TT KettleBell Revolution system Chris Lopez review

July 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Steven Arifianto

TT KettleBell Revolution system by Chris Lopez review – Health

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Hello and Welcome to this new review of a new product called TT KettleBell Revolution system produced by Chris Lopez. What is this exactly? Read my TT KettleBell Revolution system by Chris Lopez review to find out all the answers…

The TT KettleBell Revolution system by Chris Lopez is a workout and fat loss program that is focused on the use of kettlebells as the primary workout tool.

As kettlebells have become increasingly popular recently, I decided to write this complete TT KettleBell Revolution review in which I go over exactly what this program has to offer, what sort of workouts it preaches and whether it is really a plan that can be used to lose body fat quickly.

So, let’s see what this program is all about…

Why Do Kettlebells Workouts?

Kettlebells offer a different workout experience that dumbbells do. The weight is not evenly distributed and it is easier to perform swing exercises that train your body in a way which is hard to simulate with regular weights.

A lot of people find kettlebells a useful tool that allows them to challenge their body in a unique way and contributes to their overall fitness. Kettlebell exercises usually work a variety of muscles together, so it is easy to do very short and effective workouts with kettlebells. They offer a great way to do circuit training at home.

TT Kettlebell Revolution – How Does It Work?

This program was created by Chris Lopez, a certified kettlebell coach, and Craig Ballantyne, a well known fitness trainer, author, and expert in short and explosive workouts. They worked together to create this program and the idea was to give men and women a new way to do short and highly intense workouts that can be used to tone muscles and to burn body fat quickly.

The program uses solely kettlebell exercises and bodyweight exercises. You don’t need any dumbbells or other weights. The workouts are made up of circuits and super-sets and the goal is to do total body workout routines quickly. This is a program for busy people and those who want to pack as much “punch” as possible into their workouts.

What You Need

To do the workouts you will need a kettlebell. You can find affordable kettlebells on Amazon. These come at a wide range of weights. Chris Lopez recommends that men begin with a 12kg kettlebell and for women to use a 4-8 kg one. You can also buy a set and use different weights for each exercise as you see fit.

TT Kettlebell Revolution Exercises

The program is divided into 4 phases:

A prep phase of one week in which you get used to working with kettlebells. The workouts here are generally light and should not pose a real problem to you.Three phases of 4 weeks each in which the workouts get gradually harder and harder as you go along.During each of the 3 main phases of the program you perform 3 intense metabolic resistance training workouts each week. During another 3 days you’re asked to do light activity and on the seventh day you need to rest completely.Each of the workouts in TT Kettlebell should take under 30 minutes to complete. You get videos which show each of the exercises and written explanations with pictures to go along with them. Chris Lopez does a good job in showing you how to perform each exercise correctly.

A Few Clarifications

1. You can use this plan even if you’re a complete beginner. You will simply need to use a light kettlebell and slowly get used to the exercises. Because these exercises are very different from those done with dumbbells, even seasoned trainees will need some time to get used to them.

2. This program can be used by men and women both. In fact, one of the bonuses of TT Kettlebell Revolution is a specific workout plan for women which focuses on those body parts which many women have trouble with. Women can achieve fantastic results with kettlebells.

3. You won’t become a bodybuilder with kettlebells but this doesn’t mean that you can’t build muscles with these workouts. In fact, the workouts that Chris Lopez created train your entire body in a balanced way so you should get a total body muscle tone that is lean, firm, and not bulky.

Pros and Cons Of TT Kettlebell Revolution


This program is well-written and gives you exactly what is promised: a powerful workout plan to be done with kettlebells for fat loss and muscle toning.Comes with videos and detailed explanations.The workouts do not require a lot of time to complete.The program includes plenty of core and stability exercises.If you follow these workouts you will achieve results.Cons:The nutrition section in this program is pretty short and basic. So, don’t expect to learn any diet secrets from this plan. This is strictly a workout program.Getting kettlebells does cost money so you need to consider that before you get the program.

so what are you waiting for? click this link and buy the product, make your life better from here, no cases will be cleared if you leave it behind and ignore it, make your life better from now on.

