Practical Fitness Tips that Provide Quick Motivation

February 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by Binford Noto

Americans are now leading the world in having the most overweight population. It would seem, therefore, that fitness tips for motivation are urgently needed by many people in the US! Fitness tips, however, are meant to be put into action consistently, so it’s not enough to just know about them. Exercise is not something that’s difficult to do. You only have to get your body moving. It doesn’t have to be complicated, and all you really need to do is take a walk, and you’ve made a start. Do the same thing tomorrow. This simple activity can be the start of a highly beneficial exercise program. Look for positive results; applaud yourself for taking that little walk each day. The important thing is to get started. Here are some fitness tips for motivation that are designed to be put into action.

A simple but proven method to produce great results is to set specific goals. Many people read or hear this, but they still fail to do it. For goal setting to work, it must be approached in the proper manner. To begin with, set goals that you feel you can really accomplish.

Next, don’t attempt to achieve your goals within a day or two. You can’t expect to go from being a couch potato to a world class athlete. What you should do instead is create a series of small goals that you can work on, one at a time. Create a deadline for your long term and short term goals, one that’s not beyond your abilities. All that’s necessary is to keep moving forward a little at a time.

Certain mistakes can stop you in your tracks when you begin a fitness or exercise program. One such dream killing mistake is doing something you hate, or maybe at least do not like. It becomes a chore that you force yourself to do. You might believe you have to do this to reach your goals. You really shouldn’t force yourself to do something that makes you miserable. It’s practically a certainty that you will not be able to stick with it anyway. That is understandable, too, because people tend to avoid doing what they do not like to do. The simple alternative is to find an activity you enjoy that can help make you fit. Then you’ll have no trouble motivating yourself to do it.

Developing a positive outlook in general can be a way to motivate yourself for fitness.

Naturally, it’s not always easy to stay positive all the time. It can help you accomplish almost anything, though, so you should find a way to do it. It’s much easier to stay motivated with your fitness program if your general attitude is positive. You can use this to help yourself with any goal or activity. Improving one area of your life, this will impact other areas as well. The more you stick to your exercise program, the better you’ll feel. By feeling good about one thing, like fitness, your general positive attitude can be reinforced. You should try it.

You can transform yourself a great deal by implementing the above fitness tips for motivation. Today is the best day to get started, and then just make it a daily habit.

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Fitness: Tips for running beginners

February 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Running is perhaps the best workout to improve your health and condition your body. Most people now days associate running with the issues of loosing extra pounds and getting rid of flabby abs, however the advantages of running are multiple, both in terms of health benefits and state of mind: according to all latest medical researches, running has been proven  beneficial in slowing the aging process, while at the same time, it keeps your skin healthy and glowing. It reduces the risk of heart-attacks, by strengthening the heart, lowering the blood pressure and keeping the arteries open. Regular running raises good cholesterol (HDL) thus minimizing the bad cholesterol. It also improves the human immune system, by allowing higher concentration of lymphocytes in the blood. Finally, it relieves a person from stress and at the same it builds self confidence to the runner, since he feels confident of his physical condition and realizes that his legs and body (in general) are strong and capable. Stay tuned with naro (ειδησεις/men.html) with all the latest news (ειδησεις, πρωτοσελιδα εφημεριδων).

One of the most basic things for every beginner is the running program. You can find them on the internet, however you must always remember that the right running program for you is the one that you are confident that you can commit to, while at the same time, it fits your current fitness level-meaning since you’re a beginner you cannot possibly select and follow a running program designed for experienced runners. In addition, the running program will help you keep track of your progress.

Moreover, you need to select the ideal running shoes for running, meaning that if you do not have the correct sneakers for the job-you will inflict self-injuries. You need to direct yourself to an athletic shoes store and ask the experienced personnel for advice. Better yet, try out the sneakers to see if you feel fit and comfortable in them. Generally speaking, the ideal running shoes should be highly flexible with a soft midsole in order to effectively absorb shock.

In addition, clothing is equally important. The most recommended material is tech fabric. Tech fabric is a synthetic material, specially designed for running clothes, because it allows good air circulation and sweat to vaporize. Most football teams now days user t-shirts of such material. Try to avoid cotton clothes, since -apart from the fact that they are heavier- they do not allow sweat to escape, resulting in chafing.

