Getting Better At Wrestling
April 30, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Wrestling is a dynamic and physical sport that is one of the oldest ones recorded in history. It has traditionally been a test of speed and strength, and is long standing way for two opponents to go up against each other in order to determine who is the better equipped of the pair.
Wrestling was performed by the Ancient Greeks in order to determine who was the more worthy of two opponents, and was a celebrated and glamorous event. Indeed, some of the more symbolic imagery that the Western world has is of two Greek athletes struggling to defeat each other.
Additionally, the sport was one of the primary events in the ancient Olympics, and remains as one of the more pure tests of skill and ability. It is still important part of sports psyche, and is one that requires training and dedication from its athletes.
Wrestling is accomplished by having two opponents grapple with each other in a marked off ring, with each person pushing to subdue their opposition by completely restraining their ability to move. This simple premise is made more complicated by the fact that most of the time the athletes are evenly matched from a weight and strength perspective, bringing skill into the mix as a potential catalyst for victory.
While being strong and fast are doubtless parts of being a successful athlete in this sport, skill ultimately determines the winner of the bout more often than not. There is a depth of strategy and tactics present in the sport that is almost unmatched, as opponent jockey for position and grapple with each other.
In most cases, both of the athletes involved in the activity share the same knowledge base and the same physical shape. Therefore, employing tactics and counter tactics that are meant to surprise the opposition and cause them to make a mistake are important parts of the overall experience.
The makeup of the activity is marked by either scoring points or subduing the other athlete in such a way that they cannot move. In the modern iteration for the sport, the athletes have a limited amount of time to win.
They can either score points by employing techniques and style as they grapple, or they can attempt to completely block the other person from moving. If the other person is unable to move, the bout is considered to be over and the athlete that manages to pin the other is declared the winner.
If a pin is not achieved, then the person who had more points is declared the winner. There are benefits to both possible options.
If the athlete does not think that they can pin their opponent, then they can perform stylistic and technical maneuvers that are meant to impress the judges and score points. If they can delay the other player from taking them out, this can be a viable way to achieve victory, because of the way that it can be done over time.
Likewise, if the athlete is confident in their ability to pin the other person, then they may forgo being technical and flashy and instead try to subdue the other participant as quickly as they possibly can. In either case, skill needs to be applied in order to defeat the maneuvers that will be utilized to prevent such an occurrence.
In order to be able to grapple effectively, participants need to be able to go for long periods of time and be able to employ explosive amounts of force when the time is right. Therefore, conditioning and hardening the body against the strain that will happen is something that needs to be apriority.
Part of this conditioning process occurs when the participant goes up against other people in practice and in reality. There are certain parts of the experience that cannot be taught from a hypothetical setting, and need to be experienced firsthand.
The training and condition that the participant goes through will ensure toughness and durability. This will greatly increase the overall effectiveness of wrestling technique.
Wrestling is a dynamic and engaging sport that pits two people against each other in a contest of skill and strength. If participants want to get better at what they are doing, they need to build up their skills with practice, conditioning, and extensive training.
Ronald Pedactor is a fitness trainer. He has been coaching athletes for more then 20 years. He recommends the bestExercise Equipment to achieve your fitness goals.
Contact Info:
Ronald Pedactor
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Staying in Shape After 30
April 27, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
When you’re in your twenties your body seems to almost naturally stay in shape. But when you reach your 30’s all bets are off. It takes more work to stay in shape as you seem to gain weight faster and seem to have much more trouble losing that weight that you gained so quickly.
There are several things you can do to lose weight and stay fit when you reach your 30th year on this planet.
Diet is the most important aspect of it all. You need to stop eating processed foods. This is an important tip that everyone should follow and not just us dude’s in our 30’s. Processed foods and chemicals are the enemy of humanity. They wreak havoc on our nervous systems, circulatory systems, they’re linked to cancer and hundreds of other illnesses and they are the main cause for the obesity epidemic that is sweeping this country.
You need to eliminate all of the junk food from your life.
Try to get rid of everything that comes in a can (unless it’s fruit or vegetables-but even then you should try and buy fresh). Try not to give into temptation and eat fast food. I know it’s much easier to go through the drive through at McDonald’s than it is to prepare a meal for yourself and your family but if you are really, truly interested in your health then you should stop eating any and all fast foods immediately.
This is an important step in staying in shape after 30. Try to do activities you enjoy as this makes exercising that much more fun. Try swimming, racquet ball, tennis, basketball, skiing, bicycling, and more.
