Fitting Exercises for Better Golf Swing

February 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by Joshua Jenkins

These days, physical fitness is considered a measure of the body’s ability to function efficiently and effectively in work and leisure activities, to be healthy, to resist hypokinetic diseases, and to meet emergency situations it’s very important to stay fit. You can be stay fit base on the physical activity you always do time to time. It can be your job or your hobby/sport.

Some people may don’t know that golf is a kind of sports that can stay you fit and healthy. Actually golf has a lot of physical and muscular involvement. To be specific, it works out the muscles located deep in your midsection. Drawing from the strength of your internal abdominal muscles, it enables you to achieve the perfect swing with stability.

Exercise is one of the best golf techniques and strategies. There are kind of exercise that you must do to improve your swing The isometric type of exercise is known to be most effective in unlocking the strongest muscle that you are going to use for better golfing experience. Therefore, you must start with working out your abs and how you can develop it to be able to draw enough power for your swing.

You need to utilize the abdominal muscle, thru superficial muscles are forced to do the work instead and provide efficient support for the spinal column. The transverse Adominis is your aim to develop for a power golf swing. This often results in various muscular imbalances, which not only limits your golfing potential, but can also lead to serious injuries. You also lack consistency in your swing, which is something that you can do once you’ve learned to rely on your core abdominal muscles.

You need to coordinate your internal and external oblique muscles in the abdomen to gain proper stability. You can increase strength in the said muscles by performing abs crunches by twisting your torso to bring your rib cage closer to the hip. Another crucial aspect to executing a strong and stable swing is trunk stability. When you swing the golf club, it creates a multi-plane and unilateral movement that rotates your upper body while moving forward at an angle.

Your belly inward to your spine, exhale in an effort to produce a hissing sound. Keep your spine in position with the club drawn towards you back. In addition to the core golf muscles located in your abdominal area, you must also perform exercises that increase strength and power in your lead shoulder muscles. Without power in your shoulders, you won’t be able to handle the tension from the swing and thus will not produce the kind of powerful swing that is desired.

Tight or weak lead shoulder muscles are the ones that you mostly need to improve to gain a more perfect golf swing. It prevents you from making a full turn, so you can use exercise tubing, weighted golf club, or lightweight dumbbells during exercise. All of these will help to add flexibility and strength in the crucial muscles used in golf swinging.

Golf swing is basic golf strategy. These exercises make to be possible to be a perfect swinger and make a goal.

Playing golf is not as easy as you may think but with study and practice, you can be one of the greatest golfer in the world. Learn new golf techniques and strategies –

How Can Strength Training Help You Improve your Marathon Time

February 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by jordan Glenn

How Can Strength Training Help You Improve your Marathon Time

If you are interested in running a marathon, or already run regularly, then you should be aware of the number one mistake that many marathon runners make. Most runners never consider strength training to boost their times, and instead focus on cardiovascular training. While running consistently can help, your muscles need additional strength in order to go faster and improve times for the New York City marathon and half marathons.

The New York City marathon is a grueling race as many marathons go. The path includes streets that go up hills, over bridges around turns, and through generally tough city road conditions. In order for your body to get faster over these obstacles, your core and legs need strength training to increase your speed. A personal trainer NYC can help you understand the routes included in the NYC marathon and all half-marathons, as well as boost your speed through strength training.

But why is strength so important? Most personal trainers NYC emphasize the endurance portion of training, which is entirely off track for what runners need. In the past muscular strength wasn’t considered important. In fact, trainers focused only on endurance and speed. Rarely focusing on strength exercises to improve muscular endurance. The truth of the matter is that your muscles power your entire body. Your muscles can heave you over hills at top speeds. Without muscular endurance all over your body, you will never reach the speeds you want for marathon running.

In addition, a personal trainer NYC coach can help you prevent injury through strength training. Learning the right moves for your body type will increase muscle all over, and prevent knee injuries and hamstring problems. These are the two most common problems that runners face, which are mostly caused by lack of proper training and muscular development around the entire body.

Getting in the right strength moves at least 3 times a week can shave minutes off of your final marathon time. Over time you will quickly see that your marathon times are dramatically reduced and that you are stronger and faster than before! Always practice proper form and keep a balanced and challenging schedule in order to condition your body all over.

