Use These Slimming Exercise Tips to Lose Weight
August 7, 2012 by admin
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Article by Audrey Makepeace
Use These Slimming Exercise Tips to Lose Weight – Health – Weight Loss
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Many people recognise that a major component to weight loss is to exercise. Of course, eating well is important too, but without exercise, especially as you get older, you are going to find that eating well is not going to do much for you other than perhaps keep your cholesterol down. If you are exercising to lose weight, then the following slimming exercise tips should help you achieve the results that you desire.
Slimming Exercise Tip #1: Walk, walk, walk! If you are among the many people who cannot take the time out of their day to go to the gym, then you are going to have to make your day work for you. Anytime you have the option, take the stairs instead of the lift. Park away from your destination so that you have to walk to get there and don’t forget to walk quickly to increase calorie burn.
Slimming Exercise Tip #2: Get some regular exercise! Most experts will tell you that you should exercise at least three times a week for 20 minutes, more if possible. This can include walking, running, lifting weights, swimming, biking, etc.
Slimming Exercise Tip #3: Remember your diet! Do not think for one second that since you are exercising that you can eat what you want. That might work for a 14-year-old boy, but that is not going to work for you. Eating all of the wrong foods is simply undermining your exercise routine, so stick with eating healthy.
Slimming Exercise Tip #4: Keep it interesting! There are literally hundreds of different exercise routines available to you. If weight lifting isn’t appealing to you, then try swimming, if you don’t like swimming try biking. Find something that you enjoy and include it in your regular routine.
Slimming Exercise Tip #5: Increase your endurance! The best way to start a program is by strength training and cardio exercises. Strength training gives you the stamina to work at the level you need to in order to lose the weight you desire. Cardio is the fastest way to burn calories and lose weight. Running, cycling and swimming are three exercises that embody both of these elements.
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More of the very best slimming exercise tips and secrets here. Regularly updated website covering slimming diet, exercise and more. Learn how to get slim and stay slim.
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More of the very best slimming exercise tips and secrets here. Regularly updated website covering slimming diet, exercise and more. Learn how to get slim and stay slim.
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8 Diet and Exercise Tips to Lose Belly Fat
July 27, 2012 by admin
Filed under Exercise Tips
Article by Caizechong
8 Diet and Exercise Tips to Lose Belly Fat – Health – Weight Loss
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Fat that accumulates in the abdominal region is referred as love handles or belly fat. Call them by any name, they are troublesome and awful. So, how to lose tummy fat? Unfortunately, spot reduction is impossible. Luckily for those looking to lose belly fat, however, the abdomen is one of the first areas where many people lose weight. With dedication, you too can eventually shed away the pounds and have a flatter, firmer stomach.
1. Consuming 5-6 small meals daily instead of 3 square meals can keep you fit and trim (400 calories every 3 hours or so through out the day). Eating this way helps prevent your blood sugar from crashing and keeps you satisfied. Since you won’t be starving, you will be able to make smarter food choices and stick to your diet! Lastly, if you’re not too sure of the calorie count – why not stick to portion control – ONE small plate serve only per meal.
2. Drink plenty of water, at least eight glasses per day, to keep your body properly hydrated. Drinking enough water aids in the body’s elimination of waste, which can help with weight loss over time.
3. Cut out evening carbs. You will notice a quick drop in belly fat after just 1 to 2 weeks of eliminating carbohydrates after lunch time. When you do this your body can not use carbs for energy in the evenings and must become good at burning the alternative – FAT.
4. Watch what you eat – Start a journal and record what you eat and drink, when and how much you eat over a period of 2 weeks. This is important because you need to see where your weak areas are. Most likely you will see a pattern emerging. Once you’ve reviewed your journal, decrease your intake by cutting out or reducing all unnecessary unhealthy calories. You will be amazed how much you really can cut out. Most likely, you will have to reduce the snacks, take outs and sugary drinks like soda drinks – remember, diet soda includes sodium, which is not healthy. If you can’t eliminate soda, decrease the amount you drink and replace those fluids with water or green tea.
