How Can Women Lose Fat Easily and Get in Shape Quickly?
March 10, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
There is so much confusion when it comes to losing fat, so the average person gets really confused very quickly. Women make many mistakes when it comes to fat loss and one of the biggest mistake that women do, is ignore weight training. For some reason women think that lifting weights is some kind of a monster but really it is your best friend.
Cardio or aerobic activity alone will not make you lose fat, in fact weight training is sometimes a much better option. Of course it would be a lot better to combine both. I am sure after you finish this short article, you will understand why it is good for you.
First of all weight training speeds up your metabolism because the speed of your metabolism is dependent on the amount of toned muscle tissue on your body. So the more muscle you have the more calories you will burn.
It also gives you a metabolic boost for many days. Cardio training benefits only last as long as you exercise. But weight training is a lot different. You burn more calories while you sleep and rest during the next few days.
You can only have a toned, firm, tight and strong body with both cardio and weight training. Muscle gives you the nice tight and curve body, while cardio helps you burn the fat.
A lot of women, who think that weight training is some kind of a monster, have never even tried it. But once you try it and continue to train for several months then you feel your body change. It is also important to learn the right exercise techniques, so you can get a personal trainer in any gym to show you the ropes. Do not be afraid it and also if you start lifting weights then you can easily use heavier weights, you don´t have to use the lightest dumbbells or barbells in the gym.
Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle
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Flirty Girl Fitness – How To Get In Shape In 2 Weeks
March 10, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Are you stressed out because in less than a month you need to be well prepared for one of the most important events of your life – your wedding day? Are you stressed out because you think you will look unhealthy and unattractive on your wedding day because you feel that you don’t have the fit body that will make you look more beautiful than ever? Worry no more because you will absolutely look healthier and stunnig on the most important day of your life. Here are some tips on how to get in shape in 2 weeks so that you will be more than ready for the day that you have been waiting for:
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Tip # 1: Follow A Strict Diet
You must think that losing weight in only two weeks could be a little less impossible.
However, you nee to keep in mind that no matter how long or short the time that you have if you are not well disciplined and you don’t follow a strict diet plan, nothing will happen. Keep in mind that it’s a must to follow a strict diet plan in order to lose weight and become healthy in just two weeks.
Tip # 2: Exercise For 30-45 Minutes Everyday
If you want to know how to get in shape in 2 weeks, you must also know the different types of exercises that can help you burn fat and lose pounds. Remember that there are tons of exercises and you must only choose the ones that can really help you lose weight. Research more about this and you will surely find what you’re looking for.
Tip # 3: Consider Using Weight Loss Products
Since you only have less than a month to prepare and become healthy, it’s recommended that you try using different weight loss products to help you lose weight. Try to google some of the products that can be easily ordered online and you will be really surprised that in just a week or two, you will surely lose weight and become healthier than ever.
These are just some of the tips you need to follow if you really want to know how to get in shape in 2 weeks. You will absolutely become more than ready for your wedding day because these tips will really make you look healthier and stunning than ever. Good luck and more power to you!
Click Here For Flirty Girl Fitness Limited Free Trial!
This author writes about Easy Ways To Lose Weight At Home at How To Get In Shape In 2 Weeks
Cutting Costs While Getting In Shape
March 7, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Many Americans will make the dual pledge this year to lose weight fast and cut expenses. New research shows that cutting the expensive gym membership and joining the local low cost YMCA, or an outdoor fitness group may be the best way to do both. Many gyms can cost several hundred to well over $ 1,000 per month for a family of four. The hi-tech equipment, while nice to look at, has not shown to improve overall results in any research study to date over low cost alternatives such as walking, or simple dumbbell exercises. According to Christine Alba, researcher, what does matter is having fun and if possible in a group. While local exercise classes at community centers can cost hundreds less per month, the results can actually be better for those looking to lose weight fast, because, according to Dr. Alba, you work harder when in a group than when alone.