Listening to music can become a nice destruction to -running caused- fatigue and soreness. You can purchase a MP3 player and upload it with all your favorite songs-it will help you run the “extra mile”. Additionally, a chronograph watch can also be very handy.

Finally, you must always remember that stretching after a run is not recommended, since your body and muscles will be very weary and fatigued and they tend to fight the stretch. However, if you feel the need to stretch, it is best to do it before the running, or after completing 1-2 laps, when your body will be slightly warmed up.

Michael Orfanos is Marketing Manager and SEO expert for

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Physical Fitness Tips For Your Busy Life

February 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Physical fitness is an essential element that can help you lead a healthy and an active life. It not just helps in improving the strength and stamina of the body but it also brings a positive change in the lifestyle of a person. Regardless of age, physical fitness can be actually defined as a condition that further helps in generating a positive energy within a body, that can make an individual feel good and do their best.

The vital fitness components are respiratory efficiency, cardiovascular strength, muscular strength and flexibility. All of the components of fitness are important in their own unique manner. In addition, a number of other factors such as physiological age, genetics and environment influence physical fitness.

Today systematic workout or fitness programs and planned meals are usually recommended by many fitness experts to maintain physical health.

However small physical activities and few essential tips can help or may even suit better on individual’s physical condition. So, if you are one of those individuals who are looking to improve your fitness then here are few essential tips that can be more effective than heavy exercises and you can follow very easily –
Drink More Water-This is one of the finest fitness tips and can be practiced very easily. Drinking more water on a daily basis helps in keeping every system of your body in good working order, including all of your metabolic processes. Make sure you have 8 to 10 glass of water daily as the fluid in body ensure that you can move well and be active. Besides this, it even helps in keeping your body optimally hydrated.
Make Physical Movement As Much As Possible-This is yet another important tip that you must follow on a daily basis. Simple things like for instance climbing stairs, walking, mowing your lawn, cleaning your house, dancing and other moving activities can burn a lot of calories. As per recent studies, a physical movement is one of the best stress relievers. Make sure when you are in office, you don’t just sit all day in front of your computer. Stand up let’s say every half hour and stretch your legs.
Quiet Smoking Now-Smoking is a very dangerous and addictive drug. The tiny effect it has on your metabolism is outweighed by the huge risk of dying from lung cancer. Apart from this, it can make you suffer from other different types of diseases. Give value to your health and throw away that tobacco away.
Get More & Proper Sleep-Lack of sleep can have adverse effect on your fitness level. It can bring changes in your hormone levels and capacity to metabolize carbohydrates. As a result lesser you sleep the slower metabolism you have. Moreover, studies have revealed that deep sleep causes cell repair and cell growth, which can speed up the metabolism and burn calories. So make sure you aim to get at least eight hours sleep a night.
Try to Get More Active-Aerobic activity can be the best way to improve your physical fitness. It not only burns calories but also helps in improving your metabolism. However, there is general misconception about aerobic that – one has to perform aerobic work out regularly for one hour. But you don’t need to spend hours each day on the treadmill or bike to reap the benefits. Exercising aerobically for as little as 20 minutes, three to five days a week can also make a big difference.
Balance Your Food Choices & Eating Habits-Finally a proper eating habit can be yet another vital tip to improve physical fitness. You don’t have to take foods like hamburgers or French fries to eat healthfully. You have to be smart about how often and how much to eat. So aim to eat different colored fruits and vegetables. For protection from the majority of disease like heart disease or cancer you need to have a proper selection of foods that provide mix of nutrients and minerals.

Today, certainly life, pleasure and particularly health are all about maintaining a perfect physical fitness. The tips mentioned above can help you improve your overall health. However, it is definitely not necessarily a great idea to begin practicing these physical fitness tips all at once. You may need to move yourself gradually into a step by step procedure or may decide to work on diet, relaxation and physical fitness at very measured pace. So take action and your fitness will surely improve and be in better shape for the long-term.

For more information about physical fitness programs, basic fitness tips browse the site a largest online health guide portal.

