Flirty Girl Fitness – How To Get In Shape In 2 Weeks

June 26, 2012 by  
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Article by Chris Fenton

Flirty Girl Fitness – How To Get In Shape In 2 Weeks – Health

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Are you stressed out because in less than a month you need to be well prepared for one of the most important events of your life – your wedding day? Are you stressed out because you think you will look unhealthy and unattractive on your wedding day because you feel that you don’t have the fit body that will make you look more beautiful than ever? Worry no more because you will absolutely look healthier and stunnig on the most important day of your life. Here are some tips on how to get in shape in 2 weeks so that you will be more than ready for the day that you have been waiting for:Click Here For Flirty Girl Fitness Limited Free Trial!Tip # 1: Follow A Strict DietYou must think that losing weight in only two weeks could be a little less impossible. However, you nee to keep in mind that no matter how long or short the time that you have if you are not well disciplined and you don’t follow a strict diet plan, nothing will happen. Keep in mind that it’s a must to follow a strict diet plan in order to lose weight and become healthy in just two weeks.Tip # 2: Exercise For 30-45 Minutes EverydayIf you want to know how to get in shape in 2 weeks, you must also know the different types of exercises that can help you burn fat and lose pounds. Remember that there are tons of exercises and you must only choose the ones that can really help you lose weight. Research more about this and you will surely find what you’re looking for.Tip # 3: Consider Using Weight Loss ProductsSince you only have less than a month to prepare and become healthy, it’s recommended that you try using different weight loss products to help you lose weight. Try to google some of the products that can be easily ordered online and you will be really surprised that in just a week or two, you will surely lose weight and become healthier than ever.These are just some of the tips you need to follow if you really want to know how to get in shape in 2 weeks. You will absolutely become more than ready for your wedding day because these tips will really make you look healthier and stunning than ever. Good luck and more power to you!Click Here For Flirty Girl Fitness Limited Free Trial!

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This author writes about Easy Ways To Lose Weight At Home at How To Get In Shape In 2 Weeks

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Chris Fenton

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This author writes about Easy Ways To Lose Weight At Home at How To Get In Shape In 2 Weeks

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Getting your Booty in Bootcamp Shape

June 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

There is no point beating yourself up about fitness if you have let it slide over the years. It is easy to understand why. Little things called work, life and family get in the way, and add on top of that a busy schedule, stress and wanting to veg out in front of the TV and it is easy to see how your shape sags and your energy levels lag over time. Once in a while you might have joined a gym and have probably spent a lot of money on membership only to go a handful of times. It is not that you are weak, but really that you need to be taken in hand and given a good kick in the motivation muscle to get you really moving again.

Joining forces with others can be a powerful way of getting up off your booty and getting back into shape. The community, shared spirit of a fitness group, as well as the support can work wonders for your morale and be a real boost to any flagging spirits.

Having a shared aim and being able to offer your encouragement to other people has a positive impact all round. A bootcamp is not necessarily a military style exercise regime, which is the running joke about this type of fitness program. Instead, it is a way of getting involved with a group which has a specific focus and where a trainer, motivator and teacher can take you through the necessary steps to get you trim, taut and toned. Yes, you might have goals to reach and have to push yourself hard, but the emphasis is on you achieving something for yourself, on your own terms, and not being bullied and bossed into submission.

To get fit alone can feel like a real uphill struggle and with nobody expecting you to turn up or wondering where you are if you do not make it, there is perhaps more inclination to skip a few sessions. Unfortunately, as with any habit, it is easy to slip into not going or making such sporadic attempts that you are not feeling the full benefit. An exercise group is a way of making new friends and coming into contact with people who would not ordinarily be in your social circle and there is definitely something interesting, and energising about being around such a diverse set of people.

Muscle Gaining Secrets to Get Muscle Fast

June 19, 2012 by  
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Article by Vince

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As a trainer I am always asked for the muscle gaining secrets to get muscle fast, as a trainer it is my job to teach the client how to build muscle so I explain to them that there are no secrets. It is knowledge and dedication that builds muscle so I explain this fearing that I will lose a client once I teach them now it is done. To this day I have not lost a client yet, they like that I am honest and explain everything. Also it is the way that I motivate them and always have new exercises and techniques to keep them on the fast track to reaching their goals. That is my goal online to pass on my experience to help more people reach their potential.

There are many different exercises and techniques to learn and more being discovered on a regular basis, an important aspect of this is also how these are put together in your workout to reach your goals.Major Muscle Groups I am someone that sticks to the basics and will go back to the basics if a plateau is reached, a main technique is to work major muscle groups first in the workout. This gives you the most energy whn you are fresh to handle heavier weights, I will add a small muscle group to finish the workout. Usually the small muscle worked will be the secondary muscle to the major muscle that was worked, an example would be the triceps with the chest or the biceps with the back.

The reason for this is to prevent the smaller muscle from being over trained, when hitting the major muscle the smaller secondary muscle is already partially worked. Adding an exercise for the smaller muscle that targets that muscle gives it a good workout for growth, also it benefits from the hormone produced by the larger muscle worked. By working the smaller muscle on a different day it will be getting hit 2 to 4 times a week and that has a high probability of being overworked and hurting both workouts by reducing the amount of weight that can be lifted.Compound exercises Compound exercises provide many benefits towards reaching different goals, a compound exercise works more then one muscle group in the exercise. These can be the primary and secondary muscle or two different muscle groups entirely. These exercises are more beneficial for shaping and toning the body, where the whole body can get hit with just two or three compound exercises, it allows for the whole body to get hit in one workout a couple times a week.Because of the amount of energy expended during these exercises, it also provides some sort or cardio training in your weight workout. I like this type of cardio because it is performed under a physical load instead of a repeated movement, this works towards strengthening your heart and lungs.Muscle Confusion This is an important training technique, muscles adapt to movements after a period of time and become effecient at performing the task. This effeciency stops the sort of stress that exercise creates to build muscle, by changing the exercises this keeps the muscles in a state of confusion and continues to force muscle growth. The time frame for change is different for everyone but a good estimate is four to six weeks, as you learn how your body responds to exercise it will become easier to understand how to keep the muscle confusion going.Instinctive Training There are no muscle gaining secrets to get muscle fast, there is just knowing how to make the muscles grow and being dedicated to the training necessary to build muscles. As you learn you will start to understand your body and begin using a technique called instinctive training, then you will learn to put other techniques together to build lean muscle workouts using compound exercises involving major muscle groups. This is how you will get muscle fast and keep the body in a state of muscle confusion.

