The Right Plyometric Workout for You
September 28, 2012 by admin
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Article by Michael Hlatky
The Right Plyometric Workout for You – Sports – Basketball
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What is the right plyometric workout for you? I mean, are all plyo programs the same? You can type in the words “plyometric workout” into Google and spend the rest of your life looking through all the results that come up. Why are there so many different workout regimens if all of the plyo routines are the same? The answer is, they are not all created equal. Different people require different exercises. All of our bodies and goals are different. You might just want to add 4 inches to your vertical in the fastest time possible. I may want to work a program for a full six months very hard to see just exactly what my maximum vertical height is, and what I can attain. As you see, there are all sorts of goals out there for all sorts of bodies with all sorts of commitment levels. You need a program set up specifically for you. The perfect plyometric program for you needs to take three things into account.
1 – Your body is uniquely yours.Out of the 7 billion people currently living on planet earth, do you know how many are like you? The answer is zero. Not one single person is identical to you physically, mentally or emotionally. So since your body is different from everyone else’s, why are you using an exercise program made with a “one size fits all” answer? To maximize your vertical explosion, you want a plyometric workout made just for you.
2 – Your goals are uniquely yours.As mentioned before, your the goals of a high school sophomore that just got cut, and wants to be ready a year from now will be different from a college student trying to make the team in ninety days. A recreational user is not going to have the same goals as a player trying to make the move from the Professional European Basketball League to the NBA. Because of this, you need a program set up with your goals in mind so you can see progress, and not get frustrated.
3 – Your commitment level is uniquely yours.Maybe you only want to exercise twice a week for an hour a day. Perhaps you really want to accelerate your growth and employ a proven plyometric workout 5 times weekly and really push yourself. The idea here is that only you know how driven you are, and your workout should be tailored for your commitment level.
Getting a plyometric workout tailored specifically to your unique situation is the key to dramatic results, and hyper hops.
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To get a CUSTOM MADE plyometric workout tailored to YOUR needs, be sure to check out vertical mastery. It will almost guarantee that you will add 5+ inches to your vertical!
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To get a CUSTOM MADE plyometric workout tailored to YOUR needs, be sure to check out vertical mastery. It will almost guarantee that you will add 5+ inches to your vertical!
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Rotator Cuff Therapy – How to design an exercise program
September 21, 2012 by admin
Filed under Isometric Exercises
Article by Steve Kaiser
Rotator Cuff Therapy – How to design an exercise program – Health – Wellness
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Rotator cuff therapy is the single most important issue affecting the treatment for rotator cuff tear injuries. What you do during rehab is the key to a successful result. Regardless of the type of injury you have suffered or surgery you have had performed.
It is important that it must be a bespoke program, not a generic one i.e. it must be tailored to you as an individual. The outline below is based upon a rotator cuff repair surgery rehab lasting up to six months.
So, just what should you anticipate from therapy? Well, you should expect a progressive program of exercises based upon your condition and level of healing. In other words it should get harder as you get stronger.
In the very early stages, exercise is so important, but it must be aided and as pain free as possible. A little discomfort is to be expected but stop on pain. If something hurts too much stop – it is that simple. A little discomfort is to be expected but stop on pain.
Start with Isometric exercises or assisted / passive. This is to allow the rotator cuff muscles to start working without being under any real strain.
Isometric exercises – for example, pushing against an immovable object, such as a wall, or holding the muscles under tension. Neither the wall nor the rotator cuff muscles actually move, they are not being stretched, but they are working and therefore getting a safety first work out.
Passive motion – Have someone else support your arm and move it gently. Do not allow any motion beyond pain free range. In this instance the muscles are moving but not actually working, so an increased range of movement can be achieved in a risk free manner. It can be utilised for movement in all planes.
The middle bit
Therapy / rehab can a long process and it can be boring. This is the point when so many people give up or stop taking things seriously. Please, do not give up your rotator cuff remedial work now; this is such a vital time.
The middle bit consists of slowly increasing the number of exercises you do. Increasing the number of repetitions (i.e. 8 – 10 – 12) and sets (i.e. 1×8, 2×8, 3×8, 1×10…..). At the same time very gradually build up the resistance. In other words make the muscles work harder.
