Why Overdo Muscle Training?
April 9, 2012 by admin
Filed under Isometric Exercises
Most people are unaware that if you apply excess physical stress on the body the central nervous system will be affected negatively. This is quite harmful if the stress is extended for a long period of time. Picture a computer with so many programs running at the same time, the processor will be overloaded and begin to perform the tasks slowly. Such is the case for the body and the effectiveness of the central nervous system.
Overtraining in weightlifting uses up the nervous energy contained in the nervous system. Simply put the nervous energy is the battery which runs our entire body functions and thus most successful bodybuilders usually have stronger batteries in them. Another reason you should watch out and avoid overtraining in weight lifting is that it could actually make you lose your already acquired muscles. For the muscles to grow bigger and faster it is important you provide them with proper recovery time and this can not be achieved if you over stress your muscles period.
If you want to avoid such common mistakes the first step is to understand how the process of building muscles occurs in the body.
The aim of weight training is to achieve microtrauma, whereby you create micro tears to the muscles you are working out. When micro-tears occur in the muscles a bodybuilder then experiences soreness after training which is referred to as delayed onset muscle soreness. Muscle growth is caused when the body adaptive response system is trying to repair this micro-trauma. This is felt more a few days after a training or workout session. After some time the soreness reduces when the muscles get used to the exercises.
Thus your aim in the gym should be to lift weights with minimum intensity needed only to produce the natural adaptive response. When you have managed to stress your muscles along the limits where they cause micro-trauma your job is done. This is because when you create further stress to the muscles, they will respond adversely and begin to reduce.
With the muscle building process in mind there are several things you need to do and others to ignore if you want to have a proper and effective body building workout. This is because if you want to add more mass you need to be very dedicated and at the same time careful when you are training.
Here are several things to consider if you want to increase those muscles:
1. Popping steroids as a shortcut to gaining muscles is the wrong way to go about it. This is because the side effects associated with this method are not worth taking the chance. I mean is there a reason to have a perfect body as a man and suck in bed. Use natural proteins instead.
2. Combine aerobics and weight lifting together.
To achieve lean body mass you need to properly balance these two factors .This is especially important in attaining good body composition.
3. Attain enough rest. This is extremely vital for proper muscle building.
Dane Fletcher is the world-wide authority on training, nutrition, and supplements. To build muscle fast, he recommends the world class steroid alternatives from GetAnabolics.com instead of illegal anabolics
Video: the 1 proven shortcut to getting a ripped body and six pack abs: sixpackshortcuts.com I’ve gotten a lot of questions asking me: — How can I gain muscle? — What are the best muscle gaining exercises? — What are good muscle building workouts? — What are some good bodybuilding workouts to build muscle fast? In this video, I show you the 7 best muscle building exercises. I explain how to do each, and exactly why each of them will help you gain weight and build muscle. And if you want to get serious about getting a ripped body and six pack abs, I recommend using “Afterburn Training.” Afterburn Training is my patented style of training that combines heavy, compound lifts with high intensity cardio. I made a free video giving the scientific proof for why Afterburn Training gets you abs faster than any other way, and showing you exactly how you can use it in your workout. Check it out here: sixpackshortcuts.com PS — Use this link to share this video with your friends! youtu.be
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Resistance Band Exercise Made Simple
April 5, 2012 by admin
Filed under Isometric Exercises
Article by Ellen Miller
One of the largest problems with those suffering from nerve diseases and disabilities is keeping up circulation. Because walking let alone, more strenuous exercise can be painful, even dangerous because of the impact involved, these people end up living very sedentary lives. Eventually, limb loss may ensue due to circulation problems. Fortunately, resistance band exercise can be used by these previously sedentary people. A few stretches go a long way to keeping the blood flowing through limbs.
The best part of resistance band exercise is there is virtually no impact. Multiple Sclerosis patients who can barely walk utilize resistance bands to keep the blood flowing through their legs by doing a few stretches with the band wrapped around one of their feet.