Click Here! For official website.

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Chris Lopez

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Steven Arifianto

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Chris Lopez

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Kettlebell, Classic Kettlebell, Pro Grade kettlebell, Classic Kettlebell 32 KG

July 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises


A kettlebell is a cast iron weight, like a ball with a single looped handle on the top. Kettlebells are available in different weights ranging from 2 pounds to over 200 pounds. They were originally used by Russians as a fitness tool for a full body workout. These, kettlebells have now become one of the basic gym equipment worldwide. Unlike dumbbells, it is used for various swinging movements. Variants of the kettlebell include bags filled with sand or steel shot, water, or which take a variable number of plates. They also have a center of mass extended beyond the hand and allow for swing movements and release moves with added safety and added grip, wrist, arm and core strengthening due to the shifting fill material.

Kettlebell workout involves cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training.

It helps to increase stamina, build muscles and develop core stability. Kettlebells engage multiple muscle groups at the same time, providing a whole body workout in a short time. It burns more energy and improves agility. You can perform exercises with ketllebells in your home as they occupy little space.

Kettlebell training helps to accelerate fat loss and develop overall fitness.

Athletes, weightlifters and ordinary persons prefer using kettlebells. You should start with a light kettlebell and use heavier ones gradually. Lifting too heavy a kettlebell can cause serious injuries to the neck, back and spine. It is a great rehabilitation tool, used for patients with disc injuries, to strengthen the spine. kettlebell exercise can be dangerous to those who have back or shoulder problems, or a weak core.

World Fitness is an Australian based online store of fitness equipments that provides gym equipments, weight loss gym equipments, equipments for cardio, strength training equipment including treadmill, bench, dumbbells, barbells, weight plates, multistation home gym and many more.

Ring In Your Wedding With Kettle Bells

July 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Jordan Glenn

Ring In Your Wedding With Kettle Bells – Health – Wellness

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Hearing the wedding bells toll is exciting! For many people, though, they immediately think about how they are going to get in shape. You always want to look your best, whether you are hearing wedding bells for yourself, for a friend or a family member, especially because so many pictures are taken. Dressing up in formal wear can be stressful for so many people because they are uncomfortable with their bodies. A great way to invoke change that is to hire a personal trainer who can help you get into shape.

New York City has some of the most talented and hardworking personal trainers. In a city that offers everything someone could possibly want, you will be sure to find a trainer for your unique needs. Whether you are looking to bulk up, slim down or do both for the wedding, personal trainers in NYC can help.

The Big Apple is one of the busiest cities in the world and people are constantly on the move. In order to keep up with their busy schedules and make time for exercise, many people get a personal trainer. Hiring a personal trainer NYC will block out certain times and days of the week to workout. This lessens your chance of pushing work-outs off until the next day. They will suggest how many times a week you should visit depending on the goals you want to achieve.

Personal trainers NYC are also great for showing you unique exercises to do in order to target specific areas. Say you want to tone up your arms so they look nice in your strapless wedding dress, they may suggest a variety of kettle bell exercises. Some great kettle bell exercises for your arms include alternating kettle bell presses in which you press two kettle bells to work the shoulder muscles. Another great kettle bell exercise for your arms is the swinging kettle bell in which you swing the kettle bell in different directions causing a great force which creates muscle. They are also great for doing abdominal and leg exercises like the kettle bell figure 8 which works your abdominal muscles and kettle bell squats which work your legs.

The best thing about a NYC personal trainer is they’ll know exactly what you need and they’ll know how to get you results. If you are looking for a great workout to help you gain muscle and confidence as well as help you lose body fat getting a New York City personal trainer is a great idea. The cost of a trainer varies on a few factors such as how long your sessions are, as well as a trainer’s experience, yet for almost all clients they are well worth the price.

