Weight Loss Tips For Summer Fitness

December 12, 2011 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips


According to acclaimed health and diet experts, Mehmet Oza and Michael Roizen, one way to curb your appetite is by exercising at the gym. But not just any type of exercise. They emphasize combining cardiovascular exercises and strength training. In their online newspaper column, YOU Docs Daily, they cite a small 16 week study comparing a group of men who did only aerobics for 60 minutes or only weight training, to men who did no exercise at all and to men who combined only 22 minutes of cardio training with lifting weights. Results indicated that men who combined both aerobics and weight lifting were actually less hungry and ate fewer calories. The experts speculate that this powerful combination, cardiovascular training with weight training, might affect blood levels of fats, glucose, amino acids, and even hormones that affect appetite.


Pay attention to the way you think and feel.

If emotions are stirring up inside of you, and your immediate response is to reach for food, STOP! In fact, plan to stop in advance of your food craving. Have a plan, a pre-organized and structured activity to engage in when that emotional hunger pang strikes.

· Choose a good buddy to call and leave a message if you get that person’s machine.
· Write a page in your journal, before reaching for the food.
· Go online and check all your emails and respond to everyone, before you reach for food.
· Take a five minute walk before opening the refrigerator.
· Talk to someone about the way you are feeling, a friend or a therapist.


Stress occurs when you are excited, exhilarated, upset, angry, confused, tired, feeling responsible for more than you think you can handle.

· Take a breather, literally, breathe slowly and deliberately for a few minutes.
· Allow your thoughts to fill your mind and gradually let the thoughts subside as your racing mind slows down.
· List what you want, need or feel you must accomplish and then prioritize the list to only focus on the most immediate concerns
· DO the task NOW that you least want to do, the one that hovers in your thoughts and stresses your mind
· Take some amount of time to just relax your mind and your body.


Have you been getting by on 4, 5 or 6 hours of sleep every night and then “catching up” on the weekends or on only one or two days? Well, recent research suggests that your body does not “catch up.” You need to get adequate sleep every night so that all of your organs can replenish themselves and take a much needed rest from your daytime activities.

It seems that getting 7 ½ hours of sleep is important to help your body maintain its weight. Getting less sleep seems to affect your blood sugar levels and can actually interfere with losing weight.


Remember the old adage, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Well, apples do more than keep your body healthy. Apples provide fiber and help you to have that full feeling, especially if you eat one or two apples a short time before eating your regular meals. Another surprising food that many of us neglect is legumes and beans. Beans are another very important source of fiber that can help to curb your appetite. Yes, they contain some carbohydrates, but are a much better choice than bread or cake or pasta for helping you to feel full.


I love this one! Realage.com often has some wonderful tidbits about keeping yourself healthy. One suggestion is to photograph the food you are about to eat. This causes you to think about what you are eating before you bite into it. Just that brief moment, the time it takes to photograph it, can cause you to stop and think and make a healthier and lower calorie choice in the next few moments.


Now this one is not for everyone, but dentists will love it! Recently, I had to have a tooth extracted. That’s when I discovered this powerful diet. Once your tooth is removed, your gums are bleeding and highly sensitive. It is impossible to chew on any food, so you must liquefy everything you attempt to eat. Result is – food, for the moment, is totally unappealing. You just can’t eat anything. Great way to lose weight. However, that intense pain only lasts for one or two days, and in no time you can go right back to eating as much as you want, all day long.

If you are determined to lose weight, you will! Sometimes, one these seemingly silly ways to lose weight can be exactly what you need to jump start yourself into really following a weight loss diet regime. Here’s to finding your own way, now, so that you can feel proud of yourself and enjoy your slender body in the months to come.

Dr. Erica Goodstone has helped thousands of men, women, couples, and groups to develop greater awareness of the issues in their relationships and their lives, to overcome and alleviate stressors and discords, and to revitalize their relationships and their own mind-body-spirit connection. Dr. Goodstone can be contacted through her web site at http://www.budurl.com/Wellness where you can take the Create Healing and Love Now Personal Assessment and get your customized free report. To attend an upcoming Creating Love Seminar, go to http://www.budurl.com/Creatingloveseminars

Fact – Soccer Fitness Training Basics

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Many physical experts agree that soccer demands more strength of all sports. A large playing field, no rest time and a game which goes on for a long time are few such reasons. During the match, while possessing the ball, players at times cover 10 miles consisting of 24% walking, 36% jogging, 20% coursing, 11% sprinting, 7% moving backwards and 2% moving. The intense levels of the game is so high, average player’s heart rate is maximum of 90%.

