Exercise Safety Tips for Kids

January 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Riza C. Belgira

Health is one of the primary concerns by everybody. This is one of the reasons why most parents train their kids to exercise or participate in sports because aside from building the resistance of the body against diseases, the kids also enjoy and develop social interaction with other kids. Nonetheless, it is quite alarming that according to statistics, over 3 million kids suffer injuries when exercising, running, riding a bicycle and also when overheated due to overexertion. Hence, parents and guardians must be guided on how to prevent this to ensure the safety of the kids. Below are exercise safety tips for kids to serve as guidelines.

Supervision. One of the basic exercise safety tips for kids is for parents and guardians to have supervision on the kids while exercising or playing. This is helpful since they can respond immediately when any untoward incident happens.

Running. Running is one of the most enjoyable exercises for kids yet it is the common reason why kids injured. Stretching exercises would be helpful when performed before running so as to prepare the body for any type of physical activity. Additionally, kids should cool down after each activity. This will minimize the stress placed into the muscles when kids exercise.

Sports. Another important point or exercise safety tip for kids is to wear the proper gear required for the exercise or sports or any physical activity. Some examples of these gears are helmets, and knee and elbow pads. Moreover, it should be noted if the area for the exercises or sports activity is conducive for the event. Equally important is to make sure that the equipment utilized such as swings, monkey bars, teeter-totters, and other stationary equipment are safe for use and properly maintained.

Bike Riding. Kids want to explore new things, do new sports and ride vehicles, and one of them is the bicycle. There are a number of accidents that happen with bike riding and it is a must, as part of exercise safety tips for kids, that kids wear a helmet, elbow and knee pads to protect them from serious injury if they fall off or have a collision while riding.

Keep kids hydrated. Drinking water should be a primary concern so that kids do not overheat and/or pass out from heat exhaustion. Health. Not all kids are capable of doing exercises and sports normally. There are kids that are limited by their health conditions such as asthma. It is a pre-requisite that kids are tested and examined by a doctor or physician prior to any physical activity.

Participating in exercises and sports is good for the health not only of kids but of everybody. On the other hand, to make sure that these activities will do good, it should be done with extra caution and care to avoid injuries and enjoy the activities. Keep these exercise safety tips for kids in mind and you can assure that you are on the right path towards good health.

Riza C. Belgira is an advocate for better health especially in women and aims to help empower women by contributing to their knowledge on health through informative resources.

Know more about women’s health on http://www.weightloss-advisor.com/

Elastic exercise tubing, or rubber tubing, is great for resistance training. Get an overview of how to use elastic tubing for exercise, plus get safety tips, in this free fitness video lesson. Expert: Alice Monsaert Contact: www.ShapesTotalFitness.com Bio: Alice Monsaert has worked in the fitness industry for more than 25 years. She develops education courses for her staff of over 300, and trains newcomers through the Shapes Academy. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Top Ten Healthy Heart exercises!

December 25, 2011 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Keeping your heart healthy should be at the top of your priority list each and everyday. But with our busy modern day lifestyles and hectic agendas, finding the time to work our tickers can sometimes prove difficult. The following exercise suggestions are great ways of working the heart, but be sure to not overdo it – You want to be feeling up for doing exercise the next day too!

Jogging makes for a great heart workout!

Here are the Healthy Hideout’s top 10 healthy heart exercises;

Surge walking – The next time you’re out for your daily brisk trot around the block, try incorporating short sharp surges into your route. By doing this, not does your body burn more calories, you’ll be conditioning yourself for walking at a faster pace for comfortably.
Spring clean every week – The effort that we take to give our homes that annuals spring clean each year, should be applied to every house tidy up we do. Go for the energetic clean! Don’t stick to just one floor at a time, make use of your homes stairs. They’re the best calorie burner after all!
The Stairs Game – Although this may not appeal to those with a busy schedule, set yourself the task of climbing a set of stairs every time you see them. It’s a free and easy way of getting an intensive burst of exercises each day
Go Swimming – A great scientific fact to remember – Water is 800 times denser than air. Even moving around in water with your head above the surface is an intensive workout for the body. Try starting with treading water, gradually moving yourself into a set of lengths and routines.
It’s time to Dance – Dancing burns an average of 500 calories per hour, using muscles you don’t normally exercise in the process. Some experts say that patients who regularly dance at a club or with friends have healthier hearts than those who don’t.
Run for the hills! – Walking, jogging or even riding a bike up a hill introduces the great resistance of gravity. Tackle some hills once or twice a week and be sure to lean forwards when walking to engage different types of muscles.
Follow the fittest – When exercising with friends who are fitter or faster than you, you’re forced out of your comfort zone.  This helps you to develop your fitness levels quicker, whilst working out with someone else ensures you actually keep to a regular routine.
The Great Outdoors – When walking on tougher terrains such as grass fields and rugged dirt track, your body works more muscles when compared to walking on pavement. Country walks are often prettier on the eye as well, so why not get out of the city this weekend?
Pre-programmed – If you already utilise electronic exercise equipment at your gym or at home, try to introduce yourself to the programs that have “inclined” routines. This will work your body and improve the strength of your heart.
Time for Sports – Make it your target this year to introduce a new physically active hobby. Casual sports such as tennis, badminton, swimming and even cycling force the heart to work intensively. They’re also a great way to catch up with friends and socialise throughout the working week.