You may also be ready to add some weights. Nothing too heavy, just simple hand held weights will increase the work the muscles are doing. The cuff muscles are small so start with nothing more than 1lb and an absolute maximum of 5lb.
Try resistance bands to slowly and gently increase the strength and durability of the muscles. Elastic based exercises for injured rotator cuff muscles are universally accepted as a vital part of any recovery protocol. The bands are particularly good because they hold the muscle under tension throughout the whole plane of movement.
Strengthening is the final phase of rotator cuff therapy. This should include not only the rotator cuff muscles, but also the muscles that surround the shoulder. The shoulder works most successfully when there is a balance between all of the separate components. By simply strengthening the cuff you can throw everything out of balance. This could lead to other problems developing.
Slowly increasing the weights used and / or the number of reps / sets will aid in strengthening. You will be able to feel the improvement by now and should be, pretty much, back to normal. The importance of strengthening is to ensure there is no repeat injury in the future.
This is just an outline of what you can expect. Join me here to learn more about rotator cuff therapy
About the Author
Steve Kaiser has used exercise to treat his own rotator cuff symptoms. Learn how you could do the same at Rotator Cuff Therapy Exercises . His new book “Natural Rotator Cuff Healing” a comprehensive guide to rotator cuff treatment is available for immediate download.
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Steve Kaiser has used exercise to treat his own rotator cuff symptoms. Learn how you could do the same at Rotator Cuff Therapy Exercises . His new book “Natural Rotator Cuff Healing” a comprehensive guide to rotator cuff treatment is available for immediate download.
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Isometric strength training promotes muscle toning and endurance. Learn exercises and stretches for your workout routine in this fitness video.
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Bridge Exercises for Your Speed Training Program
September 13, 2012 by admin
Filed under Isometric Exercises
Article by Rod White
Bridge Exercises for Your Speed Training Program – Health – Fitness
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Greater speed is obtained through reaching a full extension of the hips combined with the propelling power of the hamstring and glute muscles. Therefore, exercises need to be performed which target the further development of these areas.
Bridging exercises help you to obtain this goal by both building strength in and stretching the associated muscles so that maximum development can be achieved. You will also strengthen your core (back and abs). Following are several good bridging exercises to add to your speed training program that will help you increase speed.
It should be noted that when performing bridging exercises, the lumbar spine should not be flexed. Focus on using the strength of your hamstrings and glutes to elevate the hips. If you feel excessive pressure, discomfort or pain in your back when doing bridges then you are not using your glute and hamstring muscles adequately.Bridge Exercises
Isometric Bridge – Lay on an exercise mat with your knees bent so that you feet are flat on the floor. Place your arms at your sides with the palms of your hands on the floor. Raise your lower body by pressing with your heels and lifting your hips. Squeeze your glutes together as you make this movement. Your weight should rest on your shoulders, using your arms to maintain balance. Your body should form a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. When you reach this position, pull the abdominals towards your spine and hold for 30 seconds. Remember, do not flex the spine, but use your hamstrings and glutes to propel your bodyweight upward. Complete 3 sets.One Leg Bridge – This bridge exercise begins in the same position as the isometric bridge exercise except you extend one leg straight out while keeping the other leg bent and that foot flat on the floor. Lift your lower body off the mat by pressing down with your heel and engaging your glute muscles. Form a straight line from your bent knee to your shoulders and hold your other straightened leg still. Pull your abs in and hold the position for 15 seconds. Release and repeat with the other leg outstretched. Perform 3 sets with each leg.Exercise Ball Bridge – Using an exercise ball, lay on your back on the floor with your feet resting on the ball. Place your arms at your sides with palms facing down. Lift your lower body by pressing down on the exercise ball with your heels and raising your hips. Squeeze your glutes together as your raise yourself. Rest your bodyweight on your shoulders and arms. Your body should form a straight line from your feet to your shoulders. When you reach this position, pull in your abdominals and hold for 15 seconds. Complete 3 sets.Alternating Leg Raise Bridge – Follow the same instructions for the exercise ball bridge only when your body reaches the straight plane from feet to shoulders, raise one foot a couple of inches off the exercise ball. Hold for a count of 2 and change feet while keeping the body plane, glutes tight and stomach pulled in. Complete 5 holds of 2 counts with each foot.