Resistance Band Exercise can also be performed by the very large. For the obese, exercise can be nearly impossibly and terribly daunting. Resistance band exercise once again comes to the rescue for these folk. A light, convenient resistance band can be used with little to no impact and without moving all parts of your body or supporting your own weight.
For the elderly, walking and swimming are always recommended. Though these are fantastic cardiovascular exercises, it is not really toning ones’ muscles. Of course an elaborate home gym is not the right solution for an elderly person. They need the convenient, fun, and simple strength training that resistance bands can provide. Because there is virtually no set up and certainly no assembly required, any person can get their muscles toned up with a bit of colorful resistance training regardless of age.
Resistance Band training can increase in difficulty as muscle mass increases. Exercise bands are inexpensive; there is no large financial commitment. The intensity of resistance band exercise is only dependant on your ability; as your strength improves resistance bands allow you the flexibility to increase the intensity of your workout accordingly.
Children can even participate in a resistance band program to tone little muscles and inspire growth. It is a fun little quick exercise that can hold the attention of even the most rambunctious child. There are so many exercises that may be conducted with resistance bands that boredom is never a factor. Coaches have even begun to implement resistance band usage in sports to increase their players’ flexibility and endurance.
There has been resurgence in resistance band popularity due to their use in physical therapy. Those that do not have a great deal of joint flexibility or cannot stress a muscle too much are recommended to use resistance bands in their recuperation. Physical therapists recommend and apply resistance band training in combination with isometric exercise to help patients reach their maximum range of motion, flexibility, strength, and endurance.
Resistance band exercise does not only provide for excellent muscle build up, but it definitely increases one’s flexibility and range of motion. For those suffering from any movement impairing disabilities, resistance band exercise can ease the discomfort and improve upon one’s limited range of motion.
Implementing a resistance band exercise program is by no means a cure all system. It must be combined with healthy eating and mild aerobic exercises in order to achieve total physical fitness. However, combined with these two aspects, resistance band exercise can assist in toning muscle, burning fat, and increasing overall health. Once you have acquired your resistance band, exercise as much as you feel comfortable doing to see the pounds fly and the muscles build.
Owner of IsoBreathing Inc. and creator of IsoBreathing
Flatten Belly Fat through Exercise!
April 2, 2012 by admin
Filed under Isometric Exercises
Article by Paul Betts
In so far as having read weight loss tips, the hardest part a person could encounter in losing weight is achieving a fit belly. After all, it does not contract as easily as other parts of the body. Consequently, here are some tips on how to flatten belly fast. It is advised that the waist line be recorded first. After all, this method will help you know whether these tips work for you.
The first tip on how to have a flattened belly is quite easy. Try Pilates, one of the most famous exercises today. While this helps your body fats to tone down, it also helps the abdominal section to loose some carbs. It surely works well for flattening bellies if done regularly. Encourage your friends to do this with you too. This will help you feel motivated towards having your goal.
The second tip on how to flatten belly fast is another form of exercise: raising one’s legs. Have your back laid down on the floor and then raise your two feet slowly. Let it stay in the air for at least ten seconds. By this time you may have realized that it works well for the stomach as the gravity helps your extra fats to be pushed down. Do this for longer time period little by little and be amazed at the result. Not only did you gain a new ability but also have a flattened belly.
The third tip is still connected with another type of exercise – and that is the so called “Knee raises.” This type of exercise is usually used in the gym as it is done by the help of an apparatus. To have a better idea about this knee raise exercise, imagine a person to be doing a chin-up exercise in which one uses his or her arms to raise his or her body. In this case however, the legs are used to raise the body rather than the arms.
Another tip on how to flatten belly fast is quite easy: indent your stomach by contracting its muscles when sitting. This does not mean that you cannot release it from contraction. You may release your hold every thirty seconds. This effective isometric style exercise may be done wherever you may be. It is simple and easy. So what are you waiting for?
