Why Muscular Endurance is as Important as Muscle Growth
January 11, 2012 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
Article by David Ben Efraim
When people are training at the gym and making their routines, they most often concentrate on simply increasing their muscle mass to become bigger and stronger. Unfortunately, while some of them may have workouts that are out of this world, many simply forget about just how important muscular endurance is, especially when you are increasing your muscle mass.
What Makes Muscular Endurance Important
As you probably know it already, whenever you are moving your muscles are contracting, and to do so they require oxygen. The bigger and more developed your muscles are the more oxygen they are going to require in order to move effectively. Increasing your muscles mass might make you stronger, but it won’t actually allow you to last longer.
Whenever your muscles are pushed to their limit they start filling up with lactic acid which is basically the substance that makes you feel the burn. If you choose not to work on your muscular endurance the lactic acid will start pouring into your muscles very soon, and as a result all the muscles that are contracting will start to bring you pain which will not allow you to keep going until you rest.
If you want to make sure that you can actually make use of your muscles for extended periods of time then you will have no choice but to work on your muscular endurance and take some time off muscle growth exercises.
A Great Way of Improving Muscular Endurance
While there are undoubtedly many ways to do this, one of the best methods for beginners is to exercise with the Shake Weight. While it should be noted that those who have been going to the gym for a while now will probably not find any use in working out with this dumbbell, those who are just starting will benefit in many ways from the Shake Weight.
For those who don’t know what it is, the Shake Weight is basically a dumbbell that you squeeze with your hands, causing it to bounce up and down in your hands. The goal is to try and keep it as steady as possible, and surprisingly this actually provides for a very intense and rewarding workout, working out not only your upper body muscular endurance, but also your cardio. Like I previously mentioned it, this tool is the perfect thing for amateurs who are only beginning training, but will probably not yield impressive results if you have been exercising for some time already.
If you would like to learn more about Does Shake Weight work and if it can help you increase your muscular endurance and even lose weight simply check my Shake Weight For Men website.
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Mountain Biking Endurance Races
January 8, 2012 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
Article by Tony B
For the casual cyclist, mountain biking is a wonderful way to enjoy the great outdoors as well as get a great work out. Today, mountain biking is growing rapidly into an excitingly popular sport. With that growth arises an entirely new subculture of mountain bikers who race professionally.
Every year there are hundreds of events and races organized across the nation for mountain bike enthusiasts. These endurance races are generally for those in the absolute top percentage of mountain bikers. It takes a certain amount of conditioning and performance to compete in endurance races as the competition itself is so demanding. There are plenty of different categories, but these races can be as long as 12 hours, taxing the limits of human endurance.
Types of Races
Of the many categories of endurance races, most are beyond the scope of normal cyclists’ physical limits. Starting at three hours these races only scale upwards, reaching six or even twelve hours in length. The shorter three hour races are separated by gender and occasionally by age groups, but the longer races often open up to include both genders and all age groups.
There are numerous formats for endurance races as well. Some races are strictly solo races such as the shorter races. However, as they get longer, endurance races include all combinations of team work and trade off riding, with teams of up to four riders.
Endurance races are highly organized much like the marathons many of the nation’s major cities hold annually and require registration and occasionally physicals. In addition to assuring the participants are physically capable of participating, these events often require a demonstration of certain safety equipment that meets particular regulations.
Safety Measures
Safety is probably the most important thing organizers see to when there is a race. In addition to making sure each rider is in acceptable physical condition and has the proper gear, mountain bikes themselves are often checked to ensure they are in top shape, with fully aired tires, tightened handlebars, and properly adjusted frames and shocks.
Prohibited materials on the bike are also carefully watched. Such prohibited materials include reflectors, kickstands, adjustable hubs, sound frames, true wheels and any personal media devices. All of these items are checked for and expected to be removed before the race starts.
Finding Endurance Races
Endurance mountain biking is a high level addition to the sport of mountain biking. For that reason, if you are interested in getting involved, you should try and contact your local mountain biking association or club. They’ll have all the information you need to not only train for and prepare your bike for competition but the rules associated with the sport. There are numerous websites out there that cater to the crowd of endurance mountain bikers if you are looking for more information.