You can learn more about muscle gaining secrets and how to Get Muscle Fast here.

About the Author

Vincent competed at a junior level in many contests, he is now a trainer and top author at

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Vincent competed at a junior level in many contests, he is now a trainer and top author at

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Gymnastics girls | Gymnastics girls pictures

June 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

But Sey was also pushing her body – and mind – in disturbing ways far beyond her feats of athleticism. In a shocking new book, the former No. 1 gymnast in America has revealed the terrible regime of starvation and abuse that lay behind her achievements.Sey’s memoir has sent shock waves through the tightly knit world of top athletes, sparking controversy as the Beijing Olympics loom. She has detailed widespread eating disorders, coaches suspected of being sexually attracted to their young charges, and a brutal physical regime that leaves gymnasts crippled in later life and bearing psychological scars. She describes a sometimes hellish experience in which she ended up so obsessed with losing weight that she did not menstruate until she gave up gymnastics and turned 20. She was so addicted to laxatives that she once soiled herself in public. And the physical brutalities of her training and injuries left her years later with premature arthritis and permanently bruised feet and other physical problems.Now she hopes her book, Chalked Up, might serve as both a wake-up call to a sport that she says she still loves and a lesson to parents whose children enter the world of top athletics.

‘My interest was not to write just an exposé. This is my memoir of my experience … but there are certain policies that could be put in place that might encourage better behaviors in the sport,’ she told The Observer Sey won admiring headlines across America after she won the US National title in 1986. Her win had been all the more special as the year before she had suffered a horrific injury in a fall that snapped her femur. But just two years after her win, Sey went to college to pursue a non-sporting career.Now her book has explained that dramatic move. Her life as a competitive gymnast was one of seemingly unending competitive pressure that went far beyond the vault or the parallel bars. Most damaging was the constant pressure to lose weight put on the girls, many of whom were barely in their teens and often younger. Sey describes eating disorders being common and coaches humiliating their athletes by calling them fat. In one memorable scene a coach picks up a loudhailer and berates a young gymnast in public for putting on 2lb. ‘At this rate you’ll look like your mother in no time,’ the coach screams, as the mother watches in the crowd and does nothing to intervene. In another incident, Sey’s coach chastises her for eating a whole bagel for dinner. She also recounts filling coffee cups with spit every night to lose a few grams of ‘water weight’. She binges and purges food. Even now, two decades later, Sey still has nightmares about the ‘weigh in’ all gymnasts go through as part of training.But perhaps the most controversial part of the book are allegations that top coaches had unhealthy attractions towards the pre-pubescent girls who populate the sport. Those parts of the book have caused ructions in the gymnastic world, with Sey being both condemned and applauded for bringing the sport’s ‘dirty little secret’ into the open. ‘It is the exception not the rule, but it does exist,’ Sey said. But she added that the really shocking thing was the attitude of silence within the sport. ‘There are suspected improprieties, but no one is bothered to ask. No one wants to upset the apple cart,’ she said.Sey does not want her memoir to discourage anyone from entering gymnastics, which is the most popular sport in the Olympic Games. But she does want it to act as a sort of guide to the parents of those children who do succeed. ‘They need to pay attention to their children. Watch their mood and see if anything is wrong,’ she said.Sey is also reflective on a sport that is notoriously dominated by the very young. That means gymnasts who hit 20 are already veterans who have burnt out and have no future. Sey was just 16 years old when she won her US title. Yet even then she knew she was at a peak that she was unlikely ever to repeat. ‘That night I remember thinking: It’s all downhill from here,’ she said.That is an astonishing realization for a 16-year-old girl. But Sey, who is now a successful executive and mother of two children, has no real regrets about her gymnastic career. ‘Hardship makes you stronger. In the end I would not change anything, because it was my life and it made me what I am,’ she said. And she still relishes the memories of what being a top gymnast felt like; of being able to use your body to perform physical feats that others can only dream of. ‘I still miss it. I miss it every day,’ she said. “It feels like flying,” Beth Tweddle says softly as she looks at the strange apparatus waiting silently for her in a deserted gymnasium in Toxteth. The new world champion sits on the hard floor, ignoring the fact that she has a heavy cold and will soon face another seven-hour training slog with only a break for a meal when darkness falls on the streets outside. Her legs are crossed while her fingers trace the scars that zigzag an ankle operated on five times in the long quest which finally reached fruition last month on an unforgettable night in Denmark.Tweddle, a 21-year-old Liverpool student who really does look like she can fly as she spins and hurtles from one uneven bar to another in a display of strength and finesse far more dizzying than any wild night out on the town, became Britain’s first-ever world champion gymnast on October 20. Her achievement in winning gold on the asymmetric bars should soon see her catapulted from obscurity into the glaring limelight when she features in an otherwise meagre field of contenders for the BBC’s Sports Personality of the Year.Tweddle may be secretly fretting over what she should wear on the night but she also carries the conviction of a champion who knows her story is as gripping as anything else in British sport. Coming from a country devoid of any gymnastic heritage, while training relentlessly on her own in Toxteth, for six hours a day six days a week, she has risen to the peak of a sport traditionally dominated by state-backed programmes – from the old east European powerhouses, the United States or, now, China.”I’m a little different,” she says, “and so that’s why I like explaining to ordinary people, who know nothing about gymnastics, that on the bars it also feels like a rollercoaster – except you’re in control. If you’re on a rollercoaster at Alton Towers you haven’t a clue what’s coming next which is maybe what people think when watching me – is this the routine of her life or is she just gonna fall?”At the world championships Tweddle wrapped those contrasting fates into a 24-hour period which may end up changing her life. “After we’d finished 11th in the team competition, which made us happy, I started training by myself for the individual finals. It’s lonely but on the Thursday I got my turn on the [asymmetric] bars in the all-round final. And I fell! It was a shock but I got up and carried on – whereas normally I would’ve gone to pieces. I did a really good beam and floor and came eighth – even after that bad fall.”Last year Tweddle finished fourth in the all-round final. She had also previously won two world bronze medals. Most telling of all, in April, having just been cleared to compete after three months out with another serious ankle injury, she became European champion in the asymmetric bars. So six months later she knew, this time, she had a real chance of winning the world championship in her specialist discipline – as long as she could overcome the psychological impact of falling the night before.”There were eight of us in the final and you can either watch your rivals or warm up in the gym at the back. That’s what I did. I knew I was going to be seventh out while Anastasia Liukin [the defending champion from the United States] was second. So it was best to keep busy. I came out just before the Ukrainian who was up sixth and I saw her dismount and land. I was next.”The quiet intimacy of that moment creeps over her. She is no longer stretching her legs, flexing her toes like a dancer or fiddling with her mobile. Her stillness is absolute. “I sneaked a look at the scores and saw what Liukin had done. But it didn’t really help because I wasn’t sure if she’d done an excellent routine to score 16.05 or whether she’d messed up slightly. I just knew I had to do one of my best-ever routines.”I ask Tweddle what rushes through her head during the 30-second blur when she flies through her “routine” – a word which sums up both the grinding repetition of her training as well as conjuring up something more mysterious in the nerveless way she reels between the uneven bars in competition. “My body is on autopilot but I’m thinking constantly what Amanda [Kirby, her coach] shouts out thousands of times in the gym – like ‘fast handstands’ or ‘shoulders open’ or ‘feet across’.”As soon as I hit the floor I knew I’d done a good routine – I just didn’t know how good. But when the numbers came and my score was 16.2 I ran to Amanda. Only the Italian girl was left, [Vanessa] Ferrari, and she was a medal contender [who had won the all-round title]. But I knew she’d have to do the routine of her life if she was going to beat me. I waited and watched but I knew in the back of my mind I’d got it. And when it was over I was happier than I’d ever been.”Tweddle was training in Toxteth within five days of becoming world champion – and she returned to university in Liverpool even sooner. “People were surprised that I went straight back into uni on Monday morning – and I got given three assignments that day! But I’m not going to fail my degree.”She rolls her eyes when revealing the topic of her Sports Science dissertation. “It’s a bit of a mouthful but the official title is ‘Physiological & Anthropometrical Parameters In Elite & Non-Elite Gymnastics’. Basically it’s looking at body composition and power, strength and speed and the essential difference between gymnasts from the ages of 12 to 19.”Is she academically strong? “Yeah, I am,” she says casually. “But I work hard.”Tweddle, who likes films, going out with her friends and shopping (“especially shopping”), is so unaffected that it is easy to slip into some boyfriend talk. Does she even have time for one? “Oh yeah, but it all depends on when you start going out with them. If it’s the summer when there’s not so many competitions it lulls them into a false sense of security. I’ve been going out with this guy, Dave, for five months now and I’ve had to break it to him gently.”I was away for 2½ weeks for the world champs and then I came back for 10 days and then it’s been Milan and another trip next week. I’m then away from 10 to 23 December. There are so many times I just want to be with him but he understands – even though he works in an ordinary job. We’re always on the phone, texting, emailing, everything. When I became world champion he was watching me on TV and he was the first to phone me straight afterwards. And then everyone started calling him.”There must be a certain cool attached to having a world champion girlfriend. “Yeah,” she laughs, “I tell him that.”Her world championship exploits will be hailed by politicians and sports administrators in the coming weeks but two years ago, after she finished 13th at the Athens Olympics, missing out on the individual final by a fraction of a point, her lottery funding was slashed – as was the wider backing for her underfunded sport.”Mine got slashed quite a lot but I’m back up now on the A-funding category which is as high as lottery money goes. My parents used to have to support me but I’m OK now.” Tweddle downplays her struggle by pointing out that “football and cricket are the national sports.”The impact of the Sports Personality of the Year vote, however, could have hugely positive consequences. “Some people tell me I’m third favourite,” she says shyly, “and others say I’ve got no chance. But it would be great if I was even nominated in the top 10. It would be wonderful for gymnastics to get such exposure.”in the absence of millionaire footballers and famous cricketers, battered rugby players and lacklustre athletes, three contrasting women have emerged – with Zara Phillips and Nicole Cooke currently ahead of Tweddle. “We all come from sports that aren’t in the public eye but I’ve met Nicole and I know how hard she works as a cyclist. Some acknowledgement of that would be good.”The day after the BBC event, Tweddle flies to Brazil in an attempt to win the asymmetric bars in the World Cup – the next step towards her ambition of reaching Olympic glory in Beijing in 2008 with a final bow in the following year’s world championships in London. “I’ll be 24 then and pretty old – but it would be the perfect way to go out. But Brazil is all I’m focusing on at the minute because it’s another big deal.”