What exercises do you incorporate into your weekly routine? Here at the Healthy Hideout, we’d love to hear any suggestions you have for great heart intensive ideas. Get in touch!


Your number one resource for information, articles and resources dedicated to keeping you and your home healthy! We are committed to providing tips on how to improve your lifestyle, whilst helping to maintain an attractive living space.

Started back in 2007, the team at the Healthy Hideout are now ready to take our blog to the next phase, blogging nothing but useful, interesting info.

Head over today and let us know what you think! We’d love to hear from you.

Types Of Exercise Routines

December 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

By exercise routines we should understand the frequency and the intensity of physical exercises performed over a determined period of time, usually a week. The purpose of the training also shapes the way the workout is carried out; thus, if your goal is weight loss, then, you should practice around 60 minutes for up to six times per week.

However, shorter time intervals also work well, particularly for people who are at the beginning of the fitness training or for those who cannot put up with intense effort: twenty minutes of cardio exercise should do for such conditions. Then, we could also discuss exercise routines from the perspective of diversity: the more versatile the exercises, the fitter you’ll get.

The exercise routines are built in time, and they very much depend on the type of exercises you choose to perform and for what purposes. Although we may refer to them as exercise routines, there will be major differences between the training sessions of a body builder and those of an average person who just wants to stay fit. Therefore, you ought to choose the complexity of the exercises as well as the way to alternate them as part of the training routine so that you do not put too much pressure on the muscles and you achieve your set goals.

People should learn about how to improve exercise routines continuously, either from professional trainers or independently from materials available on the Internet or in magazines. In fact, without alternating exercising and introducing new goals, the heart and muscles condition will stagnate and the health benefits will not be that obvious.

Therefore, you must add something new to the exercise routines or increase the training session duration. If you start with a twenty-minute cardio exercise, three times a week, you can gradually reach sixty-minute exercise routines, six days out of seven.

Exercise routines are created in time and they depend on personal commitment. Thus, without training for a certain period of time, you’ll lose your good shape and have to work back into it. Plus, diet, good sleep, a balanced life style and healthy thinking correspond to the overall well-being. If such factors are not adjusted properly, there will be little or no positive changes in your weight or physical condition. Thus, make sure you burn more than you eat, and you come to replace the fat deposits with a little muscular mass.

If you love this article, you will also love another article written by this article’s author on step exercise equipment and stepper exercise machine.

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Workout Plans For Women, Why They Are Important To Reach Your Goals

December 18, 2011 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Sue Alvez

Why are workout plans for women so important to get results? The truth is that you can get results from just getting up and moving. However, to obtain the goals most women have, you need to change the way you have been doing things. Most women set the goal of losing weight and improving their body shape. But these goals are a little misplaced and we should replace ‘lose weight’ with ‘lose body fat’. This is because we want to make sure that these workout plans are targeting the right things.

Effective workout plans for women need to make sure that women are maintaining muscle mass, while loosing weight. What we need as women is to find a workout that will build lean muscle and improve strength. This is not only important to maintain health and have that hot body but also for everyday functionality. Good workouts will not have you doing the long, slow and boring cardiovascular training most of us are doing now. Instead it will have you doing high intensity cardio work which is far more effective in burning body fat.

Nutrition is a large part of any workout plan, and you cannot do one without the other. But with so many diet plans out there how can you find the right one. The truth is that quality workout plans for women will come with an effective nutrition plan. A workout plan without a nutrition plan is an incomplete program. You see, when a nutrition plan is made in tandem with a workout program it ensures that the proper levels of calories, fat, protein, and carbohydrates are in your daily diet for that particular workout. Allowing you to not only perform properly through out that workout but now all the work you are doing is attacking the body fat instead of attacking the food you ate. As the old computer saying goes, Garbage in Garbage out. This is very true when it comes to fitness nutrition, if you are fueling your body with bad fuel it can not perform properly and you can never attain your goals!

