How to Gain Weight Fast & Quickly

March 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by Adolfo Mcgowan

<h1>How to Gain Weight Fast</h1><h3>SIMPLE WAYS TO GAIN MUSCLE WEIGHT FAST</h3>Most skinny and slender people have one common problem: to gain muscle weight. In achieving the desirable muscle weight, it involves certain changes in our lifestyles such as diet, exercise and attitude towards health. The easiest way to gain muscle weight is to eat a well-balanced diet with extremely high caloric value, which include vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy products, whole grains, lean protein sources, such as fish, poultry, beans and legumes. Starchy grains and vegetable are highly encourage and this can be found in rice, oats, pasta, potatoes, carrots and pumpkins. A human body also needs some fats and sugars for extra calories. Eating three meals a day and between-meal snacks on a regular basis will also increase the calories needed to gain muscle weight. However, desired food servings must be based on the individual’s daily activity to compensate loss energy and nutrients during strenuous activities. Overeating does not guarantee gaining weight as it breaks the metabolism process of the body. A well designed weight training program will help develop muscles of the body as well as good fitness for the individual. Weight training also stimulates our appetite. Different muscle groups in the body should be given concentration to gain muscle weight. These resistance training exercises can be done in sport gyms, health clubs or even at our own homes using the proper or improvised equipment. Workout exercises should be intensified to increase muscle weight as well as mass. Skinny and slender people need not worry about being underweight as long as these tips are followed consistently so that to gain muscle weight will not be a problem anymore. Check Out Gain Weight, Muscle Fast Program for anyone who would like to get see results Fast.Also Read how to get motivation, healthy food recipes, and more tips which you can find this plan at

Adolfo Mcgowan writes regularly about health related topics. I hope you enjoy this article.

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Ways to Gain Weight Fast

March 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

For those who are looking to gain weight fast, there are a few tips that can help you. Even though, there are more people in the world who are trying to lose weight, some people who are thin would like to put on a few pounds to look healthier or to increase muscle mass.

The most important thing to remember when trying to gain weight is to make sure you are doing it the healthy way. It is easy to gain weight quickly when you eat a bunch of junk foods that contain sugars, grease, butters and sodium, but that can result in you feeling sick or developing some long term health problems. In order to gain weight quickly you should start out by consuming twice as many calories than is recommended for your body size. Start eating meals several times a day instead of 2-3 larger meals. Make sure you eat a lot of lean proteins, whole grain carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables.

Foods like breads, pastas, and potatoes are good and add extra weight. Also foods such as milk, eggs, cheese, nuts, and avocado are excellent sources of high calorie but healthy food options. Drinking protein shakes or weight gain formulas from you local health food store are other ways to add calories and extra proteins into your diet. Another way to gain weight is by drinking a low-fat milkshake for dessert every evening.

Besides eating more, healthy calories, you should also start on a weight training exercise routine. By working out your muscles, you will increase your muscle mass and increase your weight. If you are unsure how to start a weight training routine, you should consult a professional trainer for advice. Just by adding a few extra workouts a week and doubling your caloric intake, you should start to see a noticeable amount of weight gained in a short amount of time.

Do you want to look bigger? Are you tired of your skinny arms and legs? Then check out Diet To Gain Weight for tips on gaining weight the healthy way!

Hit upon An Ave With the purpose of Gain Weight Fast In the present day Quickly

March 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by john bringhamlons

What foods should I eat to facilitate gain weight? Perform you locate by hand asking this question? Well there is a variety of foods with the purpose of be capable of sponsorship you with the aim of gain pounds. Today several people are trying pro healthy ways with the purpose of gain particular pounds. Several people have possession of a hard moment in time to gain weight meant for a couple of reasons such because high metabolic expense, genetic reasons, environmental reasons, bad eating habits with luck of enough diet. But you hold been losing weight used for no stately reason such while you not actually checking to facilitate burn it, Subsequently is moment to recognize a doctor with the aim of uncover not in why you are down weight. Foods with the aim of assistance gain weight be capable of aid you but you are underweight before naturally thin with the intention of increase body weight using making confident with the purpose of you eat further often and you spend enough calories that are new than what your body be able to burn.