A Near Tragedy in the Gym - How to Be Safe in the Gym while Getting in Shape Glenn Vergie discusses a near tragedy he witnessed in the gym. When a young man did not handle gym equipment safely, he almost was crushed by a weight that his body couldn’t handle. He had the potential for serious injury, he could have broken his back, and this could have been fatal. To make sure you, or your child are safe in the gym, 1) Educate yourself on weight lifting technique, understanding force and load make a huge difference, and lifting the appropriate weight for yourself will get you in shape faster and more safely than risking your body with training equipment that is too heavy. 2) Always have an experienced supervisor nearby in case comething goes wrong. It doesn’t matter if you’re a youth athlete or an elite athlete, if something goes wrong in the gym, your body is at risk, and potentially, all the sports and activities you love. 3) Make sure to always use the safety mechanisms, they are there for a reason, and they will save your life. Safety in the gym always comes first. Make sure you have an appropriate exercise plan to reduce the risk of injury and to prevent injury all together, remember, your body, fitness and health are what is at stake.
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Learn how to Get In Shape Fast – Your 5 Steps Strategy

June 9, 2012 by  
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Article by Sasha Bacon

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Nowadays many individuals recognize that simply being in shape is surely an critical part of living a satisfied and enjoyable lifetime. Most often than not, out of shape individuals are likely to ask themselves or even other people, heck how do i get stronger rapidly and securely? Today, your wishes have been completely responded to, almost. Here’s a list of simple but direct to the point guidelines I created in order for you or somebody you already know to get back in form as quickly as it’s possible, without posing a challenge for your wellness of course.

1. Unlike various other so-called physical fitness or even health and fitness expert, I recommend that you simply go pay a visit to your physician prior to starting virtually any completely new exercise or even weightloss system. It is a matter associated with protection and wellbeing. Visiting a nutritionist and/or a dietician might also be wise. Do you wish to get in shape fast or not?

2. When you received the o . k from the doctor it is time for you to get started setting up a system. Today, you are likely to have to choose the amount of time that you’re able to spend exercising, the amount of effort you are prepared to put, just how much pounds you would like to get rid of and just how dedicated you might be.