The great thing about most workout plans for women is that they can be done right from the comfort of your own home. The benefits of working out at home are endless, but here are some of the best. No monthly feesNo busy gymsNo waiting for equipmentNo prying eyesNo commuteNo schedules

With all these benefits, why wouldn’t you want to workout at home. In most cases , with the right plan you can warm-up, workout, cool down, all in the time it would take to watch your favorite television program.

In the abyss of the internet there are all kinds of workouts floating around. But you have to ask this question, is it the complete package? If it is not a workout and nutrition plan together then the answer is no. Find the right workout plan for women to get that dream body and take control of your health and wellbeing. Take a look at this great source of information on Workout Plans for Women that I discovered during my multiple searches for the right workout.

I am just a busy mom of two beautiful girls that wants to get back to the good old days when I wasn’t afraid of the word Bikini! I am well on my way to making that a reality and you can be too. Take control of your health, happiness and get into that super body you want.

Go to BuildMuscleBurnFat.info my FREE workout plan Build Muscle and Burn Fat FAST AS HELL! BuildMuscleBurnFat.info When you Download the FREE workout plan it will contain WORKOUT VIDEOS (that you can put on you iPod!) and the FREE fitness and nutrition ebook The Ultimate Fitness…

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The Perfect Cardio Exercise Weight Loss Program

December 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Jessica Tanady

The weight loss and health industry is currently inundated with products like diet pills, diet powders, and diet shakes that promise to miraculously work in reducing your weight. What you should know is, most of these products don’t really work as advertised. Some products may work to a certain extent, but they won’t be suitable for everyone. What works for your best friend in Accounting, might not work for you at all. The only thing that is guaranteed to work in helping you to lose weight is exercise – cardio exercise weight loss to be exact.

There are many types of cardio exercise weight loss programs that you can follow – but in essence they are similar. If you are already following a cardio exercise weight loss program that works great for you, by all means try to stick to the program. If you are consistent in your exercise program, you will eventually get the good results that you wanted. Any fat loss workout program that is in line with basic health guidelines is a program that will work. But just to make sure, you may want to consult with your doctor first to make sure your health and body condition permits you to undertake such cardio exercise weight loss program.

As previously mentioned, not every program will work for every one, since we are all unique being. A workout routine that works best for one person, may not at all be suitable for you. Unfortunately, you have to go through the exercises first to know if they suit you or not. If you’re comfortable doing it and you can see good results within a couple of weeks, then it’s safe to say that you have found the right cardio exercise program.

However, if upon doing the cardio weight exercise program for a couple of weeks you don’t see any improvement, you may want to start thinking about doing another cardio exercise weight loss program. Whatever exercise you do, it’s important to set a realistic goal. Just because you’re not seeing any significant results, it doesn’t mean that it won’t work in the long term.

In case you’re wondering, the average healthy amount to lose each week is around 2 pounds. This can be achieved through healthy diet and regular exercises. Do what exercise is best for you and you will get the results in no time at all – as long as you are consistent.

Jessica Tanady loves to write articles since 4 years ago, both offline and online. While she’s keen on topics of beauty, fitness and weight loss, she has demonstrated her writing skills on a wide array of topics. Visit her latest articles on candy gift boxes which reviews and discuss about small gift bags

In this video I take you through an excellent 10-minute aerobic cardio workout that you can do right in your own home any time it is convenient. I recommend you do this every day if you are trying to lose weight or even just to reduce stress. Doing regular cardio exercise is so important for a healthy heart, and overall fitness of your body. Cardiovascular exercise is any type of exercise that increases the work of the heart and lungs which is what you will do in this video. My routine is comprised of 5 different energizing cardio exercises that will get your heart pumping and you burning calories. I do the exercises right along with you so you can see proper form with your arms, legs and feet, and stay motivated. I will go through the five exercises 3 times for a total of 10 minutes. Want more cardio workout exercise; simply replay the tape and you will now have a 20 minute workout. Replay it again and you have a 30 minute workout! That’s quite a challenge!!! Put your own favorite music on while you are exercising along with me for even more fun.Please remember to subscribe because I have so much more to come; something helpful and of interest to everyone. Thanks so much for viewing! To purchase a YouTips4U custom-designed T-Shirt please click here: cgi.ebay.com To visit me at my blogspot, please click here: www.youtips4u.blogspot.com

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Exercising Tips to Lose Belly Fat

December 11, 2011 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Belly fat builds up over a prolonged time, but it can seem to appear out of the blue. That’s because a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits lead to excess body fat. Unfortunately, most of that fat tends to gather around the belly.