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About the Author

I have always believed that anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle should have the opportunity. For more information please visit

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I have always believed that anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle should have the opportunity. For more information please visit

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Kettlebells Workouts-Top Benefits

July 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Sharon Summer

Kettlebells Workouts-Top Benefits – Health – Fitness

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Kettlebells workouts are now being used by a large number of fitness professionals, athletes, weight lifters, and even Olympians. Why? Because this type of workout is not only affordable but also can give you guaranteed quick, consistent weight loss results. The best part also is that a kettlebell workout does not need a gym-size space. You would only need a little space to execute your movements and store your tool afterwards, a kettlebell of course, some basic kettlebell workout routine, and the discipline to continue what you have started.

So why should you use kettlebells when you can just go to the gym and lift a barbell or a dumbbell?

That’s a very good question. Actually there are kettlebell moves that you can also execute with the use of a dumbbell, but in most cases you do not get to see the same results when you use a kettlebell. So how did that happen? Because the weight of a kettlebell is not actually centered, like that of a dumbbell, and knowing that you now force your body to put extra effort to complete your kettlebell moves properly. It turns out that Kettlebells workouts are harder to execute than their dumbbell equivalents but do not be discouraged since often this is the most effective workout there is.

Aside from the simplicity of a kettlebell movement, the little space you need, and the guaranteed results after every workout, here are more reasons why not only fitness professionals but also teens, elderly, and even pregnant women use kettlebells.

1. If you are an athlete and you do a lot of sprinting, jumping, and kicking, then a kettlebell routine will help you build up your hip thrust fast which can be very beneficial in any sport you are currently doing.2. Aside from building your hip thrusts, kettlebell training is also good both for your shoulders and back, keeping them strong and healthy. With kettlebells, you build more strength, improve your endurance, and you lose weight.3. It helps you work on your muscles, strengthen your posterior chain, and makes your lower back more resilient.4. If you are into high intensity workouts, kettlebells help you complete intensive workout sets effectively.5. It is very versatile giving you full workout freedom.6. Since kettlebells are also very versatile, for as short as 15-20 minutes of your chosen routine you see the results immediately.7. Increases your balance and body coordination.8. It helps you improve your flexibility and your stamina.

Well of course apart from using kettlebell exercises, it is also wise to maintain a healthy diet, have some motivation, and do not stop until you reach your fitness goal. With kettlebells workouts, you do not just lose weight or build muscles, and prevent yourself from accumulating the same amount of fat you already get rid in your first kettlebell training, you also start to love yourself more and believe that yes you can have that body you have always wanted.

Now, if you want to learn more about Kettlebells workouts I suggest you read my best-selling book entitled Kettlebell Workout Secret Start Looking Better and Feel Healthier in 7 Days (Or Less) – GUARANTEED? Simply check out and get more advise and instructions about kettlebell workout that you can easily follow.About the Author

Sharon Summer is the author of the bestselling book “Kettlebell Workout Secret Start Looking Better and Feel Healthier in 7 Days (Or Less) – GUARANTEED?”

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Sharon Summer is the author of the bestselling book “Kettlebell Workout Secret Start Looking Better and Feel Healthier in 7 Days (Or Less) – GUARANTEED?”

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included. brings you one of the most powerful full body workouts you can do at home for weight loss using just a KettleBell! I used this exact same workout to lose over 100lbs in just 6 months! If you want to get ripped and lose fat fast and make you six pack abs stand out then this is the workout for you. It will help you lose fat and build muscle in 10 minutes per day! This is very affective home workout for fat loss and getting. six pack abs. Did you enjoy the Killer Weight Loss Kettlebell Home Workout! I Lost 100lbs!” video? For the web’s best Six Pack ABS Workout & Excercise Videos visit http for everything you need to get ripped!

Kettlebell Routines — The Best Lifting weights as well as Conditioning Instrument There exists

June 28, 2012 by  
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Article by ATIQ REHMAN

Kettlebell Routines — The Best Lifting weights as well as Conditioning Instrument There exists – Other

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For those who have by no means tried kettlebell physical exercises, you’re severely lacking an amazing resource with regard to improving upon strength and also weight loss. I’ve been training for above Twenty five years but not actually tried using kettlebells right until this current year. Let me tell you that I am absolutely hooked!

