Powerlifting – The Iron Game
May 4, 2012 by admin
Filed under Powerlifting
Article by Praveen
Powerlifting is a modern kind of sport that dates back from mid of the 20th century. Sometimes it is considered as the “bastard child” of weightlifting. Powerlifting is a sport consisting of the bench press, squat and deadlift. The highest total muscle strength for all 3 lifts wins a tournament. Powerlifting, in most federations, involves three events: squat, bench press and deadlift. Some variations of this are found at some meets such “push-pull only” meets where lifters only compete in the bench press and deadlift, with the bench press coming first and the deadlift after.
Powerlifting gear helps at the bottom of the lift, but it does not help you at lockout. If you use gear, you MUST attack your absolute strength for lockout or you will not get the maximum out of the gear. Powerlifting in weight lifting is a technique that’s more advanced than conventional weight training. When you view powerlifting competitions, you’ll know that it consists of one-rep with three tries for bench press, deadlift and squats. Powerlifting is dangerous, no matter which way you slice it. Even if you do your one-rep with impeccable form, you will cause problems, the human body is not designed for that type of excessive overload time after time.
Powerlifting is a natural way to build muscle mass. A combination of strength training along with high intensity interval training will result in lean body mass and fat loss. Powerlifting is not for everyone. Strength training is not for everyone. Powerlifting comprises what i.
Powerlifting with forced reps will split more cells when pushing to failure and beyond. The critical balance here is between workout time and recovery time. Powerlifting routines help to make the muscle larger and stronger. The concept of resistance training for strength is very simple, the more you work the muscles, the more it will continue to improve. Powerlifting USA often reports results of prison weight lifting meets in their monthly publication. Articles from these magazines are grouped below followed by other miscellaneous articles.
Powerlifting bodybuilding and weight training articles and tips. For those serious about lifting more and building the body you want. Powerlifting appears to be sport specifically geared for individuals with Down syndrome. Athletes with Down syndrome who have been diagnosed as having the condition known as atlanto-axial instability, or those athletes who have not had an x-ray to diagnose this condition, are severely limited in the number of activities in which they may participate.
Related links : How to Learn Powerlifting in Short Time
Erin Walterman’s bench presses at the 2011 Arnold USA Powerlifting Championships in Columbus, Ohio on March 05, 2011. Stats for this meet: 1st Bench Press = 125kgs/275lbs 2nd Bench Press = 130kgs/286lbs 3rd Bench Press = 137.5kgs/303lbs
Video Rating: 5 / 5
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Powerlifting Routines
April 30, 2012 by admin
Filed under Powerlifting
“You will sense it; you will be awed by it; and your fellow men will indeed, as he has done for thousands of years, pay you homage”.
People do adore the powerlifters, be it because of their great physique or their strength. No wonder powerlifting training is becoming so popular these days. Such strength trainings are very beneficial; however, one must be focused, as powerlifting programs are often tiring. These programs also require one to gain lots of strength and follow some powerlifting routines.
The most important fact is to focus on bench press, squat and deadlift. It is a no-brainer for those who are already familiar with this sport form. Even though many fail to focus on their basic power exercises while framing their powerlifting routines, exercises like bench press, squat, and deadlift are essential for maximum muscle growth and one need not to be a powerlifter to incorporate these exercises in their workout routines.
Powerlifting routines require one to perform a number of bench presses, deadlifts and squats for building most of their muscle mass. When it comes to building muscle mass these basic exercises can help you to get the edge on other bodybuilding techniques.
Bench press helps in gaining strength for the upper body. Lie down on a bench; the back needs to be fully arched for forming a bridge. Make this bridge as higher as possible. Tightly squeeze the shoulder blades against each other. It will shorten the path of the bar and the lifter can lift more weight by using less strength. Drive the bar up by using the same technique.