Simply changing your diet and exercising can make all the difference in the world when you are trying to stay in shape after 30.
W.P. Allen has been writing articles online for nearly 3 years now. Not only does he specialize in building webites and making money online but also many other distinct topics. You can also check out his latest website Beautiful Vinyl Fence which talks specifically about Freedom Vinyl Fence.
Just Exactly How Do I Get Fit Quick!
April 24, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Article by Don Borek
Almost everyone who wants to get fit usually wants to get fit quick. But the Million-dollar question is of course how can I get fit quick. Depending on the shape that you are in getting fit quick might not even be possible.
One major problem while people fail to get fit or in shape is lack of motivation and failing to stick to an exercise program or workout routine. The other major reason is lack of knowledge or by failing to choose the wrong exercise program or workout routine.
By doing the wrong exercises or workout routine most people will not see any positive results quickly if at all and will lose interest and just abandon working out altogether. By choosing the wrong exercise and workout routine not only will they not see results but can actually do more harm to themselves than good.
So Exactly How Do I Get Fit Quick! You actually have a few options. The main thing that you have to do is to pick a program that may not get you in great shape quickly but it needs to start showing you results that you can see quickly. Once you have chosen the correct program and you start seeing results you will become motivated to stick with the program and achieve your main goal of becoming fit and a more happier and healthier you!
Another option is to hire your own Professional Personal Trainer! Hiring a personal trainer in addition to being very expensive and their time for you will be limited if they are any good they will have many clients unless you hire them exclusively and then you are talking super expensive and unless you are a mega star it is out of reach at least financially for most people.
Finding the right exercise program or workout routine or an affordable Personal Trainer can be a problem! The answer to both problems is to purchase an affordable training program from a professional fitness instructor. Also the program must allow you to work it at your own pace and must be able to adapt to your own schedule!
Think of it as having a 24 Hour a day Personal Trainer waiting for you when ever you are ready to help you achieve your fitness goals! You really can get fit quick and also at a small fraction of the cost of any Personal Trainer.
For more information go to and let us become your low cost Personal Trainer available to you 24 Hrs a Day and start getting fit quick today!
Exercises To Get In Shape For Summer – A Much Better Option Than Dieting
April 22, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Article by Julia Mahler
If you’re going to get in shape for summer, you are probably wondering what types of exercises to get in shape for summer are the most effective. Well, first of all, you should realize that getting into shape for summer requires more than just losing weight. Unless you’ve been toning your muscles as well, you probably will not look as good as you would like. Not only that, but muscle tissue also burns more calories than fat tissue – so if you add a little bit of muscle mass now, you’ll find it easier to keep the weight off through the summer.
Resistance Training Is An Important Part Of Any Exercise Routine.
The best options for toning your muscles involve some resistance training, which should be a major part of your exercise to get in shape for summer. While you do not need to do a lot of weight lifting unless you actually want to bulk up a little, some resistance training is necessary. This includes getting free weights or a home gym in order to work out your upper and lower bodies. You should also use resistance training on your abdominal muscles – this way they will look much better than if you are just relying on un-weighted sit-ups or crunches to help you build your stomach muscles.
The other benefit of doing resistance training, especially on your abdomen, is that it will likely help you feel better during the rest of the day. Strong abs, for instance, will improve your posture. This, in turn, can also reduce the amount of aches and pains, especially in your back, that you have to deal with now and in the future.
Finally, exercising to get in shape is always a good idea! Even if you do not reach your goal for the summer, you will still have done your body good.
Julia Mahler is the publisher of She has studied fitness & nutrition for over 22 years & loves teaching how to get six pack abs
Care Men Ties For Their Perfect Shape
April 19, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Every self-respecting man should own a tie. Men ties can finish and create a very elegant look to any outfit. If you wear a tie on an everyday basis or just happen to put one from time to time it is important that you should know how to take care of them. This is not just a piece of fabric you can stuff in your wardrobe and take it for granted. If you know how to care for this delicate part of them they will be in perfect shape every time you need them.
* Storage – If you want to take special extra care of the tie collection you should get hangers especially designed for ties. You should always be careful how you place a tie after you untie it. When on the road, you can always buy one of those ties cases or just fold the ties in fours and storage them in your socks or shoes. You should Keep them in the dark closet will also prevent their colour to fade away.