Kettlebells are just the most beneficial resource that I have ever before helpful to not just strengthen my muscle in addition to total training, nevertheless for fat reduction at the same time. Should you by no means heard about kettlebells and also don’t know what they appear to be, you’ll want to take them into consideration. They appear similar to a cannonball having a handle with top and are available inside loads only A few kilos. about One hundred and five lbs .., which can be referred to as “The Beast”! No problem about “The Beast”, or even the amount fat you’re able to do at first. Kettlebells are really simple to work with, yet demand training having right method as a way to stay free of injuries plus reap the huge benefits of which kettlebell workouts are starting to be so popular regarding.

Kettlebell Essentials

There are lots of work outs you can do by using kettlebells, but in the start you should keep with not one but two primary people ( Your swing and acquire fedex) until eventually your own kind will be sleek. Will probably be easier to relocate onto clears, squeezes, and snatches, although soon you are ready, simply just stay with the earliest a pair of already mentioned. You will have the required time to experiment with the other actions comprise efficient kettlebell exercise sessions, when you are set for them.

Kettlebells pertaining to Muscle in addition to Cardio Teaching

Kettlebells can be easily integrated in to your own existing durability connected with aerobic exercise training as a dietary supplement about what that you are presently performing. If you would like for an successful cardio exercise regimen that is definitely fast and would not call for wandering using a home trainer for several hours at any given time, consider kettlebell golf shots. In fact, by trying shots for a 20 minute swing action, five second relax, 20 second move, etc. with regard to three a matter of minutes immediately you can be drawing wind flow for the first time. The key is to work with proper variety as well as proper size kettlebell and you will find extraordinary outcomes once you are trying these people.

Don’t forget to keep a person’s pride in the entrance as if well done kettlebells works you wish you haven’t also been proved helpful! From the thinking that I desired to get a very weighty you to definitely commence since i have regarded as personally to become quite robust. Thankfully I recently got a new Fortyfive lb .. a person and i also can tell you that it issue provides humbled everyone several instances! Almost any more heavy i wouldn’t be able to do much by it until my personal energy as well as strategy got better. So if you’re about to use them, and they are getting your kettlebell, avoid getting afraid to travel a little lighter in weight in the beginning.

For those who have any queries or maybe want more information regarding kettlebell routines, have a look at this publish Kettlebell Exercises leaving me a remark. Good luck with your current exercising and prepare for most awesome benefits together with kettlebell exercises!

Regardless of what physique type or maybe the amount of excess fat that you should shed, weight-loss almost all comes down to several points. The health in addition to dieting business try and cause it to tougher which it is actually for them to market the diet regime of every week or hottest magic pill that will under no circumstances will work!

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Take a look at this great site relating to kettlebell exercises. Find the very best hosted pbx services in the following.

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Take a look at this great site relating to kettlebell exercises. Find the very best hosted pbx services in the following.

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Kettlebell Workout Benefits

June 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

There are many methods of training workouts you can choose from, but if you are looking for an effective way to add muscles or loose weight, kettlebell workouts are for you. They may sound new to you, but to others, they’re not, and for a good reason. Kettlebells have been known to be the perfect tool for strength training. If you have the goal to develop a healthy and strong body, kettlebells are definitely for you.

Many fitness enthusiast adopt this kind of training simply because it has given them such outstanding results. Others say it helps improve their stamina and their way of breathing and can even last for longer hours rather than regular hours of daily work.

Unlike any other workout tools, kettlebells are described similarly to a circular iron ball with a handle on which you can lift. They are comparable to weightlifting but there are different methods of training that must be done extensively with great effort, which in turn provides outstanding results.

This tool is now used all over the world, but it’s more familiar in Russia and US.

