The Importance Of Lower Back Exercises For Lower Back Pain Relief
May 10, 2012 by admin
Filed under Lower Back Exercises
Article by John Miller
The most effective lower back exercises are those that loosen off the muscles that have taken your pelvis out of alignment. Once the pelvis is back in alignment the bones above it will go back into better alignment. The term ‘loosening’ provides a better description of the process than ‘stretching’. To relieve back pain, loosen off tight muscles.
You’ll read all sorts of articles about stretching and how it helps you to achieve a good level of joint mobility. That of course may be true. If muscles around a joint are tight then mobility will be restricted.
You’ll see sports people stretching before they begin their training sessions and matches. You’ll see paddocks full of people trying to push over trees and walls in an effort to loosen off their calf muscles and bending forward with their legs on rails to loosen off hamstrings.
It’s all worthwhile.
However for mere mortals the main value of stretching is to keep the bones of the body in good alignment. It’s as simple as that.
The other thing we need to clarify is the term ‘stretching’. It would be better to define the process as ‘loosening’.
When you think of stretching you think of putting the string back on a bow, ready to fire an arrow. That’s not what we went to do with muscles. In fact all we want to do is create the conditions under which a muscle will gradually loosen off. For that to happen it takes time.
The initial inclination of a muscles to being ‘stretched’ is to tighten up. Imagine walking on a slippery floor and slipping. Your muscles tighten up to protect your body. You don’t gracefully do the splits.
So to create the conditions for loosening off tight muscles you need to relax and give the muscle about a minute to loosen off. Even longer is better.
For some loosening exercises you need between 1 and 5 minutes. For the static back and supine groin exercises (which your can view on YouTube) it’s recommended you relax off for 20 minutes.
Once bones move out of alignment you get all manner of joint problems. If the misalignment is bad enough you’ll experience a symptom of that misalignment – pain.
Most people don’t readily identify this pain with misalignment. They think their joint pain comes from out of the blue. All they want to do is make the pain go away.
The statements from medical research and arthritis organisations of the world shy away from diagnosing the cause of most pain associated with the vertebrae. In fact they’re useless.
Can you believe this statement from the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council?
‘Specific patho-anatomic diagnosis is not necessary for effective management of acute non-specific low back pain.’
If you believed that about the mechanics of your own body, how could you ever trust your motor mechanic to work out what’s wrong with your car and fix it.
Pain in any of the joints has a cause and given the right treatment there’s a good chance it can be fixed. My rule of thumb is that for 80% of people there’s an 80% chance they can get their back – and any other joints that are painful – back to 80% of good nick.
The principal cause of back pain is bones that are out of alignment. The secret to relieving pain is getting the vertebrae back into better alignment. Once that happens pressure is taken off ligaments, tendons, muscles and herniated discs. As poor function is restored to good, the pain goes away.
Finding out which muscles are tight and may have contributed to the misalignment is not a tough assignment. Just go to a yoga class. In less than an hour you’ll come away with a very good impression of which muscles are tight and may be causing your pain.
If you keep going back to yoga class and practice it at home on most days of the week, day by day, month by month, millimetre by millimetre you’ll gradually get the bones of your body back into better alignment; the pain will start to go away.
As to what causes this tightening of muscles it’s a fair bet that it comes from prolonged sitting. Hamstring, buttock and hip flexor muscles gradually become shorter; and for shorter read tighter. It’s your job to loosen those muscles and keep them loose.
So there you have it. The most effective lower back exercises aren’t for muscles around your lower back, they’re for muscles attached to your pelvis. Loosen them off and the pelvis will get back into better alignment. Once the pelvis gets back into better alignment the bones above it will get back into better alignment.
Coupled with a total body strengthening program you’ll gradually get your body back in better alignment and pain free.
John Miller, Canberra (Australia) based physical educator and the Director of the Musculo-skeletal Fitness Institute helps people worldwide achieve relief from musculo-skeletal pain. To find out more about the most effective lower back exercises to relieve back pain and a home based solution for lower back pain relief, download a FREE Emergency Handbook for Musculo-skeletal Dysfunction Pain at
More Arthritis Lower Back Exercises Articles
Herniated Disc Exercises
May 6, 2012 by admin
Filed under Lower Back Exercises
Herniated disc exercises will be helpful or harmful, therefore it is important that you simply follow some basic pointers for exercising with this condition. This article will discuss some easy exercises that you’ll do for herniated disc healing, however before we tend to will discuss that, we want to briefly discuss how a spinal disc functions therefore these recommendations make sense.