Remember to use your glute and hamstring muscles and not your spine to perform these bridge exercises. Also, as you become adequate at completing the length of each bridge exercise, increase the time of your holds and/or increase the number of sets.
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Rod White is a writer of, an Everything Guide to Health, Fitness, Training, Muscle Building, Nutrition, Sports, Lifestyle and more!
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Rod White is a writer of, an Everything Guide to Health, Fitness, Training, Muscle Building, Nutrition, Sports, Lifestyle and more!
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Want to play guitar like the pros? Part 3 – Guitar Speed-Building and Strength-Building Exercises
September 9, 2012 by admin
Filed under Isometric Exercises
Article by David Woodford
Want to play guitar like the pros? Part 3 – Guitar Speed-Building and Strength-Building Exercises – Entertainment – Music
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As you probably already know, playing the guitar requires time, practice, and passion. Just as in anything else in life, you can’t get better unless you practice. The rule sticks in guitar; you must practice to get better. To play guitar, you also must have good hand strength. That can be done by doing guitar exercising and practicing a lot. Here I have written some simple exercises which will build speed and strength.
I’m going to start out with speed exercises. The simplest speed exercise is to play a scale, or cycling patters. There are scales in the other lessons online, and it isn’t hard to make your own scale. A good way to increase speed with scales if by playing the note 2 or 3 times while playing the scale. So if you’re playing a chromatic scale, you play each note twice and then move on to the next note. As you get better, go faster and add more notes, at the end you will have improved a lot from where you began.
An important exercise I used for strength building is hammer-on pull-offs. I start out at the 1st string 1st fret and hammer on to the 2nd, then pull off to the first. I keep on moving up until I reach the 6th string. After I reach the 6th string I move over a fret, and then go back down to 1. I repeat the process until my fingers get tired. While doing this it is best to use a pair of fingers, then start over and change fingers. Not only does this build on your hand strength, but this will also help your coordination for hammer-ons and pull-offs. Also, use the exercise in the previous lesson about positioning yourself with chords without actually playing them; they will make you play chords faster.
An exercise I use for barring is to bar the 1st fret. I bar the fret, play every note individually, then play the fret all barred, and then play the 1st fret open for all the strings. I repeat the process until the 12th fret or so, and then I move all the way back. Doing this will help you bar better and will also produce strength in your fingers.
A good exercise I use for picking is called alternate picking. I’ll play a piece to warm up, but I will pick alternately. Picking alternately means that you will pick one note upwards and the other downwards. This will build strength in your picking arm, and will also make you a faster picker.
While doing this exercise, the tip of your fingers might start to peel a little and develop calices. You should take a rest, but this is a good thing. The more your fingers peel, the harder the tips of your fingers will get which will assist you in guitar playing. It is always best to warm up before practicing the guitar so doing these exercises will not only build up strength, but they will also get you ready to play!
About the Author
David Woodford is a professional writer who specializes in beginners guides for a variety of subjects. He is currently writing this series of guides on learning to play guitar for novices and ‘false beginners’.More information can be found on his site at
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David Woodford is a professional writer who specializes in beginners guides for a variety of subjects. He is currently writing this series of guides on learning to play guitar for novices and ‘false beginners’.More information can be found on his site at
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Workout Routines – Should You Use Free Weights?
September 6, 2012 by admin
Filed under Isometric Exercises
Article by Ana Orwel
Workout Routines – Should You Use Free Weights? – Health – Fitness
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When you come across a book like ‘walk your way to fitness in just two weeks’, you can’t help exclaim: “Wow, great! I don’t have to splash money on joining an expensive fitness club or buying any expensive equipment. I just need to walk longer distances with good strides.” Your elation doesn’t last long when you realize that you are living downtown in a busy crowded locality where it is just not possible to walk freely with long strides.
Jogging, swimming, etc are other natural ways of staying fit. Like walking, jogging doesn’t cost you any money. Nevertheless, these fitness activities are out of reach for the majority of urbanites who lead a terribly hectic and fast-paced life. So you are left with only two options:
either join an expensive fitness center, or carry out your fitness training in your own home with the help of workout equipment.
Today, there is a wide variety of fitness equipment and machines available in the market. Free weights has an edge over them for the purpose of general fitness training, which is usually geared towards broad goals of your overall physical health and well-being.
