Muscle Building Supplements For Men

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Men with a great muscular body are always on the roll. They grab attention wherever they go. It is an age old fact that women are always attracted to men with unique and interesting personalities. One’s personality is truly enhanced by a muscular built. Women are generally head over heels over men who exude absolute confidence in themselves. No matter what happens or comes up, women want men to act like it doesn’t faze them at all. A confident guy can roll with the punches and handle himself in all situations.

The first thing that needs to be done is having the right percentage of body fat. This is done with a proper diet and getting some exercise. Many people right now may be thinking how does burning fat build muscle? By losing the excess fat that is on the body, it helps someone to improve their workout. Also, if someone builds muscle but still has a lot of fat on them, it will be hard to know if that person’s body is filled with muscle.

Much of its success is attributed to the fact that is has been acclaimed and appraised by a number of health and fitness experts. And this is largely down to the fact that is actively discourages the use of steroids and supplements and even goes as far as to say that they can not only damage your health and wellbeing but that, in addition, they can also prevent and slow down progress towards your fitness goals.

Men with muscles have more confidence. Since they can attract many stares from other people, it’s an ego-booster. They are more confident in showing off their bodies and they know that they are attracting stares because they have a great body compared to the stares that unfit men receive.

Caffeine is actually common in people’s diets, even if they aren’t looking at building muscle. It does help to burn fat, giving the muscles an opportunity to grow. Caffeine can be found in soda, coffee, and chocolate. However, too much caffeine can cause several nervous issues, heart palpitations, and even dehydration. Diarrhea has also been known to happen due to an excess of caffeine.

Whey Protein: this tends to be the first choice among body builders, athletes and people wanting to gain muscle mass because it is the most readily available, has the most protein content and is easily absorbed. Protein is the most important substance needed to build muscle and is also effective on weight loss, specifically fat loss.

Weight lifting is a major aspect of building lean muscle mass. If you’re not pumping weights to some degree, you’re not going to build any muscle mass. It matters not if you have the best muscle building supplements in the world. Your muscle groups have to be challenged in order for you to pack on real muscle tissue. The basic fact is that you have to tear muscle fibers so they can rebuild themselves to be stronger and larger.

Before beginning any kinds of muscles supplements it is essential to understand the benefits, risks and many unknowns regarding performance enhancing drugs. It has been proven over the years that all sports persons, athletes and muscle builders who are able to achieve their muscle growth targets are those with the greatest strength, speed or endurance. Hence consistency and performing with extraordinary strength is the positive effect of muscle growth.

You can get this protein from regular food in your diet. High protein is simple than cooking low fat proteins.It is a simple way to build and be sure you obtaining adequate protein which will maintain you in upbeat nitrogen balance so to your maintain or build your muscle.

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Video Rating: 1 / 5

The Ultimate Guide in Muscle Building For Women – Women Can Build Lean Attractive Muscle Too!

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Article by Dave Vower


The fitness industry may be more in tune with the male populace, but in reality the females are never left out of the picture. The only big difference is that women tend to be different than men and I mean really different. Not just on the outside, but the most important determining factor for female body building success is what’s on the inside. Yes, every person has a little of everything. Amazingly, men have a little estrogen (the female hormone) in their bodies whereas females have tiny deposits of testosterone (the male hormone) themselves.

It has been known that this testosterone is the ones responsible for the development of the boys’ secondary sex characteristics. And men tend to be more masculine than females because of this. The sad thing is that some women take in hormones just to build their muscles fast. Unfortunately, this strategy leads to many kinds of negative health consequences and adverse effects.

But wait, who said women can’t become fit? They can have a leaner body figure even without having much of the male hormone. Although they may progress a little slow compared to the way men build muscles, women can really bring in some 6 packs on their abdomen and have some amazing firm humps for themselves. If men would claim that women will never catch up to them in terms of how much muscles they are going to build, well they are wrong. Women can have the exact muscles as men do although it will necessitate more strenuous and time consuming activities.