For anyone who has just gotten into mountain biking endurance racing might be a bit too much for you yet. However, you’ll find that in time you’ll be looking for a bit more of a challenge, and these longer more intense races might be just the thing you’re looking for to push your limits and test your physical conditioning. If you’re serious about endurance racing, take the time necessary to research and get in the shape necessary to compete in these races.
Tony Brian is a freelance writer for outdoor sports magazines and a contributing writer for angel paintball guns specializing in mountain biking, cyclist.

Do you want to know what it takes to come home with a buckle from one of the most difficult mountain bike races in the country? Watch our comprehensive video on endurance training and find out.
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Strength Training Exercise – The Benefits of Lifting Weights
January 6, 2012 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
Article by Protica Research
It’s amazing to walk into gyms and fitness centers these days. There are so many new types of machines and gadgets that people can use to stay healthy. The really amazing thing about these places, however, is not the machines and technology – it’s the people who are using them. People from every age group and walk of life are enjoying the benefits that can be derived from resistance training. Strength exercise programs aren’t just for the huge bodybuilder or football player any more. People young and old, fat and thin, are learning how to lift weights in an effort to live healthier, more enjoyable lives.
The demographics of an average gym member today are a lot different than they were 20 or 30 years ago. Gyms used to be the dwelling place of the physically elite. Only huge, strong, full time athletes roamed the weight rooms back in those days. It was a good bet that people who were on a strength training exercise program back then were hardcore about their strength exercise and took their training very seriously. Over time, though, word got out that strength training exercise wasn’t just for bodybuilders. In fact, if you go to the average weight room today, you will see just as many beginners as you will seasoned athletes. We simply know more about the overall health benefits of exercise now than we did a generation ago.
Strength Training Exercise Routines for the Rest of Us
One of the great things that you see in gyms today is the number of women who are adopting strength training exercise into their fitness plans. There have always been women who lifted weights, but there was a myth that women who got on strength exercise programs would become ‘masculine’ and ‘muscle-bound’. For many years this myth continued to circulate and some women avoided touching weights for fear of becoming manly or getting too big. Fortunately, it has been proven that doing a strength training exercise routine alone will not result in women becoming huge and muscular. Even professional women bodybuilders are not likely to get very big or overly muscular without hardcore strength exercise programs, the right genetics and other variables being present. Simply put, women now know that they can, and should include resistance training in their exercise programs.
Women can enjoy some fantastic benefits by incorporating strength training exercise into their fitness routines. The first benefit is increased lean body mass, which results in increased fat loss. Women can also fight off degenerative bone loss later in life by becoming stronger and more fit. Strength training exercise is a true health benefit for women of every age.
Strength Training Exercise Routines for the Elderly
One thing that might surprise you, if you haven’t been to a gym in a while, is the number of older people who are pumping iron. Doctors are recommending that elderly people take up strength exercise routines as a way to combat the effects of aging. One of the first things that happens as we get older is that we naturally begin to lose muscle mass. As lean body mass decreases our bodies become weaker. Over time this weakness contributes to many other health risks that can be easily avoided by simply maintaining muscle mass. Doctors have seen the plethora of benefits that people get from doing strength training exercise and are prescribing it to more and more of their patients every year.
Strength training exercise acts as a preventative health measure for older people. Many middle aged and elderly people aren’t all that concerned about getting huge, ripped or buff, they simply want to stay strong and active well into their golden years. Adding muscle mass, by way of strength exercise, is one of the most potent ways for these people to stay strong, healthy and vibrant for years to come. It’s likely that even more elderly people will begin to adopt strength training exercise regimens, as doctors continue to see the massive health improvements that these types of exercise programs provide.
Strength Training Exercise and Nutrition
Even the best strength exercise routine in the world won’t increase lean muscle mass without the right nutrition. People who are trying to add muscle mass – whether they are professional athletes, work at home mothers or older folks – need increased levels of protein intake in order to sustain and increase lean body mass. The only nutrient the body can use to build muscle tissue is protein. It’s important for people to pay close attention to their diets when they adopt a strength training exercise program. Failure to take in enough protein will result in no gains, and perhaps increased chances of injury, when lifting weights. For your body to get the most from a strength training routine, you need to give it the raw materials it needs to increase muscle mass. Protein is that raw ingredient that your body needs, so make sure that you are getting enough protein to sustain muscle growth.