Total Gym 3000 Home Gym

January 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

With the economy in the tank, many people have decided not to spend money every month to pay for a gym membership, and have instead opted to buy themselves home fitness equipment that they can use in the comfort of their own home anytime of the day or night. There are many different types of equipment being sold for use in the home, including many which offer full body workouts. Even in this category, there are literally hundreds of different brands and models to choose from. One of the best-selling and most popular of the full-body workout machines is the Total Gym 3000.

The Total Gym 3000 is advertised both online and on late night infomercials on television. The infomercials feature superstar spokespersons Chuck Norris and Christie Brinkley, who both swear they use the Total Gym religiously and that this equipment alone is fully responsible for their awesome physical conditions.

Of course, when someone is being paid to advertise a product, you should always take their opinion with a bit of skepticism.

The marketing information for this equipment says that the machine is capable of 60 different exercises, that it is easy to use, comes with all the essential accessories, is comfortable and quiet. Some of its other attributes are the squat stand and wing attachment that come standard with it. It has a 300 pound weight capacity, upgraded pulley and cable system, steel handles, and chrome upper rails. You can store it in a small space because it folds flat. Total Gym 3000 promises to transform your body from the comfort of your home.

Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? Well, before you go directly to the company’s website and order, get some unbiased opinions by clicking here.

6 Health And Fitness Tips

January 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Here are 6 of the top health and fitness tips, ranging from healthy eating habits to programs for exercising. These are health and fitness tips that will help you with weight loss and an overall healthier lifestyle.

1. Drink plenty of water. This is something that you have likely heard many times already, and there is a good reason for this. Drinking water helps to decrease your appetite and eliminate cravings. It also nourishes and hydrates your body on the inside and out. This includes your skin. If you can, you want to drink half of your body weight in ounces per day.

2.If you want to lose weight quicker and have a healthier heart, you should really think about trying some interval cardio training. Try the basic formula of sprinting and then walking in back-to-back intervals. Find a flat stretch of road that is about 50 yards long, and sprint the whole thing. Come back taking a slow walk. Repeat this as many times as you can. Keep in mind that you need to warm up first, and you should also cool down when you complete the workout. This kind of training will increase your metabolism, burn extra fat, and take less time than other cardio workouts.

3.Avoid sugar at all costs! This is one of the most important health and fitness tips. Your body releases insulin when you take in sugar. Insulin makes your body store fat. This is why you actually gain more weight when you eat those fat-free foods with extra sugar. Examine product labels and avoid foods that have a lot of sugar and high fructose corn syrup. These two ingredients are commonly found in the so-called healthy breakfast cereals and bars.

4.Try to add more of the following into your diet:
*Olive oil
*Natural peanut butter
*Whole grains
*Protein powder

By consuming these foods you will burn more body fat and improve your health.

5.Add weight training to your workout. By adding muscle to your body, you will increase your life expectancy, give your body strength and burn body fat. You can tone up by using a weight that you can lift 8-12 times. You can add bulk by using a weight that you can lift 4-6 times. Practice your weight training routine 2-3 times a week, and keep each session under 45 minutes.

6.You should always take a quality multivitamin. In general, hardly anyone gets enough vitamins and minerals just by consuming food. This is why you have to take a vitamin in conjunction with healthy eating habits. Most people are lacking severely in omega-3 fatty acids, and this is supposedly what contributes to a lot of health issues, namely obesity. The easiest way to get omega-3’s in your diet is by taking fish oil softgels. You want to take between 2,000 to 3,000 mg a day.

This is by no means a comprehensive list, however if you follow these simple health and fitness tips, you will be well on your way to a healthier you!

For more information about Full Body Workout and Workout Routines, visit today!

Skee.TV presents Rockstar Health & Fitness, a new original Web series hosted by music industry executive & KIIS-FM yoga instructor Lori Rischer. Rockstar H&F features celebrities sharing their health, diet, and fitness tips. This first installment stars Fall Out Boy frontman Patrick Stump. In this episode, Patrick discusses his solo project and current release “Soul Punk” and fills us in on his weight loss secrets. The 9-episode Rockstar season’s all-star line up includes Hedley, Kirsten Price, Kim Glass, Lala Romero, OneRepublic and the World Famous DJ Skee, among others. Check out next week’s episode featuring Austin Brown. Created by Lori Rischer and Sera Roadnight. Produced By SkeeTV.