You do not leave it on a chair or just laying on a table and it can be a coat hanger or your closets dowel where you hang it. If you want the creases of the knot to fall out, always put the tie properly on a hanger. Ties can be wool, cotton, silk, etc., but no matter what the fabric, they are all very impressionable.
* Wrinkles – if you store your ties properly you will most likely get rid of the wrinkles from the knots, but sometimes this is not enough. The more often you wear a tie, the more wrinkles it will get – so avoid wearing a tie for consecutive days. If this does not help try the steam trick – leave them in the bathroom while taking a shower. The handled steamer of course is the ultimate wrinkle fighter for mens ties and you should definitely get one if you are a tie lover.
* Stains – getting a little food on your clothes, respectively on your tie seems inevitable. There are tie tack designed to keep the tie in place, but there is a trick to how to wear them. If you do not want your tie to have a dent from the tack, and it will definitely have one, you should simply put in under the tie through its label. If nevertheless you get it stained, immediately start blotting it with cold water to prevent it from settling in. If it is a greasy stain – get some talcum powder to absorb the oil. There are of course tie-cleaning services for the toughest of stains.
Men’s ties need proper protection so that the man looks efficient and graceful.
Mens ties experiences has made Sue Mitchell to write in details about the rare discussed topics like grey ties
Why men should get in shape
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Home Fitness Workouts – 4 Reason Why This Can Be Your Ticket to Getting in Shape Faster
April 18, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Article by Hugo Guerreiro
Everybody wants to get in shape and I’m sure you’re probably one of them. You’ll find several options to exercise, and a lot of people choose fitness in your own home workout programs Let us face the facts, you would like to get fit rapidly, however, you most likely want some privacy and do not want anybody else seeing you while your huffing and puffing the pounds away Let’s be realistic, you want to condition your body quickly, however, you almost certainly want some privacy and don’t want anybody else seeing you while your huffing and puffing the pounds away
The question comes up, can you be successful at getting in shape quickly with home fitness workouts?
The answer is a definite yes if you take the necessary steps to make it happen. Here are some ways that you can make your home fitness workouts successful, so you can look and feel the way you’ve always wanted.
Create a plan and stick with it
This is the number one reason most people fail to follow through on home fitness workouts or any exercise plan for that matter. You have to take the time, sit down and decide what kind of workouts you’re going to do, when you’re going to do them and fill in as much detail as possible. If you start exercising without any real direction of what you’re trying to accomplish and how you’re going to do it, it becomes really easy to get distracted and give up altogether.
Take your home fitness workouts seriously
This goes along with creating your plan. You need to really ask yourself if you want to get into shape, have better health and lose the weight that you been wanting to lose for probably years now. As part of the plan, exercise must become as important as going to work, eating and anything else you do on a daily basis. If it comes down to watching TV or getting in your workout, what are you going to do?
You have to decide now how much you really want to get in shape. It might be hard in the beginning to be consistent. However, if you perform your workouts regularly over a month’s time, you’ll be in the habit of making it a part of your day. One good tip would be to write it down on your calendar or add it to the do list with the specific time and workout you’re going to do. This will force you to set time aside and plan for your workout.
Don’t think everything has to be perfect
One of the reasons why people get frustrated, skip their home fitness workouts and give up altogether, is because they think they need to do everything perfectly.
Don’t worry so much about how you’re doing your exercise, but just doing the best you can. Most people think they can do more than they really can. Just go ahead and be ready to modify what you do, so you can keep doing it consistently. For example, if you are performing a certain strength exercise as part of your home fitness workout and you find your using too much weight, it’s OK to stop, change the weight and continue to finish the exercise. Also, if you need a rest half way through the set for five to ten seconds, then take the rest.
The point trying to be made here is you do what you can to complete your workout. It’s more important to do the workouts with modifications than trying to force yourself to do something that could injure you or cause you to have to take more recovery days.
Workout as early in the day as possible
This simple tip, especially for home fitness workouts, can make or break your success in getting in shape. Try to schedule your exercise the first thing in the morning or as close to waking up as possible. For one, you’ll have the energy to exercise. Two, you won’t have any other distractions that might take you away from it. If you wait until later in the day, especially when you’re at home, you might find it hard to do it without being interrupted. Also, you might just be tired from the day and it becomes very easy to pass up your exercise for another day. If you get it out of the way first thing, you’ll feel better and you won’t feel the stress of having to get it done later.
In conclusion, home fitness workouts can work if you follow these tips and make your exercise a priority. If you do, you’ll be amazed at how fast you can get in shape and start feeling the way you’ve always wanted.
