Creative Vegetarian Muscle Building Diet

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Article by Balu Muscle

When a lot of people think about a vegetarian muscle building diet, they think about only being able to eat salad or some other non-muscle gainers. The usual picture coming up when thinking about muscle building diet is MEAT and a lot of it. But this is not true, as vegetarian muscle building is not only possible, it can also be fun.

It is a myth that you need to have an insane amount of proteins to grow your muscles and recent studies also confirm this, now this is where vegetarian diet gets fun!

Today we live in a society that has gotten increased awareness of the benefits of being a vegetarian, which has given vegetarians a lot of different choices to play with. We will in this article go through what a vegetarian diet for building muscle can consist of and the health benefits of the different choices in the diet.

Food in a vegetarian muscle building diet

The first food in the vegetarian diet for building muscle that also contains a good portion of proteins, are beans. Even though I stated that vegetarians do not need a crazy amount of proteins in a vegetarian muscle building diet, getting protein from protein rich food is something that should be taken advantage of.

Beans in a vegetarian diet has a lot of benefits, beside the protein, it contains a good amount of soluble fiber which helps in lowering cholesterol, helps your body process fat, just to name few. Beans in a vegetarian building muscle diet also gives you the feeling of being full and maintaining a healthy calorie intake is a lot easier.

Mixed nuts is the next one on the vegetarian building muscle diet. Some people use it for snack and other uses it to mix in their plate of food. I have to admit that I have experienced some great mixed nuts diet around the world with my friend who follows a vegetarian diet for building muscle.

The benefits of mixed nuts in a vegetarian building muscle diet are many. They contain a lot of proteins and are a great source of healthy fat, which is essential for your body. You need healthy fat to lose fat beside all the other great benefits healthy fat provide you.

Furthermore mixed nuts in a vegetarian diet for muscle building provide some great vitamins and nutrition

Best Muscle Building Supplements

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Article by Karan Naidoo

There are many men and women out there striving to build lean muscle mass. Although even more individuals are struggling to shed excess body fat, you’d be surprised which one is more difficult to accomplish. The fact that a plethora of the best muscle building supplements ever sold are currently gracing the market is a hint.

Packing on lean muscle mass is a real challenge to say the least. This is even more true for slim individuals with high metabolisms. If you are not consuming more calories than you burn off in a day, it just won’t happen. Okay, now this is why the best muscle building supplements are so important when it comes to building your biceps, legs, shoulders, and chest.

Lifting weights is naturally a major aspect of building lean muscle mass. If you’re not pumping iron to some extent, it is plain and simply not going to happen. It doesn’t matter if you have the best muscle building supplements on the planet. The various muscle groups have to be challenged in order for you to pack on real muscle tissue. This basically comes down to tearing muscle fibers so that they can be rebuilt stronger and larger. Therefore a regular workout with weights is crucial, but just be sure to toss in some variety so that your muscles get confused.

If you are new to the world of weight training and muscle building supplements, you might want to start at your local general nutrition store. This way you can speak with someone in person about what each of the best muscle building supplements have to offer. Some are not merely for packing on muscle, but additionally provide ample calories for building body mass. While some individuals may like this, others may not. It is fairly common to find that women do not want extra calories, but do want to improve their muscle mass. Whereas men commonly do want to gain additional weight.

Start shopping around for bargains on the best muscle building supplements. There are plenty of them out their, but you really have to look and do some online homework. Rest assured that most muscle building supplements and protein formulas are more expensive in local retail stores than they are on the web. So naturally you should compare prices and find the best deals you can prior to purchasing.

Then again, this is not to say that you won’t find a great deal on protein bars, calorie shakes or amino acid supplements in a local nutrition store. At certain times they do have sales like all retail shops. To sum things up, you need a regular weight training regimen and the best muscle building supplements to effectively get the job done!

Karan has been involved with internet marketing for nearly 4 years and is an avid writer who writes on various subjects. Come visit his latest website at which helps home owners find and review the best Under Sink Water Filters at the best prices.

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5 Top Muscle Building Foods

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Article by Balu Muscle

When thinking about top muscle building foods, most people think that they have to eat as much as possible of big meals and without thinking about what they are eating, as long as they eat enough.

If you know just a little about diet you know that the above statement is not true. It is true that if we want to get bigger and build mass we need to eat more, but we need to eat the right foods that will provide your body with the right nutrition that it can use to grow.