6. Work exercise into your daily routine to help burn fat. Start a gym membership, if you can afford one. If not, try running or jogging and consider doing body-weight exercises like crunches, push-ups and pull-ups. Start slowly, and gradually increase your work-outs over time to keep them challenging and effective. If you have any health issues, consult with your doctor before beginning to exercise.
7. Avoid fatigue. When your body is low on energy it is not going to take energy to burn fat. Give your body rest at night and avoid too much stress and you will find that your waistline shrinks.
8. A balanced diet consisting of fruits and vegetables, complimented by high quality protein and fiber will aid in toning the body. Fiber rich fruits such as berries, oranges, strawberries and vegetables such as cantaloupes and carrots contain high levels of antioxidants like Vitamin C which prohibit fat from accumulating in the belly. Lean meat including fish and poultry are rich in protein but low in fat, providing the energy required without adding to the visceral fat. Eating many meals at short intervals through the day will help in increased metabolism and will reduce the urge to eat unhealthy food.
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Author is an online researcher on natural weight loss. Nutritionist. Click read more on how to lose belly fat, weight loss tips.
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Author is an online researcher on natural weight loss. Nutritionist. Click read more on how to lose belly fat, weight loss tips.
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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included. Lose belly fat today! Here’s a quick and easy belly fat tip to get you started losing belly fat now. For more free how to lose belly fat tips, visit my website And follow along here… YouTube Channel Facebook: Twitter: How to Lose Belly Fat: Tips for a Flatter Stomach What’s the best strategy for banishing belly fat? Is it as simple as adding certain foods to your diet, or doing particular exercises? Alexa Traffic Rank for – – 2. 5 Tips to Lose Stomach Fat, Get Flat Six Pack Abs, Ab Workouts … Lose belly fat for six pack abs the right way – No overhyped supplements, long boring cardio, or bogus ab gadgets. The honest answers to abdominal exercises … Alexa Traffic Rank for – – 3. How to Lose Belly Fat and Get a Flat Stomach | Get Fit and Lose … However, even a thin layer of loose belly fat can be hard to shift. If you are looking for advice on how to lose stomach fat then following these tips and … Alexa Traffic Rank for – – 4. How To Lose Belly Fat 101: Losing Belly Fat Fast Tips How to Lose Belly Fat Tips, Tricks and Methods. You will lose belly fat using these simple yet powerful techniques. Proven, effective, lasting results… Alexa Traffic Rank for – – 5. Lose Belly Fat — Is It Really Possible …
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Easy Cardio Exercise Tips
July 20, 2012 by admin
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One of the best things you can do to lose weight is to get some regular cardio exercise. Cardio is short for cardiovascular, which means it involves your heart. So cardiovascular exercise is exercise that raises your heart rate, and keeps it elevated while you work out. Cardio is great because it strengthens your heart and lungs and it boosts your metabolism and increases your energy all the time . In this article we will look at a few easy cardio exercises that you can do to lose weight.
Running is a good easy activity and the best thing is you don’t need any special equipment, and you can do it anywhere. If you can afford a pair of good running shoes, this will definitely help you avoid strain or injury to your knees and ankles. You can burn up to 300 calories in just half an hour of running.
Bike Riding
Bike riding another good cardio exercise you can do.
You can ride in your neighbour or use an indoor track if there is one in your area. Increasingly, dedicated bike trails are being created.
Swimming is a really good exercise that works out your whole body the best results try different strokes. Half an hour of swimming every day can burn more calories than running and it is much easier on your knees.
Walking is a good way to ease into an exercise routine but you can still burn a lot of calories if you just walk for 30 or 40 minutes per day. Include some uphill sections in your walk to get even more benefit.
Whichever cardio exercise you choose, spend at least two or three days a week exercising at first. Slowly build up, starting with an easier exercise and then increasing the length of time you exercise or trying some more difficult exercises as you get fitter.
It’s important to include a good exercise workout in any diet. Read about losing weight fast for some great diet tips.