Deadlift is a simple fitness exercise where one needs to learn and use proper techniques. The middle of the entire feet needs to be placed below the bar and the stance width must be comfortable. Place the hands shoulder width apart and grab the bar keeping the wrists and elbows completely straight. Relax the traps and while arching back place the hips lower enough to comfortably grab the bar. Hold the hip as high as possible; the middle deltoid needs to be slightly behind or right above the bar. In the second phase of deadlift includes contracting the hips forward and at the same time pushing the body entire weight from heels. Once the weight is above the knee level, place the knees in such a way to get a completely locked position. Follow the same technique while doing the descent.
Squat helps to reach the maximum lifting potential and to avoid possible injuries during powerlifting. Make sure the loaded bar is set at the chest level and settle it deep inside the palms. The grips width must be slightly wider than the shoulder width; this will create massive plateau in the trapezius muscles and upper back and will hold the loaded bar during the movement. Stand fully erect and touch the barbell with your chest; dive under to put the barbell on your back. It must be on the line where the rear deltoid meets. Now push it upwards and off the rack and then step back. While doing the second phase of squatting arch the back as hard as possible and look straight ahead to create a solid leverage point. While descending, unlock the hips first and then lower them down. Once the hamstrings are fully stretched, you can begin unlocking the knees.
Larry Scott is a health and fitness enthusiast and an aspiring powerlifter. Larry has published articles about powerlifting equipments and various strength training methods; he is a big fan of Louie Simmons and is a member of www.westside-barbell.com
We are a new team starting out of West Palm Beach, FL. This is our first official video and we will be uploading more. We are just beginning the sport and this was just sort of a warm up/messing around video.
Bodybuilding Training or Powerlifting Training?
April 27, 2012 by admin
Filed under Powerlifting
Article by Bob Giddy
The sport of powerlifting is one that was spawned from bodybuilding training as many of the desired outcomes are essentially the same for both sports. The techniques and practices in bodybuilding training and powerlifting training can benefit each other, however the major difference is in the competitions which powerlifters and bodybuilders enter. As a bodybuilder the aim is to look as big and as defined as possible, whereas in powerlifting the aim is to lift as much weight as possible.
If you want to enter powerlifting competitions you’ll have to compete over three sections, the squat, the bench press and the dead lift. The winner of the competition unlike bodybuilding is no based on how good you muscles look but how much weight you can lift in total. If you enter a competition you’ll be put in a certain category or class depending on a number of factors such as age and experience. You don’t have to worry about your body’s aesthetics as you do in bodybuilding, so you can focus 100% on training your strength instead.
Like bodybuilding, powerlifters still need to eat well balanced healthy diets incorporating plenty of protein and enough calories to ensure optimum muscle growth. Avoid fried foods, fast foods and other sources of bad fats and bad carbohydrates. Try and eat plenty of vegetables, pasta and high protein sources such as turkey and chicken. Don’t forget that powerlifting is not about having the lowest body fat percentage or having the highest muscular definition, so you don’t have to worry about a bit of extra fat.
If you want to power lift you need to follow a strict training program as you would if you were training to be a bodybuilder. Make sure that you schedule rest days into your training program to allow your body and muscles to grow and repair between training sessions. Many serious powerlifters and bodybuilders often take a rest week, every twelve weeks or so to reduce stress and allow the body to rest and recover which will enable you to keep training harder and longer and give you a chance to properly reassess your goals and training routine.
Like any sport, you need to set goals and have a detailed training program as a power lifter to keep you focused and on track. Reassess your goals often; stay positive and dedicated and you’ll be winning competitions in no time.
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How Powerlifting Shirts Can Massively Increase Your Bench Press
April 19, 2012 by admin
Filed under Powerlifting
Article by Anne Douglas
Anybody who has ever attempted bench pressing with powerlifting shirts need to know that there is a fine line in between carrying out it proper and dumping. Contemplate it the way you’d a golf swing. The perfect golf swing is smooth and effortless, and so may be the perfectly executed shirted bench press. You should feel as if the excess weight isn’t even there. Powerlifting shirts have already been in the marketplace for years and it was initially developed to shield a lifter’s shoulders and pectorals throughout competitors.