Nutritional supplements are available that can help people get optimum levels of protein to fuel their workouts. Profect is one of the more popular protein drinks. It provides a whopping 25 grams of top quality protein to help your muscles recover from any strength exercise session. Adding a protein supplement, like Profect to your diet can help you to make sure that you are getting adequate levels of protein to get all the healthy benefits possible from your diet and exercise program. Resistance exercise is for everyone and it goes hand-in-hand with good nutritional practices. Make sure that you are getting the right amount of protein to get the most from your workouts.
About Protica Research (http://www.protica.com) Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of dense nutrition in compact forms. Protica manufactures Profect (http://www.profect.com), IsoMetric (http://www.isometric.com), Pediagro (http://www.pediagro.com), Fruitasia (http://www.fruitasia.com) and many other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility. Copyright – Protica

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Eating a well balanced diet is the only way to have proper endurance sport nutrition
January 3, 2012 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
Article by JohnT Scott
The saying working hard pays off is not always true. Endurance athletes are the proof that while hard work does show great results it is not the deciding factor in endurance sports. For an athlete who is going to be in a competition their nutrition is essential. No matter how much an athlete has trained if they do not have the right endurance sport nutrition it will all be for nothing because their body will not have the strength it needs to be able to last during competition.
Endurance athletes can not go on any fad diets if they expect to be able to truly win in competition. While diets like the Atkins Diet and the Hollywood Diet have been shown to help someone to quickly lose weight they do not have the proper nutrients for endurance sport nutrition. Both diets lack the amount of carbohydrates the endurance athletes need to be able to perform at their peak ability. When someone works out their body uses the complex carbohydrates they ingest as fuel. If someone is on a low carb diet they will not be giving their body the nutrition they need to use as food. This will make their muscles weaker and not give them the strength their body needs to perform.
Another key component to proper endurance sport nutrition is protein. Protein needs to be ingested by the endurance athletes because it helps to promote muscle repair. When an athlete works out their muscles are tearing apart and then repair themselves to grow strength. Eating protein gives the body the nutrients to be able to repair muscles quickly and efficiently. Eggs, chicken, beans, and certain red meats all contain protein. They can be prepared a variety of different ways os that the athlete does not become bored with their diet.
Eating fat is something that many people avoid at all costs. Athletes know that eating healthy fat is another important part to endurance sport nutrition. Healthy fats that are found in nuts, seeds, and certain animal fats. Healthy fats are also called lean fats. They help to fuel the body and give it the extra energy it needs to be able to be pushed further.
While not everyone is an endurance athlete they do need to eat a healthy diet. While fruits and vegetables are good for someone they do not provide enough of the nutrients that someone needs to be able to be as healthy as possible. Fad diets and exercise do not work well together. Someone who is on a fad diet and tries to work out could be putting their body at risk of serious injury because it does not have the nutrients it needs to be able to fuel and rebuild its muscles. Eating a well balanced meal that contains proteins, carbohydrates, vegetables, fruits, and lean fats is the only way to have good endurance sport nutrition habits. It is possible for someone to easily change their eating habits and help their body to be able to perform the best way possible.
John Scott is an author and Sports Nutrition expert. He spends his time researching Sports Nutrition Health and teaching others the benefit of maintaining a healthy, nutritional, sports diet. If you would like to learn more about Sports Nutrition. and maintaining a healthy sports diet visit John’s website Endurance Sports Nutrition.
Resistance Training Workout Routines
December 29, 2011 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
Article by Dr. Al Parker
What Is Resistance Training?
Resistance training involves activities that use weights, machines, resistance bands or even body weight to work your muscles properly. It is also known as strength training. This can be extremely helpful in achieving a healthier body. This kind of training we usually associate with athletes who have to build up their bodies to perform better. Most people would think that when resistance training is done, the body will grow bigger. Actually it does not have to. Resistance training is simply about increasing the strength of the body, not always it’s size. Although we traditionally think that strength training traditionally for athletes, it can be use by anyone successfully if done correctly. Reistance training basically strengthens the muscles, and leans the bodies fat stores. It can be used by any age group to acheive specific results.
How Does Resistance Training Work?