The discs of the spine are cushions that separate each set of bones in the back. Their primary function is to act as shock-absorbers, that prevents the bones from absorbing this shock and helps you avoid quite a little bit of pain.
Every disc is created up of two components – a robust outer covering referred to as the annulus, and a soft jelly center known as the nucleus. This structure essentially resembles a jelly doughnut.
When an individual contains a herniated disc, the strong outer covering of the disc tears and also the jelly begins to shift out of the center into the area where the disc is weakest. This creates a bulge in the disc, which applies pressure to the nerves of the spine.
This can be really why this condition is therefore painful and debilitating – the nerves of the spine control everything within the body, thus when they have pressure applied to them, not solely is it painful, but whatever they management within the body can begin to malfunction.
One in all the most troublesome things regarding healing a herniated disc is the very fact that the discs of the spine don’t receive a sensible amount of blood flow. The body normally depends on the blood to move oxygen and nutrients to an injured space for faster healing.
However, as a result of the discs of the spine do not receive a lot of blood flow, they will be terribly stubborn and frustrating to heal properly.
This is often truly a very important point to discuss when talking about herniated disc exercises, as a result of the discs of the spine receive their oxygen and nutrients in an exceedingly very completely different way. Keep in mind how we have a tendency to were discussing the actual fact that each spinal disc has a jelly center?
Well, this jelly center is very important, because the disc will really store oxygen and nutrients during this jelly for proper healing. Thus, one amongst the exercises we tend to’ll be discussing can be helping to replenish this oxygen and nutrient supply thus you’ll experience faster healing.
Alright – now that we have a tendency to have that background, it is time to talk regarding some specific herniated disc exercises you’ll do. I’m actually going to allow you a routine that you can do, that I exploit in my clinic for the fastest and best results.
The primary exercise I can advocate will need the employment of a mini-trampoline, which could be a little trampoline that’s regarding four feet wide. They’re terribly inexpensive, and you’ll find one at most sports stores.
But, you’ll not be using the trampoline in the approach you will imagine – in different words, you will not be jumping on the trampoline. Essentially, I am going to suggest that you simply stand in the middle of the trampoline and march in place. This could be a terribly controlled movement, and you wish to create certain you retain your head looking straight ahead and your arms at your facet when you are marching.
This exercise should be done for 5 minutes each day. The goal of this herniated disc exercise is to improve your balance, that strengthens the tiniest muscles around the spine. When you strengthen these muscles, it not only balances the spine, but it removes pressure from the discs, allowing them to heal a lot of quickly.
The following exercise I will suggest involves the employment of a therapy ball, that is one of these giant balls you see in health clubs or physical therapy clinics. Basically, you simply need to take a seat on the ball, and gently bounce up and down, keeping your head trying forward and your arms to your side.
This exercise should be done for 5 minutes every day, and it is best that you do it immediately following the trampoline exercise we tend to simply discussed. This exercise is really the most necessary one I’ll be discussing these days, because this is often the one that is going to help bring new oxygen and nutrients to the injured disc for faster healing.
Essentially, once you bounce on the ball, you are pumping each disc within the spine. This pumping action (known as imbibition) is literally pumping new oxygen and nutrients into the disc, and pumping toxins from the injury out of the disc.
Finally, we want to discuss stretching and strengthening herniated disc exercises. Stretching should conjointly be done every day, however I suggest that you are doing your stretches immediately when you are doing the trampoline and ball exercise. These exercises combined can act as an excellent warm-up and prepare your muscles for your daily activity (that reduces the danger that you will re-injure your herniated disc).
Strengthening exercises, on the other hand, would like to be done just 3 days per week. These exercises are a little additional aggressive, therefore I do not advocate you begin these until you’ve been doing the stretches for two weeks. The stretches will prepare you for the strengthening exercises, and you ought to always stretch before strengthening.
In other words, I might recommend that you are doing the trampoline exercise, then the ball exercise, then stretch, and finally strengthen. This routine will gradually heat up the world round the herniated disc, that ensures the fastest result.
Kitty Cooper been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in exercise ,you can also check out her latest website about:
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A simple and great exercise to strengthen the lower back. A weak lower back leads to many painful conditions including herniated discs, arthritis and sciatica (pain and burning into the buttocks and leg).