Free weights, which are namely dumbbells, barbells, and kettlebells, do not limit you to specific fixed movements. Free weight exercises are excellent for the simple reason that they require greater effort from the user’s stabilizer muscles.
Free weights have been found to be working synergistic muscles. When you lift a dumbbell or barbell, what practically happens is that you not only lift the weight but also balance the weight while performing the exercise appropriately. For instance, while doing a standing curl you exercise the biceps and at the same time you also use your back muscles by trying to maintain a proper posture. Besides, you use your body muscles to support the additional weight of the curl, and your deltoid and lower arm muscles to perform the curl properly while standing. Thus free weights help exercise all of the muscle groups within the body.
Free weights also provide you with more flexibility for increasing and decreasing the amount of weight to be lifted. Unlike weight machines, free weights are usually made in the increments of two and three pounds (apart from five pounds). Besides, they allow you to modify your exercises to some extent. Thus you get enhanced versatility with free weights.In comparison to machine weights a free weight system is less expensive and should not cost more than $ 150. Besides, it requires less space in your home. It is easy to fit a weight rack, a bench, and some bars in a small corner of a room.
In spite of all the benefits if you are not careful with free weights you may injure yourself if you perform an exercise incorrectly. You might have seen mirrors in weight rooms. They enable weight lifters to check their form while performing each exercise.
Before you start your fitness training with weight machines it is advisable to have a trainer who could show you how to perform each exercise. You would learn how to go through your daily workout correctly and thus minimize the risk of your injury. First try a workout for four weeks and then add to it by incorporating other free weights as advised by your trainer. Remember that even the slightest variation in any exercise should not be made unless approved by your trainer.
In order to make the most of your fitness training with free weights, act on these simple tips. Wear appropriate clothes. Keep the fitness training area clean and free of litter. Before starting your workout drink enough liquid so you stay well hydrated. Stretch after warming up but before using the free weights. It is good to use a spotter when doing bench presses and squats. After the workout, lie still for a while in your bed and let all the exercised muscles relax. Make sure you get adequate rest and sleep everyday. Eat a healthy nutritious diet.Whenever possible have a buddy join you during your fitness training, so you enjoy doing it more.
About the Author
Dreaming of having a beautiful body, explore plenty of workout routines to select from. Why wait? Start your workout exercises today!
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Dreaming of having a beautiful body, explore plenty of workout routines to select from. Why wait? Start your workout exercises today!
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Role of Weight Gain Exercises at Home in Increasing Weight
August 22, 2012 by admin
Filed under Isometric Exercises
Article by Vatsal Kumar Anand
Role of Weight Gain Exercises at Home in Increasing Weight – Health – Weight Loss
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It is thought by most of us that the best way for gaining weight at home is eating. However, this is not true. For gaining weight, a person should have a regular exercise and a balanced diet. With a good diet, healthy weight can be gained. Exercises will not allow the accumulation of fats in the body.
There are many weight gain exercises at home. Given below are some of them:
* Squat – Squatting is the most crucial of all weight gain exercises. The best part is that squats can be easily done at home. Squats are very effective as the muscle core of the body is targeted. People who are not able to gain weight have a common complaint that they don’t feel like eating. Squats are great way for stimulating the appetite. After a heavy duty squat session, more energy will be needed by the body and a person will feel hungrier. Although, squats are mainly for developing thighs, if done repeatedly and with deep breathing, overall body weight can be gained. Before starting the squats, one must ensure that light weights are used for start. Then, weights can be added slowly. The comfort level must not be surpassed by the maximum limit of weight. One can easily perform squats at home. However, if there is no familiarity with the exercise, it must be done under supervision. * Strength training – Weight lifting exercises and resistance training are mostly done for losing weight. However, a person will be surprised if the calorie intake is increased and these exercises are done. This will surely result in weight gain. This is because the muscles are strained and their growth is stimulated. The best part of this exercise is that they can be done very easily. If these exercises are done in combination with good health supplements, healthy weight can be gained. * Bodyweight exercises – Weight can be increased at home by the use of tools and exercise machines. An effective exercise for weight gain is the bodyweight exercise, where the weight of a person’s body is used as resistance for building muscle mass. For gaining weight, weight gain exercises such as bodyweight exercises like sit-ups, push-ups, calf-raises, pull-ups and back extension must be performed 6 times a week. Five to six sets of these exercises must be performed with 20 repetitions.