While Dr. Alba’s work has shown this increased work ethic in humans the research started in rats. When a rat was allowed to exercise at will, or in a group, the rat would run longer and also have large amounts of specific brain hormones called brain derived neurotropic factor or BDNF, released. When the rats were forced to run the researchers found that there was no BDNF spike, and the rats would eat more food compensating for the increases in their metabolism from exercise. Dr. Alba’s work also shows that those that use the low cost, no frills, exercise option tend to be happier overall. Mostly, she says, because you run into your neighbors, and other active community people that lead to more community involvement. For people that do not have local community health centers, Dr. Alba recalls a research study in rural America where some local women started their own exercise classes, each women was in charge of a day out of the week and through self directed yoga, 8-minute abs, and climbing the local high school football field stairs, the women were able to lose weight and raise money for the local high school football team. To learn more about subjects like this and to start changing your body, please visit us at New Lifestyle Diet.
Hamilton Erridge is a weight loss professional. Newlifestylediet helps people lose weight and stay healthy by consuming Foods that they love (Shakes, Puddings, Soups, hot drinks, snacks etc.). It provides information and resources that help people make a lifestyle change so that the extra pounds shed are never put back on.
For daily tips on healthy living, Fan Newlifestylediet on Facebook.
The Greatest Method For Getting In Shape Before Summer
March 6, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Article by Richard Alexander
Bathing suit time of year is coming quickly and this has folks taking on new eating habits (shunning those of the winter season) and promising themselves that they will get in shape before the weather prevents them from hiding their bodies under heavy layers of clothing. Lots of people try to take on too much too soon with their training because they are so desperate to reduce weight and get into amazing shape before anybody will be able to look at their bodies. Sadly, working to get stronger too fast could actually harm your health. Doctors everywhere agree that it won
How to Get in Shape for Wedding
March 3, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Article by farhsa
Congratulations! You’re getting married! Despite you take that bold new step, making a lasting commitment to spend the rest of your life with the woman of your dreams, you need to consider many of the changes you are going to have to make. Is getting in shape one of them?
Never underestimate the importance of being physically fit for your partner. You and your partner will hopefully be having a lot of sex starting from your wedding night, and nothing spoils intimacy like love handles, a beer belly, and extra flab of skin and fat in the nether regions of your body. During sex, your partner will no doubt be exploring all of your erogenous zones, and nothing spells a bigger turn off than to have excess fat on your body.
Getting in shape for your wedding is not only so that you can be sexually attractive to your partner, but it is also essential for stellar sexual performance and stamina. You don’t want to be out of breath and breaking a sweat too early on during your lovemaking session. If you want your lovemaking session to last all night long, then you will need to develop stamina and physical endurance.
And this only comes from a combination of proper diet , proper cardio exercise, and strength training.
So, do you know how to get in shape for your wedding? There are so many different diet and fitness programs out there. Some of them are crash diets that can help you lose weight as quickly as one pound per day. Some of them offer weight loss more slowly and steadily, at the rate of 2 pounds per week. And many of the fitness training programs out there are designed to augment your diet while helping to shape and sculpt your body into a perfectly toned, lean, mean, sex machine.
It doesn’t matter which program you follow. They all work. But they all work in different ways. The important thing is to choose the right one that works for you.
Well, what are you waiting for? No more procrastination for you! You’re getting married and you need to get in shape for your wedding! This diet review will help you pick a program and get started!
Source: EzineArticle
Full time student, bachelor degree, love writing articles.
Cross Country Skiing ? A Healthy Way to Get in Shape
March 1, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Cross country skiing is one of the most all body workout there is. Cross country skiing is a great way to get out of the house during the long winter, and enjoy the great outdoors, while getting in shape. Nordic skiing also burns calories. With a moderate pace xc skiing can burn anywhere from 470 calories to 745 calories per hour. If you are racing then nordic skiing may burn anywhere from 900 to 1500 calories per hour. For average person burning 3500 calories will result in the loss of one pound of weight. So a couple hours a day of cross country skiing can shed those extra pounds fast! Many have used the nordic track one time in their life – the real thing is a lot more fun! This sport is a great way to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors. You can enjoy the beauty of nature – mountain vistas, lakes, snow covered meadows all while experiencing a total body workout.