Last but not the least is crunches, probably the most famous form of exercise when it comes to flattening bellies. Surely it is hard to do it everyday. But hey, no pain no gain! This is definitely a yes for flattening your belly as it also help the stomach contract and stretch and thereby lessening its fats. As such, the next goal is to do proper crunches three times each week. This will help you tone down your abs. Sit-ups can also help exercise your hip flexors.
Do these tips and be satisfied with the result. Measure your waist line at the end of the week and see the benefits it did.
Are you looking for more information regarding flatten belly fast? Visit http://www.howtogetaflatstomachinaweekblog.net/ today!
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Face Exercises For Men
March 29, 2012 by admin
Filed under Isometric Exercises
Article by Adam Eric
In today’s society there are many men that apparently have no idea that they can build a masculine face using face exercises for men! There are plenty of face and neck exercises that can provide men some truly effective ways for helping to sculpt, tone and define all of your facial features. What’s more is that these face exercises you can sculpt a chiseled jawline and even help to define and enhance your cheekbones in only a matter of weeks!
These exercises for the face or exercises for totally eliminating this utterly, ugly, extra chin should serve as your sole purpose for successfully getting rid of a double chin. If you’ve ever gotten down on yourself for having a double chin in the first place, then you should not look much further, since help is right in your fingertips!
First there is always good old fashioned plastic surgery,which can set you back up to $ 5000 alone just for liposuction of the neck!Another method is by laser skin resurfacing, which also costs around $ 3000 for just ONE session alone! Not only that, but you will need to do this at least three times to actually start seeing some results!
But the thing that you must remember is that these facial exercises for men must be performed rather daily to see results. What I mean here is that they must be performed consistently to actually see and maintain the results that you you will achieve from these jawline exercises. But I am confident that when you get started on them and actually start seeing results that you will be very happy with the results that you’ve achieved so far.
You can certainly turn back the clock with isometric facial exercises that utilizes resistance and contractions of the facial muscles using the thumbs and fingers. This does not imply that you’ll look as you did as a teenager, but shaving off ten or fifteen years from your appearance with proper exercises for the face can indeed, rival the results of most plastic surgery procedures.
Yes, that’s right , in less than a week you can actually begin or start to see results….This is truly great news for the guy that wants that extra kick of motivation, or that wants or needs validation from his actual results…It’s cause sometimes it’s only in seeing results do we actually get the gist, or or actual motivation to continue going further.
Incline push-ups work like regular push-ups, but they involve elevating your feet 2-3 feet off of the ground first. Get a wooden crate, side of a couch or a chair and elevate your feet. Then, get into standard push-up position, with hands on the ground or floor. This exercise focuses particular attention on your upper chest and triceps muscles.
The first step to achieving this in this time frame is to carefully start implementing a new diet and fitness regime. Let’s see, with the diet first of all , I want you to just start eating more healthy, lite options, such as chicken with veggie stir fry (with very little olive oil). And other foods also, such as nuts, fruits, plenty of veggies, oats,fiber, etc. Basically, just alternate your diet right now. Turn it upside down and take out all the junk and messy stuff that could possibly be adding to your waistline.
The only difference between the face muscles and the bodily muscles is that your body muscles can be worked more intensely, however, there are some or certain face exercises that you can also perform with weights , which will then add more resistance to your facial muscles.
Here is one free exercise you can start doing now to help firm up the jaw area. Simply start by placing one or two fingers on your chin;press firmly throughout the exercises. Now you will want to wrap your lips around your mouth(the teeth area especially). Now you can begin doing the exercises.
When I was younger, I was a chubby child and now things are much different thanks to the face and neck exercises that I discovered in my youth. This discovery was later confirmed when I was a young adult in college. My former college roommate told me about a study that was in the process of being conducting that reduces facial dislikes, without any medical treatment. I was rather interested to find out more as my former college roommate was a bit over weight.
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Is there a best exercise for weight loss
March 25, 2012 by admin
Filed under Isometric Exercises
Article by Ellen Miller
I have been asked this question many times. Is there a best exercise for losing weight. There is so much more to losing weight than just exercise. Studies have been performed at major universities and there are 3 combinations that need to occur for efficient long lasting weight loss. The big three are Nutrition, Strength Training and Aerobics.
