Top Muscle Building Workouts

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

It is important to build muscles. Muscles signify a fit body. Achieving that sculpted body means knowing the right kind of muscle building workouts.

The first step in the workout is to perform strength exercises. This can either be using free weights or body weight. This is to ready the body for more strenuous routines later. More calories are burned and more body fat is eliminated while doing weighted exercises. The muscles perform greater activity in the combination of balancing and weights.

One of the most important muscle building workouts is the shifting routine. For starters, isolation muscle exercises are discouraged. Target more muscle groups in one exercise combo. Muscles are built faster in a complex exercise. Exercise combos include push-ups, pull-ups, squats, and lunges. A discouraged routine includes dumbbell curls.

One constant question is whether to use free weights or weight machines in exercises.

Free weights are recommended for starters. It stimulates more muscle groups than using weight machines. Compound exercises are also more possible when using free weights. Free weights are especially good for home gyms. Weight machines are also recommended for isolation exercises but this kind of routines focus on certain muscle groups and have slow results.

Insert supersets in the routine. An exercise that targets both the muscles in the chest and back is more beneficial. This is possible by performing push-ups and dumbbell back rows simultaneously. A superset aims to put more strain in more muscle groups as possible.

Another recommended workout is the bench press. Bench press targets lower body muscles primarily. It also is beneficial for pectorals, triceps, front deltoids, and serratus.

Utilize a spotter when doing bench press to avoid workout accidents.

Internal training is also vital. Internal training is the combined routine of high intensity and light intensity workouts. This step encourages progression. In a treadmill, sprint for the 10 seconds. For the next 30 seconds, perform light walking. Surprising the body with high intensity intervals burns body fat faster, builds muscles quickly, and stimulates fast metabolism without too much damage in the muscle tissues.

The next step is to do an exercise combo of strength training and cardio routines. This routine builds muscle mass faster than isolation exercises. Only 30 minutes per day is required to achieve maximum results. This includes 10 minutes warm-up, 10 minutes medium level strength exercise involving the whole body, and 10 minutes of cardio exercises in high intensity.

With a barbell, perform deadlifts. Deadlifts targets overall body strength especially in the midsection up to the lower part of the back. It can be inserted into the routine at any time. It is advisable to perform weighted exercises though before doing deadlifts.

Muscle building workouts require persistence. With the right routine combination, muscles are built in no time. It is important to monitor daily progress per day. Track how much boy fat is lost. Combine the right exercises with proper eating. The two complement each other. High intensity workouts are futile if partnered with over eating. Visible muscle results are optimized in eating protein-rich foods.


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Video Rating: 4 / 5

To Build Muscle Fast

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

To build muscle fast is a long and arduous journey, but luckily various shortcuts have been exposed through the emerging discipline of sports physiology. These shortcuts be able to make it easier to build muscle at a drastically quicker rate than usual.

The initial key is that you dont need to exercise every muscle for several hours every day. In the early days of bodybuilding there was no means to build muscle fast. You hit the exercise room for three to 4 hours daily and worked your whole body every day. At night you rested, and one day per week you stayed away from the sports center.

During those early days, athletes in other sporting activities were advised to keep away from weight training because it would make them muscle-bound and inflexible.

But for some reason, more and more athletes began to ignore that instruction and discovered that weight-training in fact made them more powerful and actually more bendy.

Sports trainers spotted this and started to evaluate weight-training for muscle gaining. Their confirmation of the benefits induced plenty of sports trainers to add weight training to their work out routines, and shortly, soccer , baseball and basketball competitors, even track and field athletes, began to work weights with the purpose to build muscle fast.

Sports physiology became a science and weight training started to get a more factual approach as applied to muscle tissue creating for athletes in all sports activities.

Body-builders took note and began to workout smarter, looking for ways to build muscle fast. They still spent long hours within the leisure center, but now it was about half the time they used to spend. How were they able to do that?