Some asks if this method of training is harmful. It’s not if used in a proper way to avoid damage and injuries to your body also, imagine a round iron ball that can fall on your feet if you are not careful. That said, it is extremely rare to get injuries of this kind, instead, like any other lifting tool, the athlete must develop good form.

Most athletes enjoy training with kettlebells. They say it helps develop their muscles to become firmer and it also improves agility and durability of their body. Kettlebell workouts are also very handy because you can do these exercises at your home without going to the gym if you follow a good training video and you use good form.

The requirements for this tool are very minimal (you just need one kettlebell), plus you can save the cost of a training coach if you follow a simple dvd course.

The exercises are very easy to follow but like any other workout program, you have to put dedication on it if you want to improve your performance and even maintain a healthy body. Using this program is easy, but patience and optimism should be concerned if you want to have great results. Proper diet and body conditioning can be great way to improve too.

Kettlebell workouts can also enhance your speed, flexibility and even maximizes your energy level. Stability and muscles develops as soon as you use this tool for several weeks. Changes on your body will occur in a relative short period of time compared to other exercise programs, depending on the effort you exert on this.

When you want to do a kettlebell workout, always start by stretching before indulging in such training. This is undergone to avoid traumatizing your muscles and getting your body prepared for strenuous activity or impact that will be exerted to the body. Once stretching is done, then the workout program works as simply as doing each step at a time on a certain time interval. After workout, stretching is needed again to be able to aid and relax the muscles of your body and maximize growth.

Kettlebells are the 80/20 rule of physical training. They provide great results with a tiny amount of time compared to other exercises.

Oscar is a Kettlebell enthusiast and trainer. He owns and maintains Kettlebell Workout, a resource for kettlebell athletes and beginners.

Kettlebell Coaching For Weight Loss

June 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Avi Marents

Kettlebell Coaching For Weight Loss – Other

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I simply now started generating utilization of kettlebell workouts into my coaching regimen. If you prefer to add somewhat assortment plus improve fat loss, I’d extremely suggest employing kettlebell function outs. So, why could you get started employing kettlebells? Because they’re suitable for boosting strength, finding rid of body fat, together with enhancing cardiovascular wellbeing. What much more does one want away from anything? Another benefit I’ve learned would be the reality that one-arm kettlebell workout sessions have solved the problem smooth out the strength involving my arms.

A kettlebell is often a cannonball that features a manage. For some, the upfront a reaction to kettlebell routines is always that you might execute specifically a similar exercises with dumbbells or maybe a barbell. In my present knowledge, I’ve found the kettlebell provides a slightly distinct workout routine when compared with either though. It lies in the fact which you secure the grip to complete workouts meaning the body weight is distributed in a very distinct way compared to a dumbbell plus barbell. This somewhat distinct element makes operating out utilizing them tougher than thought.

An powerful weight for men initially is 35lbs (16kg). More experienced people might go all the way to 53lbs or even 70lbs, however I’d advocate commencing lower and working on the form just before progressing prematurely. Women can begin with 18lbs. When a great deal more, more advanced ladies might possibly commence approximately 26lbs or maybe 35lbs.

Here’s a breakdown between the simple kettlebell maneuvers additionally to some others I’ve included in my very own kettlebell fitness regimen.Swing: this one will really function your butt and is also among the ideal coaching exercises about. Kettlebell swings completed for maximum reps might very easily make place of a cardio program.Get out of bed: precisely like it might sound, the target is to lay face up, indeed and obtain up although positioning a kettlebell above your brain.and subsequently lay down again. Personally, I like this exercise and am surprised about just how much more challenging it is regarding my left arm in comparison to my right.CleanMilitary pressSnatch: begin with the kettlebell swing and make use of your shoulders to tug the extra weight over your mind

Varied Kettlebell Workouts:Sots press: in a complete squat position, carry out a military pressBent over rowFloor press: usually an one-arm the bench press exercise despite the fact that laying on the ground

This could be fundamentally the scope of workouts I execute nevertheless, you could very simply total other exercises that you would generally total with weight load like squats or curls. Kettlebells by themselves could comprise the total body training program. They offer you pretty much everything you should work out for power additionally to endurance. Nevertheless, I incorporate them as portion of my bigger exercising workout. Therefore, I simply perform single circuit utilizing the one-arm variation with the kettlebell maneuvers in the list above. I total 5-10 repetitions with half a minute of sleep in in between exercises. I challenge my muscles but stop failure. We are continually perspiring and in addition exhausted after this easy ten minute routine. I would rather switch between pulling and pushing maneuvers allowing my individual muscles a lot more rest time.