There are so many different programs on the market today. How do you know which one is right for you? Look at your current lifestyle and see what will fit into it. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle you are not going to go and train for a triathlon. You may want to start with a seated isometric exercise program that will teach you how each muscle should feel when it is properly worked. Once you are comfortable with the isometric exercise then it is time to add resistance. To add that resistance try an isoband or any other rubber tubing. To add some variety to your workouts take those isometric exercises and perform full range of motion moves with light to medium hand weights (3-5 lbs). Always start with the basics and listen to your body. It will let you know when enough is enough. If you are just beginning 10 minutes of strength training is a good place to start. Then after a week add in another 5 minutes. Let your body become accustomed to exercising versus a hard core workout with you not being able to get out of bed the next morning.
Healthy nutrition is also a large part of losing weight. You will need to make smarter healthier choices with your food intake. Portion sizing is an absolute must. Most of us tend to overeat. Cut way down on your junk foods but don’t cut them out totally. Save them for a special occasion no more than once a week and only a portion size. I have found that through the years we all have good intentions and we tend to cut out our favorite foods. What occurs is you think about what you are missing, then you obsess over what you are missing and then you over indulge in what you were missing. If you only had a single portion size of what ever it is you want only once a week then you will not obsess over the loss of a favorite food. Also do not go under 1000 calories. You need energy to produce energy. Too many of us have the frame of mind to cut way back with calories thinking that the less we eat the more we will lose. In reality what happens is you are slowing down your metabolism because the body does not know where or when the next meal will be.
Aerobic activity means adding more oxygen into your system. When your heart rate increases because of movement you will breathe quicker. Going from a sedentary lifestyle to a 10 minute walk every day is a great start. After one week add in another 5 minutes to your walk. Walking is the easiest form of aerobic activity. You can do it anywhere anytime with out equipment. For those of you that are already performing aerobic activities I will encourage you to try something different. If you always go out for a 30 minute walk the same route the same pace the body will get used to it. It will become more and more difficult to lose weight. Change up your walk by adding in a hill or every few minutes quicken your pace. There is a huge variety of activities that will get your heart rate up. Swimming, circuit training, skating, even raking leaves will get the heart rate elevated. The idea is to get your heart rate elevated and keep it elevated for at least 30-45 minutes 5 days a week. There are so many theories out there and testing being done just listen to your body. Start with 10 minutes and slowly add in the additional time. You can also break up your time into several segments a day if needed. The bottom line is JUST MOVE!
Article by Ellen Miller the originator of the IsoBreathing program. Ellen is a certified fitness practitioner and personal trainer changing individuals lives one day at a time. She has been teaching for over 20 years. Ellen can be reached at Ellen@isobreathing.com and her website is http://www.isobreathing.com
Don’t forget to sign up for her monthly newsletter.
Vertical Jump Training – Isometrics Defined
March 18, 2012 by admin
Filed under Isometric Exercises
Isometrics are mentioned in several vertical jump programs as a way to develop your muscular power. In this article you will learn what exactly they are and how they are recommended by some trainers to develop your jumping capability. Ultimately, however, I cannot recommend isometrics over resistance training, because of the inability in isometrics training to really overload your muscles.
Isometrics Defined
Isometrics are static contractions: muscular contractions where the muscle is contracting without in reality moving. An isometric contraction occurs any time you hold a weight in a set position, known as a yielding isometric contraction, or pushing/pulling against an immovable entity, called an overcoming isometric contraction.
An isometric contraction will happen with every vertical jump.
For the most part, this only occurs for a split second from when you change from descending to exploding up. That fleeting moment in which you are not moving either up or down is an isometric contraction.
Isometrics in Vertical Jump Training
At first glance, completing a static contraction seems counter productive to the progress of jumping capability, when it is considered a vertical jump is a movement, after all-not a hold. But since many vertical jump programs recommend isometrics, let’s take a closer look.