Thus, these weight gain exercises at home will surely help in gaining weight.
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In this article you will get information on different types of weight gain exercises at home. Also get information on other weight gain exercises.
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In this article you will get information on different types of weight gain exercises at home. Also get information on other weight gain exercises.
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Getting Ripped Using Body Weight Exercises
August 18, 2012 by admin
Filed under Isometric Exercises
Article by Mark McMannus
Getting Ripped Using Body Weight Exercises – Health – Weight Loss
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For years people have been asking whether or not it is possible to get ripped simply using body weight exercises. Many of us are led to believe that lifting heavy weights everyday and dieting is the only way to get ripped, but there is definitely a way to do it without having to go to the gym.
Everyone’s body works differently and even though lifting weights has its benefits, body weight exercises can deliver the same results, sometimes even better results. All you really need is your body, the right knowledge and a strong willed mind. By having the right knowledge you will use proper technique and form, and developing a muscle building mindset will ensure you reach your lean muscle goals in no time.
Experience Fat Burn and Lean Muscle Mass Gain Without Weights
The only way to continuously gain lean muscle mass is to put your muscles under more stress that they were compared to your last workout. This is often experienced when bodybuilders add more weights after every set or training session. Even though this is a great way to gain muscle, you can still experience these results at home by simple increasing the intensity of your body weight workouts.
If you were able to do 3 sets of 15 push-ups on Monday, then aim to do 18 on Wednesday. By gradually increasing the number of reps you perform you are essentially increasing the amount of stress your muscles are put under and thus the intensity of your workout.
Push-ups Are A Must!
As one of the most efficient body weight exercises, the push-up continues to be a workout that everyone should be doing. There are different variations of the push-up and it is essential that you progress through each one in order to reap the benefits of this amazing upper body workout.
The push-up will work your chest, back, core and even your arms and shoulders. This is truly a full upper body exercise and if you can do 50 repetitions without stopping, you will be well on your way to shedding upper body fat and building lean muscle mass.
The Measuring Stick Of Strength – The Pull-up
As arguably the most difficult body weight exercise there is, the pull-up continues to be the measuring stick of strength. If you are able to do a lot of pull-ups, you general have a far amount of relative strength. Relative strength essentially is how strong you are compared to your body. If you are very heavy person, yet you are able to do a lot of pull-ups, you are still considered to be quite strong.
By performing pull-ups you will be able to work your entire body throughout the exercise but most importantly your shoulders, biceps and triceps. Forget the bicep curls and focus on doing as many pull-ups as possible.
Most men have a hard time performing one or two sets so it is advisable not to lose motivation if you find that you are struggling throughout each set. Let’s say you are capable of doing 8 pull ups to failure (i.e. your muscle physically can not perform another pull up) then if you are able to complete 3 sets of 8 pull-ups, you will be well on your way to getting ripped.
Use Your Leg Muscles
One of the most overlooked muscle groupswhen trying to get ripped with body weight exercises is the legs. Your leg muscles essentially support your entire body when standing, jogging or running. By working your legs, you will not only be sculpting your lower body but you will be strengthening and toning your body’s foundation.
One of the most effective body weight leg exercises that is crucial to burning fat and toning your lower body are squats. By performing leg squats, you will be working your quadriceps along with your hamstring and glutes. This will not only increase muscle gain in your lower body but will also improve your cardiovascular workout regime which is crucial to getting a ripped lower body.
Your cardiovascular workouts should include both cardio and interval training exercises and by developing strong leg muscles you will find that you can run or cycle faster for short periods of time making it through each interval training circuit with ease. Remember that you want the ripped legs of a ripped sprinters body, not a marathon runner’s body.
Diet And Why It’s Important To Getting Ripped Without Weights or Gym Machines
If you truly want to learn how to get ripped without weights, you must have a healthy diet. Though many people will suggest that you should count your calories and make sure you eat a certain amount of proteins and carbs, people simply do not have the time and patience to do so.