Exercises and routines were evaluated for the best approach to building muscle faster, and larger. Researchers found that it was important to relax muscles after they were exercised strenuously; otherwise they become exhausted and can’t develop any further.

Nowadays weight lifters are advised to exercise each muscle cluster to total exhaustion only one day a week. In no doubt they get a little exercise whenever you focus on other muscle tissue groups, but thats unavoidable. It’s only on their focus day that they are exhausted. Using this approach fast tracks your muscle growth and makes one’s body more powerful in general.

You dont have to put up with continuous all-over muscle pain daily of the week either, since muscle tissue groups are allowed to relax, recoup and rebuild themselves.

An additional revolution in weight-training was the invention that working the muscle to complete fatigue for every exercise was sufficient to tear it down. The protein ingested by the weight-trainer will be largely useful to rebuild the tissue, instead of increasing it even further.

Another area of the building-muscle-fast question is good diet. It is claimed that bodybuilding is eighty percent diet program, and while this may not be entirely accurate, it surely accounts for over half.

To build muscle fast, a weight lifters diet will need to have at least 25% of its energy coming from both animal and vegetable protein. You need to only eat complex carbs, mainly those greens that comprise of protein as well. Fats and fibers should also represent about 25% of your diet program. Avoid refined sugars, refined starches and minimal caffeine and alcohol. The diet ought to be supplemented with protein powders mixed with raw milk or water, protein boosters like desiccated liver, kelp tablets and eggs. A soluble oil like wheat germ oil assists our bodies metabolize protein and it’ll offer added fortitude.

Basically, the path to build muscle fast is about training with each muscle collection smarter, not harder. Relaxation is just as significant as strength exercises, and consuming a cautious diet is most important of all.

Author of and serial pubisher of articles on health & fitness.
I hope you enjoyed this article. Why not check out our website, especially the article on Becoming ripped in weeks.

Body Builder Muscles – Fast Muscle Building Supplements

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

So you are thinking of taking some fast muscle building supplements in order to gain some muscles fast. You want to have muscles in no time. These days, there are some supplements that can really help you gain some muscles fast but be careful for they might have some bad effects on your body.

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There are some supplements high in protein. You might not be aware of this but protein is badly needed by your body and actually needed by your body to have some muscles. Research shows that a man should take about 1-2 grams of protein for his every body weight pounds.

There are also some supplements rich in creatine. Creatine is also needed by your body and also needed by your body to produce some muscles.

If you have enough creatine in your body, your body can produce energy quickly. And according to the experts in muscle building, having more energy only means being capable of going through harder and longer muscle building training, and being capable of going through such a training only means having muscles fast.

You can find these supplements in the market and you can simply buy them if you want. But be careful as what I’ve said, they might have some bad effects on your body. See a doctor first before buying them. Ask a doctor what supplements are safe to take. Know first if what supplements will not put your overall health and even life at risk.

Don’t be too excited to have some muscles. You should not actually rush things or else you will be in a big trouble most especially if your overall health and life are involved. See a doctor first before you buy any supplements just to be sure. See a doctor first, a doctor who can actually be trusted.

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This author writes about How To Gain Muscle Mass Naturally and Body Builder Muscles.

Easy Muscle Building Techniques – Simple Muscle Building Techniques

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Easy Muscle Building Techniques

Building body mass can be very easy as long as you are equipped with the right techniques to building body mass. However if you are not aware of this techniques you could waste a lot of time in the gym without being able to realize your objective. We all want to transform our bodies in one way or another so that we get a perfect body physique. Having a wonderful body is really essential because it can help boost your confidence and feelings of self worth. Confidence is really important if you want to win your dream girl because ladies are victims of confident guys. Easy Muscle Building Techniques

And this goes without saying if you boost your self esteem and confidence you will never live a lonely life again.

Body building is also important because it instills self-discipline in you. This is because without self discipline you will not be able to sail far in your life.

This article will enable you to gain mass fast without having to take steroids. We all know the side effects which come about when a person is on steroids. Some of these side effects are so severe and could end up damaging the health of a person permanently.