Vertical leap is an expression of muscular power. Our vertical jumping formula is force (strength) times velocity (speed) equals explosion. Strength is determined by both size and amount of muscle fibers recruited.
Isometric training, it is posited, is a compulsory way to get your muscles to recruit more fibers. In order to statically hold or maximally contract against a heavy or immovable weight, your body begins to activate and recruit more fibers to sustain that hold or intensity. This means that your contractions would start to become more neurologically efficient–unfortunately, this doesn’t roll over to your vertical jump training, because you won’t be able to overload your muscles.
Now that you’ve got some ideas about ways to improve your vertical jump, would you like more tips for how to jump higher? Are you a dedicated athlete with a desire to excel at your sport? Do you want to use the best and most effective vertical jump training system to greatly increase your jump height? If yes, then you need to join Jacob Hiller’s Jump Manual Program.
Click here ==> The Jump Manual, to read more about this Vertical Jump Training Program, and how it ranks with other Popular Vertical Jump Training Systems out there.
Related articles: Jacob Hiller’s Jumping Manual On ESPN, Free Vertical Jump Training Tips
Article By Jacob Hiller: Jacob Hiller is the creator of a bestselling vertical jump program “The Jump Manual”, and he is considered one of the world’s foremost authorities on vertical jump training. Click on the following link to visit his website: Jacob Hiller’s Jump Manual
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Bullworker Exercises – Honest Truth About This Isometric Exerciser
March 14, 2012 by admin
Filed under Isometric Exercises
Article by robert deangelo
Are you curious about Bullworker exercises? Then, take a moment and read this article and find out if this piece of isometric exercise equipment can actually help you build greater strength and get you ripped.
The Tensolator a.k.a. Bullworker was invented by Gert F Koelbel a German inventor. This exercise device was based on using the principles of static contraction or isometrics. Bullworker sales took off like a turbo charged skyrocket, reaching sales of 4 million by the middle of the 1980’s.
The interesting thing about this is that they never utilized television advertising or infomercials. The product sold mostly in comic books, bodybuilding and wrestling magazines.
A Who’s Who of Television Celebrities, Famous Martial Artists and Boxers
This product has been used and promoted by such notable individuals as “Muhammad Ali”, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Lee and many others.
Bullworker exercises were performed by millions of individuals throughout the world. One of the most notable was the German Olympic powerlifting team who used their isometrics training programs to achieve gold, silver and bronze medals As mentioned earlier, one of the most notable proponents of this isometric exercise device was the martial artist Bruce Lee. He turned to using the isometric power rack and the Tensolator after injuring himself performing a weightlifting exercise called “Good Mornings.” No one today should perform this exercise unless you are using a broom handle or very lightweight. Its ability to harm your lower back is not worth the risk.
You may be asking yourself why haven’t I heard about Bullworker exercises before.
The story is that Bob Hoffman and some of the individual members of the US powerlifting team were using the principles of isometrics to achieve many medal winning victories. However, it was later discovered that they were also taking anabolic steroids to help them. As a result, isometrics fell from favor. Now, this is in spite of the fact that isometric exercise is one of the few scientifically validated exercise protocols available today. In the 1950s doctors Mueller and Hettinger performed scientific studies into the benefits of isometric exercise. They discovered that individuals after six weeks were achieving results of as much as a 300% gain in strength using iso-tension.
However, since the 1980s there has been renewed interest in isometrics and isometric exercise devices. Today you can find products like the Bully Xtreme, ISO7X and the Bullworker. These products are currently enjoying strong sales because they are able to deliver results at very little expense when compared to a gym membership or a Bowflex type home gym.
The difference between these three exercisers is that only the Bully Xtreme offers a completely updated training program. It incorporates many of the muscle building principles discovered in the last 20 years. Of the three products it is the only one that offers the longest defects warranty (lifetime) and customer support.
With these exercise machines you can perform many different exercises that you couldn’t do with plain old free hand isometrics. For example, the Bully Xtreme allows you to perform 29 different exercises while in a seated position and you can perform more than 82 exercises overall.