Basically, the types of exercises that are needed to be done for females remain relatively the same as what men usually undergo. The ever popular squats, bench or shoulder presses, chin ups and deadlifts are commonly used. This is best done foremost before the weight lifting sessions. It is also best to have some rest periods between exercises to let go of all undesired chemical by products that were created after a strenuous workout.

Regarding diet, women must never forget to bring in all the necessary caloric requirements. A gram of protein per pound of your weight must be followed during your meals. Eat more frequently, about 5 times or more daily rather than just eating 3 huge meals. Protein shakes are also recommended. Moreover, water is also of the essence. Water therapy helps replenish your system with your lost fluids during times of workout.

Lastly, cook your food before you eat them. But bear in mind not to under or overcook them. This will help reduce the fat and keep your body lean and healthy looking. Once all of these guidelines are followed, in time, the females can build their own set of muscles just as men do.

We can provide you with the most effective body building and weight lifting advice on the net. Find The Best Info About Muscle Building For Women and how to Build your Muscles FAST at Muscle Building Women. Your Success depends on it!

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

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3 Tips to Muscle Building for Beginners

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Article by Balu Muscle

Making a decision to changing the body for the better takes courage and muscle building for beginners is a wonderful journey if done the right way. I say “the right way” because muscle building for beginners is an unknown path for many and if done the wrong way, you can end up getting some nagging injuries or not experience the results you were hoping for.

I will in this article go through some tips to building muscle for beginners, so you build muscle the right and efficient way, because our time is precious. But if you want the building muscle for beginners tips to be effective, you need to apply them and stick to them. This is a common trap that a lot of people fall into, because they don’t stay consistent to what works.

Knock the following tips into your head and you will make your journey a lot easier and more important, an enjoyable one.

Guidelines to Muscle Building for Beginners

-Tip #1 to muscle building for beginners: If you want to build muscle you need to have a progression when you do weight training. When starting out with the building muscle for beginners it takes some time to get used to lifting weight, because your body has never used any of those muscles in such an intensive manner.

But as time passes by in your building muscle for beginners journey, it will be easier for you to lift those weight that used to be heavy, that is when you know that you should increase your lifting weight. Because by surprising the body and constantly putting it under pressure, that is when your muscles starts to grow and you see results that you might not have thought possible.

-Tip #2 to muscle building for beginners: Having a nutrition plan is your key to success when you are on your building muscle for beginners journey. Without the right nutrition you won’t see the results you were hoping for.

A good example of how important nutrition is to building muscle; imagine putting a car together with all the right tools to make it awesome and then you try to start the car, but you have not put any gasoline in it, it’s simple, the car won’t start. It is the same thing with building muscle for beginners, without the right nutrition, you dream body will just remain a dream.

-Tip #3 to muscle building for beginners: Even though you are in your muscle building for beginners journey and you just want to see results right away, you need to rest. It is when you rest that your muscles grow.

Muscle building for beginners is fun

The above tips might sound very simple and they are if you apply them and follow them. By you reading this article about muscle building for beginners, it shows that you are committed to getting your dream physique. If you are going to put your time into it, why not make sure that you do not waste your time and make your muscle building for beginners journey towards the body of your dream a wonderful one.

Are you tired of not being able to wear the clothes you want, not feeling comfortable in your body, not liking what you see in the mirror and not being able to go to the beach? Then visit us at Best Way to Build Muscle to make your Dream Physique become a Reality….

Don´t waste anymore time, let me teach you how you can totally Transform your body. Visit us Now and start your Bodybuilding for Beginners journey.

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Top Muscle building Meal Plan ? Become you own Muscle Building Cook

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

When you look at bodybuilders, you see them eat most of the time when they are not working out and that is because they have a muscle building meal plan that they follow. Having a muscle building meal plan is key for building muscle as your growth depends on the food you eat.