There are a few tricks a person can use in order to achieve muscle gain. They include the following;

1. Emphasize the negative

For muscle growth to occur there has to be muscle contraction. Therefore a lot of people tend to concentrate more on the concentric phase when lifting weights.

However it has now been proven that muscle growth can also occur when the muscles stretch during the eccentric phase. Therefore you should emphasize this phase so that you can be able to achieve fast mass gain.

2. Take fish

Fish is a very rich source of protein. And it is proteins which act as the body building blocks of muscles. Fish has another nutrient which is very useful for bodybuilders called omega three fatty acids. This nutrient helps the muscles to be more insulin sensitive hence they enhance glycogen to be stored in the muscles and also amino acids easily penetrate the muscles. The preservation of glutamine stores is also heightened by these omega three fatty acids. Easy Muscle Building Techniques

3. Take sodium in your diet

Sodium is good for a bodybuilder because it enhances the storage of amino acids and carbohydrates. They also make the muscles more insulin sensitive.

4. Ignore aerobic exercises

Aerobic exercises lead to the burning of calories. This is not good for any person who is trying to gain mass. If you want to gain mass you really need to save your calories. If at all you have to do aerobic exercises walking is enough exercise you need.

5. Weight train

This is the best exercise for someone who is trying to increase body mass. Lifting weights leads to muscle damage which is necessary for muscle growth to take place. You should use heavy weights with fewer repetitions so as to achieve muscle overload quickly. Easy Muscle Building Techniques

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

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The Muscle Building Drinks People Are Using

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Over the past one hundred years the way people are building up their bodies and their muscles has come a long way. Many years ago people simply lifted weights and developed their bodies that way. These days people have a lot of different options to build up their bodies and muscles. One of the ways people have been improving their workouts and bodies is by using muscle building drinks.

One of the most popular type of muscle building drinks are the protein drinks. These usually are of the whey protein variety. The nice thing about these types of drinks are they come in many flavors and actually taste pretty good. The other positive aspect of these drinks are that one can get lots of additional protein without it being necessary to eat a lot of additional food. This helps a person who is building up their muscles to lose some fat as well.

There are many different makers of these protein drinks.

One of the benefits of some of the newer protein muscle building drinks is that they have a time release feature. This means that they they help in sustaining amino acid levels while helping to repair the muscle themselves. This is great for someone who wants protein synthesis without a lot of fat or carbohydrate calories.

Another type of muscle building drinks people are looking to buy, and should, are the glycogen-replenishing drinks. When one works out they deplete themselves of carbs and they need to be replaced quickly.These carbohydrates are quickly broken down in the body and are utilized in the body to be used as glucose. These muscle building drinks truly help people who want to keep pushing through their workout. Typically people consume one of these drinks during the course of their workout.

Because of the popularity of these muscle building drinks there has been a virtual explosion of places to to purchase these drinks both in retail stores as well as online.

One should always do a little research to find the right products. Everybody is different and some products might be better than others for their needs.

Also pay close attention below…

More Muscle Building Drinks Articles

Protein Shakes and Muscle Building

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Article by Sebastian G Marley

They say that a little knowledge can be and is a dangerous thing and quite frankly, although I haven’t the faintest idea as to who “they” happen to be, what I am convinced of is that they are dead on the money. The number of rookie muscle building hobbyists who have a single web page about muscle building and who then consider themselves gurus of the muscle building world is nothing short of hilarious.

One issue that crops up time after time is the consumption of protein shakes. What a lot of guys don’t know is that whilst the consumption of protein is helpful for muscle building, they can actually significantly maximise the effects if they were prepared to drink it at the appropriate time. Ideally, protein shakes should be consumed 30 minutes before you begin your muscle building in earnest. This is because the contents of the protein shake will still be in your system thereby allowing your body to digest it and gain access to the crucial components contained within it.