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Pain Stopping Lower Back Exercise
April 16, 2012 by admin
Filed under Lower Back Exercises
Article by Darvin J. Hooey
<div>Both lower back exercise and lower back relief are very frequent internet searches. Why? Because many people suffer from lower back pain. This article discusses some of the reasons for and some ways to avoid back pain.</div><span style=”font-size: medium;”>What’s the Cause and Solution?</span>
There are two sides to the coin called lower back pain, two main culprits. The first cause is simply the amount of wear and tear the lower back goes through on a regular basis. Sitting or standing, the lower back is under constant strain. If you then add overuse to the mix, it’s amazing to me that more people aren’t plagued by lower back pain! Lack of lower back exercise is the second main cause. Of course, there may be a medical reason for your back pain, but the focus here will be the two causes you can realistically do something to avoid.
What can you do to avoid the first cause? You can decrease the strain on your lower back by placing less pressure on it and using it more appropriately. This means paying more attention to your posture! This is critical when you are lifting, standing or sitting. When standing a natural curve forward should exist in your lower back. It’s also critical to wear shoes with sufficient arch support. Lower back exercise will help with maintaining the proper curve, but if this doesn’t come natural to you, you will have to make a conscious effort to maintain this curve. When sitting, a good ergonomic chair is crucial! Most importantly, your chair should provide sufficient support for your lower back, to prevent it from curving the wrong way. When lifting, do NOT bend at your waist. Not bending at the waist forces your legs to do the work, rather than putting the strain on your back! Aviding the second main cause is simple… get more lower back exercise! These exercises will help you stretch and strengthen your lower back muscles, which can help with existing pain and help prevent future issues.
<span style=”font-size: medium;”>Which Exercises Should I Do?</span>
Both strengthening and stretching are important to avoiding lower back injuries. Let’s address the strengthening issue first. There are quite a few exercises that work best with free weights or gym type machines or equipment. I personally prefer at home workouts, mostly without weights. However, I know that some of you still insist on going to the a health club, so here are a few select lower back exercises you can ask about at the health club the next time you’re there:
DeadliftMachine Back ExtensionsExercise Ball Lower Back ExtensionsThere are others that draw on the lower back to a degree, but these target the lower back almost exclusively. Therefore, you should start off with little to no weight when doing the first two exercises.
As far as stretching goes, there are plenty of basic and fad stretches you can do out there, but the most effective method I’ve found is centuries old! This method is called yoga. In my opinion, it is the best lower back exercise out there! Put simply, the series of poses that yoga consists of, safely stretch not only the lower back and other the rest of your muscles, but it also stretches your ligaments and tendons too. New students have reported increases in flexibility of more than 35% in as little as eight weeks!
I am not a doctor, but these exercises have made a world of difference for me…
If you truly wish to succeed at being in the best shape of your life, then you must visit the world’s best resource. Go to Next Level Yoga immediately, to see how easily it can be done with at home workouts!
Back extension / Hyperextension ( lower back exercises ): this exercise is vital to strengthen the muscles of the lower back, the lumbar muscles. The back muscles are antagonists of the abdominal muscles, for these reasons we recommend to train in proportion to the abdominal muscles is that the back muscles. (electronic translation of the text) P4P is asking all of its subscribers for help to continue producing increasingly high-quality multimedia content, thus providing ever-more useful services that are completely free. How can you help P4P? In just 4 simple ways: 1.Vote for the video by clicking “Like” 2.Add at least one comment 3.Add the video to your favorites 4.Share the video on Facebook/Twitter
Is Low Back Pain Inevitable? Tips On how to Avoid this Common Ailment
April 12, 2012 by admin
Filed under Lower Back Exercises
Article by Eric Comforth
Low back pain is experienced at some time by most people, but can be lessened or avoided with lifestyle changes.
It is quite likely that you may experience low back pain at some point in your life. In most cases, low back pain is not a long term condition and goes away with rest and basic home treatments. However, it’s estimated that from fifteen to thirty percent of Americans suffer with chronic low back pain, disabling more people than heart disease or cancer.
One of the most common causes of low back pain is overuse of your muscles. This may occur from lifting something heavy or from doing some kind of hard work you don’t normally do. These types of minor back injuries can usually be handled at home without a doctor’s intervention. The best way to get low back pain relief is to rest the affected muscles for a couple of days. Lying on a heating pad or applying a hot pack of some sort is also an excellent low back pain treatment.
