Improve Your Cardiovascular Endurance Levels with the Help of a Personal Trainer

June 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Dan Clay

Improve Your Cardiovascular Endurance Levels with the Help of a Personal Trainer – Health – Fitness

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Obesity is a rising health problem today which not only makes people look unattractive but also disrupts the normal functioning of the body. Nowadays health issues have become a major concern for most people. A good way to lose weight is cardiovascular endurance exercises. Cardiovascular exercises which is also known as cardio workout and aerobic training offer a number of health benefits, but then they should be performed properly if you wish to reap the benefits. A personal trainer can immensely help you by chalking out a fitness program including different types of cardio vascular activities that suit your body type.

Many people, having failed to realize the importance of cardiovascular exercises, do not incorporate them in their fitness regimen. But these exercises not just help to burn calories; they also strengthen important organs like the heart and the lungs. That is the reason why most personal trainers incorporate cardiovascular activity in the fitness schedule of their clients. For total fitness experience cardiovascular exercises are a must. Do not overlook the importance of these exercises if you want the wellbeing of the most important organ of your body, i.e. your heart.

Hiring a personal trainer can be of great benefit for he would chalk out a fitness plan for you that would address your fitness goals. Strength training, weight training, cardiovascular training all are important but only a personal trainer can suggest you the ratio in which these exercises should be incorporated in your workout schedule. A good cardiovascular workout will yield positive results for sure, but then it is also important to perform the exercises in the correct way. Cardiovascular workouts consist of different forms and your trainer will be able to determine the type of cardio exercises that would suit your body the most.

Nowadays the practice of hiring personal trainers has become quite popular and this is because of the great health benefits that these fitness experts bring in for their clients. They work on a one to one basis which enables you to enjoy greater care and better service. The trainer would ensure your safety during the training sessions and will assess your improvement after every specific interval. Cardiovascular exercises are extremely important if you wish to stay healthy and fit, but seeking the guidance of a trainer before planning your cardio workouts is equally important.

As has been stated before the cardio workouts consist of different forms ranging from light to heavy exercises – all meant to increase the work load of your heart. As a result, the risk of being affected by heart problems is greatly reduced. Weight loss and a toned body are some other benefits of cardio exercises.

The cardiovascular exercises if performed on a regular basis can solve many health problems. But though these exercises look quite simple and do not involve any equipment they should be performed only with the guidance of a personal trainer. Only a trainer can suggest you the cardio workouts that would be work best for your body. He would demonstrate the cardiovascular exercises to make it sure that you are performing the exercises in the correct form. Assessing your improvement he would even change your workout regimen from time to time. So be prudent and improve your cardiovascular endurance level with the aid of a trainer.

About the Author

Dan Clay is the owner of Dangerously Fit Personal Training. If you would like to book free Maroubra personal training consultation or personal trainer Maroubra visit personal training Maroubra.

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Dan Clay

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Dan Clay is the owner of Dangerously Fit Personal Training. If you would like to book free Maroubra personal training consultation or personal trainer Maroubra visit personal training Maroubra.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Get your heart rate up and increase time of treadmill workout. Learn how to improve cardio endurance in this exercise video.
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Exercising Aerobically For Endurance

June 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

No matter what your current state of being in form might be, it’s always gonna be essential to enhance. Many times you hear of cardio workouts for individuals who havent worked out in a few years aren’t in great form. Nevertheless, there are individuals who wish to develop workouts who currently do athletic work, and these people, like endurance athletes, currently are aware of the fundamentals of aerobic exercises and merely wish to be in better health.

If you’ve been working out for any lengthy time, or if you play an activity that needs you to have long endurance, you most likely realize that aerobic routines can also be very important. You understand that to be able to be in the best shape possible for you, you need to be able to have your heart rate going as well as your breathing rate up, and these are the things that you simply can achieve with aerobic exercises. However, if you’re a sports athlete already, chances are the fundamentals aerobic exercises class is going to be uninteresting for you personally and is not going to do you as much good as you might believe. If you’re already a sports athlete, and also you still wish to get in better form, you will find several things that you simply can start to complete to be able to accomplish this.

First of all, the purpose of performing aerobic exercises is to get your coronary heart rate going and your breathing rate going. That means that if you’re already an endurance athlete, you will have to discover ways to push yourself past what you are currently able to complete. If you’re used to running long distances, and dont get as winded, you will have to attempt to run quicker or farther to be able to get your coronary heart rate going more than what you already accomplish.