A resistance training program will include the use of various exercise equipment and machines like the bench press, dumbbell or barbell. However, the easiest and most convienent way to train with resistance for most of us with busy lives is by using resistance bands at home. When the equipment is used, the muscles of the body will be pitted against the resistance. The cells of the body will then adapt to the extra resistance. This will then result to enlarge and increase the strength of each muscle cell to help in the muscle perform contractions more efficiently. Before doing any resistance training, it is,of course, best to consult with a doctor. This goes especially for people who have medical conditions such as heart disease, lung disease diabetes, kidney or liver disease. You should know the proper tools and proper exercises for the needs of your body. Of course, that’s whatwww.plantoberipped.com is here for. We can give you a personalized assessment of what type of resistance training program is right for you.
One of the best things about resistance training is that it can be done with little to no expensive equipement and does not require a large amount of space. Doing push-ups is one good example. You can do it just about anywhere where there is enough space for you to move. This time it is your own body weight that will be pitted against the muscles. So those who are a bit constrained in the budget can still do resistance trainings.
What Are the Benefits of Resistance Training?
1. Increase Bone Mineral Density-
Bones are constantly remodeling, meaning the tissues break down at the same time they build up. The peak of remodeling takes place during puberty. However, as a person ages, our bone mineral density decreases as the remodeling is not as active anymore. This is especially a problem to post-menopausal women and the elderly, but does begin to happen in the early thirties. Bone mineral density is usually supported by the hormones and stress placed on the bones. To address the problem of not having the hormones and less stress, and to maintain the bone mineral density, physical activity is the next best option. Resistance training is one physical activity that can put enough stress on the bones to stimulate remodeling and increase bone density.
2. Increase Strength-
In addition to increase in bone density and strength, muscles will grow stronger and become more developed as you progress.
3. Increase the Range of Activities-
When your body is strong enough to carry some considerable weight, then you will also be capable of doing more strenuous activities. An increase in exercise lifts the mood and you will be more interested in life and a more active lifestyle. This will really create a snowball effect on your life and activities.
4. Reduce the Body Fat-
Using and increasing the muscle mass (even a little bit) will increase the energy that is required by your body, even at rest. This also increases the energy needed by your body at during activities. The more muscle, the more energy is needed to be broken down to supply you body to function properly. This translates to more fat calories and fat being burned each minute. Thus with the decrease in body fat, you can expect the tone of the body to improve and you will become leaner….and did I mention sexy??
5. Improve State of the Elders-
For the elderly undergoing a resistance training program will help improve their health and decrease the risks brought about by the age. They can be more independent, without needing to rely on other people for doing simple things. Being able to do so will also decrease the risk of injuries in the elders
6. Improve Heart Condition-
Regular resistance training can result in a lowered heart rate and lowered blood pressure, especially after exercise. Thus, the risk of heart diseases is reduced.
This kind of training however must be properly done. It requires commitment and consistency. It will have to be done in a regular basis.
This is the real challenge when it comes to exercise and improving your health is consistency It’s not hard to exercise for 30 minutes, but its difficult to consistently do this 5 days a week for 3 or 4 months. That is why you will need comprehensive plans like www.super-fit.com provides. What is super-fit.com you ask? Well, it’s not yet released, but it is a website that will automate all of your boring fitness tasks. Such as finding new and exciting workouts (even with video download), calculating your calories, and finding tasty recipes.
The best part about this site is that they don’t just give you a list of exercises to do and send you on your way. They provide every aspect of help that is required to get results. Workouts, nutrition, motivation, recipes, peer chatting and forums, and even access to expert advice. The key here is to simply take your time. Do things one step at a time correctly. As your body condition improves, then move on to more challenging tasks. The strength of the body and your health are very easy to improve with the right tools. Don’t work hard, work smart!
Dr. Parker is a surgical resident with a special interest in nutrition, fitness and the improvement of overall health. He has helped many people, patients and non-patients, acheive their fitness goals using little to no equipment and the most time effiecient workout routines possible. If you would like more information on his fitness program, go to: http://www.plantoberipped.com
metabolicresistancetraining.info Metabolic resistance training is the quickest way to lose body fat and transform your physique. Lose weight and tone your muscles with metabolic training.
Exercising Aerobically For Endurance
December 27, 2011 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
No matter what your current state of being in form might be, it’s always gonna be essential to enhance. Many times you hear of cardio workouts for individuals who havent worked out in a few years aren’t in great form. Nevertheless, there are individuals who wish to develop workouts who currently do athletic work, and these people, like endurance athletes, currently are aware of the fundamentals of aerobic exercises and merely wish to be in better health.
