How To Do Pull-ups and Chin-ups With Proper Technique
Article by danijel
Pull-ups & Chin-ups force you to lift your own body-weight. They are the best strength training exercises you can do for upper-body strength & muscle mass. Unfortunately Pull-ups & Chin-ups are hard. Very hard.
If youre a beginner, chances are you cant do 1 Pull-up or Chin-up. This article will not only teach you how to do Pull-ups & Chin-ups with proper technique, but also how to get stronger at them so you can do the weighted versions.
What are Pull-ups & Chin-ups? Hang on a pull-up bar with straight arms & pull yourself up until your chin passes the bar. The difference between Pull-ups & Chin-ups is in the grip:
* Pull-ups. Palms facing away. Less biceps, more back. Harder.* Chin-ups. Palms facing you. Work your biceps more. Easier.
Other Pull-up variations include: palms facing each others, thumbless grip, towel Pull-ups, Fat Bar Pull-ups, Mixed Grip Pull-ups, Horizontal Pull-ups, Kipping Pull-ups, etc. This article deals with Pull-ups & Chin-ups.
Benefits of Pull-ups & Chin-ups. Program includes Pull-ups & Chin-ups for the following reasons:
* Build Muscle. Pull-ups & Chin-ups force you to lift your own bodyweight. This stresses your body, building the muscles of your arms & back.* Grappling Strength. Pull-ups & Chin-ups help any sport which involves gripping, grappling & pulling, like MMA or Rock Climbing.* Carryover. Get stronger at Pull-ups & Chin-ups and youll get stronger on the opposite movements: the Overhead Press & Bench Press.* Shoulder Health. Balancing press exercises like the Bench Press with pull exercises like Barbell Rows & Pull-ups prevents muscle imbalances.
What Do You Need for Pull-ups & Chin-ups? A Power Rack with a Pull-up bar works best. Or a Doorway Pull-up bar. Any surface where you can hang from at arms length will do for Pull-ups & Chin-ups.
What if You Cant Do 1 Pull-up or Chin-up? Whatever method you choose: pull yourself up as if nothing/nobody was helping you. Pull-ups & Chin-ups feel very different without assistance. And always try to beat your previous record.
* Chin-ups. Chin-ups are easier than Pull-ups. If you cant do 1 Pull-up, try Chin-ups. Alternate Chin-ups with Pull-ups when you get stronger.* Resistance Band. Attach a resistance band to your pull-up bar and loop it around your knee, like in this video.* Ask For Help. Ask someone to grab your side with his hands. Let him help you on the way up by squatting down & pressing up.* Kipping Pull-ups. Swing your hips while pulling yourself up until you get stronger. Check how Jesse Marunde uses his hips on the last reps.* Routine. You can also try this strength training routine to increase your strength on Pull-ups (or Chin-ups).* Use Momentum. Jump up & use momentum. Control yourself on the way down. This one will get you a sore back & arms. Youre warned.
Assisted Pull-up Machines & Lat Pulldowns. Stay away from both. If you want to get stronger at Pull-ups & Chin-ups, do Pull-ups & Chin-ups. The strength you build on machines doesnt convert to Pull-ups & Chin-ups.
* No Balance. You dont have to balance yourself on machines. Youll lose strength when switching to Pull-ups & Chin-ups: theyre harder.* Mental Factor. Youre using less strength on the Assisted Pull-up Machine because you know the machine is helping you on the way up.
Once again: if you want to get stronger at Pull-ups & Chin-ups, do Pull-ups & Chin-ups. Youre losing time with machines. If you cant do 1 rep, try the above methods. Youll be able to do 1 Pull-up/Chin-up within a month.
Weighted Pull-ups & Chin-ups. Once you can do 10-15 Pull-ups or Chin-ups in a row, add weight to keep the exercise challenging. Heres how:
* Dumbbell Between Legs. Gets you an ab workout too. Doesnt work once youre using more than 10-20kg.* Rucksack. Wear a rucksack & put plates in it.* Belt & Chain. What I do. Wear a belt. Suspend plates from a chain, attach the chain to your belt.