This is the basic thing that you have to target. If you will be having aerobic workouts, and you are an endurance sportsperson, you have to be certain that you can find different ways to work out your physique isnt used to. You have to increase the rate, or add some thing for your workout so that you simply can complete it

Keep in mind that pushing your physique is the aim of doing cardio work out. So you have to find ways that your body is not used to doing, and drive your body to operate in this way. This is the best way that you simply can get an aerobic workout.

Want to lose weight without having to do lots of exercising at the gym? theres actually a DIET designed to do just that, it basically helps you change your whole eating pattern

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PS – Another great article on: health and fitness

Personal Sports Training: Who Needs It?

June 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Rocky D’Amico

Personal Sports Training: Who Needs It? – Health – Fitness

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Personal training is not just for elite athletes. It actually takes on many forms. When most people think of personal training, they relate it to working out in a gym, preforming some sort of resistance exercise training, such a lifting weights. However, personal training can take on many forms, including personal sports training.

Essentially, a personal trainer is a coach who works one-on-one with their clients. With their added training and experience, they are focused on providing clients with personalized guidance so they are able to achieve their goals. Believe it or not, their performance on the field begins with the quality of their sports training.

Some personal sport trainers will have a specialty area, focusing on one particular sport, such as basketball, soccer or tennis, whereas other trainers may specialize further by focusing on a single skill position, such as pitching or goal-tending. Personal sports trainers who specialize in one individual sport will, or should, have extensive training and experience working in their specific field. For example, a retired professional baseball player may become a trainer for younger up and coming baseball players. Sport trainers that work with overall conditioning assist their clients with goals to achieve optimal level of fitness.

Do you need personal sports training? Some think that their skills are fine for what they are doing, but remember: even multimillion dollar professional athletes have coaches. There are benefits to having a coach that go beyond income. Personal trainers will help you set goals and motivate you to achieve your objectives.

Evaluation: Personal Sports Training

The sports trainer’s primary goal is determining the fitness goals and then working to achieve them. This starts with an evaluation. This is usually accomplished by an evaluation of your current skill sets.

Performance Enhancement: Making the Grade

One of the trainer’s primary goals is to help improve the athlete’s performance by working to remove flaws in form, correcting the athlete’s mistakes that are holding them back from achieving their full potential. Removing bad habits is the primary reason many professional athletes work with coaches. Often, a slight change in position is all that’s needed to correct bad habits that the athletes don’t even realize they have.

Motivational Benefits for Personal Sports Training

It’s normal that motivation decreases as time wears on. Any sports training program that begins with the best of intentions can become boring, causing a drop in motivation and a loss of interest. It’s at this point where the trainer becomes crucial. Their extra energy keeps you motivated, through encouragement and support.

A personal sport trainer is able to recognize when the client has reached a plateau: that stage in training where the body has adapted to the training to the point where no further gains are being made. When this happens, the trainer can upgrade your fitness routine so that you can continue to make gains.

Personal Sports Training and Safety

Sports training for non-professional athletes should still be conducted by someone who is skilled. The last thing you want is to overtrain, or overstrain, and end up hurt. Laws can vary widely from state to state regulating personal sports training certification, but personal sport trainers should be certified by an accredited agency, have verifiable experience in their area of specialty and training in emergency medical procedures such as first aid and CPR, in case an emergency situation should arise.

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Dietary supplements are an important part of your overall sport training. When you are working under extreme conditions, pushing your body to the limits, you want the tools and knowledge to train for peak performance – every time and every day. Get the best nutritional support that is backed by military science.

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Dietary supplements are an important part of your overall sport training. When you are working under extreme conditions, pushing your body to the limits, you want the tools and knowledge to train for peak performance – every time and every day. Get the best nutritional support that is backed by military science.

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Be Cool In Powerlifting

May 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Praveen

Be Cool In Powerlifting – Sports – Extreme Sports

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It can be hard to create new powerlifting workouts. But if you want to improve your 3 lift total you need a few key core workouts.. While there are a lot of different variations to the following powerlifting workouts I recommend using these as your core training and then adding in the variable workouts to them such as bands, chains, and boards.

1. Don’t lose sight of the critical thing in a competition: Your lift totals from the bench press, deadlift, and squat.

Don’t forget that if you want to get stronger in the totals you have to work out doing the three lifts. It is not enough to simply say that “To Deadlift more I must to work out my legs.” You need to actually do chest exercises in the bench press form to be able to build those stabelizer muscles that pertain to bench pressing.

2. Use accessory items in your powerlifting that are helpful for training.

You can often find bands, boards, and chains in a corner or closet of your gym. However if you are thinking that you have never heard of using them in your powerlifting workouts before its probably because you are working out in a general gym. If you are unable to find these accessories then you should either buy them yourself or join a powerlifting gym.