Nordic skiing uses the entire body – arms, legs, lungs – all your muscle groups! It is a cardiovascular sport – so it exercises your lungs as well.
Cross Country Skiing, also known as nordic skiing or xc skiing requires some basic equipment that one can either rent or purchase to enjoy this sport. For the recreational cross country skier looking to tour in their backyard or at a local cross country ski touring center, the beginner will need xc touring skis, boots, bindings and poles. Unlike alpine skiing, xc skis are attached to the binding at only the front of the foot, allowing the boot to flex as you are propelled forward. The cross country skis are narrower and lighter than their alpine cousin, and ski pole length is typically longer.
The sport of nordic skiing has two main techniques – classic and skate skiing.
The beginner wanting to tour out their back door generally begins with the classic method, which is what most people typically have seen, using the diagnol stride. Classic cross country skiing for the beginner is a bit like walking – only that you have snow under foot. The xc skis are propelled forward by putting the weight on one leg and pushing forward with the same leg. The poles swing opposite the skis. Classic cross country skiing depends upon keeping your knees and ankle flexible, keeping your weight over one ski at a time, and putting the heel down first on the forward ski so you can engage the “kick zone”. The kick zone is where the wax or fish scales are located. You want enough traction to propel yourself forward. At first ski touring may require a bit more balance, since the ski bindings are fairly flexible and the heel is not attached to the ski. With enough practice, cross country skiing becomes easy and will allow you to get away from the crowds and into some beautiful winter scenery. For the beginning cross country skiier, taking a cross country ski lesson is well worth it.
Most beginning xc skiers have a tendency to over dress. Nordic skiing is a cardiovasular sport and considerable energy is exerted. Dress in layers, so as you warm up as you are skiing you can shed the layers and remain comfortable throughout your ski. Skis and ski cloths can be purchase at our online store
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Why you should make the effort to get in shape after pregnancy
February 26, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Article by James Mark May
Many new mothers buy cots or loungers to accommodate a new baby in the early months, this is the ideal solution particularly if space is at a premium, but also because it allows you to be close to your new born.Having delivered your baby, no doubt you are tired and out of shape right? But you may, like many new mothers want to get home, get settled and get back into shape.
Getting back into shape is important for you, but it is also very important for your baby that you are healthy enough to be able to give your child the best care.
Getting started
Your child will set its own schedule and if you want to fit in some exercise you will have to find ways to work around that. Make sure that you have a structured environment that will allow your baby to feel settled and allow you to get the rest you need.
Having a child is a wonderful time and you will want to be able to share and enjoy every moment with your new child
Get Back in Shape With a Jogging Stroller for the Family
February 25, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Article by Sophie Maathers
Welcoming a baby into the family is truly one of the most joyous occasions for new parents. However, it can also drastically affect your schedule too which means less time for yourself. As a result many mothers often complain about not being able to exercise on a regular basis. One of the best solutions then is to make use of a baby jogging stroller.Unlike conventional baby strollers, these types of strollers are specifically designed for jogging and exercising purposes. This offers huge benefits to parents who are looking to get back in shape. The best part too is that you can bring your baby with you whenever you exercise.Exercise at least three times a weekThe best way to lose weight is to exercise several times a week for about half an hour each time. This is where the jogging stroller really proves useful as it allows you to do exactly this. All you have to do is secure your baby in place and simply start walking. Then you can pick up your pace as you become more comfortable with the stroller.Just remember though that you absolutely need to watch what you eat. If you are serious about getting back in shape, then a healthy diet is a must. This means that you need to get rid of anything that might hinder your weight loss goals such as fast food and soda. If you stay consistent with a regular workout routine then it will only be a matter of time before you start to slim down.Which stroller should I buy?If you have two children, then one stroller that comes highly recommended is the InSTEP Safari double jogging stroller as it is reasonably priced and comes with a ton of features. It is very easy to push around and lets you get the exercise you need without spending a fortune. Keep in mind too that you can always purchase this online for a discounted price.Stroller safety precautionsBefore you start using a jogging stroller, it is recommended that your child be at least 6 months old. This will prevent causing any injury to the baby. In addition, you should also thoroughly read through the instruction manual so you know how it works. This might seem like common sense but it is a necessary step to take.Jogging strollers are truly versatile and are definitely a must have for new families. They are very easy to use and will get you back in shape before you know it.
