The Powerlifting Squat
December 13, 2011 by admin
Filed under Powerlifting
You are doing a powerlifting squat if you place the bar lower down your back- below your deltoids and across your rhomboid. Your stance should be shoulder width and a little bit wider. Due to the shift in your center of gravity your torso lean will be more pronounced. This exercise places less stress on your knees and more stress on your lower back.
Think of it as if you were sitting down in a chair, and let your body put itself into the proper range of motion. It is ideal if you can be parallel, just do not do more than what your body wants you to. If your ankle flexibility, strength of your lower back or any other physical factors keep you from having full range of motion, then it will be necessary for you to abbreviate your range until your supporting muscles are flexible and strong.
Athletic Squat
This exercise is kind of a mixture between stress on the lower back and stress on the knee joint. This is an excellent movement to use in various phases of training.
The Sumo
In order to perform this exercise, you must take an extraordinarily wide stance. Never keep your legs pointed forward during this movement. If you do try to do this, you will twist at the knee joint. This will not only put stress on your knees, but it will also stretch and possible injure your ligaments.
Your feet need to point farther out than your natural stance. This way your legs will bend at an angle that will not allow the knee to twist or torque. The sumo will use more muscles on the inner thigh than a traditional exercise.
The Box
This is another variation of the traditional exercise. With this movement, you move down until you are sitting on a box or a platform. This will usually be placed just at or above parallel. You have to transfer all of your weight to the platform and then pause. Then you push upward. This technique will work your weakest range of motion by making you have a cold start from the platform. Squeeze your glute muscles to push upward while keeping your torso as vertical as you can.
The Ski
When you go down against the wall, this is known as the ski. You start by stepping about 2 feet away from a wall and assuming a natural stance. You then lean back into the wall. Hold this for roughly 20-60 seconds. You should work this movement in all areas, since you will only improve your strength in the areas that you are working.
A lot of people hold the start position, and then they slide down the wall several inches and hold this position for around 20-60 seconds. Then they slide down again until you finish the last rep either at parallel or even below.
There are many different variations on the squat, and each one of them has many benefits to help you reach your personal exercise goals!
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What To Look For In A Bodybuilding Guide
December 9, 2011 by admin
Filed under Powerlifting
Article by Steven Gwillim
Bodybuilding is an extreme sport and should not be entered into lightly. It is probably one of the best ways to sculpt your body into a Bodacious looking Bod.
Bodybuilding is an ego driven sport so people are not going to want to admit that they can’t look like arnold or the buff gym rat if the weight 135 lbs soaking wet if they just try a little bit harder. It is the art and the science of developing your body. If you are going to become serious about bodybuilding you are going to need the best bodybuilding guide, we will get into that at the end of the article.
Muscles need time to heal, once a week for directly hitting a muscle is fine. Addicted To A Better Body Building big muscles fast is a science and I’m addicted to it. So, Ill show you on these pages how to customize bodybuilding so that you can get big muscles fast, lose all the fat you want, and get the body you’ve always really wanted.
It does contain principles that can be effectively applied to gaining muscle mass but if you’re looking for a more specific mass building program, it is interesting to note that Tom recommend 1 bodybuilding guide/program that have also earned 5 star ratings from this site: RIPPED Weight Training.
Successful bodybuilders feel the muscle not the weight. Leave your ego at the door If it’s true that the most muscle growth occurs by using a weight that allows perfectly strict form, then why don’t people cut back the weight and use perfect form more often. The stretch is most important on exercises where there is still a full load “pulling” on the muscle in the stretched position.
On these types of exercises where the maximum resistance is placed on the muscle in the contracted position, pausing to “squeeze” the muscle will give you a much stronger contraction. At the same time, it provides little stimulus for new muscle growth. Use these techniques faithfully and you’ll be amazed at how much muscle mass you can develop without ever needing super-heavy weights.
Weightlifting, bodybuilding and powerlifting are largely driven by competition, with participants vying to lift heavier weights or build bigger muscles than other athletes. Weight training builds strength to improve performance in other athletic activities. Weight training should be introduced at a young age, around thetime when the children reach adolescence.