3. Where to get variant accessories.

Ironically, before you decide to purchase some of these items first look in to making them yourself. Board training boards are easy to make for yourself using some 3 inch screws and a couple of 2×4’s. Pick up some chains from any local hardware store. The only other accessory you may have to buy are bands, and the leading manufacturer of bands is a company called Jump Stretch.

4. Train in your competition gear.

Get comfortable using your bench shirt, squat suit, and deadlift briefs in your powerlifting workouts. It can often take training in multiple types of plys and wearing through 3 or four shirts to get one that you feel comfortable with. It is often that failure to train in their gear will lead to missed lifts. That is why people will blame their gear when really it is their own fault for not being properly prepared. By using gear effectively your can really boost your 3 lift total.

5. Always be learning about new powerlifting workouts

There will always be a gym out there doing new things to improve their totals. While you can go and learn how to do what they are doing it can also benefit you to read past articles from PowerliftingUSA or from Louie Simmons. Past articles from long standing record holders will help to teach you tried and true methods that will take your training to the next level

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Related links : How Good Powerlifting Is

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Related links : How Good Powerlifting Is

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Football Fitness Training For Your Team

May 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Britney Smith

Football Fitness Training For Your Team – Health – Fitness

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As a football coach, football fitness training is what you will need to teach your team. You need to condition their speed, strength, agility and much more. There are some good workout plans that you can do with your team to help them prepare for games.

Football Fitness Training Drills

Football is a sport that requires a lot of abilities and these football fitness training drills will improve sprinting speed, muscular endurance, lower body strength, muscular balance, agility, flexibility, body awareness, and discipline and hopefully give your team an edge! The first one is a muscular endurance circuit. This should only be done about once a week and it works best when it is done after a skills session or after a game. Begin by having your team stretch to prevent any injuries to the players.

First, your team will do two laps at a light run pace. Then they will do three laps in jog-run-fast mode, still have them pace themselves. Next, you will have them do three and a half laps in the same jog-run-fast mode, and have them doing this with a football in their hands. You can have each kid go individually and just run with the ball or you can randomly throw the ball as they are running. Next they will do one running lap. For the first part of the running lap they will use high knees, then they will switch to side stepping, then to heel to bum and then back to side stepping.

This is where the football fitness training gets intense! They will do four and a half laps at a running pace. While they do this, after each half lap, they must do a leg circuit (i.e. walking lunge or alternate leg squat). Next they will once again do four and a half laps at a running pace and the circuits every half-mile plus they will also have to do upper body circuits (i.e. wide arm press-up or normal press-up) at each whole lap. It doesn’t get easier! Next, they will do four and a half laps with the leg circuits and upper body circuits, plus abdominal circuits (i.e. sit-ups, alternate elbows to knees).

Now, they will do four and a half laps, sprinting around each side and then jogging backwards before continuing sprinting. Next, they will do four and a half laps as fast as they possibly can. Use the football for this part. They will then do five laps! Yes, five laps of fast running! After each lap, they have to do a leg circuit. Then, finally, they get to slow down. They will do two laps at a light run pace. Then, let them cool down and rest.

During the laps that require the different circuits, the kids are supposed to do 8-15 of each circuit exercise as fast as they can. The first time they are only to do the leg circuits then they do the leg and the upper body and then all three.

If this is not the best football fitness training drill, than what is? This conditions everything that is needed in a football player.

If you are serious about fitness exercises you should read this :

About the Author

Britney Smith is an internet marketer full time and she writes in various topics, learn more about Health Fitness Exercise Website here :

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Britney Smith is an internet marketer full time and she writes in various topics, learn more about Health Fitness Exercise Website here :

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Difference Between Developing Muscle Mass and Muscle Endurance

May 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Whenever most people are looking to perform muscle-building exercises they believe that the only worthy indicator of progress is the increase of muscle mass. While this is a widespread concept, it is quite an erroneous one; there is another important indicator of your progress referred to as muscle endurance.

Building Up Muscle Mass

This is the concept with which most people are familiar with: do the reps, pump the iron, watch your arms get bigger and your muscles gain definition. There is not much to explain here: you do your exercises, your muscles tear up and then rebuild themselves stronger and more massive. This process is done over and over again until the person reaches their desired appearance.

Most of the exercises which aim to increase muscle mass have you do short but intense movements, such as dumbbell curls for example.

While this is the best way to increase muscle mass, it does next to nothing when it comes to improving your muscular endurance.