Do on your own a favor and go buy a kettlebell. I put this off for the lengthy period the good news is I cannot think about my exercising routine without 1. I in no way understood exactly how helpful kettlebell workout plans could be. Given each of their positive aspects, an instance can be easily made dropping every one of the other resistance coaching along with cardiovascular work out while focusing entirely on kettlebell exercise routines. I’m definitely not at this stage yet, but kettlebells have added fantastic variety to my routine and these are definitely generating me get more muscular and thinner.

About the Author

Whenever you would like to read additional information on kettlebell exercises, come visit my page where I deliver diet and exercise approaches to help you to drop some pounds and get a toned physical appearance. Start getting in marvelous shape now!

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Avi Marents

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Whenever you would like to read additional information on kettlebell exercises, come visit my page where I deliver diet and exercise approaches to help you to drop some pounds and get a toned physical appearance. Start getting in marvelous shape now!

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Related Kettlebell Exercises For Weight Loss Articles

Kettlebell Workouts For Fat Loss

June 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

To often be in shape is needed to get our own health in contemporary edge, and selecting the right gym equipment is one of the easiest way to realize a person’s fitness pursuits. Becoming a member of a pricey gym can be a trouble, however , you could prevent your crowds and save a nice selection of money by getting  your personal gym equipments. Here i will discuss several hints and functionalities associated with fitness equipments in your case.

A exercise bike offers a clean cardio workout when using the exact uncomplicated actions on the usual bicycle in a person’s home. Reside could alter your resistance upon a exercise bike, you’ll be able to vary the amount of calories an individual burn, creating your workout upon a exercise bike turn you into pretty efficient. A rowing machine gives you a cardio strength training coupled with full-body workout which can raise muscle tone in a person’s returning, life, feet and core. Your workout depth on the row machine is definitely liked by people that are usually serious in relation to having in shape.

Treadmills remain the most used home fitness equipment. Burn off calories, make muscle, shed weight, improve a person’s heart and experience more healthy that has a treadmill. Elliptical trainers let you shift in a walking or perhaps running motion, your feet in oval-shaped action but not making your pedals, which usually generates a low-impact workout. Rookies and individuals with sensitive joints could select the following fitness equipment. The majority of elliptical machines likewise have handles of which organize when using the pedal activities, furnishing the entire workout for your upper and lower system.

Kettlebell may be the very best fat loss equipment in comparison with every other fitness equipment happen to be turned out scientifically these days. Kettlebell training is a good fitness solutions furnishing complete edge in order to players and non-athletes to get superior strength and demanding fitness. Kettlebells exercises may improve the physical fitness to get usual folks introducing benefits of shed weight in order to get in shape. kettlebell workout to get beginners are usually very best carried out having light weights to avoid injury. In case you are thinking of to perform exercise having kettlebell subsequently Pusups, Twists and Swing are usually a lot of the very best kettlebells workout. A lot of the very best routine-kettlebell-workouts are usually Clean and Press, Windmills, Slingshots and Snatch. Adult females may do Kettlebell-workouts which are furthermore very best carried out having light weights to get deadlift, box squat, snatch pull.

World Fitness is an Australian based online store of fitness equipment that provides gym equipment, weight loss gym equipments, equipments for cardio, strength training equipment including treadmill, bench, kettlebell, dumbbells, barbells, weight plates, multistation home gym and many more.