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Guys get your body in shape now with your 21 day trial of fat burning furnace
April 15, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Most people who are struggling to lose weight start getting desperate, and they make some very bad decisions. This generally means they end up spending large amounts of money trying to lose weight, rather than just putting in the effort that they need to. If this sounds a bit like you, or even if you’re just struggling to lose weight, the Fat Burning Furnace trial might be the perfect solution to all your problems. With this trial, you only have to pay a very nominal amount to receive the product, and there’s a complete money-back guarantee if you aren’t happy with the product at the end of the trial. If you are happy with the product, you can buy it for another small amount, and keep it for the rest of your life. There is even a 60-day money-back guarantee for the full product if you have second thoughts about it. This doesn’t happen to most people however, because after 60 days of following the system, everyone starts seeing results.
For men, losing weight isn’t just about getting rid of the fat on their body, it’s about increasing muscle mass and becoming a leaner version of themselves. That’s difficult to achieve, but if you’ve got the right resources backing you up, it’s very possible. Fat Burning Furnace doesn’t pull any punches, the author knows exactly what it takes to lose weight and will not shy away from the fact that a great deal of effort is involved. If you’re not prepared to put that effort in, then you shouldn’t even bother reading the opening pages. However, if you’re motivated and prepared to lose some serious weight, then this is the product for you.
Most people are put off from actually making any effort, primarily because they are worried that they won’t see any results.
Fortunately, the Fat Burning Furnace is one of the few products that can virtually guarantee you results. It covers everything you need to lose weight, and will educate you greatly to ensure that instead of just losing the weight for a few weeks, you are able to maintain your ideal weight for many years to come.
Rob Poulos, the author of this excellent product, spent more than a decade testing out different methods of losing weight. He spoke to thousands of people, tried out dozens of different regimes, diets, and pills, and slowly gathered the information that he had. He began putting together a fully-featured package that ensured who ever followed it would lose weight. Instead of just releasing it, however, he tested it for many years on a number of different people. Anything that didn’t work was stripped from the program, and slowly he perfected the Fat Burning Furnace into one of the most effective methods of losing weight in the world. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to lose weight, feel great, and maintain that for as long as you want. After all, it’s completely risk free, so you’ve got nothing to lose, apart from a great deal of weight.
Fat burning furnace is a popular weight loss program that has sucessfully helped people in over 135 countries lose weight and change their whole way of life. If you are ready to lose weight and change how you look and feel read this fat burning furnace review to decide if it will work for you
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How To Get in Shape for Soccer
April 14, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Article by Phil Tucker
One of the most physically demanding sports in the world is a full length game of soccer. If you have ever watched a match, you will understand that the players often spend the entire 90 minutes running up and down the pitch, sometimes drifting forward, other times jogging hard, and sometimes sprinting as fast as they can to break away or catch up with an opponent. Soccer players are in phenomenly good shape, and they usually have thighs like barrels of muscle while their upper bodies are lean and ripped. How can you get ready for a soccer season most effectively? What is the best way to prepare for a good, grueling game of soccer?
The first aspect that must be addressed first aspect that must be addressed is the amount of running involved. You have to be able to run long distances at different tempos, and in order to do that you should begin with two different kind of running programs. The first is the Miles Makes Champions approach, in which you seek to build the basic foundation of fitness that will allow you to run for extremely long periods of time. This will involve an ever increasing amount of distance training, alternating during the week so that you are able to consume vast distances with little difficulty.
The trick however lies in blending this marathon-running approach to the kind of interval training that will lend you the explosive speed you need to be able to call upon. Toward that end, you should figure in some interval training to your work week, where you practice for shorter durations at running at varying speeds, some explosively fast, others merely hard jogs.
With your running under control, you need to condition your entire body through some cross training. Toward this end, few sports will condition your body and enhance your cardio like swimming. The added benefit is that swimming is very low impact which is crucial after the amount of running you will be doing, and benefits your whole body.
Finally, you should consider doing a few bouts in the weight room each week so as to develop muscular strength and power. You shouldn
Get Shapely Breasts Naturally!
April 5, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Article by Sadhana Dhanyal
If you are a woman who has sagging breasts, you must be feeling bad about your condition. You must be wondering what to do to get shapely breasts. The answer to this lies in breast uplift surgery. By undergoing this kind of procedure, you can look forward to have shapely breasts. The surgical operation will give a shapely look to our breasts.