Weightlifters train with weights, too, but they are only interested in learning to lift as much weight as possible, and then only for the few particular lifts that are involved in competition. Around the mid-1940s most bodybuilders became disgruntled with the AAU since they only allowed amateur competitors and they placed more focus on the Olympic sport of weightlifting. The RIPPED bodybuilding guide will go into detail way more then just this.
The sport should therefore not be confused with strongman competition or powerlifting, where the main point is on actual physical strength, or with Olympic weightlifting, where the main point is equally split between strength and technique. They will also use weights to “pump up” by forcing blood to their muscles to improve size and vascularity, and immediately before competition will often eat sugary foods such as chocolate in order to increase their vascularity.
Bodybuilding is a sport that involves building muscles. Bodybuilding is more a philosophy of life than a straightforward physical activity. Bodybuilding is a school of patience and hope. Bodybuilding is a culture, a way of life. It is a sport which combines weight training and lifting with an increase in calories through specially formulated diets. Bodybuilding is a great sport and hobby.
Steve Gwillim’s R.I.P.P.E.D. Weight Training Program and Bodybuilding Guide:
You will find truckloads more bodybuilding tips in his manual then you ever thought possible.
Body building Weight Training Program
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Powerlifting Gear Pointers and Tips
December 7, 2011 by admin
Filed under Powerlifting
Article by Ian Smalley
Usually people who are new to powerlifting take a while to pick up the techniques do to the three lifts well. In fact some new beginners are simply interested in learing how to do the lifts. However, there will come a day when you want to lift more weight and you become passionate about powerlifting, thus you are pasionate about powerlifting gear. That and the fact that about 80% of all poewrlifting federations use gear, Whatever reason powerlifting gear has taken over the sport I don’t really care. the truth is simply that if you watn to compete in a major federation outside of RAW then you had better learn how to use poewrlifting gear..
If you are totally new to poewrlifting competitions then chances are that you will simply lift in what ever federation has the most pull in your city, or just compete in whatever federation your friends at the gym lift in…and that’s just fine. Most guys start training and competing in single or multi ply because of that. So whatever ply you choose to lift in here are some pointers.
#1 – Powerlifting Gear makes you move more weight because you are more stablized-… we can throw all of that “support system” nonsense out the window and leave that in the ads where it belongs. The point of gear is to help take advantage of your body’s strengths and minimize its structural weaknesses, and result is that you move more weight. This is what poewrlifting has become about and if you aren’t interested in lifting a ton of weight you can keep on lifting RAW and no one will blame you. But for those of you who are okay with the support method keep on reading.
#2 – The Numbers Game- Single ply gear will add about 50 to 150lbs to your squat, 30 to 150lbs to your bench, and 50lbs or so to your deadlift. These are generalizations, as powerlifter bodies are different so different lifting styles will get different amounts out of the weight. Most single ply feds require a “walked out” squat so usually the rule is that whatever you can walk out you should be able to squat in a suit. Bench numbers will vary depending on mastery of the shirt and the rules for set up of the fed but expect to get AT LEAST 50 lbs over your raw. Squat suits don’t really help your over all lifting total but what they do do is help you get out of the sitting position and gain more momentum on the way up. But if you couldn’t pick up the weight before then you probably wont be able to now. Suits and shirts really just help you out of the bottom of the lift. In Multi ply gear you can basically just add another 100lbs to each lift. An added advantage to lifting multi ply is that most feds use a monolift to squat out of, so the walk out is eliminated. If you have 2 ply briefs and a 2 ply canvas suit on (4 plys of material), then 200 to 300lbs over your raw is not out of the question. Same on the bench. When I first started training in gear I bought a 2 ply Phenom and hit 500 at 185lbs bodyweight after 4 months of training with a 360 raw bench…so there you go.