There is something I require you with the purpose of ascertain otherwise I list the foods with the purpose of be able to money you increase body weight. Initial of each, It is highly optional you increase weight in terms of muscle quite than simply body fat. Even thin people or else average build people can own problems associated plus overweight people such seeing as high cholesterol levels, heart diseases/strokes with increased risks of particular types of cancer. So your main area here is to facilitate increase weight in a healthy lane using eating healthy and highly nutritious foods other often in addition to working elsewhere also. Here are a weighty examples of foods so when to patronage gain weight:

What foods must I eat that gain weight? Act you discover by hand asking this question? Well there is a variety of foods with the purpose of know how to help you to facilitate gain pounds. At the moment multiple people are aiming intended for healthy ways to gain selected pounds. A little people be the owner of a hard occasion that gain weight meant for a couple of reasons such since high metabolic asking price, genetic reasons, environmental reasons, bad eating habits plus luck of enough diet. Condition you have possession of been trailing weight in favor of no serious reason such as you not actually in the market to lose it, Next is instant with the aim of be knowledgeable about a doctor so at what time to locate absent why you are bringing up the rear weight. Foods to facilitate help gain weight can support you stipulation you are underweight or else naturally thin so when to increase body weight by making positive to you eat more often in addition to you use up enough calories with the intention of are more than what your body know how to burn.

There is amazing I want you to understand otherwise I list the foods that can patronage you increase body weight. Initial of each, It really is highly suggested you increase weight in terms of muscle fairly than merely body fat. Yet thin people otherwise average build people be capable of have troubles associated plus overweight people such given that high cholesterol levels, heart diseases/strokes plus increased risks of a number of pieces of cancer. So your main matter here is with the purpose of increase weight in a healthy court by means of eating healthy with highly nutritious foods new often with working away also. Here are an intense examples of foods to facilitate subsidy gain weight:

What foods be supposed to I eat with the intention of gain weight? Make you stumble on manually asking this query? Well there is a variety of foods with the aim of can subsidy you that gain pounds. Now many people are already in the market used for healthy ways that gain a number of pounds. A quantity of people be in possession of a hard instance so when to gain weight meant for a couple of reasons such given that high metabolic outlay, genetic reasons, environmental reasons, bad eating habits in addition to luck of enough diet. But you have been down weight on behalf of no terrific reason such because you not actually appearing to facilitate burn it, Subsequently is instant with the intention of appreciate a doctor with the purpose of find elsewhere why you are behind weight. Foods to facilitate help gain weight be able to help you condition you are underweight or else naturally thin that increase body weight by means of making convinced to you eat further often and you squander enough calories to facilitate are additional than what your body can burn.

There is something I want you that become skilled at or I list the foods so while to be able to grant you increase body weight. First of all, It is very highly recommended you increase weight in terms of muscle pretty than just body fat. Yet thin people or else average build people be capable of be the owner of harms associated in addition to overweight people such seeing as high cholesterol levels, heart diseases/strokes and increased risks of a little items of cancer. So your main area here is with the purpose of increase weight in a healthy drv with eating healthy and highly nutritious foods supplementary often plus working absent as well. Here are an impressive examples of foods to money gain weight:

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Why Creatine Supplements Are Best To Gain Muscle Mass

February 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Creatine which is generally a very naturally available element is one of the best supplements available. This very popular and preferred supplement helps in gaining of muscle mass. This nitrogenous organic acid directly reaches the muscles and helps in release of tremendous amount of stored energy. This elevated energy and performance level helps a lot in carrying out hard physical exercises which ultimately is responsible for muscle mass creation.


There are numerous supplements present in the market which promises its users of greater benefits. But as per the conclusion of reviewers and many research institutes, creatine based supplements are the best for muscle mass gaining. Over the years many tests have been conducted which clearly shows that there is far better mass development after the use of creatine then any other supplement available in the market.