Pull-up & Chin-up Technique. Start each rep from a dead hang with straight elbows. Clear the bar with your chin on every rep.
* Squeeze The Bar. And put the bar close to your fingers, not in the palm of your hand. It minimize callus formation.* Breathe at The Bottom. Its easier to breathe at the bottom. Take a big breath before pulling yourself up.* Chest Up. Dont let your shoulders go forward: its unhealthy for your shoulders. Lead with your chest up & keep your shoulders back.* Look Up. Never look down during Pull-ups & Chin-ups. Look at the bar. Look where youre pulling yourself up to.* Elbows to The Floor. Drive with your elbows to the floor. This involves your stronger back muscles more.* Bend Your Legs. And cross your feet. Letting your legs hang means less strength in my experience. Squeeze your glutes on the way up.
Common Errors. Most common error on Pull-ups & Chin-ups is cheating the range of motion by not going low or high enough on each rep.
* Not Straightening the Arms. Start from a dead hang with straight elbows, like on the picture above. No partial Pull-ups/Chin-ups.* Shoulders Going Forward. Its bad posture & bad technique. Lead with your chest up while driving your elbows to the floor.* Using The Hips. Keep your legs inline with your torso, unless youre doing Kipping Pull-ups.* Chin Over Bar. Nose or forehead against the bar is a partial Pull-up/Chin-up. Chin over bar unless youre not strong enough yet.
Danijel, married, 10 years of experience in bodybuilding
The Perfect Pull Up on Bars
Article by Parker Mcconnel
Pull-ups are an essential, old-fashioned, and time-tested way to strengthen the shoulder, back, triceps, and bicep muscles. The pull up station or freestanding pull-up towers are a basic component of training inside the armed forces, high school and college football training outlines, and recreation center staples. They’re comparatively cheap to obtain, and in just one easy tower, you are able to strengthen 4 of the 6 major upper body muscle groups. Some freestanding towers have push-up bars at the bottom so it is possible to perform out your chest and abdomen too. So, how do you make the most use out of pull-ups to get you the physique you need? Pull-ups are somewhat uncomplicated to accomplish, before the third just one is attempted. That old joke applies to pull-ups mainly because most folks consider it can be reasonably simple when they look up at the pull-up bar; discover it somewhat simple around the very first go at it, and nearly undoable right after a third try. Individuals rarely have to support their whole body weight with their shoulders, and it might be a daunting thing to accomplish. It really is specifically watching some wriggle, wiggle, shake, twitch, drool, make numerous noises, and get all red about the pull-up bar. It’s even funnier when friends are standing about watching them.A very good technique to enhance your pull-up amount is to perform them underhanded, do them over-handed with your arms closer together, or have a friend lightly spotting your or supporting your feet. Since progress is made a single at a time, it really is generally less difficult to produce progress when your friends are gathered about teasing you, poking you, or chanting insulting epithets to make you do one particular much more. If there is a competitive, community aspect to it, it can be far less difficult to go beyond what you believe you are able to do. Pull-ups are also enjoyable since they’re fast. You’ll be able to hop for the bar and just struggle upward for enjoyable. Because you’re suspended in mid-air, it feels enjoyable and free, but the struggle is kind of off-putting.Once you get actually excellent, it truly is entertaining to go past the initial five or ten and struggled for just 1 a lot more. The threshold will gradually improve, and then it is possible to get inside the swing of it. You might want to have soft-grip pull-up gloves to produce it less difficult on your hands to lift yourself up past the bar simply because it might be difficult on your hands to try and do that many pull-ups. You do not wish to be focused in your hands when you are trying to exercise your muscles exclusively. Do not let a little hand pain distract you from strengthening your muscles. Some freestanding pull-up towers have built-in cushion grips, and you ought to get a single of those if you are inside market to purchase just one of them. Pull-ups is usually fun when you’re just starting to perform out since they perform with so many major muscle groups all at once without complex schedules, weight variants, poses, or machines. Most individuals become avid workout enthusiasts right after using the pull-up bar, if they were slightly interested from the first place, due to the fact there’s an element of enjoyable to working out on it.