The next important belly fat burning tip is to look at any changes to the foods you eat as a lifestyle change, not a diet that you can go on and off. A healthy food plan will only help you if you can stick to it in the long-term.

Subsequently, you shouldn’t choose any food plan that is boring, deprives yourself of things that you enjoy or doesn’t contain all of the vitamins and minerals that your body requires.

Natural Peanut Butter. You may need to take a look at that last line again. You should note that the word “natural” is present.

Unfortunately, the regular peanut butter you find in your grocery aisle has additives and sugars.

These will take you away from your weight loss goals.

Spinach – This is a vegetable filled with nutrients, minerals, and anti-oxidants, it also contains high levels of iron, calcium and lutein. Spinach is a great source of fiber, be sure to eat it when it’s freshest. Spinach loses nutrients as it sits in the refrigerator. Think about buying spinach at a farmer’s market, fruit stand or grow it yourself.

Reverse crunches – Lie on the floor with your knees bent and arms stretched out along the sides of your body. Raise your knees and by contracting your abs, bring them toward your torso. You should lift your buttocks and lower back while doing the motion, but keep your head down on the floor.

Fiber is another great thing for your body.

Fiber regulates your digestive system. Also, like protein, fiber fills you up. Some great examples of fiber-filled foods include green beans, Brussels sprouts and tangerines. Also, other fruits and vegetables can be great sources of both fiber and vitamins and minerals.

Use common sense when indulging in fast foods. When you have no other choice but to eat at a fast food restaurant, avoid “all you can eat” buffets and large servings. Eating like this too often will quickly add extra inches to your waistline. Regardless of whether you’re dining in a restaurant or at home, you can curb your hunger by starting with a salad or cup of soup. While waiting for the main course, this provides a feeling of fullness that will help you consume smaller portions. Of course, smaller portions are part of a fat burning diet or any other weight loss plan.


Author is an online researcher on natural weight loss. Nutritionist. Click read more on how to lose belly fat, weight loss tips, Fastest Way to Lose Belly Fat.

The best yoga exercise to lose belly fat is the plank, with your abdominals engaged. Lose belly fat through yoga withhelp from a personal trainer in this free video on workout tips. Expert: Tanya Batts Contact: www.goldsgym.com Bio: Tanya Batts has been a certified personal fitness trainer for more than 11 years. Filmmaker: Reel Media LLC Series Description: Working out with different equipment requires different techniques to use the equipment best. Ge tips for burning belly fat and using exercise equipment with help from a personal trainer in this free video series on workout tips.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Top 7 Winter Exercise Tips for Busy People

December 8, 2011 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Erin James

Flaxseed, called linseed in some countries, is a good source of dietary fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and lignans.

Flax Seed Oil contains omega-6 and omega-9 essential fatty acids, B vitamins, potassium, lecithin, magnesium, fiber, protein, and zinc. You can either buy the seeds just like that, or you can buy the flax supplements in pill form. Whatever you fell more comfortable with.

One way to influence brain health through diet is to consume the right fats and oils. Studies of animals, too, suggest some anti-cancer benefit from flaxseed.

7 Winter Exercise Tips for Busy People

—Finding Time in Your Schedule—

Many people find summer exercise easy, because there are so many fun activities available when itos warm outside. But if you live in the North, you might find exercise during the winter much more difficult. I refuse to run outdoors when itos very cold, the road is icy, or the snow banks have narrowed the road significantly. But I also refuse to hibernate, since exercise helps improve your immune system to help you fight off winter colds and flu, and also gives you energy and a positive outlook. So, here are a few tips to get you thinking about staying active all year long! Find exercise videos you love, and carve out a space indoors with the equipment you need. I exercise in my basement all year long, and add outdoor activities when weather permits. The great thing about having an exercise video collection, and the right space, is that you have absolutely no excuses! Weather, time of day, long lines for equipment, etc. will not stop you from burning calories! My personal favorites come from The Firm, and my favorite place to shop is Collage Video. Visit my website, http://www.slimdale.com and click on Links to get there.