This article will be about having the right muscle building meal plan and you can mix the different foods to combine them in a way that fits you.

Muscle Building Meal Plan – The Foods

-1st Muscle Building Meal Plan – Eggs:
Eggs are a great source of protein and rich in healthy fat. The healthy fat we are talking about is not what is found in fries and other fast foods. That is saturated fat and something we want to keep our hands from. Eggs are also easy to digest for building muscle.

-2nd Muscle Building Meal Plan – Fish:
Fish is another great source of protein as well as healthy fat.

It really doesn’t matter which kind of fish you choose, as they are all great, but most bodybuilders go for salmon and it taste great if you know how to make it. Fish should be eaten several times a week.

-3rd Muscle Building Meal Plan – Lean Meat:
It shouldn’t come as a surprise to you that meat is rich in proteins and is also one of the greatest sources of iron in muscle building meal plan. But it is also high in cholesterol and should be kept on a low.

-4th Muscle Building Meal Plan – Peanut Butter:
Peanut butter is rich in proteins and fat. A lot of people think that it is unhealthy because it is usually associated with being a snack meal, like jelly peanut butter sandwich. But if you cut the jelly and white bread out, you will find it to be a great source in your muscle building meal plan.

-5th Muscle Building Meal Plan – Chicken:
Chicken is key for people who also want to lose weight. That is because chicken is low in calories, but rich in proteins. And if you want to cut weight, you need to have lower calorie consumption. But chicken is also great for bodybuilders because of the richness in proteins and you can eat a lot of it in your muscle building meal plan.

Muscle Building Meal Plan – Carbohydrates

You also need sources of carbohydrates in your muscle building meal plan. Some great sources of carbohydrates are brown rise, oatmeal, whole grains, fruits, vegetables etc.

Especially after your workout session, your body needs the right nutrition to repair the muscles with. A great way is to take a protein shake right after your workout with carbohydrates, to transport it faster to your protein receptors.

You should also have a muscle building meal plan with carbohydrates before your workout, because you need the energy to have a great workout session.

All the above foods are great for growth and should be included in your diet. To make the muscle building meal plan more exciting, you can imagine yourself being the greatest cook on the planet and make a dream dish come true.

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Don´t waste anymore time, let me teach you how you can totally Transform your body. Visit us Now and start Muscle Building Food.

Choosing the Exact Whey Protein Muscle Building

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Article by Ygo Belmonte

While others might tell you that it is feasible to develop muscles and have an excellent body devoid of it, the many successful bodybuilders have utilized whey protein muscle building to aid them. It is important to have protein to develop muscle even if you just need to acquire muscular and lean appearance and a superb product may definitely aid. There are several options when we talk about supplements as well as it may be very difficult whenever you try to choose the exact product for you. Specific manufacturers will suggest that to develop muscles, you must have diverse kinds of supplements that feature something distinctive. Although there are few excellent products available, the primary addition to proper dieting is whey protein powder. There are few factors to consider when searching for the whey protein muscle building alternative. Following these tips may provide you the exact idea when choosing a product to accompany your training. It is important to consider the taste of the product you choose. It highly depends on how particular you are regarding the taste because you will be ingesting a significant quantity of it and it is important that you admire the taste. The superb type will go exactly similar to a delicious shake and you may not go wrong from the quality of the product similar to the Warrior Whey. Another excellent whey protein powder is the isolate. This features the best concentration having minimal fat, thus will provide the maximum benefits. This is depending on the method of processing the product. The protein must be filtered in order to produce isolate and you may be guarantee that it won’t induce to adding undesirable fat without noticing it. The muscle may instantly metabolize it contrary to other sorts of protein that serve much gentle. Of course, it is important to determine the protein levels you consume. It is crucial to guarantee that the protein level is high every serving or you may have the wrong product. Others believe that approximately 25 grams of protein each serving, yet there are brands that provide a substantial level as opposed to this. Moreover, bear in mind that you must also consider the carbohydrate level each serving.