More Kettlebell Exercises For Weight Loss Articles

Common-sense reasons to try kettlebell exercises

June 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by JJ Lucas

Common-sense reasons to try kettlebell exercises – Health – Fitness

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Cut costs by skipping recurring chargesKettlebells could be as cheap as $ 1 per pound so that you could get a starter KB for 25 to 35 dollars, where a per month fitness center membership might cost you $ 30 to $ 150 dollars (or $ 360 to $ 1,800 annually). Speak about an incredible savings!

You may exercise anywhere and anytimeOne of the excellent advantages of kettlebell exercise is that you may do it anywhere. You aren

Australia’s Best Kettlebell Training

June 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Andrew Read

Australia’s Best Kettlebell Training – Health – Fitness

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Unlike the commercial gyms that can be seen (or heard) from every corner of every road, Dragon Door Australia doesn’t have the radio blaring. There are no mirrors on the walls and there are no flat screen televisions to entertain people. In fact, there are no machines and there is no sitting down. There are just kettlebells, and lots of them. That’s all Andrew Read needs.

These days he is best known as the head of Dragon Door Australia, the nation’s best kettlebell training business.

Who are Dragon Door?

Dragon Door set the bar very high with their trademark Russian Kettlebell Certification (RKC) back in 2001 and many other fitness businesses have tried to cash in on the popularity of Dragon Door’s system and reputation. Previously in Australia there were only those interested in jumping on the bandwagon and trying to use kettlebells popularity to quickly make some cash.

Dragon Door are well regarded within the fitness industry for leading the way in kettlebell training and functional strength training. Now for the first time in Australia customers can get access to the best kettlebell training available, from authentically trained RKC instructors.

What’s so special about kettlebells really? There’s a misconception among trainers that they’re just the same as any other form of resistance, except that they swing them around a bit. Yet a properly trained RKC will be able to show you how a single kettlebell can transform the body, strengthen it, add flexibility and power as well as sculpt muscle and shed fat.

The thing that has given RKCs the reputation as the best kettlebell instructors is that they understand the body and how a kettlebell can be an integral part of your transformation physically.

The kettlebell (and when I say that I really mean the RKC system), is the best way to train with kettlebells. It is designed around safety and performance and when the two are combined they are an unmatchable combination for fat loss, strength and overall health and fitness.

Why are kettlebells so popular with women?

Since Tim Ferriss’ bestselling book The Four Hour Body came out, more and more women are becoming interested in strength training and in particular, kettlebells. Currently, more than eighty per cent of clients at Dragon Door Australia are women and almost half of attendees at our instructor courses are women.

They fall in love when they see the kind of results we’re getting from the right diet and kettlebell training – the weight virtually falls off them – how’s 20kg in 16 weeks sound?

The unique benefit of the kettlebell is that it allows the body to work hard for long periods of time. This raises lactic acid levels, which then boosts growth hormone production and increases fat burning. A single clean and jerk can burn roughly fifteen calories; and Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) can increase for up to thirty-eight hours afterwards by up to twenty per cent. Or to put it in easy-to-understand terms – a hard kettlebell workout can burn more calories per hour than running, is safer on your joints and can continue to burn an additional four hundred calories. That’s the same as an extra half hour of running. Is it any wonder women serious about getting in shape are turning to kettlebells to discover for themselves how to shape the perfect posterior, burn calories, gain strength and regain their bodies? And all in one hand held gym!

How can people train at Dragon Door Australia?Dragon Door Australia is locate din Moorabbin, Melbourne Australia. Their website is located at for more information. With the best kettlebell training and instruction on offer in the country classes are busy and fill quickly. But when the clients are getting such fast results who can blame them!

About the Author

Andrew Read, RKC Team Leader is regarded as Australia’s best kettlebell trainer and has been responsible for helping hundreds of people fit into their skinny jeans.

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Andrew Read

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Andrew Read, RKC Team Leader is regarded as Australia’s best kettlebell trainer and has been responsible for helping hundreds of people fit into their skinny jeans.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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