The very best supplements for muscle gain

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Just what are the best supplements for muscle gain? Do you require supplements being a body builder to gain muscle? I’m absolutely certain you’ve been curious about this yourself. 

Let’s take a more detailed look at this topic. 

This is a billion dollar question (provided the ridiculous amounts of cash that is made off dietary supplements to gain muscle), which virtually all boils down to what we mean by the term “need”. 

The query that obviously arises can be “do we genuinely need essential supplements for natural bodybuilding and fitness? To uncover the true picture, you have to figure out what exactly you’d like these health supplements to do for you. Check out each of these questions…. 

“Are dietary supplements to gain muscle mass and strength something that serious weightlifters require to be able to experience gains in size and strength? ” 

The answer? A huge, definite Absolutely no! 

Don’t become fooled by all the buzz, your body does not need nutritional supplements to gain muscle and get stronger.


If you pay attention to eating enough quantities of protein, carbs, along with fats while training at full intensity, you will realise a big improvement in your strength and muscle size. 

Body builders can use nutritional supplements to improve an already improved eating plan to grow as huge and strong as is possible? ” 

The fact is, even though you don’t require supplements for gaining muscle mass and strength, they ARE very helpful if you want to become as big and strong as possible.

When you put emphasis on investing in the best supplements for muscle gain and use the proper quantities, you will definitely gain an advantage over a person that has decided to train without making use of health supplements. 

Your pursuit to obtain the ultimate physique will involve a lot of effort and time, whether at home or at the gym, therefore it only seems to make sense to include a handful of extra dollars on the best supplements for muscle gain and take full advantage of the process. 

If you are looking to gain maximum muscle mass and strength then you should surely try a simple and straightforward supplement plan to optimize your results. 

These are the four best supplements for muscle gain and body transformation

Whey Protein 
High-Potency Multivitamin 
Essential Fatty Acids 

These four basic health supplements assist in strengthening your body, increase your fat loss capability, and add to your lean muscle mass. Some nutritional supplements work, most don’t-these are well worth their cost because they have proved their advantages many times. 

When you’d like that additional advantage and get focused on attaining your muscle-building goals, these four best supplements for muscle gain are undoubtedly worth looking into to get big muscles fast. 

For an in depth analysis on the four best supplements for muscle gain, visit the website – Essential supplements for natural bodybuilding and fitness.


Get the truth on which products will deliver and those that will rip you of your hard earned cash with no results to show for it.

Best Muscle Building Supplement to Gain Muscle Fast

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Most people going to the gym want to gain muscle fast so they are always asking me to tell them what the best muscle building supplement is.  There are really a lot of answers to this question and it really depends on how dedicated someone is going to be with their workout and nutrition program.  There is currently no magic bullet that can make up for a bad training routine or poor nutrition but there is one essential supplement that I consider the best muscle building supplement to gain muscle fast.

It’s important to understand the building blocks of muscle tissue and how new muscles are synthesized in the body.  If you do not give your body the right building blocks there is no possible way to gain muscle fast let alone build any muscle at all.  The best muscle building supplement for lean mass gains is branched chain amino acids or BCAA’s.  These are the three amino acids named leucine, isoleucine, and valine.  When muscle tissue is broken down in your workout it primarily draws from this pool so replacing these are essential as part of your muscle building diet.

Most BCAA’s come in a ratio of 2:1:1 with leucine being the dominant amino acid consisting of twice the amount of isoleucine and valine.  Leucine has been shown to be the most important amino acid for muscle building.  There are now some versions of BCAA’s that have a ratio of 4:1:1 with leucine consisting of 4 times the amount of the others.  This is becoming the preferred ratio for many several top world athletes and is the BCAA ratio that coach Charles Poliquin recommends to all of his clients to help them gain muscle fast.  He also considers BCAA’s to be the best muscle building supplement when used correctly.

Branched chain amino acids should be taken within 15-20 minutes prior to working out so that they are available for your muscle tissue.  They can also be taken during a workout to keep a steady stream of BCAA’s going towards energy and tissue recovery in the muscles.

They are great a part of any muscle building routine if you truly want to gain muscle fast and they are great when dieting to retain lean muscle tissue.  There are currently only a couple versions on the market that offer the 4:1:1 ratio and it is offered by Anabolic Xtreme.  They have a product called Axcell that comes in a powdered form that can be drank prior to and during workouts for quick delivery to the muscles.  It also has a few other key ingredients for muscle like Glucuronolactone, L-Taurine, Citrulline Malate, and L-Glutamine,  This powerful mix could make it the best muscle building supplement that can truly help you gain muscle fast.

Rick Porter is a fitness solutions expert with 25 years of training experience. Click here for our natural muscle building supplements store and keep up to date on the latest fitness tips, fat loss reviews, and supplement reviews.

Diet to Gain Muscle – Build Muscle Fast With the Best Diet to Gain Muscle

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Though many lifters train hard, most of them have no idea how to diet to gain muscle. Nutrition is even more important than training when it comes to getting bigger! Don’t let poor nutrition keep you from the best results possible.

This article will teach you the best diet to gain muscle. At the end of the article, discover the best, most proven system for building muscle, and learn how you can gain up to 40 pounds in just 6 months.

Eat Tons Of Protein For Maximum Muscle Building

The best diet to gain muscle will require A LOT of protein. To be exact, you should be getting around 2 grams per pound of your own body weight every day. This means that a 180 pound man needs to get about 360 grams of protein every day to grow optimally.

Get this protein from lean, complete sources such as meat, fish, eggs, poultry, and dairy.

Don’t count the protein from things like grains – this protein is incomplete, meaning it does not contain all of the essential amino acids your body needs.

Don’t Avoid Fat!

Fat is one of the most important nutrients for growth, and it should be plentiful in any diet to gain muscle. The thing you must do is eat the right kind of fat. Get it from quality sources such as red meat, eggs, healthy oils, nuts, and fatty fish.

These fats are essential for proper hormone function, which is a huge part of gaining muscle mass. They also help lubricate your joints, satisfy your hunger, and recover your muscles from hard training. Don’t listen to the people saying fat makes you fat!

Eat Complex Carbohydrates For Maximum Energy

Just as fat is not the enemy, neither are carbs. Though you probably want to avoid most sugars and white starches, complex carbs such as those found in whole grains, wheat bread, and potatoes are excellent for building muscle.

The best diet to gain muscle will have you eating plenty of carbs in the morning and around training time.

This ensures that you will have plenty of energy to train hard, and that the carbs won’t be stored as fat in your body.

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