3. At this point, you essentially understand what you need to achieve, all that is still left to determine is, are you going solo or are you going to try to find a course. That step would depend, in my view, upon your level of self-confidence and self-discipline. I, myself know that I favor doing exercises from home, and I’m able to be committed if I established my mind on some thing. On the other hand, my spouse enjoys to go to a health and fitness center in order to workout thus she won’t feel cut off when training. As I said, it’s up to you, but once you come up with your choice always be fully commited, this really is what is going to make the actual variation between success or disaster.

4. Anything you pick in third step, make sure to get some support coming from a physical fitness specialist. You are likely to want it. Initially, you are going to have to come up with a brand new diet regime to match your objectives. Without that component, you are going to fall short undoubtedly. Next, you’ll need a work out plan that combines resistance training as well as aerobic exercising. Remember to maintain a balance regarding the two as it will increase your own prospects for losing fat more rapidly.

5. Remain focused on your target and be patient. Shedding weight and getting into good condition is often a tough process that needs effort and time. Keep in mind that nothing in life occurs immediately and as a way for you to reach your goals you’ll need to be fully committed. Stay stimulated and keep thinking favorably. In order to get in shape fast irrespective of precisely how skeptic you may be, is really a possible thing to do and quite inside of your reach, so awaken, rise up and start dropping some weight.

About the Author

What happens if you simply are not able to drop some weight?

I know how hard it can be to try and make your body look amazing and healthful just like you would love it to look, but if you really want to learn how to lose weight the right way, you’ll need to learn a single method that works amazingly well.

This process is simple to pick up and it doesn’t take much practice, you can read how to do it by visiting my get in shape fast article.

Don’t give up hope, it’s NOT impossible. Learn more about weight loss programs by hitting the link.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Sasha Bacon

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What happens if you simply are not able to drop some weight?

I know how hard it can be to try and make your body look amazing and healthful just like you would love it to look, but if you really want to learn how to lose weight the right way, you’ll need to learn a single method that works amazingly well.

This process is simple to pick up and it doesn’t take much practice, you can read how to do it by visiting my get in shape fast article.

Don’t give up hope, it’s NOT impossible. Learn more about weight loss programs by hitting the link.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Diamond Shapes

June 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

It is important not to confuse the terms diamond “shape” and “cut”. The shape is the geometrical form of the diamond such as round, heart or princess, while the cut refers to the precise angles and alignment of the facets and the way they affect the beauty and brilliance of the polished stone.

Contrary to popular belief and perhaps your experience in most shops, fancy-shaped diamonds (as all non-round diamonds are called) are often less expensive than round brilliants because the cutters are able to retain more weight from the rough diamond crystal.

Round Brilliant

Rounds are the most popular shape that diamonds are cut into and account for more than 75 percent of all diamond purchases. It is also the most brilliant of all the cuts. You may have heard of a term called “Ideal Cut”. This term refers to the attempt to cut a diamond into the best proportions to achieve maximum brilliance.

The modern round brilliant consists of 58 facets (or 57 if the culet is excluded); 33 on the crown (the top half above the middle or girdle of the stone) and 25 on the pavilion (the lower half below the girdle).

In recent decades, most girdles are faceted. Many girdles have 32, 64, 80, or 96 facets; these facets are not counted in the total.

If you are looking to tie the knot, the round brilliant cut diamond encompasses beauty and is usually the perfect cut for engagement and wedding rings. The round brilliant cut diamond offers unsurpassed brilliance and sparkle, provided that it is cut to certain specifications. If you would like to have optimum fire and brilliance without having to spend a fortune Diamond Manufacturers recommends a diamond with a very good cut, polish and symmetry. Click here to view our extensive inventory of very good cut round brilliant diamonds.

If you are looking for a good quality round diamond but have a tight budget, click here to view our low price selection of round brilliant diamonds.


The Princess cut is the most popular shape after the round and the preferred square cut shape over radiant. The princess cut diamond is a square brilliant cut diamond with sharp, uncut corners. It is generally more square in shape than rectangular, and accentuates a diamond’s fire rather than its luster. The diameter of the princess cut is usually smaller than that of a round cut with the same carat weight, and the length is usually longer than that of a round cut. The princess cut is sometimes referred to as a square modified brilliant, as it combines the brilliance of a round cut with an overall square or rectangular appearance. A princess cut diamond does sacrifice some brilliance in order to have its unique square shape however.

By design, the princess cut diamond has approximately 76 facets which add to the brilliance and fire and help it rival the visual performance of a well cut round brilliant. Extra facets are common on princess cut diamonds, especially in the tips where the cutters have to work harder to produce a sharp corner free of extensive abrasions. A princess cut diamond ring is very flattering to a hand with long fingers. For a princess diamond shape that is square, look for length-to-width ratios between 1 and 1.05. If you prefer more of a rectangular shape, look for length-to-width ratios between 1.10 and 1.20.

If you love the fire of the traditional Round Brilliant Cut (the standard diamond engagement ring cut), but want something a little different or simply fancy a square stone, the princess cut diamond is in a class of its own. Most square or rectangular cuts just don’t live up to the round brilliant for sparkle, but the Princess Cut was designed for getting maximum brilliance from a square cut. Always ensure that the setting for your princess cut diamond protects the four pointed corners — these are the points most likely to chip (and why most rectangular or square diamond cuts have cropped corners).

We strongly recommend you to avoid princess cut diamonds with shallow crown heights of only a few percent. A large percentage of princess cut diamonds look flat and lack in luster because the table facets are too large and the crown height is too shallow. Please beware that while a round diamond with a colour grade of I or J could still look colourless depending on numerous factors, a princess cut diamond will most probably show colour tints, specially on the corners. At Diamond Manufacturers we only showcase princess cut diamonds which have been cut to maximize their fire and brilliance. We recommend you to choose princess cut diamonds with a minimum colour of H, clarity of VS2, and very good cut. Click here to view our selection of premium quality princess cut diamonds.

If you are looking for a good quality princess cut diamond but have a tight budget look for a stone with a minimum colour of I, clarity of SI2, and very good cut. Click here to view our selection of princess cut diamonds with the best balance of quality and cost.


L ÷ W =  1.00  1.10  1.25  

Preferred ratio: 1.00  

 Most princess cut diamonds are square or very close to square, with a perfect 1.00 or 1.10 ratio. This ensures a square outline when set. If a distinct rectangular shape is preferred, look for a ratio of 1.25 to 1.50.


This rectangular shape is a step cut. It has fewer facets than a brilliant cut and is most attractive in simple designs. Inclusions and inferior color may be more pronounced in this cut; higher grades of colour and clarity are recommended.

This is a rectangular shape with cut corners. It is known as a step cut because its concentric broad, flat planes resemble stair steps. The number of facets in an emerald cut may vary from 50 to 58.