About the AuthorI have always believed that anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle should have the opportunity. For more information please visit

The sequel to our strength training video. Featuring a variety of exercises which utilise the available environment. Consider this video not as an absolute definitive guide, but as a collection of ideas which conveys an overall ideology of being creative in your training. Take from it what you find useful, and disregard what doesn’t work for you. Feel free to modify any of the exercises shown in this video to better suit your own requirements. Featuring: Paul Maunder Dave Sedgley Dean Cheetham Plus guest appearances by: Adam Marr Claire Cheetham Music courtesy of Afferent, and The Dark Matter Thanks to Sam Highfield for use of the green screen Copyright Northern Parkour 2010 For those of you who send me messages asking about such things, here’s a list of the equipment and software used in the production of this video: Sony Z5 camera Final Cut Pro (Editing) Motion (Graphics) Shake (Digital compositing and rotoscoping) Pro Tools (Audio Mix) Color (Colour correction and grading) Quicktime Pro (H.264 conversion from Apple Pro Res master)
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Isometric Exercise Examples

February 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

How you benefit from isometric exercise depends on what style you use. The first is the isometric exercise where you push or pull against an immovable object. The second type is where you hold a weight steady with out moving it. Both types of isometric exercise are held for a period of time, usually 5 to 10 seconds.

The difference between the two is pushing against an object will increase strength but not increase muscle size. When you use a weight in a static hold, this will increase strength and build muscle. Doing isometrics without the weights has many uses such as a supplement to a weight lifting program or for rehabilitation.

When using a weight for isometric exercises, hold the weight at different points in the normal range of motion. For example if you are doing curls, do a 10 second hold at the bottom, mid range and top positions.

With isometrics the muscle is only strengthened at that part of the movement you are holding the weight, that’s why you should vary the positions. The same would hold true for the bench press and any other exercise.

The same theory holds true for body weight exercises. You can do push-ups and hold at the bottom, mid-range and top positions for 10 seconds. Try Pull-ups this way by pausing at three points on the way up or on the way down. As you get stronger you can hold the weight or push against an object for longer periods of time. If you are not doing isometrics you are missing out on a good supplemental exercise.

Discover how isometric exercises can help you gain strength and fitness at Isometric Exercise Tips. Tim Archbold’s lifelong interests are fitness training and health.

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Workout Routine Tips That Will Get You RIpped

January 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by James Clarke

Probably the most important component of a great workout routine is taking action. You may have all of the greatest and also the most efficient workout routine within the globe but in the event you don’t take time and you do not preserve and stick to it then you’re just wasting your time and effort.Another very important aspect to a good Daniel Craig workout routine is understanding. You need to know when to work out, the proper way to carry out the workout at hand, and what needs to be done following your workout routine.

When To Work Out

The time of having your workout routine might not be the most important part in this field however it surely will play an important component to achieve the result that you have been wishing for. Performing your workout routine in the morning will be the most suitable time of the day as it forcer your body to burn much more of one’s calories early in the day.Lots of times if you put your workout off until later within the day, you will have more of a chance to create an excuse of why you do not wish to do it. Getting your workout routine following consuming one big meal is definitely some thing which you wouldn’t like and so it would really be greatest to steer clear of this. Such thing is really not suggested, the same thing with performing the workout routine on an empty stomach for they will result to unnecessary wellness problems not to mention the kind of discomfort and soreness you may be getting on the future. The basic downside of performing any workout with an empty stomach will force your body to make use of other power source available which includes your fat reserves to assistance you daily workout.

Warming Up

A great workout routine will usually include a good warm up session. Warming up is actually extremely important for any great workout routine to begin up your physique. Flex and concentrate on the certain muscle groups that you will probably be considerably using during your workout session but do not forget to warm up other parts of the body also. However, usually make sure to start gently and do not rush but make sure that each and every muscle mass is appropriately stretched and raise your heart rate slowly because it’s best that way. Not correctly stretching is the easiest way to trigger your body to obtain injured particularly whenever you are lifting weights.

Following Your Workout

After doing such an intensive workout routine it’s also extremely essential to undertake what’s called to be cool down period. This is greatest to ensure that your heart will have its time to reduce its pumping rate slowly and get back to normal. It is actually recommended to quit working out after which just sit down after for this will give rise and make your body more susceptible to cramps along with other unnecessary results. Just like with having pre-workout routine, it is also extremely advised to take post-workout routine by stretching appropriately the muscle groups as well. Stretching your muscles throughout a post-workout routine is really the most fitting time to undertake muscle stretching since the muscle are significantly lose and warmed up already. It’s also ideal that each and every stretched is hold for up to 10-20 seconds each.You don’t want to bounce, or pulse whilst stretching as it could result in injury. One essential aspect of performing any type of workout is the food you eat after you finish the routine as it basically affects the entirety of your workout results. Foods that are protein-rich like protein shake are actually extremely useful in order for you fatigued muscles to recover and rebuild once more the energy they need. Following 30 minutes after getting a great cardio session, it’s actually great to eat in order for your physique to maximize its full potential of burning the fats by utilizing your fat reserves by becoming a substitute source of energy.