Diet and Exercise Plans
July 17, 2012 by admin
Filed under Exercise Tips
Article by Johnny Gilbert
Diet and Exercise Plans – Food
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Those that struggle with their weight are always looking for a way to get at least some of it to come off. Some have a pesky five pounds they can not seem to drop, and some have much, more more they want to lose. TV shows like Biggest Loser have inspired many to work harder to have a healthier life, and there are many diet and exercise plans out there from which to choose. It can be hard to know what is real, but if you remember that there is no magic pill, and that you have to put effort into what you are doing, choosing the right plan can be a bit easier.
Any diet and exercise plans that sound too good to be true usually are, and you should think hard before you try them, especially if they are on the expensive side. Though there are some tricks to eating right and some foods that are more helpful than others, there are very few diets that are unbalanced that work. You won’t lose much from an all grapefruit diet because a person can only eat so much of one food. It may sound good to try, but you are going to tire of this quickly and you will be right back where you started, only feeling even more frustrated.
Instead of looking for something that suggest miracles right way, look for diet and exercise plans that have a lot of variety. This is what will keep you on track. Some say that sheer will power is what you need, but will power does not go very far for anyone. The diet plan you want is one that gives you options so that you are never bored with what you are eating, even if you are not getting the foods that you always want. The same can be said for exercise. You want to mix it up or you are going to fall off of your new plan, purely out of boredom.
There is such a thing as trying diet and exercise programs that are just too aggressive for you. If you have been sedentary for quite a while, you are not going to exercise for six hours a day. If you have been that active in the near past, this might be something you can do, but most people do not have the time for that in daily life. Instead, find something that you can do each day that is reasonable for your life. If you work a lot, you won’t have a lot of time to work out. That means choosing something you can do in your schedule.
It never hurts to have a doctor look over any diet and exercise programs that you want to try. They can tell you if it is safe and also give you tips to stay on track. You may also do better if you find buddies to exercise with and friends that will share your new eating habits with you. If you have friends that always offer you fatty, high calorie foods, you may want to avoid them if they seem to miss the message that your eating habits are changing. Surround yourself with support and move away from the people that only seem to want to reinforce your bad habits you are trying to change.
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Abdominal Exercises
July 13, 2012 by admin
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Article by Angel Lesta
Abdominal Exercises – Health – Weight Loss
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Abdominal ExercisesWhen you consume more calories than what your body can use, the unused sugars, proteins and fats in your body get converted into glycogen and fat reserves. These fats are stored under the skin in different parts of your body. Some of it gets accumulated in fat cells surrounding various organs of your body. This is more common in the abdominal region, and is known as the visceral fat. Many chronic and potentially fatal conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers have been linked to the abdominal fat. Apart from calorie intake, stress and hormonal changes associated with it can also lead to accumulation of belly fat. Regular abdominal exercises may help reduce the accumulated fat.Before you begin abdominal exercises, try to identify the cause of your abdominal fat. Start by relaxing yourself. Take steps to reduce your stress levels. Start following a low-fat diet that is rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables. If you haven’t exercised at all until now, start with warm-up activities such as walking and jogging. Increase the intensity as your fitness levels improve. These exercises will improve your cardiovascular fitness, and help burn additional calories and stored fat in your body. It will also prepare your body for an intense and focused ab attack program. The specific stomach exercises work all the six muscles in your stomach and help reduce your waist size.Crunches are the most popular and common abdominal exercises. When performed properly, they can lead to significant improvement in your stomach fat levels. It is, however, important to combine a variety of crunches such as bicycle crunch, long-arm crunch and reverse crunch in your exercise regimen. Several sets and repetitions are required for desired benefits. You may invest in a portable device that may support your stomach exercises. Specialized gym equipment including the captain’s chair and the work bench are highly useful as well. All programs should be combined with healthy diet. It is also important to be consistent.A professional fitness trainer may help you chose abdominal exercises that would work specifically to reduce belly fat. You can hire one but that may be very expensive. Your other option is to follow a fitness video that has been designed by a fitness expert specifically for your abs. The exercise programs will have low-intensity moves for the beginners. The exercises get complex as you become an expert. The experts will give you important tips about your diet as well.