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Fitness Tips For Youngsters

January 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Fitness tips offer concise knowledge about developments in the field of health and fitness. It is a step-by-step procedure that guides one through the basic concepts and internal aspects of health. It can be defined as expert advice on how to remain fit and healthy.

Most of the fitness tips that you come across today would ask you to go for long workouts in gyms and eat only salads and get registered with various high priced health clubs. By fitness tips, most of us think that we have to completely change our lifestyle and thus most of us never bother to think about various useful fitness tips.

Morning exercises are one way of staying fit. You must make it a routine to exercise every morning. Morning exercises can be jogging to the perk and back, press ups and stretching. Set an alarm to notify you every morning and you will see how fast this will become part of your life style.

The main factors that help one lose weight are diet and lifestyle. Diet, more than anything, dictates the shape of one’s figure. With today’s rampant fast food chains, food may just be as sinful as it can be. Some simple tips on diet may help with a few instructions. What ought to be eliminated initially on one’s diet is red meat.

Humans are inherently lazy and this often makes them gain weight with each passing chronological year that goes by. The best mens health and fitness ideals come from physical activity. I’m not saying it has to be hard work.

We all know that we should drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water everyday. Yes, this fitness tip is true. It helps wash out toxins and helps your body replenish itself. Whenever you feel hungry, it’s best to drink a glass of water before hitting the fridge for food.

First tip is to be mobile. What does this mean? As we know, teens love lounging around the house, sitting in front of the television set the whole day or burning their asses of in front of the computer and gain weight. Little by little, teens must learn how to put an end to their sedentary lifestyle.

The first tip involves stretching. This may seem minor. Or something that doesn’t matter. But, you can easily hurt yourself if you’re not stretching properly. So, before you play, make sure you stretch the muscles used in swinging your golf club.

Another great golf fitness tip is to make sure you stretch every day. Stretching will help you prevent injuries and it will help you loosen up your muscles. Which will actually help with your golf swing.

Another golf fitness tip that will help you get better at golfing is cardio training. This consists of doing exercises like jogging on a treadmill, swimming, cycling, and taking a fitness class. These exercises will help you increase your endurance level, which will help you when playing a round.

I’ll use running as an example. Let’s say you want to be able to run 10 miles without stopping. Trying to do this on your first day of running is not the way to go about it. Instead, use a gradual approach.

Read More About Fitness Bootcamps Gold Coast

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Fitness Tips For Beginners

January 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Anyone interested in building muscles or staying fit must understand that they need fitness tips especially if they are new to the whole weight training program. Experts warn that effective training programs should incorporate varied training doses – that is, training volume, frequency and or intensity. Always keep this in mind: confusion is the only obstacle on the road to good physical fitness, because the best tips on the face of the planet will not work if you do not act on them accordingly. The best thing you can possibly do is to make sure you do not overexert yourself while implementing these tips. Always remember that you are not a machine, the formula is fitness tips plus your efforts will be equal to body fitness.

You can use the following fitness tips:

1) Maintaining Muscular Balance
When you are designing a program to suit you, select several exercises and sets for opposing muscle groups, why? Because some joints are more likely to be prone to injury or altered posture when much training volume is performed on just one movement and not the opposite movement.

2) The ROM Criteria
You should consider setting up a Range Of Motion (ROM) criteria on exercises that are known to have peak tension curve, for example, calf exercises, the shrugs, hip abduction and so on (this is a valuable weight training tip).

When you are doing your warm up set, make sure you take note of the position of the apparatus at full range, and all the succeeding workout repetition should consistently reach the benchmark. Do this without accelerating the weight through this harder part of the exercise.

3) Symmetry
When you are performing a unilateral exercise, make sure you begin with the weaker side first, then you can complete as many repetitions on the stronger side.

4) Monitor Muscle Gains
Always make sure you monitor muscle mass gains each month, because if you do not observe muscle gains over time you can make dietary changes and exercises in a timely manner.

5) Starting Again After a Layoff
This is a good fitness tip.

Before you start again after a long layoff, experts advise that you perform only a light set during your first workout. You can start performing a warm up and a moderately intense workout set during a subsequent workout. It will certainly take a longer time to recuperate between workouts if you become too sore from performing several sets and exercises. Your body is not a machine, it will take some time for your body to adapt with less chance of injury if your initial workout is quite brief, and the volume and intensity is gradually increased systematically.