Why Muscular Endurance is Important

If you try flexing your muscles as hard as possible without stopping, you will notice that after a few seconds pass there will be a burning sensation in your muscles that keeps growing stronger and stronger until you physically can’t keep it up anymore. This burning sensation is caused by the lactic acid which is pouring into your muscles; muscle endurance is basically how long your muscles can work before the pain from the lactic acid becomes too much to bear.

The problem with working your muscle endurance is that the results will be much less tangible than if you focused on muscle mass; your muscles will only grow very little and you won’t feel the difference until much later… every step of your progress will allow you to last a couple of seconds longer. As you can imagine, this serves as the main reason a lot of people neglect their muscle endurance, but the truth is that if you are gunning for more than appearance then you will need to work it out to bring the best out in you.

How to Train Muscle Endurance

While there is a ton of exercises designed to help people increase their muscular endurance, none of them can be described as the best method. Simply make sure that the exercises you will be performing will force you to flex your muscles for prolonged periods of time. Above all, keep your workout adapted to your own capabilities; an injury can throw you off course pretty easily.

As mentioned before, there are innumerably systems and products which are designed to help you increase your muscular endurance and naturally I cannot say that one thing works while the rest are scams, because that is simply not true. When it came to me and my desire to work on my muscle endurance I looked around and decided that a special dumbbell called the Shake Weight for Men was the right thing for me.

It works by basically shaking back and forth when you squeeze it creating the perfect conditions where cardio and muscular endurance are needed. Apart from that, I found that it was a good deal in my situation seeing as how it’s pretty compact and not overly expensive and allows you to regulate the intensity of your workout. If you are not the type of person who works out very often and would like to get yourself into shape, I believe that this product can offer some valuable assistance.

If you are interested in a natural method of building your upper body strength and muscle endurance then check out my Shake Weight for Men website. If you would like to simply read about my experience with the device, then simply check out my Shake Weight for Men review.


Cycling Training Plans

May 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Max Jackson

Cycling Training Plans – Sports – Other Sports

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Cycling has become more and more popular over the years. It is a great way to stay in shape while seeing the beautiful landscapes that our world has to offer us. Many people get great joy out of the physical determination necessary to ride up long hills, span long distances, and see new places. Most people, you are probably one yourself, spend quite a bit of money on a nice bike, clothing, and accessories. But one area that most people don

Enduring Faith

May 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Physical endurance has never been one of my strong points. Even as a child, I wasn’t overly athletic except, perhaps, for swimming-I was a good swimmer and worked hard to receive my Red Cross lifeguard badge. Other than swimming, however, sports seemed difficult for me. I wasn’t one to run the race and complete it. I rarely played an entire game of volleyball without growing weary and quitting before the end of the game.

I look at Hebrews 11 listing the heroes of the faith and wonder if that type of endurance could be found in my own heart. They had all been heirs to the promise of God, yet they were mocked, imprisoned, stoned, sawn asunder, tempted, slain with the sword, destitute, afflicted, tormented, wandered in deserts and in mountains, etc. What a life for a hero, for one who had been regarded as one of the ‘great cloud of witnesses’ (Hebrews 12:1) who had walked this life leaving behind a legacy worthy of inclusion in the Word of God.

When I read of what these saints endured for the sake of the faith, I cringe at my own inability to endure physical challenges or my moaning and groaning because things don’t go quite the way I want or expect.

“And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise” (Hebrews 11:39)

Endurance is more than a physical challenge.

It’s a spiritual discipline, and not an easy one at that. The heroes of faith in Hebrews 11 endured to the end, many of them not ever receiving the manifestation of the promises of God in their own lifetimes. Yet, they persevered. They endured.

We don’t know when God intends to fulfill His promises to us. One would hope to see God move in our lifetimes.

Yet, many of these men and women who are hailed for having great faith never wavered in their commitment although they went to their grave without having received those things God had personally promised. They never wavered. They didn’t doubt. They endured.

God’s promises, according to the Word, are “yes and amen” (1 Corinthians 1:20). He has a perfect timetable for every promise He has made to the Church and to us personally. When God makes a promise, He keeps that promise. His promises may even span the time beyond our lives, but that doesn’t mean His promises aren’t true.

Do we have the enduring faith like the heroes of faith in Hebrews 11? Consider this to be our challenge … to develop strong faith, not in the manifestation of the promise, but in the One who promised. When God says He’ll do something, it’s as good as done.

Develop enduring faith. It’s the type of faith that pleases God and glorifies Him as the true Promise-Keeper.

Father, there are times I struggle with enduring faith. I grow weary of waiting for Your promise to be manifest in my life. Forgive me. Teach me, Lord, to trust You so the legacy I leave behind when I die will be like those in Hebrews 11 who, “having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise” yet had true enduring faith. In Jesus’ precious name, amen.