You can find out what the benefits of isometrics are by giving Bullworker exercises a try. In no time at all you’ll see exactly why this type of training is considered the best at building strength.
If you are looking for a safe and effective exercise routine that can be done at your house then click on the Bully Xtreme or you may choose to take a peek at some Bully Xtreme Reviews
A sample of exercises used to train the core musculature in an isometric, stabilizing manner
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Isometric Exercises – What Are the Best Isometric Exercises
March 7, 2012 by admin
Filed under Isometric Exercises
Article by Frank Sherrill
Isometrics has been around for centuries. In fact, most martial arts, yoga and Pilates are based on isometric exercises. No wonder then that isometric exercise equipment has become so popular. The major advantage of isometric equipment is that it allows you to perform more exercises than freehand ISO’s. In addition, it also allows you to measure your strength gains.
Click here to learn more about Isometric Exercises
Ever since John little and Peter Sisco popularized static contraction training which is really isometric contraction training, more and more bodybuilders have begun using isometric exercise equipment to turbocharge their strength training workouts. But, do you really need isometric exercisers to do isometric strength training and get maximum results? Read this article and discover the answer!
Isometric Exercise Equipment – What Is It?
It seems many people are not familiar with isometrics exercisers but, the idea of using chains, straps, resistance bands, Tensolator’s, free weights and other types of exercise equipment to perform Iso’s (isometrics is also referred to as iso’s or iso) has been around for years.
If you were to search online for the training routines of the old-time strongman you might run across, Alexander Zass… who is considered to be the father of modern-day isometrics.
Zass, constructed chains to use in his iso-workouts. Bruce Lee, the actor and martial artists used iso-exercise-equipment as part of his workouts. He used the isometric power rack and the Tensolator to ramp up his strength training workouts and speed.
Many famous bodybuilders have used isometrics exercisers. Most notably, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Here’s what Arnold had a say about iso-tension… “In fact, I don’t think you can win a championship without practicing isotension….It isn’t enough to have big muscles, you have to be able to control them as well….” this quote appeared in his book “The Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding.”
Besides the Alexander Zass’s use of chains, Bob Hoffman of New York barbell company back in the 50s created the isometrics power rack. This was probably the first time that free weights were used with iso’s. Some say that the results were due to the fact that some of the Olympic powerlifters that were using Mr. Hoffman’s training program… were found to have been using anabolic steroids. Particularly, a very potent one called Dianabol.
The one factor that some of the skeptics of isometric exercise equipment had failed to note is that steroids alone will not cause you to gain strength and muscle size. You must workout. Since these individuals were using a strict isometric training program and they achieved spectacular increases in strength and muscle size… it is obvious that the isometric exercise equipment they used in their workout program was a significant factor in their muscle building gains.
In conclusion — the application of an isometric exerciser or isometrics exercise equipment will dramatically increase your strength gains and muscle growth and that my friends is a proven fact!
To learn more about the Bully Extreme Bullworker go to Isometric Exercises and receive a free muscle building ebook. http://www.BullyExtreme.com/
Isometric exercise has been proven to be the best form of exercise for building muscle. The reason for this is that the best stimulus is maximal force production. No other method allows this to occur as they are all part of the fatigue model of exercise meaning by the time you get to the, say, 10th repetition and even if you can’t make it the muscle is now producing less force than maximal even though you can’t move it because the muscle is tired.
What is Isometric Exercise
March 3, 2012 by admin
Filed under Isometric Exercises
Article by Mike Smith
Sick and tired of that Boy Scout walking you down the street? Develop brand new potency and energy using Isometric Exercising. The basic weight reduction and muscle group resistance exercise methodology will allow you lose 10 to thirty-five pounds or maybe more, according to a person’s goals and wants, and may refresh your views toward life. Aging is inevitable, but getting old is a mentality. Ten to fifteen minutes per day devoted to isometric losing weight workout may help you feel ten to 15 years younger within 2, 3 weeks. You might, in fact, learn to feel the helpful benefits within a mere 4 to 7 days.