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I have been in Health and Fitness for over 37 years now, first in bodybuilding were I be came, Mr Briton 1983, Mr Europe 1983, and silver medalist in the world games 1985.From 1985 to 2010 running My own fitness Gyms, Now Just suppling the best information to the people that what to achieve their Health and Fitness goals. Check out My site.
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I have been in Health and Fitness for over 37 years now, first in bodybuilding were I be came, Mr Briton 1983, Mr Europe 1983, and silver medalist in the world games 1985.From 1985 to 2010 running My own fitness Gyms, Now Just suppling the best information to the people that what to achieve their Health and Fitness goals. Check out My site.
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4 Essential Exercise Tips for Weight Loss
July 10, 2012 by admin
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Article by Linda Bruton
4 Essential Exercise Tips for Weight Loss – Health – Weight Loss
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Facts are facts. If you are trying to lose weight, it is essential to include exercise in your weight loss plan. Moderate exercise will help to minimize the effect that dieting has on your body. With most diets, you will often reach a weight loss plateau during the first few weeks. This is the result of your body adjusting to the decrease in the number of calories you are consuming. Here are some simple exercise tips for weight loss that will help you continue to lose weight from your diet plan.
1. Set up a Realistic Exercise Plan
Don’t just get out of bed one morning and decide that you need to start running. What you actually need to do is sit down and set up a realistic plan that will work for you. You should first think about what kind of physical condition you are already in. If you haven’t exercised in a long time, you can’t start out with 5 mile runs and expect to make it through the first day!
You should also think about what kind of exercise you like and what is most practical for you. If you have to drive 20 miles to get to the nearest gym, you probably won’t keep doing that day after day for a long period of time. Walking is a great exercise because it doesn’t require any special equipment, and you can do it in most parts of the country most of the year.
2. Set up an Exercise Diary
Use your diary to set down your plan and then keep track of your daily activities. If you’ve decided to try walking, for instance, keep track of your time and distance every day. You can also set goals for yourself and set down the details. Seeing your actual activity on paper can also serve to keep you motivated and pushing yourself to do more.
3. Build Yourself up Gradually
Don’t try to start out with a long and strenuous workout on the first day – especially if you haven’t exercised in a long time. Doing so could be hazardous to your health, as well as being very discouraging. When you’re not used to it, strenuous exercise can make you very sore. You’re also more prone to muscle pulls. You might want to limit yourself to 15 minutes a day 3 or 4 times a week to start with. Then gradually increase your time and the level of intensity. Work up to 30 minutes a day 5 times a week and you should see great results!
4. Do What You Enjoy
It is vital that any exercise you do for weight loss is something that you enjoy doing. You will be much more inclined to stick to it long term, which will do you the most good. Also change your exercise routine every 4 to 6 weeks to ensure that you are able to provide yourself with a workout which is effective. You should include in exercise routines that you carry out cardiovascular and strength training Be sure to also include stretching exercises to keep your body more flexible and less prone to injury.
Hopefully these exercise tips for weight loss will soon have you on the way to achieving your goal of losing those excess pounds and keeping them off for good. The best weight loss tip I can give you is to include exercise in your diet plan.
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Are you looking for a teen weight loss plan? Be sure to read my article on a home weight loss program that will work for anyone.
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Are you looking for a teen weight loss plan? Be sure to read my article on a home weight loss program that will work for anyone.
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Sexually Please A Women Best Penis Male Enlargement Exercise Tips For Beginners
July 6, 2012 by admin
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Article by demetriceballengee
Sexually Please A Women Best Penis Male Enlargement Exercise Tips For Beginners – Relationships – Sexuality
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You don’t need to feel embarrassed about having a small penis. There are ways to get a bigger penis if you aren’t afraid to try a few options.
RESULTS ARE NOW GUARANTEED: Enlarge your penis 1-4 inches. You can enlarge your penis size and girth easily. Get started TODAY with no waiting. See results in as little as 7 days Guaranteed!
Do male enhancement pills work? What really is the best way to increase your penis size? This article will answer these questions so you can make an intelligent decision about which method of penis male enlargement to use for maximum and permanent growth!