We need to eat several times a day, preferably around 6 meals and the size of the meals should depend on what your goal is, to gain mass or to lose weight.

Muscle Foods

-1st Food for building muscle:Eggs are among most people’s top foods for building muscle and for good reasons; eggs contain a good amount of protein along with healthy fat. It is also easy for your body to break down eggs into amino acids.

-2nd Food for building muscle:Salmon is great for building muscle as it is rich of protein and omega-3 fats. Omega 3 fats promotes muscle repair and controls your cortisol level, which will increase your testosterone level and ultimately build muscle.

-3rd Food for building muscle:If your goal is to gain weight, but are a hard gainer then I will introduce whole milk as an option. Whole milk contains a great amount of proteins and fat. The fat found in whole milk has shown to help against muscle breakdown and unlike many other fat types; it has a lower chance of storing the fat as body fat.

Whole milk is especially on a lot of bulker’s top muscle building foods, but if you are on a diet, then you should rather go for other kind of milks in your top muscle building foods.

-4th Food for building muscle:Yoghurt is in the top muscle building foods because it is a great source of protein and fat. Yoghurt used to have a lot of calories, but it is now possible to find great tasting yoghurt, with low calories and a lot of proteins and fat.

Another reason why yoghurt is on the top muscle building foods list is because of the so called “good” bacteria

Creatine: Safest / Best Muscle Building Supplement

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Article by Mike Nevares

Supplements has been a very controversial topic among performance athletes and researchers.There are those who endorse them, and those who would never even think of using them ever.The truth about supplements is some where in the middle.

There is no such thing as one magical body building supplement that will give you the results that you want. However supplements make it easier to ensure that your body is getting all the nutrition it needs to give your self the absolute bet chance of muscle growth. Supplements make it much more convenient to get the correct amount of nutrition for your body.

Supplements are not necessary to get all of the nutrition that your body needs, but the amount of time and energy that you will have to waste in preparing the recommended five to seven meals everyday for optimum muscle growth can be a daunting task for anyone. My personal opinion is that creatine the best muscle building supplement as well as the safest.

A lot of research has been done on creatine, this research has show that it is the safest and the best muscle building supplement for athletes looking to improve strength and lean muscle. Not only does it help build muscle, creatine provides numerous amounts of other benefits. Creatine helps fight disease in the neuromuscular system, such as muscular dystrophy, and also reduces high levels of cholesterol.

What is creatine?

Creatine is a naturally produced by the body and is ingested through fish and meat. To ingest enough creatine and receive its maximum beneftis, creatine powder is the most beneficial source of this compound. Creatine increase the efficiency with which your body uses Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP). ATP is used to give the muscles in your body a sufficient amount of energy. Higher levels of ATP in the body improves muscle function.

Research suggests that creatine is considered to be the best muscle building supplement because it helps to increase or maintain ATP levels in your body. Research has proven that consuming creatine increases the levels of creatine phosphate that is available to your cells, and this, in turn, helps to sustain any anaerobic activity such as sprinting or weight lifting.

When used in weight training, creatine allows you to achieve a higher level of performance. In addition to its reputation as the best muscle building supplement, creatine also offers significant benefits to those who have suffered heart failure as it improves the functioning of the heart.

Creatine is normally supplied to the body as creatine monohydrate, and for those who are strength training or doing high intensity exercise creatine allows you to work at a higher intensity level for a longer period of time. Creatine, which occurs naturally in the body and is produced by the pancreas, liver, and kidney, helps to strengthen the muscles. Adding creatine as a supplement helps to add to this effect.

Creatine is naturally occurring compound that is found in many different foods, and so its use in sports has never been banned. It is considered to be the best Muscle Building Supplement as well as the safest. Creatine monohydrate supplements, one of the best muscle building supplements, should be consumed at a dosage of approximately 5 grams per day.

In order to maximize the absorption of creatine, it should be consumed with a liquid serving of simple sugars, such as fructose, maltose or dextrose. The benefits of creatine <– click here to learn more

Original article

My name is Mike and I am a 23 year old fitness fanatic I enjoy researching (and using) all different types athletic supplements. My main goal in this research is to increase my performance in my workouts as well as spread information about products I see positive results from. Check this out to learn more about creatine and other athletic supplements.

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