Difference Between Developing Muscle Mass and Muscle Endurance

January 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Whenever most people are looking to perform muscle-building exercises they believe that the only worthy indicator of progress is the increase of muscle mass. While this is a widespread concept, it is quite an erroneous one; there is another important indicator of your progress referred to as muscle endurance.

Building Up Muscle Mass

This is the concept with which most people are familiar with: do the reps, pump the iron, watch your arms get bigger and your muscles gain definition. There is not much to explain here: you do your exercises, your muscles tear up and then rebuild themselves stronger and more massive. This process is done over and over again until the person reaches their desired appearance.

Most of the exercises which aim to increase muscle mass have you do short but intense movements, such as dumbbell curls for example.

While this is the best way to increase muscle mass, it does next to nothing when it comes to improving your muscular endurance.

Why Muscular Endurance is Important

If you try flexing your muscles as hard as possible without stopping, you will notice that after a few seconds pass there will be a burning sensation in your muscles that keeps growing stronger and stronger until you physically can’t keep it up anymore. This burning sensation is caused by the lactic acid which is pouring into your muscles; muscle endurance is basically how long your muscles can work before the pain from the lactic acid becomes too much to bear.

The problem with working your muscle endurance is that the results will be much less tangible than if you focused on muscle mass; your muscles will only grow very little and you won’t feel the difference until much later… every step of your progress will allow you to last a couple of seconds longer.

As you can imagine, this serves as the main reason a lot of people neglect their muscle endurance, but the truth is that if you are gunning for more than appearance then you will need to work it out to bring the best out in you.

How to Train Muscle Endurance

While there is a ton of exercises designed to help people increase their muscular endurance, none of them can be described as the best method. Simply make sure that the exercises you will be performing will force you to flex your muscles for prolonged periods of time. Above all, keep your workout adapted to your own capabilities; an injury can throw you off course pretty easily.

As mentioned before, there are innumerably systems and products which are designed to help you increase your muscular endurance and naturally I cannot say that one thing works while the rest are scams, because that is simply not true. When it came to me and my desire to work on my muscle endurance I looked around and decided that a special dumbbell called the Shake Weight for Men was the right thing for me.

It works by basically shaking back and forth when you squeeze it creating the perfect conditions where cardio and muscular endurance are needed. Apart from that, I found that it was a good deal in my situation seeing as how it’s pretty compact and not overly expensive and allows you to regulate the intensity of your workout. If you are not the type of person who works out very often and would like to get yourself into shape, I believe that this product can offer some valuable assistance.

If you are interested in a natural method of building your upper body strength and muscle endurance then check out my Shake Weight for Men website. If you would like to simply read about my experience with the device, then simply check out my Shake Weight for Men review.


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Essential Facts On The Muscular Dystrophy Association And Summer Camp

January 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Article by Craig Morganson

The words summer camp provide instant mental pictures of wooden docks on rich green lakes surrounded by woods, cabins filled with bunk-beds, dining halls with screens as opposed to windows and s ‘mores over a campfire. Summer camp is a rite of passage for a few, a privilege for many people and an out of reach desire for others. Most of us have heard about the MDA, you remember fondly the Jerry Lewis telethons, and the big electronic donation tally, but did you know that through the donations produced by the MDA countless MDA kids each year get to benefit from camp totally free to their families?

MDA is an abbreviation for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. MDA is a non-profit organization committed to helping fund research into muscular dystrophy, ALS and nearly 50 other similar neuromuscular diseases. MDA scientists are at the leading edge of gene therapy research as well as helping provide medical services, equipment and support groups. This is in addition to helping provide the funding for MDA summer camps.

Every summer a large number of kids attend many of the 80 camps in the United States, all for the low, low cost of 0 dollars, on account of the fund raising efforts of MDA. The magic of MDA camps is always that for 1 week a year, children enduring various types of neuromuscular diseases are just kids. Camps are fashioned around activities for wheelchair users and those with limited mobility. Lifelong friendships are formed around shared ordeals and conflicts.