Many men make the same mistake of buying into penis male enlargement scams that do not benefit them at all. I am here to tell you today that you do not need to take pills use extenders or have surgery to make your penis bigger! You can actually increase the size of your penis naturally by following an enhancing exercise guide with the proper techniques. Let’s learn a few facts about these exercises that actually make a man’s penis larger!
Are you wondering how to increase the size of your penis? Discover how to increase your length and girth size permanently. Great results in weeks with 100% safe natural penile exercises.
Are you unhappy with the size of your penis? Would you like to be bigger and able to perform better in the bedroom? Results are now guaranteed that will naturally increase the size of your penis permanently.
In medicine a matrix is defined as a structure or surrounding substance that allows something to develop within it. A good example of this is the womb. How does this apply to natural penis male enlargement?
A natural enhancement program is simple to follow and involves no exotic drugs or machines but it is proving to be the best way of making the penis bigger. Tests on natural enhancement confirm that the natural method can easily add anywhere between 2-5 inches to the average male penis. I tried natural enhancement myself a few years ago and I’ve seen its effectiveness for myself – my own penis grew by 3.9 inches using all-natural means. If you want the same kind of results this article will tell you how to do it.
If you have started to read this article the chances are that you are unhappy with the size of your penis and would like to try something that can really make a permanent difference. The likelihood is too that you have already tried some methods of enlargement such as pills or extenders and have seen no difference at all.
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Tips on fitting exercise into daily life
July 2, 2012 by admin
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Some studies comprise revealed with the purpose of associates need to bring to bear in place of on slightest thirty minutes a date, four to five days a week to keep healthy. Though nearly all of us know with the purpose of exercising is critical to our fitness and fitness, we at all times come across it is demanding to sparse about moment in time to bring to bear. However, comprise you yet considered fit bring to bear into your day by day life? Contrary to working prevented in the fitness center, fit bring to bear into day by day life can save you about moment in time and help you keep healthy. Below I will cause you about tips on how to fit bring to bear into your day by day life.
Tip One
If you plan to walk about bring to bear you can carry out housework manually preferably than hiring a nanny or an hourly paid member of staff to carry out it in place of you.
When mowing the lawn you need to mistreat your arms, back and legs. When cleaning the bathroom and kitchen you be supposed to mistreat your abdominal muscles and arms. Doing housework is a well-behaved way to burn calories, so you can meander your housework into bring to bear.
Tip Two
You can form the inclination of jogging or walking formerly or behind banquet. Jogging and walking are considered as the nearly all ideal forms of substantial workout in one’s day by day life as they are utter in place of the sensitivity, relieves stress and can help to get along load reap. So try to attempt prevented walking in its place of sitting and watching small screen behind banquet.
Tip Three
Try your most excellent to bring to bear in your department.
Take the stairs in its place of using the elevator.
Choose the stairs when you comprise the select amid the stairs or an elevator. You be supposed to know with the purpose of after using stairs, you are burning calories.
Stand up and gait around behind sitting in place of a long moment in time and you will come across you are refreshed.
Go in place of a dumpy gait at some point in your eat or bathroom breaks.
Tip Four
Make well-behaved mistreat of moment in time after you are waiting. While you are waiting in place of the level surface on the airport or waiting in place of someone who is last-ditch, you can gait or jog around the prevent. Do not fritter away your moment in time in a minute sitting in attendance.
Tip Five
If you are a customer who has to alter amid home-produced and masterpiece all date, you can pick about vehicles with the purpose of can provide you with aerobic bring to bear. For pattern, you can pick emotional bicycles. Electric bicycles are powered by batteries, so they are fast. Besides, emotional bikes comprise gearshift, so you can ride them to walk bring to bear.
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Natural exercise tips for daily health
June 25, 2012 by admin
Filed under Exercise Tips
The Experience Health Middle has been working hard since 2006 and is devoted to providing you technology information, guidelines, content, and video clips on natural ways to stay youthful and sexy!
The number of individuals searching for makeup surgical treatment is at an all-time high, as each year more and more individuals are investing countless numbers and taking a chance on their health to look better. We comprehend why individuals put themselves through this, and want to offer for you the best and most effective choices to these kinds of risky and expensive therapies.