Most low back pain will go away within a few days, although a few weeks is not uncommon. Stay as active as possible and take ibuprofen or paracetamol. You can return to your normal activities before you are completely pain free, as long as these activities don’t put a strain on your back. The main thing to avoid is further weakening your core muscles as this will make you more prone to future injuries.
Any low back pain that lasts longer than twelve weeks is referred to as chronic low back pain. Chronic pain can be attributed to many causes. Sometimes it’s caused by repeatedly performing movements that are not good for your back. It may result from an injury or accident. In other cases, chronic low back pain is a signal of more serious illnesses or degenerative diseases.
Almost all of the causes of low back pain can be prevented with lifestyle changes and attention to your posture. Poor sleeping positions may lead to low back pain. Obesity or weight gain during pregnancy may cause stress on your lower back. Even seemingly unrelated conditions like smoking, stress and depression can result in minor low back pain. It’s been proven that smoking reduces blood flow to your lower spine and causes disc degeneration.
Low back pain affects men and women equally. As you might suspect, back pain becomes more prevalent as people age. Most degenerative joint diseases are due to aging more than any other factor. In the past, low back pain among pre-teens was rare, but the introduction of backpacks and heavy schoolbooks have contributed to an increase in the number of children reporting problems with low back pain. School children can lower their risk of developing low back pain by not carrying all of their books every day and by wearing their backpack on both shoulders, balancing the weight evenly.
The best low back pain exercise involves gently stretching the muscles of your lower back, especially before you begin any exercise or exertion. Try to keep your weight balanced when you’re standing up and avoid slouching. If you work in an office environment, make sure that your workspace is designed to reduce strain on your back. Low back pain is best avoided by maintaining an overall healthy physical condition rather than trying to concentrate specifically on back exercises.
If you haven’t experienced low back pain yet, you’re almost guaranteed to experience it in the future. By understanding the causes and how they result in low back pain, hopefully you can reduce the severity of any pain you have and quickly travel the road to complete recovery.
Eric Comforth writes on many health and mobility topics.For more information on Low Back Pain visit Back Pain Cures and say goodbye to your back pain.
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What Stops Penis Growth Hot Lower Body Exercises For Men And Women
April 8, 2012 by admin
Filed under Lower Back Exercises
Article by Earl Wishum
It is natural to want a bigger penis. Not only because it makes you feel confident but because it can also make you confident in bed. The best method on how to naturally make your penis bigger is to perform manual exercises on your penis.
Are you happy with the size of your penis? Do you wish that there was a guaranteed way to enlarge your penis safely? Look no further – It is now guaranteed and safe to add up to 4 inches to your penis size in just a matter of weeks! The best part is you can start TODAY adding length and girth to your penis size.
Do you want a 9 inch erection? Do you want to increase the size of your penis? All of us want a bigger penis.
There are many penis pills but few are effective while being safe at the same time. Most effective penis pills use the power of all herbal and natural ingredients to ensure powerful erections and an increase in your penis size.
With the massive amounts of junk mail we receive weekly making ridiculous claims like increasing the length of your penis by as much as 4 inches in two weeks! No wonder a lot of individuals wonder if natural penis male enlargement really works. Find out more!
This article answers FAQ’s about rapidly increasing the length and girth of your erect penis. I went from 5.5 inches long and 5 inches around to over 8 inches long and exactly 6 inches around using specific yet very simple techniques that any man can duplicate.
You need to stick around if you want to learn how to give women fast orgasms. I am sure that some of you are wondering why a man would EVER want to give a woman a fast orgasm. Do they want to get the sex over with? Is this for the busy professional who needs to satisfy his woman fast so he can get back to work? Not at all! There are two main benefits to making your woman orgasm fast. Read on.
Penis exercises are the safest and cheapest method of real and permanent penis male enlargement. A good exercise program helps you perform exercises with the help of photos and videos and describes each movement in detail so that you do not go wrong. Moreover natural pills can enhance the effect of these exercises and some good ones include complementary access to highly specialized exercise programs.