If you are someone who desists undergoing the operation and fancy an easy way out of this, you can look forward to natural breast enhancement pills. You will be surprised to know that breast enlargement creams can work wonder for you. It is believed that natural herbal breast enlargement treatments produce similar results such as the operation procedure.
Moreover, they are less expensive than the operation. You will end up saving a lot of money by undergoing this kind of procedure. They are known to produce better results. Still, it is advisable that you choose your medications with care. You must do a careful research about the specific products before purchasing them.
Some women vouch for results that they produce. The various breast enhancement creams and pills have helped increase the size of their bust. There are various natural breast enlargement products in the market that includes creams, pills, lotions.
It is believed that natural breast enhancement products produce good results. It is believed that these products and devices that are promoted as natural breast enlargement and enhancement solutions strengthen the muscles that support the breasts. Hence, this leads to shapelier breasts. Whatever the case maybe, you must use the products only after carefully discussing about these products with your physician. You must also do a carefully research on any kind of side effects.
It is interesting to note that the side effects of such medication are not established yet. Hence, if you were to seek advice from your physician before consuming the pills, it would be great. However, there are some companies that have conducted their own herbal breast enhancement research. The results of this are not known yet. Until the results are established, you can consume the pills safely.
Whatever be the case you must have the pills only after carefully discussing with your physician. You must make them aware of what you expect from the procedure. Based on your requirements and health, the physician will suggest you to take the pills or apply cream.
Sadhana D, Expert Author. Information on Breast surgery clinics uk: Breast surgery clinics
Supplements- Which Ones Do You Need To Get In Shape
April 1, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Article by Kevin Richardson
An honest answer is that you don’t need any. It might sound astonishing but the reality is that in over seventeen years of using multivitamins, fat burners, protein powders and bars, meal replacements, and all the other bodybuilding and fitness related products all I have to say is their miraculous abilities to make changes in your physique are yet to be seen. That and the fact that there is nothing that has yet convinced me that these substances are truly safe for human consumption.
I would like to bring to your attention that all of your information regarding the safety and efficacy of these supplements come from entities that have a vested interest in promoting them. The bodybuilding and health and fitness magazines that get paid millions to advertise the products, some of which are actually owned by the very companies that make the products in the first place. The media that also gets paid for the ads run by the products, and of course the many so called scientific studies conducted with funding from the manufacturers themselves. The supplement industry is no different from the food and tobacco industries that wreak havoc on the public health. Profit is and always will be the bottom line. Not your health, not your fitness goals and certainly not the truth. If you think that in some way that the federal government wouldn’t allow a company to make a product that could jeopardize your health, then you must have been asleep for the past few years while they banned products like ephedra and pro-hormones. Bans that took effect long after the products had been on the market for years. The problem is that the Food & Drug Administration regulates dietary supplements under a different set of regulations than those covering “conventional” food and drug products, both prescription and Over-the-Counter. Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), the dietary supplement manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that a dietary supplement is safe before it is marketed. 1The FDA is only responsible for taking action against any unsafe dietary supplement product after it reaches the market. Generally manufacturers do not need to register their products with FDA nor get FDA approval before producing or selling dietary supplements. Think about it; someone figures that there is money to be made from selling a particular product and they make it. As simple as that. There are no long term independent double blind studies to verify effectiveness or safety. In fact most of the studies quoted regarding supplement efficacy are either severely biased, purposefully misinterpreted or flawed. It is only after people die or consistently experience severe adverse side effects that the federal government gets involved. What is worse is that there have never been any long term studies to show how these substances interact with the human body. No one can really guarantee that the fat burner that you are taking now will not cause you health problems several years down the line. Many of them have not even been around for that long. So how do you know? Answer- you don’t! FAT BURNERSHave I used them? Yes. But not as much as you would think. I was never much of a fan of these products to begin with since I always paid very strict attention to my diet and training and didn’t really need them. If I needed to get ready for a contest or a photo shoot, I would simply adjust my diet to suit and train my behind off. When I did take fat burners earlier on in my career, I never used more than an quarter of the recommended dose. Did they work? The ones containing ephedrine did. I got leaner faster, but in the end I looked the same. Considering that when I took them I had trouble sleeping, my hands would shake and I would have terrible energy swings, I made the decision not to use them anymore. The pictures of me that you see posted are the result of years of hard work and conscientious dieting- not from any fat burners (or any other supplements for that matter- protein powders etc. included.) I believe the finished product proves my point that I didn’t need them.