You need to understand that these fitness tips will work effectively if you act upon them. You do not need to overexert yourself when trying to stay in shape. You can ask an instructor at your local gym to help you design a workout system that will be very suitable for you.

Matthew Iannotti is a Nutritional Researcher and the author of Sport Supplement Secrets. To learn more proper nutrition, weight loss and fitness tips, Visit:

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Read Online Fitness Tips for Healthy Life

January 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Who does not want to be fit and remain fit for his whole life? Earlier, getting handy information about fitness programmes and diet was not so easy. Everyone had to go to fitness trainer, doctor or dietician for advices and tips and that used to cost their pocket hugely. However, since the internet has stepped in the last decade in our lives, giving and receiving information has become so easy. Internet is a huge encyclopaedia, which has made sharing fitness tips online so easy. It is the Online Fitness tips that have made people extra cautious about their lives and health. Availability of fitness tips online gives direction to people live healthily and encourage them to adopt good habits. There are many fitness website that  are running on internet, which offer informative articles about fitness, health, diet along with relationship and beauty tips.

These websites provide elaborated tips on several types of topics such as exercises, health and fitness, which a reader can follow with the consult of an expert.  Various types of problems like disease, overweight, mental balance, etc, from which one have to deal with on daily basis, can find tips there how to deal with them.

These websites guide people to live better lifestyle by delivering healthy diet tips, fitness programme guide, and Mental Health News. Information given on these websites is given tip by tip, which is easy to adopt and follow by anyone. These articles are written by renowned experts, who have years of experience in their respective fields. The tips given by them are well tested and can be easily followed at home. In addition to that, these tips also come with do not follow without an expert caution note. Users should read articles thoroughly and should consult expert before following any advice.

In these websites, one can find an array of articles on different types of subjects like weight loss exercises, diet for rejuvenating skin, Heart Facts,  yoga for healthy mind, etc. Besides that, one can find article related to beauty tips and relationship. After all, these subjects are also related to good life style. The basic objective of these lifestyle websites is to make people’s life healthy and sound. Disseminating information about good life has changed many lives around the world, which can be proved by the comments of people on the website.  At last, following any advice blindfoldedly can be harmful. So, read every line properly before complying with any advice.

The author is an experienced Content writer and publisher for Business Development. Visit at  to know more about Online Fitness, Mental Health News and Heart Facts.

Summer Fitness Tips for Teens-Fitness and Health

December 29, 2011 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by Zohaib

A recent study suggests that this coincidence may have positive consequences for children and young people beyond the obvious, that looks attractive, healthy, enjoy good cardiovascular health and so on – teen fitness contribution to IQ is suggested by a recent study.In the study, siblings and twins examined and subjected to a battery tests, including logic, Visio spatial, technical, verbal and global intelligence, and so on. It turned out that subjects who were seen as the best condition, although most are performed in these tests.In particular, proved that condition improves young people between the ages of 15 and 18 had a higher test scores.Now with summer upon us, can teens help themselves get into shape with some great outdoor activities such as – PlayThe game is not just for young children, there is a large group activity that involves having fun with friends, you can learn valuable lessons that promote teamwork, improve competitiveness, learn new skills and significantly improve physical fitness.To throw a ball around the yard, shooting some hoops, even bouncing on a trampoline is fun and a great workout.For teenagers who are part of a competitive sport means to discover new possibilities within themselves and maybe even win scholarships. ChoresThis is bound to please your landlord or parents – to work in the garden, doing other chores around the house can be a surprisingly good workout. And do it the old fashioned way – Turn off the mower mechanized in favor of a manual one. Walking, cycling and runningWherever you must go, try the dependence of automated forms of transportation – if you have time and if practicable, walk or jog to your destination. Or use a bike to get to where you should go. Hit the beachAnd by this we do not mean lying in the sun on a real bath, get in other sports such as beach volleyball, or to learn new exciting activities like surfing. Organize or participate in hikes, tours, etc.This is another great fitness activity that can involve friends and / or family. Teens can come together and organize a day trip or sign up for similar events in the school or community.Creative, train, be fitter and healthier and maybe down the road, you can also become smarter?