#3- Powerlifting Gear Sucks- So I’m sure the beginners are salivating now and are pulling out there credit cards to order one of everything…BUT…the rest of the story is that gear only works because it is tight. Not tight like some underarmor shit you wear under your football pads, tight like your limbs go numb. Powerlifting Gear is extremely uncomfortable…it hurts to wear. It’s really hard to get into and out of, often requiring help from your training partners yanking and pulling on you, ripping your arm hair out. Your legs and arms get huge cuts in them which turn to scars. Your balls get smashed. If you’re reading this and calling bullshit then your gear is loose and you’re a poser. If you’re reading this and laughing because you are covered in scars and know it’s true then you are a powerlifter. If you’re reading this and are scared then you are a newb, and have lots of fun to look forward to.
Learn how to lift in <ahref=”” title=”powerlifting gear”>powerlifting gear. Checkout more of our <ahref=”” title=”powerlifting articles”>powerlifting articles.
Powerlifting Routines
December 2, 2011 by admin
Filed under Powerlifting
“You will sense it; you will be awed by it; and your fellow men will indeed, as he has done for thousands of years, pay you homage”.
People do adore the powerlifters, be it because of their great physique or their strength. No wonder powerlifting training is becoming so popular these days. Such strength trainings are very beneficial; however, one must be focused, as powerlifting programs are often tiring. These programs also require one to gain lots of strength and follow some powerlifting routines.
The most important fact is to focus on bench press, squat and deadlift. It is a no-brainer for those who are already familiar with this sport form. Even though many fail to focus on their basic power exercises while framing their powerlifting routines, exercises like bench press, squat, and deadlift are essential for maximum muscle growth and one need not to be a powerlifter to incorporate these exercises in their workout routines.
Powerlifting routines require one to perform a number of bench presses, deadlifts and squats for building most of their muscle mass. When it comes to building muscle mass these basic exercises can help you to get the edge on other bodybuilding techniques.
Bench press helps in gaining strength for the upper body. Lie down on a bench; the back needs to be fully arched for forming a bridge. Make this bridge as higher as possible. Tightly squeeze the shoulder blades against each other. It will shorten the path of the bar and the lifter can lift more weight by using less strength. Drive the bar up by using the same technique.
Deadlift is a simple fitness exercise where one needs to learn and use proper techniques. The middle of the entire feet needs to be placed below the bar and the stance width must be comfortable. Place the hands shoulder width apart and grab the bar keeping the wrists and elbows completely straight. Relax the traps and while arching back place the hips lower enough to comfortably grab the bar. Hold the hip as high as possible; the middle deltoid needs to be slightly behind or right above the bar. In the second phase of deadlift includes contracting the hips forward and at the same time pushing the body entire weight from heels. Once the weight is above the knee level, place the knees in such a way to get a completely locked position. Follow the same technique while doing the descent.
Squat helps to reach the maximum lifting potential and to avoid possible injuries during powerlifting. Make sure the loaded bar is set at the chest level and settle it deep inside the palms. The grips width must be slightly wider than the shoulder width; this will create massive plateau in the trapezius muscles and upper back and will hold the loaded bar during the movement. Stand fully erect and touch the barbell with your chest; dive under to put the barbell on your back. It must be on the line where the rear deltoid meets. Now push it upwards and off the rack and then step back. While doing the second phase of squatting arch the back as hard as possible and look straight ahead to create a solid leverage point. While descending, unlock the hips first and then lower them down. Once the hamstrings are fully stretched, you can begin unlocking the knees.
Larry Scott is a health and fitness enthusiast and an aspiring powerlifter. Larry has published articles about powerlifting equipments and various strength training methods; he is a big fan of Louie Simmons and is a member of
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Isometrics For Powerlifters & Strongmen
December 2, 2011 by admin
Filed under Powerlifting
In your sport, the name of the game is strength, right? Let those bodybuilders have all the posing trunks, pro-Tan, dieting, and high-repetition sets that they want. You know that your goal isn’t related to how you looking in glittery posing trunks, and you darn sure aren’t concerned about what five judges in suits care about your physique. No, your goals involve lifting very heavy objects. Maybe it is the weights you like to lift. Maybe you want to find the highest total for bench press, deadlift, and squat that your body is capable of making. Or, maybe powerlifting isn’t your thing, and strongman competition is. If the idea of moving a 300 pound Atlas stone over your head, or pulling a bus further than anyone else in a competition is your goal, then you certainly want more strength.