Sometime inside the 1980’s, however, excess weight lifters discovered that certain types of powerlifting shirts not just protected them from injury, but also enhanced their performance in bench presses. The fabric in the shirt coils as you lower your arms and then springs loose as you lift your arms. This locations extra pressure on the bar, as a result making it achievable for you personally to propel much more weight. Of course, the outcomes you get is going to be straight proportional for your potential to best your method.
And since using powerlifting shirts is really a bit of an art, you will find some points that could go incorrect once you bench press with such a shirt. Here are the typical errors you should stay away from when undertaking shirted bench presses:
Collapsing- If you bench press flat-backed, then you are not probably to experience this problem. But, most powerlifting shirts are created for arched benching, which implies that the sleeves are attached at an angle which is conducive to loading at a range of 25-45 degrees. In the event you drop beneath this ideal angle, you might nevertheless have the ability to hold the excess weight, but you will possibly have no more power left for the press. To make sure appropriate position and to make sure that your shirt does its job, always focus on driving your sternum as much as the ceiling and load only within the intended angle of your shirt.
Heaving- This mistake happens whenever you throw the excess weight back in the rack rather than pressing it upward as you should. Heaving generally final results from the initial mistake – collapsing – because when the bar is positioned too low, you are going to no longer have any leverage to bench press it back up. An additional feasible cause for heaving is if you’ve somehow cocked your wrist as you brought the excess weight down, thus putting your elbows out in front of the weight. To prevent this mistake, you are going to must ensure that you simply usually do not collapse and that you maintain correct body position throughout the movement.
Overtucking- As you start to break in the elbows with all the weight out, the shirt start off to take the weight. Nevertheless, in case you bring your elbows too close to your sides, you’ll be sabotaging the movement. Tucking your elbows is important in guarding your chest and front deltoids against injury. But, when you bench press with powerlifting shirts, an excessive amount of tucking can take the tension out from the shirt. To prevent overtucking when performing shirted bench presses, make sure you take the weight out, break in the elbows and then tuck your elbows Really Gradually. This assists preserve you in control of the movement and maintain your shirt loaded all throughout the movement.
Be conscious of these 3 mistakes and you will positive to reap all of the rewards of bench pressing with powerlifting shirts.
Learn much more concerning the bench press.
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Dr Mel Siff Talks TVA Drawing in Abdominals while Squatting
April 15, 2012 by admin
Filed under Powerlifting
Article by mel.sitnx.eqxkbgat
I am a novice powerlifter and I train and compete raw (no wraps, no suits,no belt) and I was wondering what I should be doing with my abs during thesquat. Should I be sucking them in, or pushing them out, or something elsealtogether? Does the same apply to the deadlift and bench? Note that, I holdmy breath throughout most of the lift(s). I begin to exhale after the
sticking point. Will this have any bearing on how I should use my abs? >>
*** What you appear to have been doing intuitively is most appropriate.Breath holding is a reflex action meant to stabilise the body or to enable itto produce maximal force or power under heavily loaded or suddenly imposedstress.
There have been numerous claims that sucking in the abs or deliberatelytrying to activate the transversus abdominis (TA) muscle is the best way ofstabilising the trunk during all activities. While one can voluntarilycontrol muscles during the initial phases of an exercise or during very slowmanoeuvres, it is not possible to do so under dynamic conditions, such asencountered in the later stages of lifting or in any complex sportingactions. In fact, any attempts to do so may profoundly disrupt your movementpatterns, as has been pointed out for many years in the form of this aphorism:
‘paralysis by analysis’.
Another anatomical principle should be remembered in this regard, namely “Thebody knows of movements not muscles”, so that any attempt to deliberatelyalter patterns of muscle activation during dynamic movement in a person whois not exhibiting any neuromuscular pathology may instill faulty patterns,timings and rates of muscle synergism.
Note that all or most advice on ab ‘sucking in’ and TA recruitment has beenextrapolated from the world of ‘average’ folk and not elite athletes, leastof all any type of competitive lifter, few or none of whom would everconsider sucking in abs or trying to activate TA during the dynamic or
explosive phases of the lifts, because these unproven actions could causespinal injury.