We need to examine the mechanisms of these drugs to understand why they are so popular in spite of being so dangerous and filled with negative side effects. The most effective fat burners (the ones that were temporarily banned) were essentially ECA stacks. A combination of Ephedrine (from ephedra), Caffeine and Aspirin. Caffeine is a stimulant and has diuretic effect. Ephedrine is a bronchodilator and was sold over the counter as an asthma medication. It is a stimulant as well2. The two drugs together increase the body’s norephinepherine production which then decreases appetite3 along with significantly elevating your heart rate measurably.3 Reduced appetite means you eat less and the elevated heart rate means that you should burn more calories. These drugs also combine to slightly increase body heat which further increases caloric burn while the caffeine forces you to lose water at a faster rate. The end result- short term weight loss. Which would have been wonderful except for the fact that you are also potentially harming yourself.
Ephedrine (derived from ephedra) was banned for some time after being linked to several deaths. Studies have shown that it can increase blood pressure and risk of stroke, anxiety, irregular heartbeat, myocardial infarction4, depression and psychosis2. Largely due to the lobbying of certain special interest groups, the federal ephedra ban was lifted. Still, most companies now are afraid to put it back in their products because of the fear of lawsuits, that, the high cost of liability insurance and the fact that the federal ban being lifted does not make it a legal product in many states- the state of New York included.
Caffeine as we all know can also affect heart rate as well as blood pressure2. There is also an addictive property to caffeine, just as there was with ephedrine. Put the two together and you’re faced with an addictive compound quite adept at causing your natural adrenal production to be compromised. After developing a tolerance to the raciness effects of the drugs, frequent and increased dosages lead to a dramatic loss of “energy” when the drugs aren’t taken. It’s a classic addiction and it made many a supplement manufacture rich at the public health’s expense. Let us not forget the aspirin added to the blend that wreaked havoc on your stomach lining. Personally I chose not to use a substance that not only I didn’t need, but also that had many dangerous side effects and was potentially addictive. Now that ephedra has made it to the ‘we are not using it in our product list’ (thankfully), the remaining ingredients on their own have not been proven to significantly reduce body fat. Translation, they are still dangerous compounds, but now they don’t work as well.ECA fat burners have been around for about a decade or so, but people have succeeded in getting into fantastic shape for much longer without potentially dangerous drugs. They did it over time. By being patient and by working hard and in a responsible manner to achieve their goals.The other thing to consider is that studies have shown that individuals that lose weight and then regain it increase their likelihood of compulsive overeating5 developing heart disease6 and increasing mortality risks6 7. Remember if you rely on pills to get your weight down, the effects are only short term2. When you stop taking them your weight will eventually go right back to where it was to begin with, unless of course you choose to use them for the rest of your life. The only safe way is to be in shape all year round, not just for summer and certainly not thanks to supplements.
Kevin Richardson, CPT, ADS
References:1. Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), 2. Shekelle PG, Hardy ML, Morton SC, et al.: Efficacy and safety of ephedra and ephedrine for weight loss and athletic performance. A meta-analysis. JAMA 289:1537-1545, 2003.3. Effect of a Dietary Herbal Supplement Containing Caffeine and Ephedra on Weight, Metabolic Rate, and Body Composition Greenway et al. Obes Res 2004;12:1152-11574. Cardiovascular Effects of Ephedra JAMA 2004;291:1560-1560.5. National Task Force on the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity. Dieting and the Development of Eating Disorders in Overweight and Obese Adults. Arch Intern Med 2000;160:2581-9.6. Lissner L, Brownell KD. Weight cycling, mortality and cardiovascular disease: a review of epidemiologic findings. In: Bjorntorp P, Brodoff BN, eds. Obesity. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co.; 1992. 7. Wing RR. Weight cycling in humans: a review of the literature. Ann Behav Med. 1992;14:113-9
Information contained in this article is not meant to treat, diagnose illness, nor substitute for medical counseland is intended for purposes of information and education only. Consult your physician before modifying your dietor starting any exercise program.
Kevin Richardson, CPT, ADS, is New York City’s most prolific trainers, the founder of the Naturally Intense Lifestyle and the owner of the legendary Naturally Intense 5th Avenue Gym in Park Slope, Brooklyn, New York. With over sixteen years of experience as a personal fitness trainer, and with a clientele that spans the globe. You can read more of his articles as well as learn more about the Naturally Intense Lifestyle at
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