When purchasing an emerald cut diamond, it’s extremely important to pay attention to quality and to select the highest grade stone you can afford. Because of the “openess” of the cut, flaws, colour weakness, and a poor cut are more evident to the naked eye than a cut such as the round brilliant. It is also essential to understand that emerald cut diamonds have less sparkle than other diamond shapes. The good news is, emerald cut diamonds are not as “traditional” as the round brilliant or as trendy as the princess cut — making their pricing extremely economical when compared to the more common cuts. Diamond Manufacturers recommends to look for emerald cut diamonds with a minimum colour of H, clarity of VS2, and very good cut. Click here to view our selection of premium quality emerald cut diamonds.

If you are looking for a good quality emerald cut diamond but have a tight budget look for a stone with a minimum colour of I, clarity of SI1, and very good cut. Click here to view our selection of emerald cut diamonds with the best balance of quality and cost.


L ÷ W =  1.20  1.40  1.50  1.75  2.00  

Preferred ratio: 1.40  

 The emerald cut looks most elegant at a 1.40 (or approximate range of 1.30 to 1.50) ratio. This outline emphasizes the beautiful parallel line facets and blocked corners.


Featuring an elongated shape and pointed ends, the marquise cut diamond can often look larger than other shapes of the same carat weight.

If you are looking for a diamond cut that will stand out in the crowd and be easily noticed, consider the marquise cut diamond. The marquise cut diamond is considered a fancy shape by most standards and buyers. The marquise cut diamond can be characterized as a boat shaped brilliant stone. Because of its unique shape it usually demands to be the center of attention. The standard number of facets is 58, but can have a varying number of pavilion main facets ranging from 4, 6, or 8.

When choosing a Marquise, take care to look for sharp edges and pointed ends that increase the risk of damage to the stone. Also long narrow stones are more likely to break. Another important consideration is to make sure the angles of the diamond have been properly cut to avoid a “bow tie effect”. The bow-tie effect is when a bow-tie shaped dark area on the diamond occurs, usually as the result of improperly cut angles.

When choosing a marquise diamond, it extremely important to note the overall clarity and colour of the diamond. Due to the shape of the marquise cut diamond, the color and clarity will be more apparent. Unlike round cut diamonds that are less noticeable when it comes to colour and clarity, a marquise cut diamond’s colour and clarity should be of very high quality standards in regards to its color and clarity.

If you are looking for an extremely fancy cut diamond that is sure to please, choose the marquise cut diamond. Diamond Manufacturers suggests that you choose a marquise cut diamond with a minimum colour of H, clarity of SI1 and very good cut. Click here to view our selection of premium quality marquise cut diamonds.

If you are looking for a good quality marquise cut diamond but have a tight budget look for a stone with a minimum colour of I, clarity of SI2, and very good cut. Click here to view our selection of marquise cut diamonds with the best balance of quality and cost.


L ÷ W =  1.60  1.80  2.00  2.25  2.50  

Preferred ratio: 2.00 | Range: 1.945-2.055  

 The marquise is usually cut to a 2.00 ratio (or approximate Range of 1.75 to 2.25). This ratio gives the shape a distinct length and elegance, but provides a good balance of width that is very pleasing to the eye. Very short and wide (less than 1.50) may be difficult to tell apart from an oval, and extremely long and thin (2.50 or more) may lack brilliance and be very difficult to set properly.


The oval cut diamond is a modified version of the round brilliant cut. An even, perfectly symmetrical design popular among women with small hands or short fingers. Its elongated shape gives a flattering illusion of length to the hand.

For people that are looking for characteristics similar to the round “ideal cut”, but would like a diamond that is more unique to fit their style and tastes, the oval cut diamond is an excellent choice. The oval cut diamond is configured similarly to the round cut. The standard number of facets is 56, but can have a varying number of pavilion main facets ranging from 4, 6, or 8.

If you are looking for more direction than just personal preference, a high quality oval cut diamond should have a length to width ratio of 1.5:1. If the oval cut diamond’s ratio is greater than 1.5:1, you will probably notice an undesirable effect called the bow-tie. The bow-tie effect is when a bow-tie shaped dark area on the oval cut diamond occurs usually as the result of improperly cut angles. The oval cut diamond should also have an elliptical shape when viewed from the top of the diamond.

Typical oval cut diamonds reflect light brilliantly and are usually at their best when there is no color at all. As with all fancy shapes, potential buyers should look at the overall clarity and color of the stone. The clarity and color is much more important to the oval cut diamond than the round cut diamond because impurity and inclusions can be much easier to spot. If you are looking for a diamond cut that is similar to the round cut diamond’s characteristics but still is unique in shape, the oval cut diamond should be extremely appealing. Diamond Manufacturers recommends an oval cut diamond with a minimum colour of G, clarity of VS2 and very good cut. Click here to view our selection of premium quality oval cut diamonds.

If you are looking for a good quality oval cut diamond but have a tight budget look for a stone with a minimum colour of H, clarity of SI2, and very good cut. Click here to view our selection of oval cut diamonds with the best balance of quality and cost.



L ÷ W =  1.20  1.40  1.50  1.75  2.00  

Preferred ratio: 1.50  

 Oval cut diamonds are usually most pleasing at a 1.50 ratio (or approximate Range of 1.35 to 1.65). This makes the outline elongated enough to be different from a round, but not so long that it could be confused with a marquise.


Resembling a teardrop, this hybrid cut combines the best of an oval and a marquise. The pear cut diamond is one of the most difficult shapes to cut and is often used for pendants and earrings. In a ring, this shape diamond is especially flattering to a hand with small or average-length fingers. The pear cut diamond is a modification of the traditional and extremely popular round cut. Beyond its unique and obvious beauty, this cut also offers the owner fantastic brilliance and sparkle similar in characteristic to the round cut diamond. If you love the brilliance and fire of the round cut diamond, but would like to choose a unique shape that goes well with your style and sensibilities, one of the more interesting diamond cuts that you should look into is the pear shaped cut diamond. The standard number of facets of a pear shape cut diamond is 58, but can have a varying number of pavilion facets ranging from 4, 6, 7, or 8.

If you are interested in the pear cut diamond, one of the factors you should consider is the overall impression that the cut makes, including various aspects such as size, shape and clarity. The pear cut is obviously different in cut compared to the marquise cut, however they both are prone to undesirable traits including the bow-tie effect. The bow-tie effect is when a bow-tie shaped dark area on the pear or marquise cut diamond occurs, usually as the result of improperly cut angles. Diamond Manufacturers suggests that you choose a pear cut diamond with a minimum colour of H, clarity of SI1 and very good cut. Click here to view our selection of premium quality pear cut diamonds.