Is Bigger Penis Better Satin Panty Fetish – Tips For Finding Women With A Panty Fetish

Trainer Jai demonstrates proper form and technique for variations of the super flying man exercise. This exercise works the lower back and glutes and is great for addressing lower back pain.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Treatment For Herniated Disc In Lower Back- 5 Natural Home Remedies To Stop Pain and Swelling
March 31, 2012 by admin
Filed under Lower Back Exercises
Article by Trish Cannone
Some of the most poignant voices are heard from people who suffer a herniated disc and treatment for herniated disc in lower back is very convoluted.
What Is A Herniated Disc?
Our spine is cushioned by tiny, mushy discs. The main job of these spongy discs is to absorb the shocks endured by our body. Herniated disc is a condition when our discs get damaged or ruptured. It mostly affects our lower back and sometimes the pain can be felt near the neck (cervical spine).
People who are entangled in jobs and sports which require heavy lifting, pushing, twisting are very likely to suffer from this disorder. And with surgeries offering very poor curative results, people are bound to embrace natural remedies.
The Best Natural Treatments:
1) Rest is regarded to be the most effective treatment for herniated disc in lower back. But sometimes, over resting may backfire as it can weaken the surrounding muscles. Therefore, light activities with some rest can bring great relief.
2) Ice or heat treatment can bring great comfort to the patient. Depending on what you are more comfortable with, either of them can be applied to the affected area. They help to numb the nerves, reduces swelling and soothes out the pain. Always remember not to keep both of the either packs on for too long. Apply it for ten minutes followed by a five minutes rest.
3) Back posture is known to be a very important factor for herniated disc since improper posture may exaggerate our condition. Find a relaxing position for rest and sleeping with small pillows can do wonders. Try to use a medium-firm bed with small pillow under your head and knees. Alternatively, sleeping flat on the floor can also bring relief but try not to sleep in one spot for too long.
4) Regular massaging with safflower seed oil, Ignatia and Naja oil with some menthol can bring relief to those who are suffering from herniated disc, as they have their own medicinal values.
– Menthol: Helps in increasing the blood flow and circulation at the affected area which speeds healing.
– Ignatia: Helps to calm the affected nerves which increases the blood flow and gives more mobility to our muscles.
– Naja: Works within the nerves to heal and mitigate pain.
5) Apart from all these home remedies in treatment for herniated disc in lower back ,we must note down a few important tips like:
– Staying at a healthy weight reduces a lot of load on our lower back.
– Always protect your back when you lift any item.
– Try to get mild but regular exercise.
– Avoid smoking.
Is There A Quick Yet Affordable Home Remedy?
The bottom line on herniated disc comes down to getting an appropriate treatment which grinds well without heavy expense and without any side effects. The natural remedies mentioned are very effective but they act slowly. But to our relief, studies conducted by a Health Institute has proven that a cream made from a combined mix of natural herbs like Belladonna, Naja, Lachesis Mutus, Ignatia, etc. has the ability to stop pain and swelling in a short period of time. Even better, it does not come with any side effects. It is a breakthrough which is by far one of the best treatment for herniated disc in lower back.
Want to stop pain and swelling using a clinically proven treatment for herniated disc in lower back that is made from natural herbs? Get more information at:
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How To Exercise Lower Back Pain
March 27, 2012 by admin
Filed under Lower Back Exercises
Article by Mez cab
Exercise Lower Back Pain
If you are suffering from pain in your lower back, I am going to show you a simple way to exercise lower back pain away for ever. This condition can be extremely excruciating to the point where you just simply cannot move. There are many causes that can trigger lower back pain to occur. The most common reasons are incorrect sitting postures, carrying heavy objects, receiving a blow to the lower back, and in some cases, even a cold draft can be the culprit. The first approach would be to get some paracetamol in order to help alleviate the pain. If this does not reduce the pain, you can switch to ibuprofen.
If you received a blow to your lower back, there may be some inflammation. You can help treat this by applying cold compressed wraps and resting for a short time. Once the pain and inflammation has reduced, you should try to make yourself active. You can provide yourself with further relief after I teach you how to exercise lower back pain away for good. After you have warmed yourself up for about five minutes, you can then look to perform what is known as a pelvic tilt. This is a stretching exercise, which will help your back.
To get into this position, simply lie on your back and then bend your knees so that they are pointing skywards, while at the same time keeping your feet flat on the floor. Then once you are ready, take in a deep breath, and then exhale while at the same time trying to flatten the small of your back against the floor. It is important that you do not push your feet into the floor while doing this, but use your abdominal muscles to help. You should then hold this position for five seconds. You can repeat this exercise 5 to 15 times.