Dr Mel C Siff
Dr Mel SiffAuthor of Supertraining + Facts and Fallacies of Fitnesshttp://www.drmelsiff.com
Powerlifting Training Routines For Conditioning And Well Being
March 31, 2012 by admin
Filed under Powerlifting
Article by Raye Krog
Your fitness objectives can not carry trucks, aircraft, plus the withdrawal, but pounds lifting exercise regime is among the simplest way of brute pressure to win. In contrast to traditional bodybuilding regimen that focuses on carving your muscle mass, excess weight lifting exercise session intended to extend your energy and generally, muscle mass and energy. Basic safety through coaching raise the electricity. As the quantity of pounds concerned, it is actually ideal to strategy this with caution regimen. When doing bodyweight lifting actions, you must meet rigid sort to be used to aid avert injury for the joints.Powerlifting Gear may make you shift a lot more body weight since you tend to be more stablized-… we can easily toss all of that “support system” nonsense out the window and go away that during the adverts exactly where it belongs. The purpose of substances is usually to assist take advantage of your body’s strengths and decrease its structural weaknesses, and end result is you transfer a lot more pounds. It is what poewrlifting has become about and if you aren’t keen on lifting a bunch of pounds you are able to hold on lifting Uncooked and nobody will blame you. But for the people of you that are alright with the assistance technique maintain on studying.One ply gear will add about fifty to 150lbs to your squat, 30 to 150lbs towards your bench, and 50lbs or so to the deadlift. These are generalizations, as powerlifter bodies are diverse so distinctive lifting variations will get different amounts away from the load. Most solitary ply feds demand a “walked out” squat so commonly the rule is no matter it is possible to wander out you’ll want to have the option to squat in a fit. Bench quantities will range based upon mastery of the shirt as well as the guidelines for build on the fed but assume to receive At least 50 lbs over your uncooked. Squat fits will not genuinely support your above all lifting whole but what they are doing do is enable you will get from the sitting down placement and achieve a lot more momentum over the way up. But when you couldn’t pick up the burden just before then you definately in all probability wont have the opportunity to now.The main piece to the muscle-building puzzle is consuming. You must consume more meals than your system expends each individual day, in order that your whole body can utilize the surplus to construct NEW muscle mass tissue, and not just fix whatever you have already got. Ingesting sufficient food is just one spot by which aggressive powerlifters are likely to outdo bodybuilders and other conditioning fanatics. A lot of trainees, even innovative types, will generally avoid eating adequate to get muscle for worry of extra fat achieve, at the same time. Although this is usually a reputable concern, you can not be anxious about this a great deal of that it inhibits your muscle gains.It is best to be eating 2 instances your bodyweight in protein grams on a daily basis (that is a lot!), too as enough carbs and fats to supply the additional electricity to train and grow. Aim predominantly on “clean” resources of food these lean meats, fish, grains, oils, nuts, and develop. On the other hand, never be reluctant to cheat on your own food plan each individual once shortly. You are now heading to get a calorie surplus, it’s not just like a couple of hundred extra at an individual meal is actually likely to hurt you in the long run. To maintain finding stronger and gaining muscle mass, you will need to constantly continue to keep finding out about powerlifting, energy coaching, and other components of muscle mass developing. Talk to powerlifters and bodybuilders in your neighborhood, go to powerlifting meets and bodybuilding competitions, and hold browsing almost everything you may on the net.
If you are inspired by Strongest Man On The Earth Competitors, you’ll be able to get started with strength training routine. Visit our web site for powerlifting training information.

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The Best Powerlifting Routines
March 27, 2012 by admin
Filed under Powerlifting
If you’re looking to get as strong as possible, or even if you’re using weight training as a means to an end of a great physique, powerlifting training is extremely beneficial. There are tons of weight lifting programs out there, but all of the successful things have one thing in common – they focus on gaining lots of strength! Here is what you should look for in the best powerlifting routines:
1. Focus on the Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift
If you’ve been in the powerlifting game for long, or even if you’re researched the sport itself, this will be a no-brainer to you. However, it’s surprising how many people (don’t be ashamed if this is you!) are unaware that they should be doing the basic power exercises in their powerlifting routines.