As long as you are sure that you are eating a diet that contains lean, high-protein meats like tuna and chicken, healthy carbs like oats, and healthy fats like nuts, you will have an easy time losing body fat during your weight-free workouts. However remember that there is no substitute for focus and hard work but you will have to eat strict in order to have a rock hard body.
Focus on long term results and you will definitely see short term results come faster. People tend to overestimate what they can do in one month and under estimate what they are capable to do in one year. Stay focused and you will definitely reach your goals of getting ripped in no time. For more tips on how to get ripped visit
About the Author
Mark McMannus, a long time health freak and lover of body building, has dedicated his life to learning about nutrition and creating the perfect body. With the help of his team of fitness training team, he has created How To Get Ripped Quickly, a friendly, free online guide to bodybuilding and muscle gain.
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Mark McMannus, a long time health freak and lover of body building, has dedicated his life to learning about nutrition and creating the perfect body. With the help of his team of fitness training team, he has created How To Get Ripped Quickly, a friendly, free online guide to bodybuilding and muscle gain.
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Bodybuilding Exercises For Men and Women
August 7, 2012 by admin
Filed under Isometric Exercises
Article by Todd Wesley
Bodybuilding Exercises For Men and Women – Health – Wellness
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In a bodybuilding program, the bodybuilding exercises that you do can make all the difference between an effective program and one that won’t do much good. The good thing is that there are many, many bodybuilding exercises you can incorporate into your workout that will help grow your muscles and keep you fit and trim.
bodybuilding exercises that really work!
For big legs, you”ll want to do a lot of barbell squats and dead lifts. The resistance you are putting on your legs when you perform these types of exercises will push your muscles to make them grow. That’s the point of an intense workout program in the first place. Lifting weights with your legs instead of your arms will help the quadriceps and hamstrings become tight and fit. When working your arms, the bodybuilding exercises you should count on will consist a lot of barbell and dumbbell curls and well as bench presses.
It’s easy when performing these exercises to just concentrate on lifting the weights, but what you really need to do is focus on the strain the weights are putting on your arm muscles. Really push them as you are lifting and feel how they are working in response.
Great abs are formed much in the same way as any other muscle group. They need to be worked, strained, and pushed in order to become toned. You can get that toned, sculpted look by doing simple sit ups and crunches, but weights can help too. Try hanging from a chin up bar and lifting your knees up, or get on a machine specially designed to tone the ab muscles.
When working the upper back, a pull-down bar machine will make all the difference in the world. This is a two handled curved bar that is attached to weights with a pulley system. You pull the bar down with your shoulders behind you. It’s important when choosing bodybuilding exercises that you pick the ones that you are physically able to do.
Then be very conscious of the way the exercise is supposed to be performed. If you don’t pay special attention to your form, you risk injury which can set back your bodybuilding program significantly.
Do your research on what types of bodybuilding exercises will work specific muscle groups and then incorporate them into your workout regimen. Pick a variety of exercises that will make your body everything you dreamed it could be and do them on a regular basis. The reward is a toned, fit body that you can be proud of!
Part Two: Bodybuilding exercises For Fitness
People undertake the sport of bodybuilding exercises for all sorts of reasons, but fitness is probably the biggest one of all. There’s no doubt that people who take the time to focus on the muscles in their body and honing them to a chiseled state are probably among the most fit of athletes. We can easily use the terms bodybuilding exercises and fitness interchangeably with each other.
We are a fitness conscious society, and bodybuilding exercises fits in nicely with that concept. Fitness means more than just losing weight and having a trim body. It means living a healthy lifestyle and chiseling the best body you can through a variety of methods.
Bodybuilding exercises for fitness is a great way to become the person you’ve always wanted to be. Because becoming an effective bodybuilding exercises means having the proper diet, you will realize a level of fitness you never knew was possible. You should eat a well-balanced nutrition plan that gives you the nutrients you need to have a great body.
Because you are eating in this way, you will be giving your body essential nutrients that will make you healthy just by consuming them. Bodybuilding exercises requires a very specific diet with lots of protein and lots of carbohydrates. Body builders are also very aware of what they are putting in their body, so fitness is achieved in the diet just by concentrating on what you eat.
Bodybuilding exercises also requires a demanding workout schedule where you lift weights and perform exercises that focus on specific muscle groups as well as specific muscles. When you begin to chisel those muscles, they become very well defined and healthier. That’s why bodybuilding exercises is great for a fitness regime.