However, don’t be fooled by the name. A protein shake which has a very high protein content or worse yet, exclusively protein content is actually not such a good idea. Your body needs a source of fuel in order to allow the various chemical reactions such as the growth and repair of muscle tissue and this comes in the form of carbohydrates. Therefore, make sure you drink a protein shake which has both protein AND carbs in it. Contrary to what you may think or may have heard, carbs are NOT your enemy.

It is important to appreciate that as effective and potent as a protein shake is to the body, it is used simply in a supporting capacity and therefore it will not and cannot do all the hard work for you. Therefore, it is crucial that you strike when the iron is hot and actually derive the maximum amount of benefit from your workout. Otherwise you would have simply wasted your time altogether on both fronts.

Drinking a protein shake just before you go to sleep is another excellent idea. Whenever we sleep, our body uses this lull in physical activity to maximise the muscle building process throughout the body and given that it relies on protein to actually achieve results; this means you have provided the body with the raw materials needed to carry out this critical process.

Seb Marley has taken information like this and used it to Transform his body in just 6 Months. Here is that Insane Muscle Transformation.

By the way, are you interested in learn how correctly incorporating protein shakes with a balanced diet can transform your Muscle Building? You can see, first hand, my 6 month Muscle Building Transformation and get my Free Metabolic Secret to Building muscle by clicking the link below and following the instructions:

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More Protein Shakes For Muscle Building Articles

Top Muscle Building Supplements: Choosing a Multi-Vitamin

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Article by Tony Schwartz

By now you have probably heard about the benefits of taking a multi-vitamin/mineral supplement. If not, the basic reasoning is that a multi will prevent and treat any nutrient deficiencies you may have. These deficiencies are a result of a less than optimal diet as well as some factors outside of our control (lower mineral levels in soil, higher stress levels of modern life, etc.).

While I wholeheartedly agree with the premise behind recommending a multi-vitamin/mineral as one of the top muscle building supplements, I believe that simply recommending that you take a multi isn’t enough.

This is because the recommendation of a daily multi simply leads most people to go the drug store and pick-up the cheapest brand they can find. You may be thinking, “Aren’t all multi-vitamins the same since most contain about 100% of the daily value of most nutrients?”

Unfortunately this is not the case. We have all heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” Unfortunately this isn’t the truth with multi-vitamins. A more fitting saying for multi-vitamins is, “You are what you absorb.”

You see, there are three reasons why cheap, drug-store multis are inferior to higher-quality multi-vitamins, and all of them have to do with absorption of nutrients:

1. CompressionThe typical drug store vitamins are usually made so that you only have to take one pill per day. To fit all of the nutrients into one pill there is some serious and heating and compression that takes place during the manufacturing process. This not only damages some of the fragile vitamins and minerals, but it also creates a pill that is so hard and dense that your body can’t break it down and absorb it.

2. Mineral FormsIf you look at the label of a multi-vitamin you will see various nutrients listed. For example, if you look at magnesium you will see that next to the word “magnesium” there are the specific forms of magnesium listed in parentheses. The problem is that not all forms of minerals are absorbed the same. In fact, the commonly used oxide form has the lowest absorption rate! Remember, it doesn’t matter if you are taking 100% of the recommended daily value if you’re only absorbing a fraction of that!

3. Vitamin OverloadThis is another problem with those one pill multis. Sure, they have 100% of the daily value of some nutrients, but you are getting all of these nutrients at one time! Remember that this is the DAILY value. This means that it should be taken throughout the day, not in one big dose. These big once-a-day mega-doses are ineffective for absorption and keeping nutrient levels high throughout the day.

The Solution

There are many good brands of multi-vitamins available. However, you are not likely to find them in the drug store. Instead, check with your medical practitioner. There are brands which sell their products only through medical professionals and these tend to be of a higher quality. If you can’t obtain one of these brands, simply look for a multi-vitamin that requires you take more than 1 pill per day (usually 4-8 is the norm). This is a good sign that the vitamin is of higher quality.

Most of all, you should feel a big difference within the first week of taking a high-quality multi-vitamin. If you don’t notice an increase in energy and well-being then you made need to switch.

