another circuit. Traditionally, the time between exercises in circuit training is short, often with rapid movement to the next exercise.
Let’s be honest. Long, slow cardio stinks. If you want to burn fat fast while building muscle, bodyweight circuit training is the way to go. This is the fastest, most efficient way for you to burn the fat, build the muscle and get the lean hard body that you’ve always wanted.
Don’t under estimate the simplicity of this workout.
Some time the simplest things are the most effective. Make sure that you warm up with some arm swings, push ups, squats, and lunges. Ready? Here we go:
We’ll start off with 25 jumping jacks, just like you did in your gym class when you were a kid. One variation to this might be seal jacks, with your arms moving parallel to the ground rather than up in the air.
Next we’ll move to 25 Hindu push ups. This is not only great for the upper body but is also a great stretch for the back and legs. If you can’t handle Hindu push ups do standard ones and if standard push ups are too hard, do them kneeling.
Now lets move on to 10 burpees.
If you have problems with impact leave out the jump and if you are a thrill seeker you can substitute 8-count bodybuilders.
Next put your feet up on a chair or a step and crank off 10 incline push ups. If you are absolutely spent from the earlier pushups, do as many as you can.
Move on to one of my favorite exercises, Hindu squats. You’ll need to do 25 of them. Well that’s it, right? Wrong! For the next 15 minutes you are going to be repeating this sequence. Get ready to sweat. When you’re done put this one in your bag of tricks so you can reap the benefits for years to come.
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Clint Grimes, is a retired US Navy commander. He is certified by the California Interscholastic Federation and is currently the strength and conditioning coach for the boys soccer teams at El Toro High School in Lake Forest, CA.
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Circuit Training Workouts for Women
March 6, 2012 by admin
Filed under Circuit Training
Article by Mike Miller
More Circuit Routines For Every Woman
Because of the sometimes amazing results, circuit training has become very popular indeed. Besides halving the progress time (as compared with steady state cardio) and placing your body into a fat-burning stage for as long as forty-eight hours, the fact that they can be performed anywhere with very little equipment, makes them a very attractive form of fat-burning routine. Your circuit training workout will not only be able to provide ultimate results with less than twenty minutes of routine, you can complete them anywhere you feel comfortable, including the office.
This means they are ideal for:
1. Moms who are at home with children 2. The aspiring business executive who has little spare time3. Travelers who live out of a suitcase4. Those women who can’t manage to afford a gym membership
Circuit training workouts for women, mean there is no longer any reasonable excuse not to exercise.
Home with your children?
You can do this with very little space in your home.
Short of time?
You can perform these circuit training workouts for women, in less than twenty minutes.
Do you struggle with the budget, to afford a gym membership?
There is no money needed to perform circuit training workouts for women.
What is a circuit training workout?
A high intensity workout is one with high intensity and very little rest between exercises. Typically there are six light weight or bodyweight exercises, that are all performed in a circuit style.
Take a look at these circuit training workouts for women:
Beginning with the first exercise, make sure you perform it with high level of intensity for no more than fifteen seconds. When you have completed this, take a break for fifteen seconds, and then move onto exercise two. Work this exercise for a further fifteen seconds, rest for fifteen seconds when it is completed, and move to the next exercise. Carry on with this format for all six of the exercises in your circuit workout. After you have finished your six exercises, you can rest for a minute or two, and then start the workout again from the top. Completing the circuit more times, should be your goal for each session.
For Beginners1. Running in one place2. Squats3. Jumping Jacks4. Mountain Climbers5. Push Ups6. Laying leg lifts or crunches
Intermediate level1. Squats2. Mountain Climbers3. Half Burpees4. High Knees5. Push Ups6. Lunges
Advanced level1. Lunges2. High Knees3. Burpees4. Mountain Climbers5. Push ups6. Jump Squats
One Step Further With Circuit Training Workouts for Women
Increasing the intensity of the workout is made possible adding a twist, getting a jump rope and some light dumbbells. You can incorporate these pieces of equipment into your circuit. All you need to do is replace one of the listed exercises with one that uses your jump rope. Another simple but fantastic piece of equipment you can add is a pair of ankle weights. The increase in intensity is amazing with just a little extra weight added to your legs.
In Closing
When you perform these circuit training workouts for women, three or four times a week, at the same time as adhering to a good diet, fat will be burned at quite an incredible rate. Not only will you drop inches off your waistline, your physique will be transformed into a more toned, and sexy body. It is extremely important to allow twenty-four hours between workouts, so your body has plenty of time to rest and recover.
Mike Miller is a CPT from Orlando , fl. He is interested in helping everyone with fitness goals meet them.