Fitness is very important in living a healthy and full lifestyle. Staying fit both in body and mind contributes to a sense of well-being that you won’t find when you are neglecting your health. It is a million dollar industry that helps us stay fit and trim, and the help is out there aplenty when you look for it.
Bodybuilding exercises for fitness is the best way you can go about not only losing weight but also gaining body mass and becoming stronger. When you achieve the level of fitness you are desiring, you will be able to look in the mirror and be proud of what you see. Why? Because you did it yourself and you did it for YOU!
Bodybuilding Exercises For You . . .
About the Author
Want to reach your bodybuilding goals?
I know how hard it can be to work hard on your body and not reach your goals due to one small detail you are missing.The good news is that achieving the body of your dreams IS achievable if you follow the proper steps
This method is simple to pick up and it doesn’t take much practice, you can readhow to do it in my free blog here: Bodybuilding Exercises
Don’t give up hope, it’s NOT impossible. Learn more ways to build the body of your dreams by clicking HERE
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Want to reach your bodybuilding goals?
I know how hard it can be to work hard on your body and not reach your goals due to one small detail you are missing.The good news is that achieving the body of your dreams IS achievable if you follow the proper steps
This method is simple to pick up and it doesn’t take much practice, you can readhow to do it in my free blog here: Bodybuilding Exercises
Don’t give up hope, it’s NOT impossible. Learn more ways to build the body of your dreams by clicking HERE
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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.
Tips For Performing Isometric Exercises
August 3, 2012 by admin
Filed under Isometric Exercises
Isometric exercises can help you achieve any number of fitness goals. It particularly excels at increasing ones strength and improving muscle definition in the least amount of time. If this sounds interesting then isometric training might be for you. However, although isometric exercises LOOK easy to perform, they are not easy to do. What follows are some tips that will help you get the most out of this kind of training.
Actually before I begin I should mention just what exactly isometric training involves. The principle behind it is to exert your muscles WITHOUT letting them contract. So if you press your palms together your are exerting force on your muscles. However your arms never move and therefore the muscle never contracts. This is the essence of an isometric contraction. At any rate here are the tips for performing this kind of exercise.
Always follow proper breathing procedures and NEVER hold your breath – When performing an isometric exercise you will always want to slowly increase the tension in your muscles while breathing in.
Once you’ve reached the point of peak contraction Exhale your breath by clenching your teeth while making a “SSSSSS” sound. After finishing with the contraction breathe in again for 3 to 4 seconds while breathing in.
By never holding in your breath you are ensuring that you are keeping your blood pressure under control. One of the concerns often raised about isometric exercises is that it they can raise the blood pressure to dangerous levels. This is only true if you hold your breath. In addition it should be pointed out that performing any physically demanding activity, including raking leaves or mowing the lawn, will cause your blood pressure to rise.
It always will in response to physical exertion. Do not worry about this. So long as you breathe slowly and calmly you’ll be fine.
Always breathe IN through your nose and OUT through your mouth. When you breathe in through your nose your are ensuring that your body is getting the best air it can at the right temperature. Breathing in through the nose also has a calming effect on the body. Anytime you begin breathing through your mouth your body goes into panic mode. This does not result in optimal workouts.
Always focus on the muscles you are exercising. It is as important to work your mind as it is your muscles in order to achieve maximum results. As you work your body with isometric exercises imagine the blood flowing into the muscle in question. Imagine it getting bigger and stronger. I can’t stress this enough. It is always vital to focus on the muscle you are working with laser like intensity.
The famous old time strong man Maxick had some interesting observations on this point. He was watching some stone masons working one day and came to realize that their muscles were not nearly as large as one would expect considering the physical work they were involved in. Why was this? For the simple reason that they were focusing on the work at hand, not on working their muscles. Performing an exercise will only take you so far. If you want to get the maximum benefit from it, particularly with isometric exercises, you must focus your mind as well.
As any rate so long as you follow the tips above you should do fine. This tips not only work for isometric exercises, but for other forms of exercise as well. Good Luck!
David Nordmark is a Vancouver based fitness consultant as well as the owner and operator of, a fitness site with a unique twist. For more information on bodyweight workouts, yoga and isometric exercises check out his website.