Lower back pain exercises such as the basic twist will help you to stretch the lower back. To do this, lie on your back and have your arms stretched out at your sides. Bend your knees so that they are pointing upwards. Then raise your knees slowly and bring them close towards your chest. Once they are at your chest, take a deep breath and then exhale as you lower your knees back to the starting position. After a brief pause, take in a deep breath once again and raise your knees towards your chest. Then exhale and lower your knees once again, but this time towards the left side. Repeat the process of alternating between lowering your knees to the left and right sides. You can repeat this exercise about five times.
If at any time while performing these back pain exercises you feel that it is causing you more pain than normal, you should stop immediately. Try to find a different exercise that will not cause you any extra pain. Also, please make sure to speak to your doctor before performing any type of exercise. This will ensure that you do not cause further injury.
An amazing new method we will show you so that you can exercise lower back pain away for ever. If you want be rid of your back pain problems once and for all then visit our site where we will show you how to get rid of your back pain quickly and easily today.
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Tips For Preventing A Sore Back
March 23, 2012 by admin
Filed under Lower Back Exercises
Article by Michel Maling
It is hardly surprising that eighty percent of the population will at some stage of their lives suffer with back pain. The amount of time people spend sitting in front of computers, laying on couches and wedged behind steering wheels contributes to all sort of ailments. There are different types of back pain, and here are some of them and what you can do to prevent them.
Poor Posture
Poor posture is one of the main causes of back pain. Poor posture includes rounded shoulders, a head that is either tilted too far forwards or too far backwards, or simply sitting slouched and rounded all the time.
This type of back pain mainly affects people who drive or sit a lot. Standing for long periods or even sleeping for long periods of time can also cause back pain. A prior back injury could also lead to poor posture and further pain in your back.
Firstly you need to switch to chairs that support your back. Make sure that your mattress is supportive enough to keep your spine straight when you lay on your side. When lifting heavy things, use your leg muscles. Make sure to change positions every 45 minutes. Get active and make sure to keep your weight at a healthy level.
Muscle Strain
If you have pain in the lower back and bum, which increases with movement, then muscle strain could be to blame. If you have muscle spasms, this could also be an indicator.
Muscle strain happens when the muscle fibres are either over stretched or torn. This normally happens with a sudden movement like twisting the back inappropriately or picking up something heavy.
Do some regular back exercises to strengthen the back and help to protect it against muscle strain. If your muscles are strong and flexible, they will be able to do more and take on more strain.
If you have strained your muscles, you could try applying a cold compress to the affected area or have rehabilitation treatment with a physiotherapist.
Sciatica is recognized by pain in the lower back, which radiates down the back of your leg. It could be accompanied by localized numbness and weakness.
This is normally caused by compression or irritation of the sciatica nerve. Causes of this include slipped discs, spinal stenosis, injury, trauma and degenerative conditions. People who sit for long periods of time or who lead an inactive life style are at greater risk.
Prevent sciatica by exercising regularly and strengthening the core and back muscles. Adopt a good posture when sitting and maintain a healthy weight.
Treatment of sciatica is varied, and surgery can be taken in extreme cases.
This is felt with aching, stiffness or difficulty moving the joint. It can develop in one or more joints.
Unfortunately this is a natural course of events as one gets older and it is exacerbated by genetic predisposition and previous joint injuries.
Osteoarthritis is not not preventable, but it can be reduced by keeping fit and staying mobile for as long as possible, as well as maintaining a healthy weight.
A qualified doctor can decide on what treatment will suit you best.
Bottom line is that we all need to take proper care and preventative steps to ensure that we are not plagued with back pain in our later years.
Click here for more useful tips and health related information.
Here is How to stop a lower back pain
March 19, 2012 by admin
Filed under Lower Back Exercises
Article by Rob Maraby
For most people, a nagging back pain could be an indication of a muscle imbalance!
Muscle imbalance arises when you train a body part like abs without training its corresponding but opposite muscle-the lower back!
So If you are someone who works their abs without working their lower back, you could be setting yourself up for a back pain!
Muscle balance is a vital component to injury prevention. Whether you chose to lift weights or use water resistance or calisthenics to maintain muscle strength and endurance, you need to focus on muscle balance. The major muscle group’s work in pairs and those muscle pairs need to be balanced in terms of strength and flexibility.