Many of the many fun activities might include: swimming, boating & canoeing, horse riding, karaoke, archery, arts and crafts, scavenger hunts and campfires. For one week, kids get to spend some time in a world that was built just for them. Not only that, this can very well be the one week a year their parents get a rest from the constant worry that their child is being appropriately cared for. Having their child in the care of an MDA summer camp specifically designed to suit the medical and physical issues of their disease supplies a kind of peacefulness that is priceless in and of itself.

The MDA has supplied not only the financial backing to support these camps, but they are already able to reach out to create a network of people prepared to volunteer their time to make this experience a reality. By supporting the MDA, you help them make a difference in the future of the disease, but you also help make a tangible real time difference in the lives of the children and families who are living with these challenges on a daily basis.

Craig Morganson was born and raised in Connecticut, then migrated to Nevada in 1980. From an early age, Craig had a strong sense of independence and an entrepreneurial spirit.

As a very young man, Craig began his professional career in the rough and tumble world of the New England textile mills. After demonstrating his competitive nature and high productivity on the production floor, Craig was promoted and quickly rose through the mill’s management ranks. A natural leader was born.

Force Factor – Endurance Program

January 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Article by John Bryce

Muscular endurance is defined as the ability of a muscle to do continuous work over a long period of time. It is determined by how well your slow twitch muscle fibers are developed. It is very important for athletes and those people who have to sustain an activity for long periods of time to improve their muscular endurance. The better your muscular endurance is, the better your performance is as well. This is why athletes are often looking for the endurance program that works best for them.Click Here For Force Factor Limited Free Trial!There are a wide variety of effective programs for developing muscular endurance. One such example is circuit resistance training. This training takes place by moving from one station to the next, usually set up in a circle. At each station a different exercise is performed with high repetitions but low to moderate resistance. Fifteen seconds of rest is provided while changing stations. Approximately ten exercise stations are used, and the exerciser repeats the circuit two to three times. In addition, short sessions of large muscle exercises can increase your endurance, build calorie-burning muscle tissue, prevent back problems, and tone muscles. Examples of these exercises include lateral lifts, biceps curl, desk push-ups, and seated crunches. Aside from athletes, some people engage in endurance exercises because they can take inches off of body measurements. These exercises produce some changes in body contour, and also strengthen the body. In addition, endurance exercises speed up metabolism, so that your body burns calories at a higher rate for several hours after engaging in the exercise. Keep in mind, though, that in engaging in an endurance program, you have to include exercises which resemble the activity for which the endurance is needed. Probably the best training program is performing the sport skill repeatedly. This is because any form of training must mirror the specific demands of the sport.Click Here For Force Factor Limited Free Trial!

This author writes about Force Factor and Muscle Enhancer Supplements

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The Merits of Endurance Exercises

January 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Article by Benedict Smythe

For a long time now, body builders around the world are examining the merits of acute endurance workouts. These exercises, which aim at altering the glucose usage of the human body, are employed if the person wishes for short-term effects to kick in.

Skeletal muscles are targeted, and with luck, the extra endurance training will allow for basic but beneficial alterations to take place in the muscle structures themselves. Though this may be the case, the exercise routine is not for everyone, because not everyone has the same body types, nor the same kinds of endurance.


What do bodybuilders dream of, ultimately? That their muscles grow, proportionally with their strength and their bodies adapt well to the lifestyle, which is often long term. This desire can often lead to success- but the basic organism, the body, is not changed, not really.

Endurance training allows for the individual to alter the basic structure of the body. By introducing repeated stresses to the muscles and skeletal, muscular frame, the body actually adapts to be able to keep up with the changing forces of the environment. The result is that the muscles actually increase for instance, the number of mitochondria in the tissues themselves.

Mitochondria are the power houses of the human body- these small organelles inside muscle cells allow for glucose to be stored and used. More mitochondria means more energy-retention and that translates to more power and more endurance. More endurance means an increased capacity to build the desired muscle mass in a shorter period of time.

AMPK or Adensine Monophosphate-activated Protein Kinase is an enzyme related to ATP that are found in human mitochondria, seems to be responsible in this vital adaptation in the human body. Whether accidentally or as a catalyst, both enzymes play crucial roles in determining the progression of a human body from a state of normal activity to a state of hyper muscular growth.