If you take these steps then you will see why multi-vitamins/minerals are one of the top muscle building supplements.

For specific recommendations of which brands to use please refer to the No B.S. Supplement Guide from Athletic Muscle Building.

Learn more about top muscle building supplements and get a FREE report on muscle building called “The 13 Reasons You Suck at Gaining Muscle.”
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Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Muscle Building Steroids – Legal Steroids For Muscle Building

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Article by Muscle Gaining Expert

Muscle Building Steroids

Taking steroids for muscle building has become almost a fashion. Every next person found of bodybuilding prefers to rely on steroids. These steroids are over the counter products easily available in the market. They come in the category of artificial hormones and are also known as anabolic steroids. They help increase the protein synthesis in the human body. It results in building cellular tissues particularly in muscles. That is why sports persons and bodybuilders love to take it to build muscles and enhance physical strength.

Legality of a steroid depends on the purpose for which it is being used. These are used for medicinal purposes also. If it is prescribed by a doctor for medical purposes, it is construed to be legal use of steroids. Use of steroids by bodybuilders and sportspersons to enhance their performance is called illegal. The steroids taken on the event of sports quickly helps gain body mass. It makes body stronger. But there is a downside to this aspect. The side effects of these steroids are very harmful. There are many health risks involved in taking steroids. It increases the bad cholesterol level in the body. It also raises blood pressure level. Its effects on heart are very dangerous. It may even damage the liver. Some of these health effects may be mitigated but some may prove to be fatal. Muscle Building Steroids

That is why they are kept in the category of restricted medicines. That is how these steroids are called illegal or legal steroids. Legal status of the steroids varies from state to state. In some states there is a strict control on the possession and sale of steroids. In America steroids come in the category of controlled substance whose possession without prescription is an offence and therefore punishable crime. Most of the international sports institutions have banned the use of steroids by sportspersons. But all the steroids have not been declared illegal.

Some steroids are legal and there are least side effects involved in taking these steroids. For example Hooded diet pills are said to have little side effects. On the other hand it helps raise the testosterone level to a considerable extent. But it is not easy to find out legal steroids. All the manufacturers claim their product to be legal. The labels on these products promise to build muscles within a short period of time. So it is advisable to consult a doctor before a doctor before using a steroid. Being a medical specialist he can better advice the pros and cons of the steroids. So be careful before you try out steroids for bodybuilding. Muscle Building Steroids

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Force Factor – The best muscle building product

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

People who are crazy about making muscles will be attracted about Force Factor. Majority of us would be interested to know the results of Force Factor.Most of us would like to look at our best.

It is a known fact that an unfit man would never have a best look. Usually, people will not have options that will help them to develop the level of muscle.However, we should definitely think about building the muscles than ever before.

It is true that Force Factor single-handedly will not be able to aid in building muscles. It is true that hundreds of Force Factor users started getting results in three days because they were undergoing weight lifting exercises as well. If you are interested to know the helpfulness of Force Factor, then you can think to utilize the free trial offer.

You will be able to notice some changes in your muscle, if you lift weight while using Force Factor. Suddenly, you will notice development in your exercises. Daily workouts and utilization of Force Factor will allow you to see the development of your muscles, than ever before.

It is advisable for you to have Force Factor for three months, which will allow you to get better results. Force Factor is not a new product that is available in marketplace. Unlike other products, Force Factor will be a great help in getting quick results. Really, you will have to try Force Factor, which will help you to know the outcome. Truly, Force Factor comprises of useful components that can support you to maintain the body organs in a better way.

Take a look at the best force factor and see the fantastic force factor reviews

Top 4 Best Muscle Building Foods

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Article by Balu Muscle

We will in this article go through the top 4 best muscle building foods that most of the experienced bodybuilder and coaches around the world recommends. And there are some good reasons on why, because each one of the foods has some benefits that you can use to come closer to your dream physique.

Before going into the top list, I want you to figure out how many calories you are going for each day, if you want to gain or

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