Other Tips To get The most Out Of A great Workout Routine

Water intake also plays a very essential part to a great workout program because it’s very vital which you maintain hydrated as you deliver the routines. Not having enough fluids inside your body can trigger you to fatigue quicker, get cramps, and stop your body from obtaining probably the most out of one’s difficult work. In case that your workout lasts longer than 30 minutes then it could be good if you incorporate and consist of sports drink in order for your body to substantially use your muscles a s the source of power, this usually only occur after a long and yet extremely effective cardio exercises.

A good workout routine will also consist of lots of rest. In the event you are performing moderately intense workout you are able to perform them more frequently than if you are doing extremely intense workouts. So many dudes want to understand how you can get ripped fast, but rest is an important aspect. Getting the required and sufficient amount of rest will assure you which you are going to accomplish beautiful results as it’ll tend to give your physique the chance to recover the power that was loss and rebuild the muscle groups to really preserve and attain the full possible of one’s workout.

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Isometric Workouts – Three Secrets Of Isometrics Training

January 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by Stallone Chidester

Whether you’re looking to discover just how isometric’s routine could help you become stronger, more muscular and cut you”ll want to read this piece.

In the following couple of paragraphs, we’re going to go over three crucial elements that you should consider before you begin your isometric training program. Firstly, we have to ensure that you understand how safe isometric routines are when comparing them to free weight’s. After, we are going to show you precisely how you can see strength gains of just over 300% with this kind of routine. Lastly, we’re going to demonstrated to youprecisely how you could save yourself a great deal of time and recieve results than taking hrs. in the gym working out.

First off, let’s begin with why there’s lower chances of hurting yourself using iso-training.

Unlike free weight training, isometrictension applies no poundage or strain on the delicate joints. Instead, every fiber in your muscle is worked and the only thing that is being worked is the muscle itself. Your joints are there merely a support and they’re not involved in the exercise itself. Accordingly, if you have had problems prior to this with weight training and are still experiencing hurt from them you can relax in the fact of knowing that using isometrics, as part of your regular workouts will permit you to make dramatic strength gains with avoiding the additional risk.

Now, let’s explain in more detail on just how you could increase your strength over 300%.

As isometric training is one of the few proven and real training protocols, it has been found in studies that people who have used isometric training tension in their workout routine have increased their strength as much as 300% in just four weeks. These results were documented by Drs. Hettinger and Mueller in the 50s at the Max Planck Institute. Even if you only get half of this, a 150% increase in the levels of strength is quite significant wouldn’t you agree? Of course.

In ending, let’s go over the fact that isometric training needn’t involve a big of time and most sessions can be performed in less than 10 min.

Isometrics do only needs a 7 to 10 second static hold in order for you to receive the most from the exercise movement. Basically, this means is that if you were to perform 10 or 15 movements the total training time might be done in about three – 4 minutes. That’s a lot better than spending one hour to an hour and a half in the gym to accomplish the same strength-building session. Additionally, you needn’t spend 100’s or 1000’s of dollars for fancy gym machines or home exercise gadgets. You may perform iso-workouts with merely your weight or you might want to get a cheap isometricexerciser such as the ISO7X or Bully Xtreme 4.

Isometric exercise equipment such as ISO7X or the Bully Xtreme 4 can offer you extra advantages because they provide for a better range of training angles. At the end of the day, the extra resistance from an isometric exerciser may provide you with strength building and muscle growth.

Understanding these 3 crucial parts involved in isometrics. Iso-exercise includes a lower risk factor than free weights exercises, you could include a whole workout in no more than 8 minutes., and the strength building advantages of this type of training protocol can easily double or triple existing muscular strength. Bear those things in mind if you decide to build your workout routine.

Kevin has been writing pieces about health and fitness on the internet for the past 6 years. You could also check out his websites, where he talks about diverse topics such as braun shaver replacement parts and crest teeth whitening.

The isometric engine is now able to support the character changing direction without moving. Not sure if changing direction should be action points or movement points?

3 FAQs About Isometric Muscle Exercise

January 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Many people wonder what is this talk about isometric muscle exercise, and will it really increase muscle strength and size in only a fraction of the time of traditional muscle building routines.