Aerobic Capacity

During a match, players can cover more ground if their aerobic capacity is higher. In addition, improved endurance enhances the sprints which can be completed during the game. The significant feature of soccer fitness training to improve aerobic capacity is that it can be done anywhere and anytime.

Weight Training

Soccer players undergoing weight training plays major role in conditioning programs.

In older version, it was three sets of ten reps whereas in new fitness training, it includes balanced explosive power and muscular endurance.

Though some might benefit by improving lean mass, focusing on converting on the strength into specific power is vital. This training also helps correct muscle imbalances. A well formed plan can address the problem of overly strong quadriceps related to hamstrings as the soccer players are prone to this issue.

Soccer Fitness Training includes Diet, Nutrition and Metal Attitude

One can be a lean machine like soccer legend Pele and could be in danger due to high percentage of body fat levels. Rather than consuming junk food and soda pep, if a professional soccer player eats natural food and drinks purified water, they get an edge over other teammates and competitors.

Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods need to be thought of as perfect examples of mental toughness and discipline. Predicting first where the soccer ball would go gives a big edge on the competitors. Giving 100% effort and a positive attitude is another tip of all great athletes of our time. One can only walk his head high if this advice is followed, irrespective of how bleak the situation looks or how brutal the game was, no matter whether if the game is won or lost. This needs to be kept in mind during soccer fitness training.

Shirley has been writing articles professionally, both online and offline, since 4 years ago. This author is not only writing in the subject of health, but also in dieting, fat loss, fitness and many other more. Check out her latest website in King-Size Sleigh Bed which discuss and review about King Bed Frames.

The Swedish Diet is the top fast weight loss program. Learn the facts about the Swedish Diet, and choose something that is natural and healthy for weight loss.

Pregnancy week by week

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

The time period of their time to produce a fully pointless new life along with the existing world is about the precious moments which each woman aspires to make sure automobile because of their lifetime. Along with precious period is termed “Pregnant”. Every different woman has their responsibility to build the ultra-modern life they sometimes play a necessary role changing while in the women to mother. Pregnancy women should present her with baby, in body and spirit to tend the favored life for into existence. Pregnant state women should prepare their bode week by week in trying to bo a quality environment throughout the baby to nurture. You must keep a beneficial attitude and healthy emotionally and mentally. Weekly of childbearing brings them new changes and circumstances have already been usually common those pregnancy women’s.

Collectively need support plus a additional care throughout their pregnancies.

Every pregnancy women must need knowing you will discover stages of childbearing period. They’ll be done mindful of approximately the amount of time before, during, and after their pregnancy. Pregnancy can be a really demanding stage plus increased amount of higher nutritious food when. Many nutrients here is another positive role in providing safety health with the mother as well as the child. Once their pregnancy is checked consequently the result can be positive, they are going to likely manage themselves. They probably have numerous doubts and what you should ask. To take care of their questions getting conceived zone lets them in almost any their requirements. Becoming pregnant zone studies many of the shapes week by week and right form their growing baby.

The world-wide-web site adds to the many guidelines to have their baby fit using a week.

Having a baby period can be a physiological overuse injury which there occurs changes and growth. These changes range from the newborn is generally created inside them for hours concerning one small ball of cells towards a wholly grown baby. While using the pregnancy week by week, each section says the developments which may add your baby’s growth. Along with your body normally takes winner adjustments las vegas nevada bankruptcy laywer baby grows. A favorite problems as well as morning sickness, vomiting and then the tiredness will occur all through the http://www.thepregnancyzone.com/”>pregnancy week by week. These complaints happen to be present various throughout the pregnancy women’s. To amass without these complaints chances are you’ll produce the eating healthily of nutritious food and vitamins presents you medical plus to overpower these sicknesses. 

Conception zone tackles the modifications occurring inside you in addition to includes the complications that you might possibly experience a few days for one pregnancy. Therefore offer you the solutions, advices and superb tips on techniques reduced these illnesses. The nutritious food and vitamins is needed birth a day-to-day baby. You will come across exercises and yoga which facilitate you to definitely possess a good healthy baby together with lets you have a very normal deliver. The exercises an individual to make reunite in the structure in addition to the yoga which will to build eliminated the mental stress. Carrying your youngsters zone provides tips for weekly of childbearing, so your supplements you’ll want to take during pregnancy. 

It gives information on pregnancy week by week for women.

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Facts and Fiction regarding Health and Fitness

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

There is always some truth to the untruths. The reason is that each person’s body reacts differently to exercise. What is correct for one person may not be necessarily correct for others, or some percentage of other people. In that situation, it is not a lie at all. That is why you need to deal with questionable truths, or information, almost on a case by case basis. Research is the real clue to getting to the truth about health and fitness. Research is the only way to make sure there is solid information about health and fitness.