Want to learn more?Then check out the InSTEP Safari jogging stroller and see why mothers love it.Get jogging stroller reviews and more from our website.
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How To Get In Shape Quickly
February 23, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Article by NOT available to public
Everyone wants to know how to get in shape quickly and effortlessly. Unfortunately, there is no real way to get into shape without putting forth some effort. The good new is you can use techniques that will yield excellent results in little time at all.
It is important to make a distinction between learning how to lose weight and learning how to get in shape. There are plenty of individuals who are thin but in awful shape. Just because a person is skinny does not make that person healthy.
Healthy individuals who take pride in maintaining a consistent exercise routine are often a little meatier than your average runway model. Many of us spend quite a bit of time researching how to get in shape and we put those suggestions into action. Starving and over exerting yourself will not get you very far.
When I was a teacher in high school I saw so many young girls taking an unhealthy approach to getting into shape. They often skipped breakfast and picked at a few vegetables during their lunch breaks. These girls were not learning how to get into shape. They were learning how to deplete their bodies of important nutrients.
The result was often young ladies who were thin and tired. Many of them had difficulty concentrating and some couldn’t run a single lap around the gym. I found this to be very upsetting because there is no reason for this. Fortunately, the girls’ physical education teacher took action.
The gym teacher started a “learn how to get in shape” program for her students. The girls were thrilled to earn credit for this program. They learned about using core muscles for strength and support as well as ways to build lean muscle mass. Part of the focus was feeding those muscles to get the maximum results.
They engaged in healthy exercise programs that weren’t too overwhelming and they learned to appreciate the difference between learning how to get thin and learning how to get in shape. The program was a geat success.
In fact, the program was so popular among the students that the staff, including myself, became involved. We served as models for the students who helped their teachers learn how to get in shape. My pupils were excited to see that I bought a treadmill and started a consistent workout plan.
The “learn how to get in shape” program created by this innovative gym teacher is a great example of how an entire school can work together to encourage healthy diet and exercise routines.
YourProperBeautyGuide.Com provides readers with the latest reviews, articles,commentaries and write-ups on all how to get in shape, exercise routine, important nutrients related subjects
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Best Way To Get In Shape Fast- Here’s the best way to get in shape at any age.
February 21, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Article by Weight Loss Product Review Guru
Here’s the best way to get in shape in a way that will work for anyone. Here’s the most important thing you need to know right up front. Your body was created to stay in shape. The truth is, you can get in great shape in any numer of ways. Here’s a tip to get in shape fast: Do it in a way that’s fun for you. Your body does not care if you jog or ride a bike. All that really matters is you do something every day. The real secret of the best way to get in shape is that you need to challange yourself. When the workout you’re doing is no longer a challange, you need to workout a little harder. Are you thinking about losing weight and getting in shape? In that case, you’ll want to remember this: Exactly how you lose weight and how you get in shape does not matter. All that matters is that you keep at it, so you should choose something that fits your age and circumstances. The best way to get in shape fast is the way that works for you. After you give it some thought, here’s what will occur to you: It’s all about how to make challanging yourself a habit. Do you see how that’s all in your mental attitude? If you want to know more about the mental part of the best way to get in shape, click on that link. The web site has useful info on how getting in shape can be made easy once you discover how to go about it in a way that fits your life. That’s where I went when I needed help on learning thebest way to get in shape in a way that worked for me. The reality of life is this: You only get one body. So if you want to know the best way to get and stay in shape learn how to find a way that works for you- and do it while you still have the opportunity.
I write about real and honest weight loss products because the right ones will change your life. Everything I learned about life changing weight loss, I learned from New Body New Life.
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