Muscle Building Diet

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Discovering the Benefits of a Muscle Building Diet

Many have discovered the benefits from a muscle building diet and how effective it is for getting into great physical shape. This kind of a diet is not so much about losing weight but losing fat. It is a re-proportioning of the body’s weight so to speak. Lose the fat and increase your strength is the main focus for this kind of regimen.

Effective for Young or Older

It does not matter if you are 16 or 60 a muscle building diet can be effective getting into shape. This is accomplished through a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise. This of course is strengthened by a sensible diet. The aerobic aspect will burn fat and the anaerobic aspect will build muscle. Paired with a sensible diet plan the body can be supplied with healthy nutrition. It only takes moderate amount of commitment and determination to consistently complete the program.

About 3 days per week and an hour and half is all that is needed to produce outstanding results in about 90 days.

Long Term Benefits

Beginning a muscle building diet will produce a host of long term health and performance benefits. Consistent anaerobic training will increase muscle mass as well as strengthen individual muscles. No form of exercise burns more calories then anaerobic strength training. Without strength training the muscles only begin to atrophy and lose strength over time. This trend is almost immediately reversed when a strength training routine begins. Strength training is progressive resistance training which strengthens the muscles, tendons and bones. Improved bone density results from the progressive resistance placed on muscles and tendons.

Progressive Results

When beginning a muscle building diet always start off on the low end of the weight scale.

You can always increase more weight as you become comfortable handling it. By beginning on the low end you will also prevent and reduce the chance of straining or injuring muscles. The term progressive resistance means making improvements by increment, not in leaps. If you are beginning a strength training program for the first time in a long time proceed with caution on weight selection. Those with an above average strength level going in will use starting weights that are higher then those with below average strength. Ask the professional trainer at the club or studio to assist you in weight selection when in doubt.


A muscle building diet has a lot of benefits to offer those with the discipline and motivation to engage in it. Age is not a barrier for anyone with the desire to improve their strength, endurance and physical condition. Consuming about 30% of your calories in good lean protein will also give your muscles the protein they need to become toned. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables while cutting back on the sweets will help to burn more fat. By using the combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise, while eating healthy, will not only burn fat but get you into the best shape of your life.

I have worked in the fitness industry for over 10 years and have tried many weight loss and fitness programs. I have also written several reviews of some of the top weight loss programs, which you can see on my website at This website was set up for anyone wishing to lose weight, and is designed to give advice and plans for fat loss, toning muscle and general weight loss.

Discover the Advantages of Taking Muscle Building Protein Shake

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Article by Ygo Belmonte

People say that a little skill may be and is a precarious factor that a bit frankly, though you may not possess the indistinct notion as to whom these folks are, what is obvious of is that they’re dead on the cash. The number of newbie bodybuilders having an individual website regarding muscle development and who then regard their own selves experts of the bodybuilding world, is nothing short of entertainment. One concern that crops up time after time is the muscle building protein shake consumption. What many men never understand that while protein consumption is valuable for muscle development, they may actually maximize substantially the results in case they were ready to consume it at the right time. Protein shakes must be ingested around 30 minutes prior to starting your muscle development in earnest ideally. It is due to the fact the protein shake content will still be in the body thus permitting the body to absorb it as well as obtain access to the essential components incorporated in it. Nevertheless, never be cheated by the name alone. A protein shake that contain higher protein content or worse yet, solely content of protein is not a better idea definitely. The body requires a fuel resource to be able to enable the numerous chemical reactions, which include the restoration and development of muscles and this appears in carbohydrate form. Thus, guarantee to consume a muscle building protein shake containing both carbohydrate and protein. As opposed to what others believe or might have observed, carbohydrates are definitely not your opponent. It is crucial to admire that as powerful and efficient as a protein shake is to the physical structure, it is utilized mainly as a supporting capability and thus, it will never and may not perform the entire endeavor for you. Thus, it is imperative to strike whenever iron is hot as well as actually obtain the optimum quantity of benefit from the exercise. Otherwise, you may have easily wasted your effort and time at the same time. Consuming a muscle building protein before going to sleep is another superb idea. When the body sleeps, it utilizes this calmness in physical routine to maximize the process of muscle development all through the body and provided that depends on protein to achieve outcomes actually. This intends that you have supplied your body with the necessary natural resources to accomplish this important process. Guarantee to select a muscle building protein shake that incorporates the exact amount of carbohydrate and protein similar to a reputable product called Warrior Whey. While the content of protein will enable the development process of the muscles to start, the carbohydrate content will serve as the supplied energy to enable the whole process to occur in the first place actually.