If you are looking for a good quality pear cut diamond but have a tight budget look for a stone with a minimum colour of I, clarity of SI2, and very good cut. Click here to view our selection of pear cut diamonds with the best balance of quality and cost.



L ÷ W =  1.20  1.40  1.60  1.75  2.00  

Preferred ratio: 1.60  

 The optimum ratio for a pear-shaped diamond is about 1.60 (or a range of approximately 1.50 to 1.70). This ensures that the outline has enough length to be elegant. A pear-shaped diamond that is very short and wide (less than 1.30), or too long and narrow (2.00 or more), may result in less brilliance or may be difficult to set properly.


This ultimate symbol of romance is essentially a pear-shaped diamond with a cleft at the top. The skill of the cutter determines the beauty of the cut. The standard number of facets of a heart shape cut diamond is 59, but can have a varying number of pavilion facets ranging from 4, 6, 7, or 8.

If you are looking for a unique and fancy cut diamond, one of the most unique cuts to choose from is the heart cut diamond. The heart cut diamond is a great way to distinguish your diamond from other popular cuts and still add beautiful brilliance and fire to your diamond. Many heart cuts are used in necklaces as well as rings and matching earrings. Unlike most cuts of diamonds, heart cuts are not as popular for engagement and wedding rings, they are usually given for less formal occasions such as birthday’s, anniversaries and of course Valentines Day.

When purchasing a heart shaped cut diamond it is important to check the overall quality of the diamond including how it is cut, the color and clarity. It is also a good idea to avoid heart cut diamonds that are too flat. A flat cut diamond will dull the brilliance of the stone making it less desirable. If you are in the market for a unique, fancy cut diamond, heart cut diamonds are a great way to benefit from a diamond that has brilliance and fire as well as a unique cut. Diamond Manufacturers recommends you to choose a plump stone with a well-defined outline and even shoulders, which has a minimum colour of G, clarity of SI1 and very good cut. Click here to view our selection of premium quality heart shape diamonds.

If you are looking for a good quality heart shape diamond but have a tight budget look for a stone with a minimum colour of H, clarity of SI2, and very good cut. Click here to view our selection of heart shape diamonds with the best balance of quality and cost.


L ÷ W =  0.80  0.90  1.00  1.10  1.25  

Preferred ratio: 1.00  

Most heart-shaped diamonds are cut to a 1.00 ratio (or a range of approximately 0.90 to 1.10)., and this ratio usually is most pleasing to the eye. Some heart-shaped diamonds may be slightly longer than wide, with a ratio of 1.10 or 1.20.



The asscher cut diamond is a stepped square cut, often called the “square emerald cut” and like an emerald cut, the Asscher has cropped corners. It is important to note that there are no typical proportions for the Asscher cut diamond because they are not very common. In fact, original Asscher cut diamonds are very rare and not usually found in the retail market. Until recently, very few online jewellers carried Asscher cut diamonds. But the Asscher cut has rapidly gained popularity as it was featured on the television show “Sex & and the City” and stars such as Kate Hudson have received Asscher-cuts as engagement rings. Due to the increased popularity, more and more online jewellers are carrying this fashionable cut — however, the range of diamonds tends to be smaller than for other more common cuts.

The standard number of facets of an asscher cut diamond is 72. The asscher cut’s wide step facets and deep clipped corners make the gemstone resemble an octagon.The Asscher cut is designed to draw the eye into the diamond and as such, you should always select the highest quality stone you can afford. Diamond Manufacturers recommends you to select an asscher cut diamond with a minimum colour of H, clarity of VS2, and very good cut. Click here to view our selection of premium quality oval cut diamonds.

If you are looking for a good quality asscher cut diamond but have a tight budget look for a stone with a minimum colour of I, clarity of SI2, and very good cut. Click here to view our selection of asscher cut diamonds with the best balance of quality and cost.


L ÷ W =  1.00  1.10  1.25  

Preferred ratio: 1.00  

 Asscher cut diamonds are usually cut to a 1.00 ratio (or a range between 1.00 to 1.05). This square outline gives the cut the symmetrical outline the Asscher cut is known for.


The cushion is an antique style of cut that looks like a cross between an Old Mine Cut (a deep cut with large facets that was common in the late 19th and the early 20th centuries) and a modern oval cut. This shape is also sometimes referred to as the pillow-cut or the candlelight diamond (a reference to cuts designed prior to electric lights, when diamonds sparkled in the light provided by candles).

This cut is not as fiery or brilliant as many of the newer cuts, but it has a marvelously romantic and classic look and definitely stands out from the crowd of round brilliants. The standard number of facets of an cushion cut diamond is 58.

Standards for cushion cut diamonds vary widely and more than with most contemporary cuts, much is left to personal taste. So you will easily find cushion cuts that are nearly square, long rectangles, and with varying size tables and depth percentages.

Because of the large open facets of the cushion cut, opt for the highest clarity and color your budget affords. Diamond Manufacturers recommends a cushion cut diamond with a minimum colour of H, clarity of VS2, and very good cut. Click here to view our selection of premium quality cushion cut diamonds.

If you are looking for a good quality cushion cut diamond but have a tight budget look for a stone with a minimum colour of I, clarity of SI2, and very good cut. Click here to view our selection of cushion cut diamonds with the best balance of quality and cost.


L ÷ W =  1.10  1.20  1.30  1.40  1.50  

Preferred ratio: 1.30  

Cushion cut diamonds can be cut to a square outline of 1.00 (or a range between 1.00 to 1.05), or an elongated outline with a 1.30 ratio as the ideal (or a range of approximately 1.20 to 1.40).


A radiant cut diamond is a squarish cut diamond that is characterized by trimmed corners. This square or rectangular cut combines the elegance of the emerald shape diamond with the brilliance of the round, and its 70 facets (25 on the crown, 8 on the girdle and 37 on the pavilvion) maximize the effect of its color refraction. Because of its design, this cut requires more weight to be directed toward the diamond’s depth in order to maximize brilliance. Depth percentages of 70% to 78% are not uncommon.

Radiant cut diamonds are great for engagement rings and wedding rings, as well as other high quality jewelry. If you are interested in squarish or rectangular diamond cuts, you might also want to consider the cushion cut diamond, emerald cut diamond and the Asscher cut diamond.