Here are a few answers to the most frequently asked questions that I’ve encountered about isometric muscle exercise:

Does it really work?

Yes!  I can say that from my personal experience as well as from countless others that I’ve had the privilege to meet and hear of, isometrics truly works by increasing muscle strength and muscle mass in only a short 10-15 minute workout each day. 

How can it increase muscle in so little time?

The power of isometrics is in the INTENSITY of the exercise, and not the duration.  If the duration of the exercise (the amount of time spent doing the exercise), then all forms of traditional exercise would still be king of the muscle training world.  But scientists have discovered that the intensity is the one key factor in muscle growth.  With isometrics, you focus on the point of greatest muscle fiber contraction; build the greatest intensity you can deliver; and HOLD that level of intensity to muscle exhaustion — which is normally a slow count of 5 to 10.  All this takes is a minute or two for each muscle group, so the exercise sessions are quick but super-effective.

What is the best method of Isometric muscle exercise?

The best methods vary from person to person.  What are your goals?  I’ve got several plans already set up for most any goal.  All I’ve got to do is point you in the right direction.  The great thing is, with isometrics, the method is always simple, quick, and gets results. 

If you are interested in isometric muscle exercise, check out my blog at for free articles and more information on this amazing system of muscle training.

Can You Build Muscle with Isometric Exercises ?!???

SEE OUR RECOMMENDED SUPPLEMENTS VISIT “LIKE US ON FACEBOOK” WE ARE NATURAL BODYBUILDERS AND DO NOT USE STEROIDS OR PRO HORMONES. OUR SUPPLEMENTS WE APPROVE OF ARE CREATINE WHEY PROTEIN & AND A GOOD PRE WORKOUT LIKE JACK3D OR SOMETHING SIMILAR THESE ARE PRODUCTS WE RECOMMEND FOR A FULL LIST OF OUR RECOMMENDED SUPPLEMENTS VISIT OUR WEBSITE AND GO TO THE RECOMMENDED MUSCLE BUILDING SUPPLEMENTS TAB. We believe a majority of supplements being marketed to those looking to build muscle are bogus such as Glutamine BCAA (branch chain amino acids) waxy maize nitric oxide supplements. We believe they are all a waste of money. To build muscle concentrate on your muscle building routine your nutrition and get plenty of rest between your workouts and you will get the head turning results you are seeking!!

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Isometric Exercise Books – Secret to Your Isometric Workout?

January 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

The popularity of isometric exercise books has been increasing lately. In fact, John Peterson, author of Isometrics Power Revolution has made a living writing isometrics exercise books. Read this article and learn why Iso exercise books alone, may not be the answer to your strength training and fitness goals.

When you think of isometric exercise books you may be tempted to think of the famous Charles Atlas Dynamic Tension Course. While Mr. Atlas utilized isometrics as part of his training program, the dynamic tension course was a combination of body weight and iso-exercises (isometrics are commonly referred to as “Iso or Iso’s”). Personally, I have found isometric exercisers to be more effective than freehand Iso’s. Some individuals like, Mr. John Peterson have stated that isometric exercisers don’t work because of “retroforce.”

In all my extensive research I have not found any evidence, in medical journals or scientific studies about the validity of the claim of “retroforce.” The fact of the matter is that isometric exercise equipment IS more effective than any freehand exercises that you could find in an isometric exercise book.

I do believe that isometrics free hand exercises have their place.

Perhaps, you are driving or you are sitting at your desk at work. Well, if you’re driving focus on the road not on building your muscles. And if you’re going to exercise or do isometrics at your desk you can still easily take your isometrics exerciser with you.

Most isometrics books will cost you as much as an Iso-Exerciser. Most of these books will cost you about $ 30.00. On the other hand, a good quality Iso-exerciser will run you just under $ 50.

With many of these companies you get the added benefit that they will often include with the “static contraction exerciser,” (as they are sometimes referred to as) a free hand isometric training program.

So for the price of one good isometrics exercise book, you get two tools to help you accomplish your strength training and bodybuilding goals.

Would you like to gain 10 to 20 lbs of muscle, increase your strength by 300% and blow torch the fat off your body… in no time at all?

How to Do Isometrics For Strength Training

December 30, 2011 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

When you are doing isometric exercises for strength building how many reps and sets should we be doing. Do we treat this the same as when working out with weights. There is the difference that isometrics are done by time and weights are reps and sets.

With isometrics the number and duration of the static holds are what are important. Some people have done many repetitions for short period of time and some will do fewer reps for longer period of time. Studies have shown that both methods have given increases of strength.