You can find several yoga and back pain products online. Yoga is touted as a means for relieving your back pain. This statement can be misleading and dangerous, although yoga can help in some cases. If the cause of your back pain is muscle related than yoga can be helpful. Doing yoga can be good if you need to stretch or strengthen the muscles in your back. Once you have done that, your back pain may very well go away. Doing yoga will not relieve back pain due to bone issues such as a problem with a spinal disc, however. In this kind of situation, you risk doing more damage by practicing yoga. Over extension is another mythical being that goes something like this, if you aren’t feeling the burn you aren’t doing enough. The effects of a hard workout are not always apparent, it can take a day or two before you feel the effects of your work. You may hit the gym hard after a long time without this kind of activity and it is then that you will feel the after effects over time rather than right away. Don’t rush into it, get a checkup and go slow for a better longer lasting experience.

Significantly reduce your chances of developing serious disease symptoms with diet and exercise which is proven effective by many researchers. You’ve no doubt heard for years about the effects of exercise on cardiovascular health. There are many other conditions that can also be affected by a good exercise program and healthy diet. Your commitment to a healthy diet and exercise can also help you slow the effects of aging on your body.

Learn what you can and decide for yourself which is true and which is false. For your own sanity and interest, do this regularly. Before you go out half cocked and exert the energy and time necessary for a change in lifestyle you need to know that you are doing it right. When you have a properly calculated exercise routine based solely on your research you will reap the benefits.

The author is a qialified Gynecologist. Take a look at his website by clicking Menstrual Cramps. You can visit Back Massagers for some concise information on how to ease body soreness.

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Don’t Waste Money On Fitness Equipment

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by Zach Hunt

Want to know about fitness equipment? Is it something you really need? Or would your money be better spent with a personal trainer?

Fitness equipment in your home will not produce the same fitness results that a qualified personal trainer can offer for around the same price as the expensive fitness equipment, if not cheaper. Since a piece of fitness equipment is nothing more than an object, it is unable to compete with the advantages that an actual fitness trainer can provide. This equipment will not assist you in the proper techniques for losing weight and getting into better shape. Additionally, fitness equipment will become useless once you achieve your desired level of health.

As a resident interested in improving their health, you need to establish a proper fitness plan. The expertise that a fitness trainer has with fitness equipment will provide you a much better knowledge.

Fitness Equipment Is A Temporary Solution To Better Health

The fitness equipment, regardless of what type of equipment it is, only has limited use. There is not one piece of fitness equipment that will assist you in completing all of your fitness goals.

Many people give up on their fitness goals or if they do reach them, the expensive exercise equipment invested in starts to collect dust.

Equipment For Fitness Will Not Plan Your Entire Workout

Regardless of the price that you pay for your fitness equipment, it will not plan your entire workout. It will not tell you everything that you need to do to succeed at your individual fitness goals.

Only a proper personal trainer can guide you to successfully completing your fitness goals, even if they seem impossible to tackle.

Invest Smart By Rethinking Your Fitness Equipment

In reality, there is not much of a difference between the price of fitness equipment and the price of hiring a personal trainer. Both options are considered expensive, but you will gain so much more from a personal trainer than you ever will from a piece of equipment.

Your Mental Health

Fitness equipment will not help you in maintaining your mental health. By mentally being ready for your upcoming workout, you will be able to achieve a better physical workout.

A fitness trainer can assist you in keeping your morale up while the fitness equipment will encourage you to give up on your fitness goals, if anything.

Improving Your Social Life

By investing in the services of a fitness trainer against purchasing fitness equipment at your local store, you can improve your social life. By working out a a fitness center, you will meet individuals with similar fitness goals.

Personal trainers want you to succeed. It’s important to them, as it is to you.

You will have someone to talk to (in your personal trainer) when you have questions regarding your fitness plan. A piece of fitness equipment is unable to carry on a conversation with you, leaving you with a lonely workout session.

So, In Conclusion..

Fitness equipment will do you little good unless you are using the fitness equipment of a fitness trainer that you have hired. Your fitness trainer, just like any human, will always be more valuable than a mechanical device.

As I’m sure you’ve seen numerous people line up at health clubs or gyms on the treadmills and other machines and avail to no results.

Zach Hunt is a fitness equipment expert, personal trainer and owner of Physzique, a fitness coaching service in Spokane, WA. Go here: http://www.spokanefitnesscoach.com/index.html or you can go here for more tips: http://www.spokanefitnesscoach.com/articles/fitness-equipment-spokane.html

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