AMPK is actually a form of protein, and like all complex proteins, this one has to be activated to be able to be made use of. How does one activate AMPK in the human body?

Chemistry points that the creation of AMPK will only result from increased periods of sustained physical activity. AMPK rests heavily on the action of ATP or adenosine triphosphate and other organic compounds in the body. Without ATP, there can be no AMP or AMPK.

Sustained endurance exercises are precisely what we need to produce AMPK. But to do this, we must supersede our usual endurance levels, which is never easy to accomplish. Strength is one thing- but endurance is never easy to achieve, especially if you do not have the patience to endure the muscle soreness and the extra effort you have to put in.

Essentially, endurance exercises are a form of stress. Stress is what makes AMPK surface in the human body. More stress means more AMPK. Remember that AMP is the activating factor here: more AMP also means more AMPK. And more AMPK translates to more mitochondria. In the end, the linear progression is quite easy to spot: more activity means more muscle.

Benedict recommends Supplement Centre for all bodybuilding supplements and sports nutrition from manufacturers such as Prolab and Maximuscle

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Muscular Endurance In Sport – Sports Nutrition Health

January 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Article by Chris Fenton

In sports, it is not only about playing the game right and being on top of the game. You must realize that you need the strength as well as the muscular endurance in sports that you truly need. If you do not have the right amount of endurance then what is there to be given?

Muscular endurance in sport is very important. You need to have this kind of endurance because if you do not have that endurance then what is there left for you to take? This is vital for those sports which require endurance, just like swimming, football, runners, rowers and many others. If you do not have this then you will truly be out of the game.

So what should a person do if he or she does not have much endurance when it comes to his or her muscles? Of course there are programs as well as training available which will help you out. Not every person is born with this endurance in them. One should work even harder in order to attain it all.

Now, a person should work hard for more power and for more strength. One should not do it drastically but slowly and surely. If one will try to get it immediately, the effects may not be good for you. Try to work in a slower pace. Make sure that you track and list down the improvements that you make from time to time.

Muscle endurance in sport is very much importance. If you will not consider this then forget about making it big or successful in any sports. Attain all of these, train, enroll in a program and of course do well. Endure whatever challenge there is. Good luck on your endeavor and grab the chance to have the muscle endurance you need.

This author writes about Best Diet For Athletes and Sports Nutrition Health.

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Muscular Strength Exercises – 3 Great Muscular Strength Exercises

December 27, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Finding good muscular strength exercises is not always easy, since it is not only important what kind of muscular strength exercise you perform, but also how you perform it.

You see, the best way to increase muscular strength is by lifting heavy weights and challenging your body to keep up with the pace. A lot of exercises that you see in the fitness media lay a great emphasis on “toning” exercises which really increase muscular endurance by performing a large number of reps on low weights.

This is fine, but it is not the way to build pure brute muscular strength. To do that we need heavy weights on low reps, around 6-8 per set. The last rep should be difficult to complete.

Below are 3 great muscular strength exercises that will work multiple muscle groups at the same time while strengthening your core, to help improve your posture and prevent injury.


These can be performed with a long barbell bar or dumbbells in each hand.

I personally prefer the barbell version, since it helps you keep a better technique and lift heavier weight. Don’t cheat on this muscular strength exercise and take care to perform proper technique. You can start on a light weight with this one until you get the technique down.

Put your feet flat beneath the bar, and then squat down to grab the bar in an overhand or mixed grip about a shoulder-width apart. Keep your back and arms straight and your head looking forwards.

Lift the bar by pushing your heels into the floor and extending your hips and knees to full extension. Pull your shoulders back slightly at the top of the movement, then slowly return to the start position.

Bentover Barbell Row

This is one of the great muscular strength exercises for the shoulders, back, lats, and arms.

Bend your knees slightly and grab the bar with a wide overhand grip, making sure to keep your back straight at all times.

Now, pull the bar towards your upper waist as if you were rowing a boat (but don’t arc the motion), then slowly lower it back down to the start until your arms are straight and your shoulders pulled downwards slightly.