Isometric exercise, that calls for absolutely no tools, tones you up and burns up calories from fat utilizing the opposing pressure of your muscle tissues to develop what you may possibly bear in mind from your earlier days as “dynamic strain. ” Strategies and terminologies often have developed, but the fundamental theory is the very same: whatever you are achieving can be a lower result contraction of muscle, hence expending energy without having to overcome the impression. You deal with your current resistance stage, so you are never at risk of “overdoing” it. Functionality is maximized, and the results are tremendous.
Nutrition, aerobic exercise and strength constructing are the 3 fundamental parts of getting yourself directly into shape, so have smart; (don’t bother about “dieting; ” you’ve probably really been eating better than your son or daughter merely because left the nest); keep in mobility within a comfortable speed: wandering is a great option to begin. At the outset, it is not how much time or the speed at which you stroll that factors, but rather the action itself. Even a casual five or 10 minute walk will increase the circulation of blood, and therefore the oxygen level throughout the body. Duration and pace may be gradually elevated as your comfort and confidence rise. As time passes, maybe you might even realise you are back on the ballroom night ground.
A Definition of Isometric Exercise
February 28, 2012 by admin
Filed under Isometric Exercises
Article by David Nordmark
There is a lot of confusion out there as to just what constitutes an isometric exercise. Many people believe that Charles Atlas built his great physique using isometric exercise. This is not the case. Charles Atlas taught a series of moving self-resistance exercises that he called “dynamic tension” combined with bodyweight exercises like pushups. The key thing about an isometric exercise is that it involves no movement at all. Let’s say that you press your two palms together as hard as you can. Obviously you can really work your muscles (especially your chest muscles) with this kind of exercise. However when you do this there is no movement at all. This is called an isometric contraction. When done correctly neither the joint angle or muscle length changes.
Why does this form of exercise work? Essentially what isometric exercises allow you to do is to trick the body into using as many of the muscle fibers as possible all at once. This is called the “Synapse Effect” and this is how it works.
Every muscle in your body is made up of hundreds of individual muscle fibers of varying length and abilities. When you go to perform any action your mind activates the bare number of muscle fibers required to accomplish the task. So if you pick up a coffee cup your mind will only activate those muscle fibers that are absolutely needed. If you pick up a heavy weight it will activate that much more, but always the bare minimum.
Now lets say you engage in an isometric exercise which utilizes and isometric contraction. The example above of pressing your palms together is a good one. When you do so your mind is trying to move both of your arms at the same time. It has no idea that they are opposed to one another so it assumes that the object you are trying to move is very heavy. Therefore it continually recruits more and more muscle fibers in a vain attempt to move your arms. This is why it’s possible to exhaust ALL of your muscle fibers with isometrics within 12 seconds, whereas it takes 3 sets of 12 (for example) using conventional weight lifting.
Isometrics Exercises have several advantages over more conventional exercise methods. Among these are:
They are extremely safe – There’s no fear of lifting too much weight or twisting a limb in an awkward direction.Isometrics will save you a lot of time – There’s no need to go to a gym and it’s remember there’s only one movement vs 3 sets of 12.They are amazing for building strength – Many old time strongmen, such as Alexander Zass, only used isometrics. They never touched weights.They are great at sculpting the body – They make it possible to achieve a fitness / bodybuilder look without spending hours upon hours in a gym.Isometric exercises can be done anywhere – At home, in the office, in hotels when traveling. There’s no excuse not to get your workout in!
At any rate there you have it. To sum up isometric exercise is a form of physical activity in which the muscle length and joint angle do not change. Although they have fallen out of favor somewhat in recent years they remain an incredibly effective exercise system. You may want to give them a try yourself!
David Nordmark is a Vancouver based fitness consultant as well as the owner and operator of Animal-Kingdom-Workouts.com, a fitness site with a unique twist. For more information on bodyweight workouts, yoga and isometric exercise check out his website.