© Jan Ross
All Rights Reserved

Jan Ross and her husband Ron make their home in Willard, Ohio; they are the parents of six adult children who have blessed them with fourteen amazing grandchildren. Jan is an ordained minister, published author, and piano teacher. With a heart relentlessly motivated by the Great Commission, Jan co-founded and serves as President of Heart of God International Ministries through which she has frequent opportunities to minister the message of salvation through Jesus Christ across the globe. She oversees ongoing and growing ministry activities in India, Uganda, Haiti, Kenya, Soldiers Bible Ministry, JournEzine, Women of Passions, and various other local and international initiatives. Jan’s servant heart and deep passion for the Word of God continue to bear much fruit to the glory of God.

Endurance Test

May 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Endurance tests are a series of obstacle and distance courses designed to test the limitations of the human body in terms of its ability to perform extreme physical activities. It can include running, swimming, mountain biking, basic exercises such as pushups, crunches, bench press, indoor exercise biking, mountain climbing and many more combined together in a race type event. Some do it simply to test their physical abilities while others organize it as a game where competitors will fight for the prize, which is usually a trophy or a plaque and although very rarely, it can sometimes have prize money.

In an endurance test event a person will be required to perform physically draining activities – that is why it’s called an endurance test – and should he or she survives until the last test, then he/she will be declared the most fit person in that particular event or the whole world unless someone else will challenge him/her for that title.

For example the event will include:
Distance Running Test – this is where the player or competitor is asked to run for 10 – 30 miles, now keeping the time short in covering that distance is important because it will reflect how fast he could run for 30 miles (48.27 kilometers). Otherwise if another competitor will cover that distance in less than the time it took the first competitor, then clearly the other guy has a bigger advantage over the first.
Swimming Trial – in more than one occasion competitors were asked to swim from shore line to shore line before reaching the next event, and the distance covered is sometimes 20 – 25 miles (105,550.4 feet to 131,938 feet).
Distance Biking – in this trial the players will ride a mountain bike and sometimes race on a 15° – 30° uphill slope for another 10 – 20 miles (17,600 – 35,200 yards).
1,000 pushups, 1,000 abdominal crunches, 300 – 500 bench presses with an added weight of 200 pounds set of weights.
Sometimes a 100 mile marathon is also included in endurance trials, which will basically push anyone to their physical limits.

Usually the winner of this event will automatically set several world records including a new record for being the most physically fit man or woman alive.

Endurance trials are only allowed to go on for a maximum of 24 hours by medical professionals, because the body will literally give up if it is continually subjected to rigorous tests. No persons with poor health, disabilities or people who are basically unfit for such an event may be allowed to participate. Moreover, to qualify the athlete/player must show that he has had trained for more than 6 months in endurance trials otherwise he will be disqualified. This is a precaution for the game organizers and to protect the individual from certain danger. A person might have cardiac arrest, dehydration, heat stroke, severe muscle spasms and other medical emergencies while participating in such an event. Although rarely it could lead to death sometimes, this is why a strict screening process is required and only the best may participate.

There are online length conversion tools that you can use in case you got confused on the figures that we gave above.

Follow the link: length conversion,distance conversion

Extreme Endurance is the greatest athletic discovery since tennis shoes. The product increases aerobic capacity by double digits and delays lactic acid by 15%. This is a revolutionary product.
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Sprint Training For Performance

May 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

There are so many aspects to discuss when it comes to putting together a good sprint training program. Sprint training involves weightlifting, speed training, speed endurance training and bounding drills. But for now I am going to talk to you about the weight lifting aspect of a good sprint training program.

When it comes to weight lifting the sprinter should not be focused on building muscle. It will make it very difficult to run fast times when if they are running with too much muscle on their body. The lighter and more powerful you are, the quicker you will be able to run your race. The main focus of the sprinter in the weight room should be on the Olympic lifts. Examples of Olympic lifts includes the snatch, clean and jerk and power cleans. Just by performing these 3 lifts on a regular basis will help them improve their power dramatically.

It is usually said that the most powerful sprinters are the fastest and most consistent ones.

The average weight of an Olympic sprinter nowadays is about 180 pounds. In the past the average weight was about 160 or so. The reason why there is so much of a change is because coaches are beginning to realize the importance of the improving power in their sprinters.

You should only perform Olympic lifts on the same days you are doing your speed training. Some people believe it is better to perform the Olympic lifts before you speed training workout but I believe this will result in season ending injuries.

Next, If you are ready to take your sprinting to the next level with breakaway speed: Click Here

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