These important exercises are the squat, bench press, and deadlift. Even if you are not training specifically for powerlifting, and many of you probably are not, you should always focus on variations of these movements for maximum muscle growth.
All good powerlifting routines (or bodybuilding routines, for that matter) will have you performing various squats, presses, and deadlifts to build most of your muscle mass.
Gaining strength on these basic movements will take you further than any other supposed “bodybuilding” technique when it comes to building lots of muscle mass.
2. Use Many Methods of Weight Lifting
You have probably heard about using low reps, high reps, medium reps, etc. These are often referred to as the different “methods” of weight training. Though people often try to categorize these methods as “powerlifting training” or “bodybuilding training,” successful lifters and physique builders of any type use a combination, not just one.
Using very heavy weights with which you can only perform 1-3 (and sometimes up to 5) reps is referred to as the maximal effort method.
This is what most people think of when they think powerlifting routines – heavy weights, very few reps.
Using light or moderate weights for sets of 8, 10, 12, or even more reps is usually referred to as the repetition, or repeated effort method. This is what people traditionally think of as “bodybuilding” training. However, powerlifters, competitive and recreational, use this method to build up their muscle mass, as well.
The third method of importance is called the dynamic effort method. This is when you use a weight that is around 50-60 percent of your max for a given movement and perform sets of 1-3 very fast reps. Though this method can be great for building speed, it is best left to very advanced lifters.
3. Eat to Grow
The most important piece to the muscle-building puzzle is eating. You must eat more food than your body expends each day, so that your body can use the surplus to build NEW muscle tissue, and not just repair what you already have.
Eating enough food is one area in which competitive powerlifters tend to outdo bodybuilders and other fitness enthusiasts. Many trainees, even advanced ones, will often avoid eating enough to gain muscle for fear of fat gain, as well. While this is a legitimate concern, you can’t be worried about it so much that it inhibits your muscle gains.
You should be eating 2 times your bodyweight in protein grams per day (that’s a lot!), as well as enough carbs and fats to supply the additional energy to train and grow. Focus mainly on “clean” sources of food such lean meats, fish, grains, oils, nuts, and produce. However, don’t be afraid to cheat on your diet every once in a while. You’re already going for a calorie surplus, it’s not like a few hundred extra at one meal is really going to hurt you in the long run.
4. Keep Learning More About Powerlifting
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How Powerlifting Shirts Can Massively Enhance Your Bench Press
March 20, 2012 by admin
Filed under Powerlifting
Article by Sally Guice
Anybody who has ever tried using bench pressing with powerlifting shirts ought to know that there is a good line between doing it appropriate and dumping. Contemplate it the way you would a golf swing. The perfect golf swing is sleek and easy, and so is the perfectly executed shirted bench press. You need to feel as if the fat is not even there. Powerlifting shirts have been in the marketplace for years and it was originally intended to safeguard a lifter’s shoulders and pectorals throughout opposition.
Sometime in the 1980’s, nonetheless, bodyweight lifters learned that selected varieties of powerlifting shirts not only protected them from injuries, but also enhanced their functionality in bench presses. The fabric in the shirt coils as you reduced your arms and then springs loose as you elevate your arms. This spots additional stress on the bar, hence producing it achievable for you to propel more excess weight. Of course, the outcomes you get will be straight proportional to your ability to perfect your technique.
And since employing powerlifting shirts is a bit of an artwork, there are some issues that can go incorrect when you bench press with this kind of a shirt. Here are the frequent mistakes you really should stay away from when doing shirted bench presses:
Collapsing- If you bench press flat-backed, then you aren’t probably to experience this issue. But, most powerlifting shirts are created for arched benching, which implies that the sleeves are attached at an angle that is conducive to loading at an assortment of 25-45 degrees. If you drop below this excellent angle, you might even now be capable to hold the weight, but you’ll probably have no more vitality left for the press. To ensure right position and to make positive that your shirt does its career, always concentrate on driving your sternum up to the ceiling and load only in the supposed angle of your shirt.