Due to its large facet, it is important to consider a stone that has a great color and clarity rating. Like other similar cuts, the radiant cut diamond will show inclusions and imperfections very easily so make sure the stone is of the right quality before purchasing. Diamond Manufacturers recommends you to select an asscher cut diamond with a minimum colour of G, clarity of VS2, and very good cut. Click here to view our selection of premium quality oval cut diamonds.

If you are looking for a good quality radiant cut diamond but have a tight budget look for a stone with a minimum colour of H, clarity of SI2, and very good cut. Click here to view our selection of radiant cut diamonds with the best balance of quality and cost.


L ÷ W =  1.10  1.20  1.40  1.60  1.80  

Preferred ratio: 1.40  


Diamond Manufacturers provides value on engagement rings, diamond rings and stud earrings, in addition to offering a Loose Diamond Comparison List, and a Guidance Centre with diamond information.

Las Vegas Weight Loss Can Help You Get Back Into Shape

June 1, 2012 by  
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Article by Ben Pate

Las Vegas Weight Loss Can Help You Get Back Into Shape – Health – Weight Loss

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Getting back into shape is a challenge that most people face these days. Obesity is at an all-time high, but people are finally beginning to realize that if they want to live longer lives, they need to get back into shape. Of course, this is easier said than done. However, Las Vegas weight loss programs can help with this new undertaking.

Anyone who lives in the Las Vegas area is lucky enough to have some of the best personal trainers on the market at their disposal. Think of the amount of showgirls and stars that are in that area that need to make sure that they stay in tip-top shape all year long. Las Vegas trainers are the ones that keep them looking the way that they do.

Starting out a new exercise program can be a very difficult task for someone that has no real knowledge about fitness plans. To expect anyone to just look at a video and figure out what is going on is not very realistic. There are so many intricacies to working out that some guidance will surely be needed in the early stages.

Losing weight is also about more than hitting the gym. In order to lose weight and keep it off, there must be a re-education on how to eat properly. Again, most individuals simply do not have the education to put a meal plan together that will enable them to hit their daily targets.

In order for diet to be effective, the daily workout must be accounted for as well as making sure the right amounts of food are being consumed. Just because it is fat free does not mean that it is healthy. Our bodies need certain amounts of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and whatnot in order to be able to function. Eating foods that are too high in one category all the time can have disastrous results.

When making a diet plan, it is also important to make sure that foods are going to be in the plan that will get the metabolism fired up and burning calories. For instance, a high protein diet sounds great from afar, but many proteins are difficult to digest and can often results in a very run down feeling. Other foods must be introduced that will help break down the proteins and provide energy at the same time.

Getting back into shape is not as difficult as most people think, but it is a commitment. Using a weight loss program can give you the focus that is needed to make sure that you are not spending every spare moment in the gym and still allow you to enjoy life. After all, what good is being back in shape if that new body cannot see the light of day?

About the Author

Las Vegas weight loss can provided the guidance that is needed to create a weight loss plan that will take off those extra pounds. Trying to take on a task like this without the proper help can lead to a lot of wasted time and a lot of frustration.

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Ben Pate

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Las Vegas weight loss can provided the guidance that is needed to create a weight loss plan that will take off those extra pounds. Trying to take on a task like this without the proper help can lead to a lot of wasted time and a lot of frustration.

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Ways To Get In Shape Before Your Tummy Tuck

May 29, 2012 by  
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Article by Andrew Stratton

Ways To Get In Shape Before Your Tummy Tuck – Health

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A tummy tuck isn’t designed to get rid of lots of body weight but rather to tighten up the midsection. Some of the reasons for having a stretched out belly region includes pregnancy, rapid weight loss, and aging. The older a person gets, the harder it is for his or her tissue to snap back into place after it’s been stretched out.

Skin has quite a bit of elasticity when we’re younger but gradually loses that capability over time. After it’s been stretched, as in a pregnancy, sometimes it just stays that way long after the baby has been born. Not only does the external skin of the midsection become saggy but the inner corset of connective tissue gets pulled out of shape as well.

That inner corset is designed to hold in our internal organs such as intestines, stomach, kidneys and more. Without the tight compression of the connective tissue, a substantial pooch will occur. Abdominoplasty is another name for the tummy tuck and this cosmetic operation will create a flat, taut abdomen. But a patient should be at or near his or her ideal weight before having the surgery. If he or she needs to still lose additional pounds after the abdominoplasty, this could very well result in additional loose, saggy skin. Here are some ways to get in shape before your procedure:

-Diet: Eating a healthy and nutritious diet will be important before and after the operation. It’s a wise move to get into the habit of adhering to the food pyramid’s foundation of whole grains, lean proteins, fresh vegetables and fruits further up the pyramid and just a tiny amount of fats and sweets at the top of the triangular model.

-Cooking at home: Preparing meals at home will save on calories as well as money. Restaurant meals can take a toll on one’s budget. When you cook for yourself, you can control the portion size, the amount of oil or butter that is added to the recipe and the quality of the ingredients. You can make dishes that are similar to those you enjoy at restaurants but with fewer calories, less fat and at a fraction of the cost.

-Eating out: When you do eat out, it’s important to select lighter fare or split an order with your companion. It’s also a good idea to bring half of your meal home to enjoy the next day. This gives you a ready meal and is half as fattening.

– Exercise: It’s important to participate in some form of exercise. It doesn’t have to be formal. Just walking around the block each evening, taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator, parking further away in the parking lot, participating in active social activities such as bowling, dancing, swimming and hiking will be great. If you decide to take a yoga class or join a gym, all the better.

By the time you go in for your tummy tuck, you will be at a healthy weight and have established good routines, as well. Your body will be stronger than ever in order to assure a speedy recovery.