If your goal is strength, then you’ve probably tried every routine under the sun in your last five years of training, right? You know the basic training staples of each sport, and you’ve probably done them, and then some! There’s a good chance you have exhausted every possible idea you have for making strength gains.
At this point, your options probably include gaining a great deal more weight (placing you in a higher and therefore more competitive weight class) or resorting to anabolic steroids, which can have health risks and may violate the rules of the confederation in which you compete. Is there another way to boost your strength levels without taking these routes? Yes there is!
Isometric training is a protocol which can help you to improve your strength levels in all of the essential lifts. Defined simply, isometric lifting involves locating then executing a static hold in three different positions against an immovable object. For example, you might begin with the standard standing pectoral butterfly stretch against the cable machine. You are at full extension, and incapable of moving the rack, obviously. After holding that flex and pressing as hard as possible for 30 seconds, move to the middle range of the stretch. Add another 30 seconds of complete tension – pressing with everything you have against a weight you obviously know will not move. Finally, finish that “set” with another 30 seconds of the final locked out position.
The idea behind isometric training is that you will give the muscle an infinite workload of resistance in the three main positions of a lift in which you want to improve. It’s very effective when used in conjunction with post-training stretching. You can emulate just about any lift you can imagine, simply by contorting your body against some equipment in the gym, or in your home or office, when time is short. Muscle coordination benefits tremendously, which allows for greater contraction, strength, and concentration when you’re actually conducting the movements the isometric stretching was designed to mirror.
Mix isometric into your training following the three major lifts of deadlift, bench press and squats. You might just discover it allows you to break a plateau and increase your strength levels without resorting to steroid use or weight gains. Get pressing!
Dane Fletcher is the world’s most prolific bodybuilding and fitness expert and is currently the executive editor for If you are looking for more bodybuilding tips or information on weight training, or supplementation, please visit, the bodybuilding and fitness authority site with hundreds of articles available FREE to help you meet your goals.
Melissa & Doug Deluxe Magic Set
December 2, 2011 by admin
Filed under Powerlifting
Incredible multi-room feature sets amusing illusions and crafty slight of hand tricks for the young magician to practice and play. They are easy to learn tricks are the same as those used by professional magicians: disappearing objects multiplying coins, magic boxes, prediction tricks a secret change bag and more. And the wooden storage chest magically transforms into a performance table ¿with a secret compartment!
Product Description
And for my next trip “- This fantastic set includes ten professional capacity, however, easy to master the tricks of magicians young learners to improve their confidence and fine motor skills, and to surprise family and friends with exciting tricks and illusions! “Secret Silks,” “Prediction magic number”, forecasting of Egypt are among the ten classic tricks included. Say the magic word and the fabulous set can be yours! Age 8 years. +. ”
And for my next trick “… This fantastic set includes ten professional caliber, yet easy-to-master tricks for beginners! Young Magicians improve their confidence and motor skills as amaze your family and friends with exciting tricks and illusions!” Secret Thirst, “” Magic Number prediction “, Egyptian Prediction are ten classic tricks included. Say the magic word and this magnificent set can be yours!
Dimensions: 3.8 “x 9.6” x 14.1 “Packaged
Age: 8 + years
Contains small parts. Contains small balls.
Product Description
Incredible multi-room has a set light illusions, fun and clever tricks hand to the young wizard to practice and perform. These easy to learn the tricks are the same as those used by professional magicians: disappearing objects, multiplying coins, magic boxes, prediction tricks, a stock exchange secrets and more. And the wooden storage chest “magically” transforms into a performance table with a secret compartment! FamilyFun magazine selected as the “Toy of the Year Finalist (Ages 8-9)” for 2004!
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