This exercise targets: chest, biceps For this exercise, you will need: no equipment Stand in a relaxed position with the feet in a shoulder-width stance, and your back straight. Place your hands in front of your chest. Press both hands against each other, and hold that position for at least ten seconds. Relax and switch hands. Tips: You can either stand or sit to perform this exercise; just make sure your back is upright. Focus on completely flexing your chest muscles the entire time. Examples of isometric exercises include: push ups, chest press, plank, and calf raises. Variation: Position an exercise ball between your hands and try to squeeze it as much as you can. Breathe naturally. Isometric exercises can cause your blood pressure to rise, because people tend to hold their breath while performing them. Beginners: Perform for at least 30 seconds Intermediate level: Perform for at least 45 seconds Advanced level: Perform for at least 60 seconds
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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At-Home Exercising To Lose Belly Fat
July 30, 2012 by admin
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At-Home Exercising To Lose Belly Fat – Health
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If you are considering at-residence exercising to lose belly fats, then you’ll find that it comes with each optimistic and adverse connotations. This text will even describe what among the finest methods to exercise at house are, and why they work. First, we’ll discuss the professionals and cons of exercising at home.
Execs of Exercising At Home
– The first good thing about exercising at home is sort of obvious… comfort! Whether or not it’s in your basement, lounge, or very personal private workout room, you may have all the things you want just a few steps away. You can too personalize the exercise environment to your specific pursuits, resembling listening to your favourite stereo-played radio station or program, turning all of the lights on or conserving the ambiance relaxed with dimmers, and even customizing the structure of your train room! After you’ve got set up the feel of your exercise expertise, you’ll be able to really feel ‘more at house’ and focus on what actually matters. In spite of everything, you are doing at-residence exercising to lose belly fats proper? So lose stomach fat!
– The following benefit is also quite apparent, it is free. After you might have purchased your train tools (corresponding to barbells/dumbbells, treadmill, bench, etc.), you do not have to pay another penny to exercise. All the pieces you might have you own, and will not have to repeatedly pay every time you work out. Exercise how long and the way typically you need (however sufficient to make it worth your while, after all), with out having to drop money for results.
Cons of Exercising At Home
There are additionally the explanation why it’s not good to do at-house exercising to lose stomach fats:
– You’ll have limited motivation. Having a private coach is a large profit when making an attempt to drop pounds, as a result of he/she will maintain pushing you to exceed your limits and won’t let you quit early. That is when you see the outcomes, whenever you push till you possibly can push no further. Whenever you exercise at house, who’s going to stop you from giving up early? Who will preserve you accountable for sustaining your exercise schedules and objectives? These items are hard to leave within the fingers of your individual will energy, as a result of will power could be easily broken.
– Are you positive that you are doing the train strategies accurately? For those who had a membership at a gym or exercise institution, you’ll have educated professionals floating around which can be in a position to instruct you on proper procedures and ways to exercise that will restrict or make absent any avoidable accidents arising from improper form. Once you do at-residence exercising to lose belly fats, all you actually have for resources is what yow will discover on the internet. Nonetheless, there are great tools on the web for studying the right way to lose stomach fat, you just need to search for them.
Greatest At-House Workout routines To Lose Belly Fat
If you’ll be able to do these two things for as little as 1 hr/day 6 days a week for 5 weeks, you will note superb leads to your look and vitality levels.
The absolute best option to lose stomach fat is to do cardio exercises. When you do cardio exercising, you burn off all the fatty acids sitting inside your physique that host the storing of belly flab outdoors your body. If you want to do cardio exercising at residence, a treadmill is the way in which to go.
On high of cardio exercising, you could strengthen your abdominals to tone your abdomen into the form that makes heads turn. While you train your ab muscles, you achieve more lean muscle mass which in turn heightens your metabolism. When your metabolism is raised, you are able to burn off fat at an exponential rate. The higher your metabolism, the quicker and simpler you’ll be able to burn off fat. Can you see how ab workout routines and cardio workout routines go hand in hand when attempting to burn off stomach fat? There are lots of good ways to do at-home exercising to lose stomach fat, but you must be sure that you find methods that work.” click here.. to see all information about Exercise To lose Belly Fat”.
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