Also regular use of this supplement enhances the strength of the body and also increases the ability to perform at a much higher and tougher level.


Benefits of Creatine


There are many clearly evident benefits of creatine. Once you start using the product you yourself can feel the difference in a very short period of time. The most important benefits includes:-

• Regular use of creatine helps in healthy growth of muscle based fibre. 

• Regular energy supply which helps in boosting the performance of the person.

This means increase in efficiency which the person can use in lifting heavier weights and also finds it easier to do lots of other tough exercises.


Apart from these benefits there are also many other which has made this product such a popular and preferred choice among majority of body builders and sportsmen for gaining muscle mass. The prime working mechanism of creatine although is very simple and effective. It just retains the water of the body to increase and enhance the volume and mass of the muscles.  These muscles due to the effect of liquid creatine get the signal to accumulate and hold on to water which helps it evidently bulkier and heavier. This way anyone using these supplements can easily enhance their muscle that too without any side effects.


Anyone who uses creatine can easily add approximately 5-10 pounds every month by just retaining the water. If the concerned person wants to intensify the results he can do that by increasing his workout routine. The best thing about this supplement is that there are no side effects of this product. Once you stop taking creatine based supplements you can see that visible increased muscle volume starts decreasing. But this decrease will continue till a particular limit after that the muscle gain made through workouts in gyms will only be present and visible.

Author writes articles on creatine monohydrate and a variety of other subjects in the world of muscle mass gain products like creatine and many more.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

Quickest Way To Gain Muscle – 5 Easy Steps

February 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by Greg Taylor

If you find it hard to put on weight and build muscle, you’re not alone. Most body builders have at one time, gone through the same problems you are going through right now. Perhaps you’re underweight, or simply cannot seem to get ripped toned. Either way, if you would like to know the quickest way to gain muscle, you’re not doomed. Chances are that you’ve spent several months (and maybe even years) going to the gym, lifting weights, and trying to gain muscle mass but nothing seems to have worked. You’ve read the articles and have taken advice from the pro’s. You’re still not seeing results. Does this mean that you are not equipped to gain muscle? Absolutely not.

Below are Some Real Tips on How You Can Start To Gain More Muscle:

1. Eat More “Good” Protein – Despite what most people may think, eating tons of red meat and steak will not get you anywhere in the realm of muscle growth. What it will get you is tons of extra flab – which is something you don’t need. Even if you’re underweight, you need to avoid “bad” fatty animal protein as much as possible and stick to healthier sources of protein including nuts, salmon, fish, tuna, chicken, milk, eggs, and beans.

2. No Steroids – Steroids are a big “no-no”. For one, they work, but only temporarily. In the long run, they will leave you high and dry because you can not take them forever. If you do, well, you might die because of the long list of negative long-term side effects. There have even been individuals who were so negatively influenced by steroids that they became depressed and committed suicide – something you definitely don’t want.

3. Stop Working Out So Much – Did you know that working out more than 3 to 4 days per week will actually deplete your muscles? Also, every weight training session should not been any longer than 45 minutes. The reason? Too much working out acts as cardio and starts burning off not only fat, but using muscle for fuel. The result? A reversed effect. For those who really want to know the quickest way to gain muscle, the ultimate answer is to simply work out, rest until your muscles have recovered (usually 24- 72 hours) and then re train the muscles.

4. Multiply Your Own Hormones Naturally – You can learn how to multiply your body’s natural muscle-growth hormones. The only thing you need to know is what foods to eat, as well as what supplements you should be taking. You can simply find out this information by taking advice from a weight gaining guide.

5. Know What Exercises Work, and What Exercises Do Not – Do you continually find yourself wondering whether what you are doing will get you the body you want? If so, you’re probably doing it all wrong. Instead of taking the time to find a method that really works, you all over the place asking different individuals what they do to gain muscle. What you need to be doing is following one, simple routine with proven results designed to help you build muscle, rather than driving yourself nuts.