If you’ve been working out for any lengthy time, or if you play an activity that needs you to have long endurance, you most likely realize that aerobic routines can also be very important. You understand that to be able to be in the best shape possible for you, you need to be able to have your heart rate going as well as your breathing rate up, and these are the things that you simply can achieve with aerobic exercises. However, if you’re a sports athlete already, chances are the fundamentals aerobic exercises class is going to be uninteresting for you personally and is not going to do you as much good as you might believe. If you’re already a sports athlete, and also you still wish to get in better form, you will find several things that you simply can start to complete to be able to accomplish this.
First of all, the purpose of performing aerobic exercises is to get your coronary heart rate going and your breathing rate going. That means that if you’re already an endurance athlete, you will have to discover ways to push yourself past what you are currently able to complete. If you’re used to running long distances, and dont get as winded, you will have to attempt to run quicker or farther to be able to get your coronary heart rate going more than what you already accomplish.
This is the basic thing that you have to target. If you will be having aerobic workouts, and you are an endurance sportsperson, you have to be certain that you can find different ways to work out your physique isnt used to. You have to increase the rate, or add some thing for your workout so that you simply can complete it
Keep in mind that pushing your physique is the aim of doing cardio work out. So you have to find ways that your body is not used to doing, and drive your body to operate in this way. This is the best way that you simply can get an aerobic workout.
Want to lose weight without having to do lots of exercising at the gym? theres actually a DIET designed to do just that, it basically helps you change your whole eating pattern
The diet is called fat burning furnace
PS – Another great article on: health and fitness
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Jump Start Your Fitness Routine This Winter with High Intensity Cardio Training
December 24, 2011 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
Article by Fitness Together
Pack Training Fitness Together
As you dive into the winter season, you may find yourself in a rut of doing the same old, same old when it comes to your fitness and wellness routine. And as the temperatures get cooler, climbing on the dreaded treadmill or elliptical machine may seem to be your only options for burning those inevitable extra holiday calories.
Effective cardio training, though, can include more than your traditional running, biking and swimming. By taking your workout up a notch with high intensity cardio variations, you can jump start your fitness routine so you look better, feel better and perform better throughout this winter season.Ramp Up Your Cardio for Weight Loss and Maintenance
As the holidays approach and we are in the thick of pumpkin pies, turkey dinners and over scheduled calendars, the common fitness theme this time of year is fighting the bulge and finding time to squeeze in a workout. Although concentrating on eating in moderation is a key component to weight loss and maintenance, cardio exercises focused on interval training can help combat the belly bounce. Interval training focuses on intense bursts of exercise in your workout that not only jump start your heart rate, but burn body fat quicker as well.
The good news for your hectic schedule is that you don’t have to bang out hours on the treadmill to realize the best cardio results for your body. Industry research[1] shows that shorter duration of high intensity exercise can be more beneficial than traditional endurance training.
Basic exercise science also supports that the harder you work, the more calories you burn every minute you exercise, while high intensity cardio sessions also speed your metabolism for hours following your workout session.
So, if weight loss/maintenance is your main goal this holiday season, ditch the treadmill and opt for a more fast and furious workout full of burpees, wind sprints and slam balls. Your belly will appreciate it and so will the number on the scale January 1st, 2012.Incorporate Cardio for Greater Strength and Muscle Definition
As we all know, strength and conditioning exercises build muscle. Cardio, when coupled with proper nutrition; however, is the secret weapon to defining and showing off the hours spent in the weight room. To create greater muscle definition in the common “problem” areas (arms, abs, glutes), it is important to incorporate metabolic cardio conditioning to your fitness regimen to unveil your hidden lean and sleek muscles.
A recent study[2] that evaluated the effect of training methods on female college athletes found that concurrent strength and aerobic endurance training was highly effective on muscle strength and endurance, body composition and flexibility. When your goal is to build strength and muscle, combining strength training exercises with total body cardio is key to realizing the best results. This type of cardio approach packs a variety of total body movements into your workout that aims to raise your heart rate and maintain the increased level for 5-10 minutes.
Some full body cardio exercises include:
● mountain climbers
● battling ropes
● jump squat circuits.