Top 4 Muscle Building Supplements

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Whenever you search the internet for muscle building supplements that would help you tone and build muscles, it is inevitable that you wouldn’t find articles or advertisements that claim they are the best. In fact there are quite a lot of supplements that would promise to maximize muscle build up and some even boast their ability to build your muscles for you. Although, these muscle building supplements look really inviting, there are only four that would guarantee to help you build your muscles the right way.   Most muscle building supplements have side effects that would cause more harm to your body instead of helping you build strong and healthy muscles. To avoid all the negative effects, check out which supplements are proven safe and really effective. Below are the top four (4) Muscle Building Supplements that will help you achieve your goal.   Creatine Supplements – this type of supplement promises to do a single job and it promises to do that job well, and that is to increase your muscular energy. It keep your muscles from getting tired and worn out. You must keep in mind that you should always take the right amount and find the right kind of Creatine Supplements to avoid any negative side effects. Protein Supplements – taking protein supplements can help you build amino acids to feed your muscles and help you build the muscles that you’ve been dreaming of. Protein supplements should also be taken in moderation because it may affect your liver if you take too much. But with the right amount, you can get the results that you want. This muscle building supplement is a constant part of all reliable diet programs. Testosterone Boosters ­– for the men who would want to build their muscles, this muscle building supplement can burn more fats and increase your muscle mass. Using testosterone boosters can help you with not just your muscles but also your sexual health. Pre Workout Supplements – these muscle building supplements can help you prepare for a long tedious workout. These are usually made up of different types of ingredients that will help optimize your workout and muscle building. Once you find the right selection of pre workout supplements, you will get to enjoy the fruits of your hard labor.   While muscle building supplements are designed to help you build stronger muscles, the results still depends on how suitable these supplements are for your body. Some are not perfect for your body type, causing you not to get the muscular condition that you’ve been aiming for, aside from that side effects can really harm your body.  

Finding the right muscle building supplements can really create magic, they will help build stronger muscles, and at the same time, help you live a life that is healthy and free from any negative side effects. The right combination of supplements will really increase your body’s innate ability to function, and will also boost your immune system. It’s best to consult your doctor and your trainer to come up with the right muscle building supplement combination.

Learn About Protein Shakes

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Protein shakes have been around since the early days of bodybuilding. For years athletes and bodybuilders from around the world have constantly used protein shakes to build muscle and lose fat. Protein is one of the body’s main building blocks for muscle, skin, bone, and other tissues. Protein shakes come in many combination’s of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. These diverse drinks come in a variety of flavors and are also an inexpensive way to feed your muscles.

Whey protein is the most popular and widely used protein in the fitness world. Whey protein is a pure, natural, high quality protein from milk. These highly effective protein shakes are a rich source of the essential amino acids, that are essential on a daily basis by your body. Whey protein is an excellent choice for just about anyone. New information is always being discovered about this multi purpose protein.

Here are some benefits of whey protein:

Helps to increase lean muscle mass
Promotes fat loss
Enhances immune system
Improves liver function
Build and repair muscles and bones

Protein shakes isn’t just for bodybuilders and athletes.