Moreover to all of the content and video clips, guidelines, we are dedicated to offering for you the best and most efficient experience training applications on the internet! The Face Health Middle is the #1 place on the web for experience training applications that provide you outcomes of surgical treatment, but without the cost and danger! I’m referring to workouts like this:
Encounter exercising for sagging skin neck
The Throat Definer objectives three different muscle tissue – namely the Platysma or the slim muscle coating at the front of your neck, the Sternomastoid muscle tissue along the edges of your neck and the Mentalis muscle tissue at the tip of your face.
This exercise colors, companies and smooths away any face collections and sagging skin under your neck, while also burning away any extreme liquid gathered in this area.
Eye and temple soother
The Temple Un-liner works your Frontalis muscles to keep your forehead from sagging.
When under-exercised, the Frontalis muscles tends to stretch out and sag, and can crush your eye brows out of their natural posture.
By tightening and toning your forehead, the Temple Un-liner also helps to change your eye brows.
Normal forehead lift
The gentle place around your face certainly gets the least exercise as when in comparison to your other face muscle tissue, and is also the most susceptible to the actions of age, time and severity. This is further complicated by routines like squinting, which makes the skin and muscle tissue vulnerable and unattractive.
The Forehead Arch-creator surfaces these problems by building up and ab muscles your Corrigator Supercilii and Orbicularis Oculi muscle tissue to decrease the swelling in the place between your higher eye lids and eye brows. Consequently, your eye brows look more curved, identified and attractive.
Face exercise for fat cheeks
The Oral cavity Fat Flattener performs your Orbicularis Oris muscle tissue, the Zygomatic Posture muscle tissue above your experience, and the Modiolus muscle tissue on either side of region area.This training if very efficient at building away your fat experience and extending and elongating your cosmetic and cheek muscle tissue and shapes. This training may take some time getting used to at first, but is one of the fastest way to reduce that persistent experience fat.
Daily Health Exercise, Natural Health Guide Muscle Building Tips, Fitness Solution Blog, Daily Health Information, Complete Natural Health Guide
Free Weight Loss Tip
June 18, 2012 by admin
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Article by Alberto Martinez Miller
Free Weight Loss Tip – Health
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When it comes to losing weight, it is never easy; therefore, you want some guidance and help, pushing you in the right direction. Losing weight is something that you do not only for yourself, health wise, but also for your loved ones, so that you can be assured you are doing everything in your power to make sure you are around for a very long time. Being overweight is extremely dangerous and can lead to a variety of health problems and in some cases death due to complications from weight.
Here are some free weight loss tips to help you get started.
Free Weight Loss Tip #1
Set a REALISTIC goal for weight loss. When we say realistic we mean do not set your goals in a range which may be unachievable or unhealthy. The best way to determine how much weight you should lose is to find out what the average weight is for someone that is your height, age, and gender. When you do this in most cases, you will see a range of about 10 to 12 lbs for your specific gender, age, and height. The lower number is for those who have a small framed body, the higher is for someone who has a large frame. For medium frames, somewhere between the two numbers is ideal.
Free Weight Loss Tip #2
Don’t get discouraged. There are several ways that dieters become discouraged when trying to reach their weight loss goals. One is if they were losing a lot at the beginning then start to slow down and the other is if they cheat or have setbacks.
If you find that you lost weight a lot at the beginning say six to ten pounds in the first week, then dropped to only one to four pounds the next week do not get discouraged. This is absolutely normal. Many people until their bodies adjust to their new methods of eating will lose many pounds in the first week. As time goes and the body adjusts, the rate of weight loss will decrease. It is acceptable to lose one to two pounds a week.
Furthermore, if you cheat or have a setback, this is a normal occurrence as well. It is important that you realize this and get right back on your diet. These free weight loss tips are designed to help keep you on the right track. If you make a mistake, just start over again, or pick up where you left off, it does not mean you will never lose the weight.
While there are only two free weight loss tips in this article, these are the two biggest tips you need to be aware of. The only other tips you really need to know is choose a weight loss program that is suitable for your needs, reliable, and well worth your time and effort.
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Alberto Martinez
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