For those looking to increase strength it is often recommended to do 15 to 20 maximum static holds for about 5 to 10 seconds against an immovable object for at least 3 times per week. This amount of work will help you gain some extra strength. If you are already a really fit person who works out with weights the gains may not come on like someone just starting but isometrics are great supplemental exercises to using weights.

You can not just do each static hold at one position, you need to vary the angles.

An example would be while doing an isometric exercise for your biceps, you need to target the bicep through at least 3 or 4 points along its range of motion. The strength is gained at each point that you hold.

Full body exercises are something you should also try. Where you are pushing and pulling against immovable objects with regular isometrics, body weight exercises would be like doing a push up but doing a static hold at different points in its range of motion.

Discover how isometric exercises can help you gain strength and fitness at Isometric Exercise Tips. Tim Archbold’s lifelong interests are fitness training and health.

Bruce Lee was famous for his love of Isometric strength training. The Bruce Lee workout routine utilizes isometric strength exercises to provide power and strength. Visit for theworkout’s instructions, more videos, free meal plans, and other health tips. HASfit provides the best free home workout exercise routines for men and women. We have home fitness programs for varying fitness levels because every heart and soul deserves to be fit. You love us, now like us at We offer elite personal training San Antonio,
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Examples of Isometric Exercises

December 27, 2011 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by Samantha Matheny

There are many different types of isometric exercises you can do to turn your home into your own personal isometric gym. They all involve resistance using your own muscle, a doorframe or wall, or elastic bands or weights. Here is a sample list of isometric exercises I like to use.

Upper Body:

1) Push-Ups. Start in the push-up position (arms shoulder width apart, back flat, on your toes). Lower yourself halfway to the floor. Hold this position for 10-30 seconds. Rest. Repeat 2-3 times.

2) Chest Press: With your back straight (standing or sitting) press the palms of your hands together for 10-30 seconds. Rest. Repeat 2-3 times.

3) Shoulder Raises: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Palms down (or with an elastic band or weight) raise your arm directly out to your side. Once your arm is parallel to the floor, hold it there until your arm begins to drop and your shoulder starts to rise. Slowly lower your arm back to your side. Rest. Repeat with each arm (alternating to improve posture) 2-3 times.

4) Plank: Start lying face down on the floor with your forearms and elbows on the floor. Prop yourself up on your toes and forearms. Keep your back straight and hips up. Hold this position for 10-30 seconds. Lower yourself back down. Rest. Repeat 2-3 times.

Lower Body:

1) Phantom Chair: With your back against a wall, bend your knees and lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Carefully move your feet away from the wall until your calves are parallel to the wall. Extend arms out in front of you. Hold position for 10-30 seconds. Slowly bring yourself back to a standing position. Rest. Repeat 2-3 times.

2) Calf Raises: Stand next to a wall or sturdy object for balance. Raise your left leg so you are standing on just your right leg (yes, you can set your left foot on the back of your right calf). Carefully stand up on your toes and hold position for 10-30 seconds. Slowly lower yourself back to flat-footed. Rest. Repeat 2-3 times then repeat with left leg.

3) Upper Abs: Start lying flat on the floor like you are doing crunches. Pull yourself up into a crunch and hold position for 10-30 seconds. Slowly lie back down. Rest. Repeat 2-3 times.

4) Lower Abs: Start lying on your back. With your feet together, lift feet 6-8 inches off the floor. Hold for 10-30 seconds. Slowly lower feet back to floor. Rest. Repeat 2-3 times.

These are all exercises I enjoying doing in conjunction with my normal exercise routines. They are a great way to add some variety to keep exercising fun. If you would like to learn more, visit Women’s Health Answer. Here you can read more articles and reviews on health and fitness.

Samantha is an ambitious young woman from west Michigan who is dedicated to finding a better way to live. She has a wide variety of interests and is always seeking new knowledge. Samantha’s love of writing has lead her to become an author of e books and articles in hopes of helping people to live a better, healthier life.

Isometric and isotonic concentric and eccentric exercise

Isometric and isotonic concentric and eccentric exercise
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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The Best Back Exercise

December 19, 2011 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by Phil Tucker

If you are looking to develop strength in your back then there are a variety of different exercises you can pursue. Most people will attempt to put together a mixture of rows, pull ups, and shrugs, but the single best back exercise to develop strength is by far the dead lift. This is a challenging but incredibly rewarding exercise to attempt, and will help you greatly strengthen your lower back, as well as giving benefit to your legs, core, and shoulders. In today

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