The new fall television lineup will be here soon. Use TV commercial breaks! Many people ignore strength training because they feel cardio burns more calories. But adding muscle to your body will raise your metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories all day long. Resistance training also strengthens your bones, and just getting stronger can help you with a multitude of daily activities. So find a book, magazine article, wall chart or other resource showing exercises to work all major muscle groups, and do a set of repetitions during each commercial. Youoll get a 20-minute workout during one 60-minute show!

The fiber in flaxseeds may also help against cholesterol, since it is soluble (similar to that in oats).

The flax plant, an ancient crop, yields the fiber from which linen is woven, as well as seeds and oil. The oil, also called linseed oil, has many industrial uses, it is an important ingredient in paints, varnishes, and linoleum, for example. Lignan are molecules with anti-cancer, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial properties. Flax seeds are the richest source of lignans. Diets high in lignans can lead to a lower chance of getting colon, prostate, and breast cancer.

In large doses, or when taken with inadequate water, flaxseed may precipitate bowel obstruction via a mass effect. The effects of flaxseed on blood glucose levels are not clear, although hyperglycemic effects have been reported in one case series.

There are also many ways of consuming the seeds. You can simply just chew them. You can grind the seeds to make a power.

Join a walking club at a local school, or walk inside a shopping mall. You can window-shop before the stores open so you go right to the store that has the best sales or the styles you love when they are open. Park farther away from the door and walk. At work, at the grocery store, at the mall; any place where youore stuck walking outside anyway, just bundle up and get a few extra steps. When indoors, take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. Youoll burn lots more calories. You can even try using restrooms, copy machines, etc. on a different floor just to get more exercise. Consider wearing a pedometer and challenging yourself to keep increasing your steps per day.

Use your lunch break if you work in an office. If your company has a gym, use it. Walk outside when the weather permits. If itos raining or snowing, walk laps around the parking garage or laps around each floor perimeter plus the steps between floors.

Be less efficient! If you live in a multi-story house, take as many trips up and down the stairs as you can instead of saving things to go up or down. At the office, take a walk to see your coworkers instead of always using email. Face-to-face conversation is often better anyway, as it avoids misunderstandings and leads to better bonding and teamwork.

Consider winter sports. Skiing (downhill or cross-country), ice skating, and snow-shoeing can all burn lots of calories. Also, just play in the snow! Go sledding or build a snowman, and make some snow angels! I hope these tips help you to stay active this winter! Remember, the key to weight loss is to burn more calories than you consume (and weight maintenance is balancing the intake and the burn equally over time.) If you donot burn calories with exercise, youoll need to cut your food intake, and that will be especially difficult during the holidays. I personally would rather exercise more and enjoy a few holiday cookies! So get in the habit of exercising consistently now!

The truth is that although the odds of surviving bypass surgery have improved since the operation was introduced, bypass surgery kills anywhere from 2% to 4% of the patients on the operating table, and more within a few months. Men who eat fish frequently have a lower risk of prostate cancer. Stomach and intestinal cancers also appear to be less common in fish eaters.

Flax seed oil is extracted from the seeds of the flax plant. Flax seed oil and flax seed contain substances that promote good health.

Does Omega 3 Lowers Cholesterol? Why is Flaxseed called the Miracle Food? Where to Get Omeaga 3 and Omega 6 Oil?

Whereas plant foods and vegetable oils lack EPA and DHA, some do contain varying amounts of the n-3 PUFA alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which has 18 carbon atoms and 3 double bonds.

Most of the nutrients are contains in the flax seed. So from a nutritional standpoint, flax seeds are the way to go. BUT, the flax seed oil gives you a concentrated source of the “good” fats we are looking for. Which would give the oil an edge!

Why is Flaxseed called the Miracle Food? More at http://www.flaxseedfitness.com

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

Weight Loss Tips For Teenagers

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Thinning is beautifying for teenagers. A perfect body frame should come with a healthy thought. The intention is to give some weight loss tips.

Weight loss tips agenda should surely have ‘walking’ in it, as it is an effective way to lose the unwanted fat. Pedometers can help in keeping a track of how far one has walked. In the beginning it could be just one mile and later on it can be slowly increased to two miles and further so on.

Joining a gym can help where you get to exercise systematically. If not able to then increase the heart rate and what better exercise it could be but to run to burn your fat.

One of the most effective weight loss tips is to exercise thrice a week at least. Sports like volleyball or soccer and even softball can take you a long way.

No matter how much one walks or works out, an addiction to fast food will defeat the whole purpose.