Standing Military Press

A super muscular strength exercise to build the upper shoulders, trapezius muscles, lats, upper chest and back.

This exercise is safer to perform with a high weights rack where you can put the bar at the start and end of the exercise, to avoid straining your back when lifting it off the floor.

Grab the bar in an overhand grip slightly more than a shoulder-width apart. Lift off the rack and start with it just above your chest, in front of you neck. Push the bar up until your arms are almost extended, hold briefly, then lower back to the start position. Repeat.

This exercise can also be done behind the neck, but make sure you have someone to spot you, and / or use a sliding weight rack.

For a free 6 week workout video explaining exactly what to do and how to do it go here ==> Muscular Strength Exercises.

Bodyweight Calisthenics: Give Your “Cardio” A Kick In The Pants

December 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Article by Eddie Lomax

If you are one of the people who believe steady-state aerobic exercise is the only way to improve cardiorespiratory endurance and burn fat, you’re in for a treat. Bodyweight calisthenics are an excellent way to get a full body workout that includes the heart and lungs. I’ll show you how to use bodyweight exercise in a second, but first let’s talk a little about cardiorespiratory endurance.

Cardiorespiratory endurance is the level of ability your body has to gather, process, deliver and sustain oxygen to produce energy for use in physical activity. Basically, the respiratory system gathers and starts to process the oxygen. The cardiovascular system continues to process and distributes the oxygen. So, your cardiorespiratory endurance is the level of efficiency your heart and lungs have to sustain and deliver oxygen for energy.

So, when most people want to improve their endurance they do cardiorespiratory conditioning exercises (cardio) to improve endurance by “conditioning” the heart and lungs. Unfortunately, the form of cardiorespiratory conditioning usually takes the form of aerobic exercise. And bodyweight calisthenics are completely ignored! But the fact is, any activity can improve cardiorespiratory endurance if they are done properly, and bodyweight exercises and calisthenics are an excellent choice.

There is something important I should mention. The type of cardio conditioning you do improves over-all endurance. But, the increased endurance is most closely related to the activity used. This means if you ride an exercise bike, your cardiorespiratory endurance will primarily be improved for bike riding. This is fine if you ride a bike in your normal, everyday life. But this has limited application for most people who are involved in a wide variety of activities both in and out of the gym.

If, on the other hand, you use bodyweight calisthenics for your cardio conditioning, you are using a wide variety of movements and muscles. Bodyweight exercises and calisthenics more closely represent the movements of highly random movements encountered in sport, work and life. So, you could make a case that cardiorespiratory conditioning using bodyweight calisthenics is better for endurance improvement that can be used in and out of the gym.

Plus, bodyweight calisthenics use all the muscles in your body. Compare this to the predominately lower body exercises of jogging or riding a bike. So, using bodyweight exercises allow you to build a strong, lean physique while improving cardiorespiratory endurance and burning fat!

Just think about it. Let’s say you do a fast paced bodyweight workout consisting of a circuit of bodyweight exercises and calisthenics. You’ll simultaneously build strong muscles and burn fat while improving heart and lung function. You wouldn’t even have to do a long, slow aerobic workout to supplement your training.

I hope this article has opened you eyes to the wide variety of possibilities available to improve cardiorespiratory endurance. You don’t always have to do long-slow aerobic exercise. And the truth is, using other forms of training to simultaneously improve heart and lung power can prepare you better for the challenges of sport, work and life. Bodyweight calisthenics are an excellent choice for both building a strong, lean, athletic physique and building a strong heart and lungs.

Coach Eddie Lomax, author of Workout Without Weights uses bodyweight calisthenics to improve fitness, burn fat and build an attractive physique.