Heaving- This error transpires when you throw the weight again at the rack alternatively of pressing it upward as you need to. Heaving normally outcomes from the first error – collapsing – due to the fact when the bar is positioned as well lower, you will no more time have any leverage to bench press it back up. One more achievable purpose for heaving is if you have by some means cocked your wrist as you introduced the weight down, therefore putting your elbows out in front of the excess weight. To steer clear of this error, you will have to make positive that you do not collapse and that you sustain appropriate body place throughout the motion.
Overtucking- As you commence to break at the elbows with the bodyweight out, the shirt start off to consider the bodyweight. Even so, if you provide your elbows as well near to your sides, you will be sabotaging the movement. Tucking your elbows is essential in safeguarding your chest and entrance deltoids against injuries. But, when you bench press with powerlifting shirts, too significantly tucking can take the stress out of the shirt. To avert overtucking when performing shirted bench presses, be positive to consider the fat out, break at the elbows and then tuck your elbows Really Slowly. This aids retain you in control of the motion and keep your shirt loaded all during the motion.
Be aware of these three mistakes and you will positive to reap all the benefits of bench pressing with powerlifting shirts.
Learn more about the inzer bench shirt.

Putting on a Powerlifting Bench Press Shirt , starting with the arms inside out. Using aa Double Ply Stock Titan Support Systems F6 Bench Shirt Mark Swanks & Henry Thomason Bad Attitude Gym @ Dallas Texas www.badattitudegym.com
Video Rating: 5 / 5
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Female Musclebuilding Queen
March 8, 2012 by admin
Filed under Powerlifting
Article by Chris Wong
As I gone still in the bases at the Ultimate 4 Women’s Basketball Game Title in St. Louis, it took me that their full season boils down to 1 day, the National Title.That is what the devotees check. What they do not image is the lengthy process of developing to that place, the journey of the players themselves, the strain and robust physical process. The route to a title is the same for every female athlete: it is a individual journeying.Different Korbball, which is a team sport, muscle building is a particularly alone path only that does not take it any less aggressive. Yet many women collapse under the pressure of intense contest. I believe that Pat Summit, head coach of the Tennessee Lady Volunteers basketball team, summed it up best: “A girl thinks that fight is the different of refinement. A young woman isn’t irritated by the restrictions society enforces on her. A girl refuses to sweat openly, and doesn’t get mad when she loses.Don’t get me bad. I like little young women. You can dress them up, and put hair stems on them. But I don’t have much use for them at this level, the title level.” Iris is the image of a fighter. I believe that the process Iris Kyle showed us at the 2009 Arnold Classic was one of beautify and stunner, of refining her own look through the streamlining of her physique and gracing her muscular structure to produce exquisite, classic lines.Understandably, Iris is one definite model of somebody who values the shape, but at the comparable time, points to winnings. Iris Kyle acts her know of the process and her love of wild competition to the arena. That’s why Iris is who she is a fighter, not a succeeder by default. Not all bodybuilder desire to be sensations of Kyle’s calibre. There are chars who compete simply because they love the process and then there are women who compete to succeed. But why not have several?It appears to me that if you do not love the journeying, the bang of standing up onstage is given empty. For several of us, the journey takes more such obstacles than for others. We know that we may never be Ms. Olympia, or even Ms. International, but we choose to do it only the very same. Taking a record or a title at a territorial show is also a heroic goal, and the journeying down this track is no fewer consider or detailed. Get for example, the competitor Kimberly Reed, who gone named with MS when she was 23. She refused her doc’s instructions to rest, selecting instead to become a NASA worldrecord holder in powerlifting and a competitive female bodybuilder. Kim did her start show up in 2003 at the Eastern USA Powerlifting Titles, taking first place in the open 97-pound weightiness class for bench press, and getting the Greatest Lifter Prize. She then worked around and arranged third at the Upper Ohio Valley female Bodybuilding Titles as a lightweight competition. Kim