It could be the main reason at times for all the weight issues in teens. Weight loss tips may not work here unless this is brought under control. A candy that has no fat has sugar content that is later on turned to fat, if not burnt off.

Snacks should be limited to twice a day and it should be more of fruits instead. Although these weight conscious people avoid donuts, they tend to forget that cookies too have enough calorie contents and needs to be controlled.

Get healthy with more information at FastDietReviews.net

Diet And Exercise Plans – Anything Goes Diet

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

There are lots of different individuals who want to lose weight due to their unhealthy living and shapeless physique. By creating a diet and exercise plans, you will be able to maintain your motivations as high as you are getting started. This will help you to keep you determination, disciplines and goals really effective. Losing weight is not like a magic that you will get rid of it with a snap of a finger. In order to lose weight, you must be ready that it might take a while before seeing the results. Through this, you will be able to lose excess body fats in your body and observe if it will help you or not. To help you get started, here are some tips and techniques on what things to be done.

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Eat lots of healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. Eating this type of foods will absolutely help you to lose those excess fats in your body the right way. Make 2 servings of fruits and vegetables per meal, aim for 8 servings of this throughout the day. While doing this, always keep a food journal by your side. List down what food you eat and the amount of calories and carbohydrates it have. By doing this, you will see the results instantly, if you are losing or gaining weight. As much as possible, avoid sweet foods like cookies, doughnuts, cakes etc. for this will ruin you diet routine.

Include workouts in your routine, particularly abdominal and cardiovascular workouts. This form of exercise will definitely help you to lose weight the right way. By doing this exercise, you will benefited by having a toned muscle and strong physical body as well. Take this for example, by walking, running or jogging each day for at least 30 minutes, will help you to cut down calories. When it comes to abdominal workouts, this will give you great advantage to get rid of your stubborn belly fats and have six packs as well.

Avoid any form of vices like alcoholic drinks, smoking or everything that is not essential in your health. Instead, if you really want to lose weight, start the day with a healthy breakfast. Practicing this in your diet will help your body keep full and energize for the entire day.

If you want to lose weight the right way permanently, then this diet and exercise plans will be really helpful for you to get started.

Click Here For Anything Goes Diet Instant Access Now

This author writes about 12 Week Challenge Diet at Diet And Exercise Plans

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Workout Tips

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Whether you are starting out a new workout regimen or an old pro there are workout tips you may want to try and follow to get the maximum benefit of your work out.

First and foremost always get permission from your doctor to workout. Make sure you are in great health so you will not injure yourself while working out.

Make sure you make your workout a priority. You may want to use a calendar to check off that you actually worked out each day. Otherwise, you may skip a day here and there and before you know it, you missed three days of exercise in a row. This lack of exercise is not beneficial to you. Think of exercise as you would brushing your teeth; it is something you need to do every day.

A great way to make sure you get your workout in is to do it the first thing in the morning. Set your alarm and get up 45 minutes to one hour earlier than you would if you were not exercising.

You will wake your body up and get your metabolism kick started for the rest of the day. Eat a healthy protein filled breakfast so you stay full longer. Such breakfasts include drink mixes that you mix with milk that are loaded with vitamins and protein, meat, nuts and cheeses. Skip a lot of carbohydrates as carbs will not keep you full very long. Also, bad carbs make you want to eat more and more of them. Examples of bad carbs include donuts, sugar laden cereals and basically any type of foods that are loaded with sugar.

To keep up with your exercise make sure you only workout thirty minutes to one hour per day. You do not want to exercise for two or more hours as you will only wear yourself out and decide to quit altogether.

Make sure you warm up before you exercise.

You need to warm up your muscles so they stretch further and so you do not injure them. You do not want to end up tearing your ligaments and having to have expensive and painful surgery.

Drink plenty of water when you exercise. You may want to keep a fresh glass of water close to during your work out. Replenish the fluids you are losing due to sweat.

Do you watch too much television? If so, start by turning it off for thirty minutes per evening. Take your dog outside for a walk. Play in the yard with your children. You will find that you will have a lot more fun spending time with your family and pets. You can always record a show you feel is important and watch it later on in the evening.

Grab an exercise buddy. The two of you can come up with new exercise ideas. Both of you will keep each other on track as far as working out. It is harder to quit exercising altogether when you have someone cheering you on to get moving.

Remember when you workout you are working out for yourself. You owe yourself some “me” time and exercise will help your mind, body and spirit.

Morgan Turley is a yoga instructor at Essence Yoga Studio, providing a variety of yoga Mesa AZ classes.

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