Low back pain is a classic example of muscle pair imbalance. Not all low back pain is caused by muscle imbalance, but much of it is. In this case the pain results from a forward tilt of the pelvis and involves two pairs of muscles.
In order to understand this example, imagine the pelvis with 4 strings attached. The two strings are attached to the top of the pelvis and hold the front and back of the “bowl” up in correct position.
The two strings attached to the bottom hold it down in correct position. If those four strings lose their balance, then the “bowl” can tip either forward or backward. The abdominal muscles hold the pelvis up in front and usually become too weak and their partner, the erector spinae which holds the pelvis up in back usually becomes too strong.
The iliopsoas muscle which pulls the pelvis down in front usually becomes too strong, while the partner, the gluteals, which hold the pelvis down in back becomes too weak.
The result is a forward tilt which increases the curvature of the lower back and places too much pressure on the spine in that area, causing pain.
,So what is the solution? Follow your ab workouts with a lower back workout! Again this can be done using a bed or the floor!here is the solution:Leg raises to strengthen back and hip muscles.
Lie on your stomach. Tighten the muscles in one leg and raise it from the floor. Hold your leg up for a count of 10 and return it to the floor. Do the same with the other leg. Repeat five times with each leg.
Perform this lower back workout after every ab workout your perform
Rob Maraby is the author of 25 fitness books, his latest book is the fast abs program- a simple way to get six pack abs in just 4 minutes using nothing but your couch, check it out at
Compensation for Slipped Discs ? Lifting at work can lead to Slipped Discs in a Worker’s Back
March 15, 2012 by admin
Filed under Lower Back Exercises
Discs in the spine are made of cartilage, flexible connective tissue with a tough outer shell. They sit between and stabilise the 24 vertebral bones in the back, acting as a cushion and allowing the spine to twist and bend. A slipped disc (also known as a prolapsed or herniated disc) occurs when these discs are subjected to intense pressure, causing them to rupture. The soft gel the discs contain then leaks out through the crack, and may press against the spinal cord and surrounding nerves, causing shooting pain and muscle spasms both in the back, and often in other areas of the body, such as the arms and legs, which receive messages from nerves in the spine. Spinal discs may rupture in the neck and upper back, though the vast majority of slipped disc injuries affect the lumbar region of the lower back.
Slipped disc injuries normally require 6-8 weeks to heal fully, though in around 10% of cases problems endure for over 6 months.
Back injuries can recur and escalate in severity. A person may develop a permanent degenerative back condition in the long-term, such as arthritis or scoliosis, where the natural curvature of the spine becomes deformed. Most slipped disc injuries at work are caused by heavy or repetitive lifting, and back problems can become chronic if a person continues to carry out the same physical tasks that caused their original injury after returning to work. Twice as many men suffer slipped discs at work than women, though certain professions such as nursing have a particularly high incidence rate of slipped disc injuries among female workers.
Manual handling, including lifting, pulling and pushing tasks, cause the majority of slipped disc injuries at work, as well as repetitive movements, including twisting, bending and stretching, which can progressively weaken discs in the spine. Injuries often occur when workers are operating in confined spaces, where they are forced to adopt unnatural postures when lifting and handling weights. Workers may slip, trip and fall in the workplace, or may fall from height. Sudden physical trauma, such as a heavy or awkward landing from a fall, may cause a disc to crack. Alternatively the condition of the back may deteriorate over time due to working conditions, leading to cumulative wear-and-tear and a greater likelihood of a disc in the back rupturing. Road traffic accidents also regularly cause slipped disc injuries, as the spine is often wrenched during an impact, known as whiplash.
The vast majority of work related slipped disc injuries affect those working in physically demanding professions, and many are the result of employers failing to follow the detailed legislation that governs lifting weight by hand in the workplace. There are strict limits imposed on the amount of weight a worker should be expected to lift and carry during a shift, and where possible mechanised lifting equipment should be employed as an alternative to lifting by hand. Both working practices and individual manual handling tasks must be comprehensively risk assessed to protect workers from the risk of injury. Training in safe lifting techniques must also be provided by the employer, and work should be effectively supervised to ensure employees take sufficient breaks from physically demanding or repetitive tasks.
Harry Marldon says that workers can claim compensation slipped disc if the injury was caused by their work roles. Specialist personal injury solicitors are able to inform clients how much compensation is available for a slipped disc at work.