After you’ve found the quickest way to gain muscle, you’ll literally start building muscle in your sleep. There are even diet tricks out there that will force your body to gain muscle mass all day long. The best part is that you don’t have to worry about gaining fat.

If you would like to read more about everything mentioned above and learn the quickest way to gain muscle, click on the following link: and you will discover the secrets to building muscle

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How to Gain Muscle Quick

February 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

The most important step for your goal of gaining muscle quickly is the very first one, which is the decision to commit to your workout program. You will have to battle through sore muscles and sacrifices, and it is better to decide ahead of time if you can do it than it is to drop out halfway through.

Once the decision has been made, decide where you want to gain muscle. Different muscles require different workouts. To build your leg muscle, you will need a workout involving running and jumping whereas a focus on your chest and arms will require weight lifting.

Craft a realistic training program for yourself. Don’t force yourself into doing too much at once, as you will only exhaust yourself. Three sessions of weight lifting per week is ideal.

Don’t overdo repetitions; only a small number of them are needed per exercise. Start easy and then challange yourself more and more as the weeks pass by. If you don’t feel sore by the end of the day, you can do more. If you are struggling even several days after the last workout, you need to do less. Slight soreness means your muscles are growing.

Your body will want food every time you work out. Proteins are needed for before and after your workout as they are key for building and repairing muscle tissue. Lean meats provide protein without too much fat. Sweets, alcohol and fried food will only hinder your quest to gain muscle quickly. Small meals, taken often, will help your body burn energy slower over a longer period of time.

Remember to rest.

Working out too much will hurt your muscles, or even damage them. Muscles will grow back bigger and stronger after your stretch them during exercises, but not if you strain them too much. Rotate which muscles you are focusing on over the course of your week to give each muscle group sufficient time to heal.

Sleep for at least 8 hours every night. Your body and muscles will need to rest, and a lack of sleep can hurt your muscle building and also make you feel awful when working out.

Keep your goals realistic and keep track of them. It may take some time and a lot of effort before you start seeing noticeable results. Men also gain muscle faster than women. The only way to be sure to get the best results is to stick to your program. You should talk with your doctor before beginning any stressful training in order to be sure you are healthy enough. Be aware of your body and its limits so that you build muscle quickly, but do so without a painful or crippling injury.


We review the popular Muscle Building Programs and Books on the internet. The fisrt thing we do when we review a muscle building program is to make sure it does not contain conflicting, misleading or downright untruthful information thrown together by a self proclaimed muscle expert. All our reviews are based strictly on the quality of the products, customer support and value for money.

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Muscle Building Program Recommended – For all those who want to learn how to gain weight & build up muscle fast, we have the answers for you.

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Dieting For Gaining Lean Muscles

February 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

For gaining attractive lean muscles, you need to follow a proper diet along with regular exercising. You can consult a dietician for this purpose. Following are a few suggestions that will help you to make an effective diet plan for building muscles.

Fiber rich food items are very important to lose weight. It prevents accumulation of fat in the body. In addition to this, it reduces the cholesterol present in the blood. A fiber rich food offers slow burning carbohydrates to your body.

Did you know that fiber also helps in enhancing the metabolism of the body? A few rich fiber foods are fruits, wheat, vegetables and oatmeal. In addition to this, add lean meat in your diet. It is a very rich source of protein which is essential for building muscles. You can eat fish, soybean, egg white, beans etc. to have protein. You may also take whey protein shake for providing enough protein to your body.

Soybeans have no cholesterol and have a nominal amount of fat. However, it is a great food for building muscles. I t is easily available and not at all expensive.

To develop lean muscles, drink as much water as you can in a day. This is because you lose a lot of fluids, while working out or doing other physical activities. Last but not the least, try to avoid fat containing foods like butter, etc. Cook your food with canola oil, soybean oil or olive oil, to provide healthy fats to your body.

Learn more by reading Diet Reviews about the best ways to lose weight. Also read more Health Tips to improve your wellness!