About the Author

Finally get the flatter stomach you’ve always wanted by visiting a tummy tuck new jersey surgeon who has provided solid results to a number of patients. Take a look at before and after photos of past patients from one professional here:

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Finally get the flatter stomach you’ve always wanted by visiting a tummy tuck new jersey surgeon who has provided solid results to a number of patients. Take a look at before and after photos of past patients from one professional here:

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How to Get in Shape like Derrick Rose

May 29, 2012 by  
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Article by Tom Goscik

How to Get in Shape like Derrick Rose – Sports – Basketball

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Derrick Rose is an unbelievable basketball player and he has skills that many of us wish we had when it comes to basketball. Derrick Rose didn’t get to where he is by sitting on the couch or watching TV wishing he was as good as other players but he trains night and day to be the best. In this post I am going to show you how to get in shape like derrick rose. Derrick Rose when he plays has a lot of speed, endurance and agility. Derrick Rose is six foot three inches and weighs one hundred ninety pounds. One of the things Derrick Rose uses to increase his quickness and agility is by doing agility ladders. Derrick Rose does these agility ladders 6 times and then does a full-force sprint after these ladders to build his speed and acceleration. An agility ladder is a work out where if you are on a basketball court you pick spots to run to and run back. The way Derrick Rose does it is to start at one end of a Basketball court and pick 4 places to run to. After you pick these 4 places you got to run back to the starting area. He usually picks these four spots. The first is a quarter of the court then, he picks the half court line then, three fourths of the court and he finishes with a full run up and down the full court. If you practice this exercise you will begin to see your endurance and speed will go up. The endurance is one that will really improve. The next thing Derrick Rose does is work on his legs. This is one of the most important things to work out when you are playing basketball. Derrick focuses on his vertical leap to make sure he can make those amazing dunks you see. Derrick Rose focuses on doing leg work outs that consist of using both legs and also concentrating on single leg exercises as well. If you want to build your legs Derrick recommends doing one legged squats. This exercise really strengths your legs individually and also all the supporting muscles as well. Some Other exercises Derrick likes to incorporate in his workouts are leg presses and squats. If you are new to working out I would recommend doing leg presses first because squats is a tougher work out and will require you to have proper form. If you do not do squats the right way you can really do some damage to yourself. These exercises will strengthen your lower body and you will start seeing your abilities in speed and endurance really starts to develop. When Derrick Rose is in the off season you better believe he is still trying training just as hard as if he were in regular season. Derrick claims to work his basketball skills in the off season about twice a day. He starts with a ninety minute workout in the mornings and then another sixty minute workout in the evening. This is hard work and dedication. When he’s doing his workouts, he makes sure to take plenty of basketball shots. He averages anywhere from 400 to 1000 shots in a work out. He has a personal basketball trainer that keeps him motivated and also helps him focus on areas where he needs improvements. If you see Derrick’s three point shots lately, he has significantly improved three pointers. This is due to the outside training he does. When he’s in the off season he really strived to improve his shot and boy does it look good. Derrick Rose also has to maintain a healthy diet in order to have the energy and stamina to go as long as he does. This diet includes having a lot of protein and Carb’s. When you’re an athlete of his caliber you have to avoid the junk food. Derrick Rose says that junk food isn’t good for me but I still need to have some every now and then. This is true, you can have sweets in small moderation but you need to really watch what you eat when you play as hard as he does. Derrick says that his favorite item to eat is grilled chicken with pasta or rice. This is a good thing to eat because chicken is very lean and pasta and rice have large amounts of carbs to keep your energy levels up. Derrick also likes to drink milk for strong bones and sports drink and water. Notice that he doesn’t drink any soda. Soda is a bad thing to drink because it is full of lots of sugar and calories that are unnecessary in your diet plan. Soda is bad for you and if you drink it often you will see some negative effects on your body. Once of the biggest things to do in your meal plan is to forget about soda. Water is one of the key elements to keep you lean and hydrated. If you follow this diet you will start to see how shredded you can really get. This is why Derrick looks really muscular when he’s playing ball. If you perform these exercises and follow his meal plan you will start to see yourself looking ripped and in shape. The endurance and speed you will begin to see with be greatly improved. If you practice the leg workouts he has, you will begin to see your legs become stronger and you will see that you are more able to jump higher. Take into account that you will not see this transformation in a day or week but if you work hard and keep yourself focus you will greatly improve your ability to play good on the court. Work hard and make sure you put in an effort and you will be proud of yourself. Who knows, maybe one day you might see Derrick Rose in the gym with you working out. You might also become a basketball player if you do these work outs. Life will only tell but Derrick Rose will be proud of you if you start to do workouts like him and eat like him. Derrick Rose is an All-star player and with this how to, you might be well on your way into the NBA.

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Tommy G bringing the Hot Sauce

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Tom Goscik

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Tommy G bringing the Hot Sauce

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5 Muscle Building Tips

May 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

If you want to have bigger muscles want it fast, there are some hardships that you have to undergo first.  In order for you to do this, and overcome the hardships as well, you will have to listen to some muscle building tips so that you will be able to gain the muscles that you desire for. Read on and try to master these so you will be on the right track of having muscles rapidly!

Tip #1. You need to set goals for yourself. Everything should come from you; the desire to do it must come directly from within you. By having a personal goal then you will have something to look forward to, a motivation to keep you going. For instance, setting a goal weight or a chest or even bicep measure that you would want to have; list this down so that you can always refer to it. Just make sure that you set realistic and attainable goals, not something very far from the truth or something.

Tip #2.

Have a structure diet that you will also religiously follow. Take note that our body needs vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and nutrients so that it will be able to build muscles. Therefore, you need to eat! Do not think that you will get fat if you will eat; the truth is that our body needs lost of quality calories a day; no trash please. Absolutely no junk foods; stay clear of empty calories and those sugary ones. Focus and eat only high quality protein foods, some good fats, and carbo that are spread all over the day for 6-8 meals. Take note: the more that you eat, the faster your chances of increasing your weight and eventually your size.

Tip #3. Have an intense training that includes weight lifting. The major key to muscle building is really having an intense series of workouts. Do the heavy weight lifting ones and some compound exercises such as dead lifts, squats, and bench presses. These exercises will certainly work well with your goal of quicker building of muscles.

Additional tip here that you can try is to have supplements. Be aware that your body needs all the extra nutrients and energy that it can get during and especially after the intense workouts you are doing. Creatine, whey proteins, and carbohydrates should be taken before, while and after the workouts. They will add the needed difference in your goal.

Tip #4. Of course, you need to rest and eventually recover. This is especially more so after the time that your body has developed muscles already. You really have to be sure that you will give your body the needed rest and the recovery period in between your workouts. Some 48 until 72 hours are recommended. This will mean that you are not supposed to have your training for more than 3 times within the week. Continue the workouts only after tour body has really fully recovered.

Tip #5. You need discipline. Having the goal and staying on it should also be done and followed by having discipline. Whoever told you that muscle building is easy is definitely wrong; but it will be worth it if you will stay disciplined and motivated. It is okay to miss a session, don’t fret about it, just make sure that you will stay on the course and you still have the focus to go on and reach your goals.

After these 5 muscle building tips had been laid down, you can use them as the blueprint that you can use in order to have a change lifestyle and physique. One that you are wishing for.

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