A recent study suggests that this coincidence may have positive consequences for children and young people beyond the obvious, that looks attractive, healthy, enjoy good cardiovascular health and so on – teen fitness contribution to IQ is suggested by a recent study.In the study, siblings and twins examined and subjected to a battery tests, including logic, Visio spatial, technical, verbal and global intelligence, and so on. It turned out that subjects who were seen as the best condition, although most are performed in these tests.In particular, proved that condition improves young people between the ages of 15 and 18 had a higher test scores.Now with summer upon us, can teens help themselves get into shape with some great outdoor activities such as – PlayThe game is not just for young children, there is a large group activity that involves having fun with friends, you can learn valuable lessons that promote teamwork, improve competitiveness, learn new skills and significantly improve physical fitness.To throw a ball around the yard, shooting some hoops, even bouncing on a trampoline is fun and a great workout.For teenagers who are part of a competitive sport means to discover new possibilities within themselves and maybe even win scholarships. ChoresThis is bound to please your landlord or parents – to work in the garden, doing other chores around the house can be a surprisingly good workout. And do it the old fashioned way – Turn off the mower mechanized in favor of a manual one. Walking, cycling and runningWherever you must go, try the dependence of automated forms of transportation – if you have time and if practicable, walk or jog to your destination. Or use a bike to get to where you should go. Hit the beachAnd by this we do not mean lying in the sun on a real bath, get in other sports such as beach volleyball, or to learn new exciting activities like surfing. Organize or participate in hikes, tours, etc.This is another great fitness activity that can involve friends and / or family. Teens can come together and organize a day trip or sign up for similar events in the school or community.Creative, train, be fitter and healthier and maybe down the road, you can also become smarter?

There are a lot of hype and the confusion that exists about six sit-ups – the number of complaints about the “best team” and “the most effective supplement” to get the elusive six pack abs.

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Holiday Exercise Tips – Winter, Thanksgiving, & Christmas

December 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by Kenney My Man Edwards

We all know exercising over the Christmas holiday is extremely hard. With the weather being cold, the gets sun going down earlier and all the extra social commitments there just does not seem to be enough hours in the day to get a work out in.

However, it can be done. These are just a few suggestions to help keep up on exercising through the holiday season by providing you with these 4 Christmas fitness tips.

1) LIVE IN THE GYM:Cold and snowy weather around this time of year can make it too dangerous to do certain types of exercise. Be flexible, if you normally stay active by going cycling or jogging you may have to change your plans and get to the gym. Even though cycling machines and treadmills does not compare to the feeling of being outdoors it is still a better alternative than sitting at home and eating holiday sweets.

2) GIVE INTERACTIVE VIDEO GAMES A TRY:If you are anti gym, try playing interactive video games. They are another option for maintaining your Christmas fitness. PS3 Move Fitness, Nintendo Wii Fit and Xbox 360 Zumba Fitness for the Kinect are some of the major consoles that offer a wide range of interactive fitness games.

3) EXERCISE OUTDOORS:The winter weather makes cycling and jogging almost impossible, however it does allow you to do other outdoor exercises such as ice skating. This is a popular Christmas exercise you can try this year. It only takes 10 minutes of intense ice skating to burn an 100 calories. Clearing snow is a less conventional exercise option that is definitely worth a try. 1 hour of clearing snow burns 400 calories.

4) MAXIMIZE WORKOUTS:During Christmas your time is limited and you are probably not going to have the time to keep up with your regular workout at the same time each day. You probably will not have the time to complete a full workout. Make use of the small slots of time you do have during the day. If you have a social commitment in the evening which means you cannot get to your normal gym class, try and fit in a couple of 20 or 30 minute sessions during the day. Fill your iPod with this week’s top 50 countdown and go for a 30 minute jog in the morning and then a 20 minute walk at lunch time. By being flexible and fitting in short, regular workouts you can maintain your fitness during Christmas even when you cannot complete your normal workout routine.

If you take this advice your can still enjoy yourself some holiday pie and look great even after the holiday season.

Writing about all types of experiences is Kenney’s love. After writing online for over 8 years, he has created a new blog to express his love for music: top 10 hip hop songs this week where he discusses fun topics like: the top 10 downloaded songs this week…

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