How To Get Muscle Fast

February 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by Tony Smith

In order to getmuscle fast, let’s start off with the basics. The foundation of what will help you continually put on muscle day after day after day. What I’m going to share with you are two very powerful ways of getting muscle. When you’re done reading this article, you’ll know exactly how to get muscle fast.

Powerhouse Tip #1

The first tip is pretty simple. It’s the nutrition part of getting muscle fast. You have to consume alot of calories. Which means, you should be eating at least 6 or 7 times a day. Try to eat every 2 hours. Most of your foods should consist of proteins (meats, protein shakes, eggs, yogurts, cottage cheese, etc.) and carbohydrates (breads, fruits, pastas, potatoes, rice, etc.).

Another quick pointer is to add in red meat if possible. If you’re a vegetarian, tofu or veggie burgers are ok.

Try to aim for 1-2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. And 2-3 grams of carbohydrates per pound of bodyweight. That means, if you’re 180 pounds. You should eat between 180-360 gram of protein and 360-540 grams of carbs. Eating this way will allow you to get muscle fast.

By focusing on you’re nutrition, you’ll notice that you’re muscles will feel fuller, you’ll feel stronger, and more powerful. This is because you’re foods are giving you enough nutrients and fuel to continue to grow stronger, bigger, and tougher.

Powerhouse Tip #2

The next tip is probably the most obvious for getting muscle. It’s working out. You should hit the gym 4 times a week. If you can’t do 4, then 3 is fine. But make sure you don’t go more than 5 times a week. You need ample time to recover.

The lifts you want to focus on most are you’re core lifts, which includes bench press, squats, deadlifts, and military press. These lifts hit the bigger muscle groups, which allow you to pack on muscle fast. You can add in other lifts, but be sure you do the core lifts. That’s how to get muscle fast.

As you do these lifts, you’ll notice that your body will change. You’ll muscles will begin to feel harder. They’ll become bigger. And you’ll notice that you’re becoming stronger. That’s a sign of you gaining muscles, which is what you want to happen, right?

Also, as a side note, you should get at least 6-8 hours of sleep. You’re muscles grow while you’re resting. So, hit the weights hard, eat, and get your rest. Watch how fast your muscles begin to grow.

If you really want to get muscle fast, here’s a solution that has worked for many people, click on the link –> Quickly Gain Muscle <–. However, this is ONLY for people who are seriously looking to quickly gain muscle!

If you really want to get muscle fast, here’s a solution that has worked for many people, click on the link –> Quickly Gain Muscle <–. However, this is ONLY for people who are seriously looking to quickly gain muscle!

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How To Build Muscle Fast

February 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

I”ll never forget my first encounter with “Big Joe.” I had just gotten my driver”s license about a week before, so I was 17 at the time. Up until my 17th birthday, I had been training at our crappy high-school weight room and was counting the days until I could drive myself to the real gym about 15 minutes down the road. I had been training for a few years at that point and was really starting to get obsessed and read everything I could about how to build muscle fast. Of course, I had been doing everything wrong up until that point, but I didn”t know any better. I was convinced that when I was finally able to join Main Street Gym, I would start to grow like a weed.

During my second week there, I saw Big Joe for the first time. I was about halfway through my workout when he walked in. He was massive from neck to calves with a thick goatee, long sideburns, and a mop of curly brown hair. Big Joe stood about 6″4″ and had to have weighed close to 300 pounds. At the time, he was in his late 30″s or early 40″s and walked with a slight hitch””I would later find out that it was from an old football injury””but he continued to squat and deadlift on a regular basis.

He was doing standing military presses that day and throwing around 275 like the bar was empty. I couldn”t help but stare as he hoisted the weights up with ease. After every set I did, I would walk to the water fountain just to get a closer look at one of the most jacked guys I had ever seen in person.

Eventually, we crossed paths and he nodded. That was it.

All the gym vets seemed to know him and every few minutes I heard one of them acknowledging his presence.

“What”s up, Big Joe?”

“Big Joe, what”s happening, my man?”

I had to move to another section of the gym to complete the rest of my workout, but I figured I would see Big Joe again when I was done. I was wrong. When I finished my workout, I looked around the gym and Big Joe was gone.