Acquire Muscular Strength And Muscular Endurance With Strength Training

December 11, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Article by Jasiber Kotel

Persons checking to go into shape will often strength train like a means of achieving their work out goals and objectives. Whilst it is sensible, tons of individuals that elect to power train you should not continually accomplish the most effective work out regime for his / her particular wants. On the other hand, various people today would most probably benefit more from excess weight exercise to be able to realize the overall physical fitness targets they wish to complete.Excess fat schooling also adds to muscle conditioning. Conditioning muscle groups is essential to general balance in addition to the effectiveness of the physique. A robust human body allows for amazing benefits as a result of out existence. Weight instruction is definitely an workout, or team of workouts, which will support the diverse muscular tissues within one’s body to be a great deal more ultra powerful and noticeably far more useful. When someone has significantly more amazing muscle tissues, they’re going to own increased power and stamina for day after day activities. If your person’s shape muscular tissues are good on top of that, it implies that your entire body is much more vulnerable to recover swiftly from injuries, which can be specific to burn off weight significantly more properly and effectively.

You might locate a few favorite types of weight education software resistance method is how somebody exert hard work from an opposing pressure created by resistance, forces to illustrate momentum and inertia. The key reason for resistance software could be to cultivate strength and dimensions the skeletal muscles fat lifting software can be a manner of muscle mass creating and burning calories that is dependent on gravity to supply the resistance needed and isometric training through which the joint place and muscle mass length don’t adjust all the way through contraction. Some body weight coaching system comprises hypertrophy excess fat teaching plan that’s applicable for sports activities athletes, maximal pounds exercise method which focuses in acquiring good coordination of nerves and muscle mass, and muscular endurance excess weight schooling software that could be best suited for mountain climbers and marathon runners.

Pounds schooling program will involve sets, tempos, and repetition workout routines and pressure that basically brings about alternation in power, endurance, shape and measurement through the muscles. A fantastic power creating method will consider compound workout routines, vitality lifting physical exercises, coupled with large loads and small quantity of reps completed. The only strategy to stimulate strength enhancement and muscle development may be to regularly overload areas of your respective muscular tissues. It is usually advisable to enroll your self within a body weight exercise system as it is usually really difficult to endure pursuits that you are not several of what specific reason they’re for and what results they may be in a position to share while using physique. Monitoring how nicely you might be progressing and organizing your things to do comes useful when you retain the services of an instructor in addition to you.

You certainly will get pretty promising positive aspects in body weight instruction just like a balanced pounds reduction. The reason currently being lifting weights can be a form of training which is able to improve your metabolic course of action – along with a sluggish metabolic procedure will be the chief rationale of slimming down. Boost your bone strength and density considering the fact that this sort of exercises is often a wonderful way to combat brittle bones and will enable you to to make formidable bones. Each time you undergo this teaching, your bones, tendons and ligaments is going to be greater and will also bring about accidents prevention and you’ll have the power to do lots of attain alot more bodily.

Do you think you’re seeking a lot more on strength training program or strength training for women? Take a look at Litman P. Lopen’s web site now for extra facts immediately.

Robb Beams of the AEM Endurance Group, Inc. (greatraces.net & motoendurance.net) discusses Cycles 1 and Cycles 2 within the Muscular Endurance Phase of strength training. By following this AEM Muscular Endurance program (Cycles 1 6 plus the rowing) in the order illustrated, you will improve your flexibility, increase your power output and muscular endurance. Please note, these exercises are designed to functionally integrate numerous muscles simultaneously to maximize your strength and proprioceptive balance in the least amount of time so patience and attention to details will yield the greatest gains for you the athlete.

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Tacfit Commando Beginners Review And Other Information

December 8, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Article by Jefferie Wilkenson

Tacfit Commando is the only fitness and muscle building course that is used by the Navy SEALS. It uses unique bodyweight exercises to build tactical fitness levels that are suitable for the requirements of the field.

If you take on the course (and make it to the other side!) then you will become the hardest person that you know. Seriously.

The creator Tacfit Commando is Scott Sonnon, whom is a former USA National Police Team Coach for Sambo submission fighting-part of the Police and Fire Fighter Olympics.

Scott has used the Tacfit Commando system to train athletes, military personnel and special ops around the world. Sonnon uses cutting-edge scientific techniques in Tacfit Commando to produce Elite Warriors with high functioning muscles that are ready for action.

Also, just to make sure that people understand, this workout is not about building muscle that looks good (that is just an added bonus!). It is about building muscles that are effective and efficient in performing high energy and intense tasks.