offers a valuable lesson: she appreciates the process of competing for what it is, a robust joining betwixt the mind and body, where the head wills the physical structure to spirit, hurling itself toward the intensiveness of the win. It takes a lot of private strength to stay on this journey: we build up, we diet, we put our lives on hold. We juggling household life with work and hold on developing.We are not simply as great as the hand we are dealt, that is self-delusion. A good instance is recent IFBB pro Diana Tinnelle; she’s passing confident and quite elaborate while onstage, she displays that she thrives on competition and loves each min of it. Merely in that respect is more than one path to succeed. The journey itself is the basic succeed, only making it to the stage. I hear a lot of lamenting about this, that there should be more opportunities for women to turn pro and more professional-level shows for women- but at the end of the day, until female bodybuilder commit as athletes to really embrace the pressure of contest, we are only as good as our fear of success permits us to be. So my doubt is: Are you fearful of being The One?Juicy private ChatBody Consistence Cases
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Become A Powerlifter With Louie’s Equipments
February 22, 2012 by admin
Filed under Powerlifting
A celebrated powerlifter like Louie Simmons needs no introduction. His vast knowledge about how to produce strength is the result of his 27 years of experience in various powerlifting organizations. Apart from being the only lifter above 50 years to squat 920 and a total of 2100, Louie is one of the powerlifters to total Elite in 5 weight classes. There is only five other powerlifters who accomplished the task.
Just like his powerlifting achievements, Louies dynamic training methods and lifting techniques are well appreciated amongst the lifters. In fact his training methods and knowledge have helped to create 25 World and National Champions so far. Butch Reynolds, the World Record holder of the 400-meter dash, also followed Louies training methods. In addition, the powerlifting training methods of Louie Simmons have helped to create 27 powerlifters who have totaled more than 2000 pounds, twenty-eight 800 lb plus squatters, thirty-three 550 lb benchers, eighteen 600 lb benchers, ten 900 lb plus squatters and five 700 lb benchers till date.
Simmons, through his legendary Westside Barbell, advocates the use of the conjugate method. This powerlifting method is loosely based on the conjugate parallel system, which was recommended by a number of strength coaches of the former Soviet Union. Westside Barbells training week includes four sessions per week. In the first two sessions the main focus is on the upper body work. Bench press is mainly used to work on upper body. While working on the lower body, which is included in the other two sessions, squat and deadlift are the primary focus. Box squats are used with lighter loads and fast speed.
The following are some of the special equipments used by Louie Simmons:
Belt Squat Machine: A real Louie original, Belt Squat Machine allows the lifter to get a full squat exercise for legs and glute area. Better yet, you dont have to put a bar on your back. There are weight pegs where you need to load plates and step onto the platform. You will find a supplied squat belt to hook the cable. The belt can be exchanged for other attachments as well; and this multipurpose machine can also be used to do pull-through simply by attaching a pair of web handle. For deep grip pulls, V-grip can be used and for curls, row and tricep extensions attach a single hand grip.
Zercher Harness: Zerchers squat, where you need to hold the bar in the crook of the arms, is the dynamic training method followed by many powerlifters. Louies Zercher Harness comes with two adjustments that gives the bar front squat availability. While doing a Zercher squat you need to lift the bar in your elbows and try to go as low as possible. You can either low your bar unit it is on your knees or you can lower it over your knees. Again, go as low as possible and then drop your hips low to stretch your lower back and stand up.
WheelFarrow: Louie named this machine after its designer Tom Farrow. You can do a number of exercises with the help of a wheelfarrow, including rows facing, military presses, pulls, standard pushes, static holds and grip work, and bench presses.
Larry Scott is a health and fitness enthusiast and an aspiring powerlifter. Larry has published articles about powerlifting equipments and various strength training methods; he is a big fan of Louie Simmons and is a member of www.westside-barbell.com
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