Many men and women use protein shakes to help promote weight loss. Weight control is a very popular topic in most gyms across the country. Protein supplements are the base of the majority of supplementation programs because of its effectiveness and price. You can find a high quality protein shake from $ 1.50 to $ 3 per serving. One other advantage of protein powders is that they can be used as a meal replacement (MRP). Protein powders are great for when you are on the run or on vacation and you don’t want to eat out for every meal. Protein shake recipes are endless and provide a fun and delicious treat to your daily diet.

Here are a few popular recipes:

2 scoops of whey protein
1 tbs of peanut butter
12oz of water
4 ice cubes

2 scoops of whey protein
4 frozen berries
12oz of water
3 ice cubes

Our protein levels depend on our age, size and activity level. If you are looking to be bigger and increase muscle mass it’s a good idea to consume around 1.5 grams to 2 grams per pound of body weight. If weight loss is your goal try to consume around one gram of protein per pound of body weight. Protein shakes are a valuable tool for living a healthy lifestyle.

Rafferety started training in the deadly martial art of Judo at age seven. Josh and his childhood friend Rich Franklin started training in mixed martial arts in 1998 in his shed at his house. Working as a bouncer and going to school Josh decided to follow his dream to become a professional fighter. After the Ultimate Fighter Season 1 Rafferty continued to compete in Mixed Martial Arts and entered the world of professional wrestling. In 2006 Josh was named HWA rookie of the year. Along with fighting, Josh is also training amateur and professional fighters. Currently Rafferty is working with on research and development. In this video, I teach you how to make a great muscle building or fat loss shake. The only thing that really changes is the amount of ingredients you put in. For fat loss, I would recommend only putting a half serving of the fruit and double the protein powder. Recipe 1 Banana 1/2 – 1 Cup of Oats 1/2 cup of strawberries 1-2 scoops of chocolate protein powder cinnamon Be sure to blend the oats and protein powder before adding the fruit and water. Blending the dry ingredients will provide better absorption for digestion. You can also choose to cook the oats first then blend all together. Add ice if desired and put as much cinnamon for sweetener! For more information on building muscle, burning fat and everything related to health and fitness, be sure to visit my blog @:

Designer Whey Protein Diet Shakes ? Your Source For Muscle Building

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Ever since the discovery that whey protein is a perfect source of the amino acids that are highly important in building muscle mass and boosting the immune system, people can’t seem to get enough of it. It is now available in many forms such as supplements, concentrates and designer whey protein diet shakes. This has given people considerable choice depending on their preference and dietary requirements.

In comparison to whey protein supplements, designer whey protein diet shakes are tastier and are a preferred option for pickier eaters. Most of these designer diet shakes are available in flavours that include vanilla praline, chocolate, French vanilla, strawberry and natural. Part of the appeal of shakes is that aside from tasting better, they are also relatively easy to prepare – and therefore very useful for people who have hectic schedules and are always on the go.

Each serving of designer whey protein diet shakes usually contains 92 calories, 1.2g of fat, 2.8g of carbohydrates and 17.5g of whey protein.

These figures explain why whey designer whey protein diet shakes are America’s number one selling protein drink. They have even surpassed concentrates and supplements that are also popular as whey protein sources. Shakes are an excellent option for a post workout nutritional drink since they can be easily absorbed by the body during this period. In addition, designer whey protein diet shakes can also be taken early in the morning as a healthy drink for a high dose of energy that can sustain you throughout even the most gruelling day.

In theory people can get their daily supply of protein from different food groups. However, meeting the recommended daily dietary requirement would also mean increasing food consumption.

This is certainly not an option for individuals who want to avoid gaining weight. Designer whey protein diet shakes provide the right amount of protein that the body needs without gaining additional pounds in the process. This is a great alternative for athletes and body builder who want increase their consumption of whey protein, since they would normally require more than most ordinary people. They will therefore be able to build and develop muscle while still keeping their bodies light and flexible.

For more information on Design Whey Protein and whey protein for bodybuidling click on the link

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