Tacfit Commando won’t make you look like a big bulky bodybuilder on steroids. It will make you look like a real life action hero with a lean, shredded body with high muscular definition and low body fat.

In addition to Navy SEALS hopefuls, this system will appeal to people who want to workout from home and dont have the time to go to the gym. The workouts can be done anywhere, and little space is require. And no equipment is needed, either.

Even if you already do weight training, Tacfit commando can be used along side weight training for enhanced muscular strength and endurance. Or can be used instead of weights for periods where you do not have access to a gym when away on business or holiday etc.

A wide range of people are already using the system, including royal marines, soldiers, special ops, athletes, wrestlers, fire fighters, football players and policemen.

Not to mention, normal people who just want to lose some fat.The workout given in the guide lasts 30 minutes and is done three times each week.

Each workout is energetic and intense and will leave you feeling really pumped up and feeling great afterwards. Ready to take on the world.The exercises in the workout are not the generic bodyweight type exercises that you usually get.

They are unique exercises that have been specifically designed to build muscle, burn fat and to enhance the overall conditioning of the body.

Completing the mission manual is a lot of hard work. It will test you both mentally and physically. But if you stick to it, you will come back out the other end a lean and mean machine!

More Tacfit Commando information can be found at the Navy SEALS Workout Routine website.

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Improve Your Muscle Endurance

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Muscle endurance is necessary for any athlete who performs for extended periods of time. If you are able to perform a high number of repetitions using your maximum strength for an extended period of time you have muscle endurance.

Most athletes work constantly, through exercise and the use of healthy supplements, to build their muscle endurance. It is an important factor in almost every type of fitness activity. From swimmers to weight lifters, athletes will benefit from increased muscle endurance.

Twitch Muscles

Muscle endurance determines how well your “slow twitch muscles” are functioning or developed. Slow twitch muscles are the main type of muscle used for endurance. They are not able to exert great amounts of pressure but can withstand effort for a long period of time.

The other type of muscle fibre is the fast twitch muscle.

These muscles are utilized for strength. They can exert great force, but they cannot sustain the force over time.

You can improve your slow twitch muscles by participating in aerobic activities such as biking, swimming, or any other type of sustained exercise. They can also be improved by building your upper body strength through pushups, pull ups, and triceps dips.

Natural supplements such as creatine are specifically formulated to help build slow twitch muscles.

Types of Endurance

Different sports utilise different forms of endurance. The first form of endurance is power endurance. This is developed for sports that require powerful movements that are repeated for extended periods of time. Tennis and martial arts both require power endurance.

Power endurance requires the athlete to use his slow twitch muscles.

He must also build up his fast twitch muscles so they can exert power and force for longer periods of time without becoming fatigued.

Short time muscular endurance is used when the athlete only exerts power and force for short periods of time, usually from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Long term muscular endurance is needed for exercise that is steady and continuous. Rowing, marathons, and triathlons all require long term muscular endurance.

Increasing Muscular Endurance

Muscular endurance is best achieved by a combination of exercise and healthy supplements. Your exercise routine should be designed to overload your muscles. This means that you want to overwork your muscles in order for them to become stronger and build endurance. This must be done under professional supervision so you do not stress or strain your muscles.

As you work out, especially when you overload your muscles, they will burn muscle mass as fuel. As a result, the muscle mass you were seeking to “pump up” becomes depleted. Supplements are necessary to prevent this depletion and help rebuild muscle mass.

A creatine supplement will allow your muscles to recover faster and enhance your metabolism. Athletes who take creatine supplements do not require as much down time between workouts. Their metabolism is increased and they are able to efficiently flush out the trash left behind, (lactic acid), from the burning of their muscle fuel.

Creatine is a natural and safe muscular endurance supplement. It is not a steroid and is found naturally in meat. You will find that creatine is available in several different forms such as serums and powders. You can even purchase mixes which combine creatine with other muscle enhancing supplements such as glutamine.

Supplements Plus offers the best range of supplements at the lowest prices, guaranteed. We’ll beat any advertised price in Australia and we offer free shipping for orders over 0! To view our range of products, visit Supplements.

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