It was about two weeks before I saw Big Joe again. He came in the door right behind me one night and thanked me when I held the door for him. We both went about our business and started our workouts. He was doing bent-over barbell rows that night and had worked up to 405 for a few sets of six.

About halfway through my workout, I had to run to the locker room to get my straps out of my gym bag. When I returned Big Joe, was gone again.

Over time, I started to see Big Joe more and more and began to notice a trend- he was in and out of the gym before most guys were even halfway done with their workouts. He was so much bigger and stronger than everyone else that I figured there had to be something to what he was doing.

Finally, I worked up the courage one day to go up to Big Joe and ask him about his short workouts. I wanted to learn more about how to build muscle fast and I just knew Big Joe was the one to help me.

“Uh, excuse me,” I said.

“What”s up, big man?” Big Joe replied.

“I just wanted to ask you a few questions about training. I notice that your workouts are way shorter than anyone else”s in this entire gym, yet you are bigger and stronger than everyone,” I said.

“Finally caught on there, huh, diesel? That”s the secret right there. If you keep your workouts short, you never overtrain, you recover faster, and you constantly make progress,” Big Joe explained. “Your testosterone output peaks about a half hour into your workout and is completely shot within 45 minutes. So get in and get out in 45 minutes or less and you will get huge. That right there is one of the most important things I can ever teach you about how to build muscle fast.”

From that day on I have kept all my workouts short and have always done so with all of my clients. The results have been nothing short of spectacular. There is no reason to spend your life in the gym. Hit it hard and get out. And get ready for guys to start stepping aside when they see you coming.

Jason Ferruggia is a world famous fitness expert who is renowned for his ability to help people build muscle as fast as humanly possible. He is the head training adviser for Men”s Fitness Magazine where he also has his own monthly column dedicated to muscle building. For more How To Build Muscle Fast please visit

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Why Creatine Supplements Are Best To Gain Muscle Mass

January 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Creatine which is generally a very naturally available element is one of the best supplements available. This very popular and preferred supplement helps in gaining of muscle mass. This nitrogenous organic acid directly reaches the muscles and helps in release of tremendous amount of stored energy. This elevated energy and performance level helps a lot in carrying out hard physical exercises which ultimately is responsible for muscle mass creation.


There are numerous supplements present in the market which promises its users of greater benefits. But as per the conclusion of reviewers and many research institutes, creatine based supplements are the best for muscle mass gaining. Over the years many tests have been conducted which clearly shows that there is far better mass development after the use of creatine then any other supplement available in the market.

Also regular use of this supplement enhances the strength of the body and also increases the ability to perform at a much higher and tougher level.


Benefits of Creatine


There are many clearly evident benefits of creatine. Once you start using the product you yourself can feel the difference in a very short period of time. The most important benefits includes:-

• Regular use of creatine helps in healthy growth of muscle based fibre. 

• Regular energy supply which helps in boosting the performance of the person.

This means increase in efficiency which the person can use in lifting heavier weights and also finds it easier to do lots of other tough exercises.


Apart from these benefits there are also many other which has made this product such a popular and preferred choice among majority of body builders and sportsmen for gaining muscle mass. The prime working mechanism of creatine although is very simple and effective. It just retains the water of the body to increase and enhance the volume and mass of the muscles.  These muscles due to the effect of liquid creatine get the signal to accumulate and hold on to water which helps it evidently bulkier and heavier. This way anyone using these supplements can easily enhance their muscle that too without any side effects.


Anyone who uses creatine can easily add approximately 5-10 pounds every month by just retaining the water. If the concerned person wants to intensify the results he can do that by increasing his workout routine. The best thing about this supplement is that there are no side effects of this product. Once you stop taking creatine based supplements you can see that visible increased muscle volume starts decreasing. But this decrease will continue till a particular limit after that the muscle gain made through workouts in gyms will only be present and visible.

Author writes articles on creatine monohydrate and a variety of other subjects in the world of muscle mass gain products like creatine and many more.

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