These exercises allow you to build more muscle and burn calories, while you to get the most bang for your buck as it relates to time efficient and effective cardio exercises.Maintain Consistent Cardio for Endurance Training
Whether your goal is to achieve a personal best at this year’s turkey trot or you’re planning to start the New Year with a triathlon or long distance running race, consistent cardio exercises are the key to any training program. There is no doubt about it that in order to prepare your body for a long endurance event, you have to put in the mileage. If you are signed up to run a half marathon in January, then you have to prepare your body for the wear and tear of pounding pavement for two hours by running (not walking, elliptical, biking) the mileage laid out for you in your training plan.
However, if you find yourself lacking motivation half way through your training program, you can mix up your weekly workouts by incorporating some hill and interval training to not only build muscle and endurance, but also keep you mentally engaged throughout your training program. Just make sure to plan appropriate rest days after the more intense training sessions to give your body time to recuperate and prepare for the big race day.
Another tactic for keeping you on track for successfully completing your training plan is to take your cardio training outdoors whenever possible. In the winter months this isn’t always an option, but if you can hit the trails early in the morning before a snow storm rolls in or later in the afternoon when temperatures have reached a reasonable level, research from West Virginia University found that training outdoors makes you 52 percent more likely to exercise more regularly.
Whether your goals this season are to combat the belly bounce, build more muscle or successfully train for an upcoming endurance event, incorporating high intensity cardio into your fitness routine will not only make you feel better and look better, but also perform better in any of your upcoming endeavors. Contact your local Fitness Together PACK Training studio today to start building cardio into your overall fitness and wellness routine at: http://fitnesstogether.com/santamonica/contact_info
McGill S, Low Back Disorders: Evidence-Based Prevention and Rehabilitation, Human Kinetics, 2007 Baechle T and Earle R, editors, Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, 3rd Edition, National Strength and Conditioning Association, Human Kinetics, 2008 Bryant C and Green D, editors, ACE Personal Trainer Manual, 4th Edition, American Council on Exercise, 2010 Bryant C and Green D, editors, ACE’s Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals, American Council on Exercise, 2010
Bodyweight Training For Fitness: More Than You Think?
December 22, 2011 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
Article by Eddie Lomax
Fitness is a complex term. This is why when you ask someone for a universal definition of fitness you usually get something vague like this, “Fitness is being fit”. Don’t believe me, ask someone (even fitness professionals). But once you understand the true nature of fitness, I’m confident you’ll see why bodyweight training for fitness should be a part of your over-all workout program.
So, let’s begin with my definition of physical fitness!
Fitness is the acceptable and deliberate compromise of competence and ability to perform in all the areas of cardiorespiratory endurance, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, accuracy and toughness to produce optimum performance results under the greatest amount of circumstances.
You’d better read that again to make sure you get it.
As you can see, fitness is more than being strong. It is more than having powerful heart and lungs. Fitness is the ability to use all your physical abilities simultaneously and seamlessly to overcome physical challenges. And bodyweight training is an excellent method for training for over-all fitness!
Normally, people seeking fitness focus on only one or two of the physical abilities needed to be fit. Or, they base their training on the RESULT of being fit, like burning fat or building muscle. You see, having muscle or being lean does not necessarily mean you are fit! However, being fit usually manifests itself as a strong, muscular, lean body.
There are three types of challenges you’ll face in sport, work and life.
1) The challenge requires you move your body to successfully complete the task2) The challenge requires you move an exterior object to successfully complete the task3) The challenge requires you to move your body and an exterior object to successfully complete the task
And to make things more complicated, the challenge can require any of the physical abilities of fitness and in any combination. As you can see, being able to move your own body is needed for two of the types of challenges, and therefore should be trained accordingly. Bodyweight training is that important.
Think of it this way, there are so many abilities to train in order to be fit, you need a versatile tool capable of training them all. And there is no better tool than your own body. Bodyweight training can effectively target all of the physical abilities needed to be fit.
Compare bodyweight training to weight training. Bodyweight training is a much more accessible and versatile form of training. Don’t get me wrong, I like weight training and think it superior for some types of training. I just think bodyweight training has more to offer in terms of improving all the physical skills of fitness.
So, if you want to truly be fit, you need to improve all the physical abilities of fitness. Bodyweight training for fitness should be a part of everyone’s physical training program. Because when you are truly fit, you’ll not only meet the challenges of sport, work and life with excellence, you’ll look great too!
Coach Eddie Lomax, author of Workout Without Weights has put together a bodyweight calisthenics progressive program together that takes bodyweight training for fitness to the next level!
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Dumbbell Cardio For Endurance and Fat Loss
December 19, 2011 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
Using Dumbbells for Endurance or Fat Loss is a foreign concept to most people. Most people believe that weights are for strength and cardio is for endurance and fat loss. It’s time to look beyond these “singular” viewpoints and understand what Dumbbell Cardio can do for you.
Lets see if the following describes you: You perform endless cardio, and diligently go to the gym lifting heavy weights. But when it comes time to carry heavy boxes up the stairs, and to REPEAT that task over and over again, you become TIRED.
This is because you lack proper strength endurance. Dumbbell Cardio allows you train both your musculature and cardiovascular systems at the same time so that you can perform daily activities better. Most things in life require you to use your muscles and your heart at the same time.
How do You Do Dumbbell Cardio?
There’s two things you need to know in order to develop intense dumbbell workouts:
1 – Choose Whole-Body Exercises
Choose exercises such as dumbbell swings, cleans, and snatches which train more than one muscle group at once.
The more muscles you can engage in a particular exercise, the better. The key is not to isolate, but to train your body as one piece.
2 – Choose a High Intensity Training Method
Organize your exercises into circuits, intervals, supersets, trisets, or any other high intensity training method. There are at least a dozen high intensity methods out there, and you can modify them any which way. These modifications, if you’re creative enough, can allow you to develop hundreds of different workouts using hundreds of different methods.
Hopefully this article has convinced you to start using dumbbell cardio in your regular fitness routines.
But wait..I need to tell you one more thing. Dumbbell cardio is great, but if you want even greater results, then you should try combining dumbbell exercises with bodyweight exercises. You should check out the Gladiator Body workout. I talk more about this workout on my blog ShahTraining.com
Agility and Speed Training Equipment
December 17, 2011 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
Article by Shekhar Bhalla
Agility Training Equipment are the best tool that helps an athlete to improve ability to change direction, brake suddenly and perform sport-specific skills effectively with speed. Our speed training equipment is more suitable for improving your sport-specific skills. We are world’s premier manufacturer and supplier of quality agility and speed training equipment. We are trusted and reliable professionals in the field of sports equipment manufacturing. We take ownership of each and every part of the equipment we provide and our customers can trust that we only sell the highest quality product. Our high standards control the process from start to finish.
BHALLA INTERNATIONAL is a foremost name in the sports equipments and carrying out business since 1957 under the brand name VINEX. The company has carved out a leading status in manufacturing Speed Training Equipment, Agility Equipment, Track & Field Equipment, Landing Areas, Soccer Accessories / Training equipment, Primary Sport / Educational, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Mini Sports, Basket Ball Equipment and many other sports equipment. The company carries more than 850+ products in total 2500+ variants. IAAF, EN 71 certifications on our diverse range of Track & Field products exhibit superior quality and performance of products we manufacture. Our sports equipments are being used in a good range of International and National Sports Championships across the globe. We have been honoured and Awarded as Number – 1 Exporter of Athletics Equipment from India by SGEPC (Sports Goods Export Promotion Council of India)
BHALLA INTERNATIONAL now takes pride in its long experience in the sports segment and comprises an enormous half decade of experience. The company has achieved the landmark figure of 53 years in the sport segment in 2010. On the basis of our ability for taking giant strides in technology and innovation, we have attained the position of a leader in the global Sports Industry. The deep penetration of our sporting equipments in various national and international markets makes us a force to be relied upon
Bhalla International keeps a close look on the changing market trends and manufactures sporting equipments accordingly. All the equipments are manufactured to suit the different games according to the specifications, and this has been the cause of our relentless growth. Coming up with the products with innovative designs has placed us among the industry leaders and we are striving hard to maintain our status of being the leader.
To know more details about us, please feel free to visit our corporate website www.speedagilityladder.com or call us at 91-121-2441111
We are a leading manufacturer and supplier of Sporting Goods and Athletics Equipment in Meerut India. We are also selling sporting goods online on http://www.vinexshop.com.
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