Easily incorporate perfect pull ups into your workout routine with your very own pull up station or if you are tight on space, a doorway pull up bar. Your body will thank you for it! Shop with reviews at
How to do pull ups? There are many ways to do a pull up. This video teaches you how to do a perfect pull up.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Why Use Pull Ups Coupons?
Article by Mauricio Battle
If you’re a mom that actively seeks the best way to cut back from your expenditures in shopping for Pull Ups diapers for your toddler, you really should take into consideration shopping and searching for probably the most sensible and inexpensive price of baby diapers and pull ups in the path of online. Quite possibly the most exceptional way is to employ the value of Pull Ups Coupons. Fortunately, it appears that you are well on the best place, since we provide worthwhile useful information on how you can avail these said discounts by making use of Pull Ups Coupons. Fundamentally, there are several positive aspects that internet shopping can provide. One instance is, shopping online is a easy activity, and also you don’t have to go out from the comfort and ease of your home. Secondly, you don’t have to stand in line for a long period to wait around for your turn in the cashiers section. Lastly, you can be together with your youngster while doing all your buying no need to agonize in settling on leave them or bring them in your shopping to-do record. On the subject of baby diapers, most mothers prefer to use the actual one of a kinddesign nappy simply because it’s simple and easy , efficient to use the only real worry that mothers think of are the array of price for every of these products. In this regard, we would like to state the significance of the coupons. Pull Ups Coupons are remarkably accessible for mommies out there whose only wish would be to conserve some cash. Coupon functions similar to wonders giving the moms overall flexibility to shop them through online shopping in an cost-effective worth.Years back, these types of Pull Ups Coupons are only obtainable and can be found in marketing pages of local news papers and publications, later on businesses remarked that the need to venture and increase the ease of access associated with their wonderful Coupons in the world of web and so now, these tiny but awesome coupons are created available for internet shopping.To look for the greatest Pull Ups Coupon, you must fist determine which of these kinds of diaper you would want to buy. Such just to illustrate, when you have chosen pampers, your next action is to check out their established website and then become a member of their email list so that you can received these great coupon along with other price cut sales information and facts by way of your own web mail. In some cases, some of the Pull Ups website gives choice to get text alert posts. This can be quite a uncommon find but if you’re bold and smart in browsing their website, you will for sure locate this kind of feature.
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Video Rating: 4 / 5
Pull Up – Chin Up Workout
When I first started doing pull ups I didn’t like them at all. Probably because I couldn’t do that many. I wasn’t even sure exactly which muscles were being worked.
As I got better at them I started to come around. I can’t imagine not doing them now. With the variety of hand positions you can get a tremendous upper body workout plus develop strength.
Before going into the hand positions let’s differentiate between a pull up and a chin up. A pull up is when your palms are facing away from you. Chin ups are when your palms are facing you.
Each one works your muscles in a different way. Pulls ups work more of your back and forearms while chin ups concentrate on your biceps.
I use a doorway pull up bar which allows for a few different hand placements. Some offer more positions and then there’s the standard straight bar which offers the fewest.
For the basic pull up place your hands on the bar around shoulder width apart, palms facing away.
Your feet should not be touching the ground. Pull up until your head is above the bar and chest nearly touches it. Lower yourself back down. That’s one.
Placing your hands further apart will focus more on your lats. Brining them in closer to approximately six to eight inches apart will work the lower lats. Both of these with palms facing away.
Switching to a reverse grip or palms facing you will work your biceps more. You can vary your hand placement just as with a pull up. Narrow, shoulder width and wide. Some pull up bars will let have your palms facing each other, also working the lats.
Depending on the day I will do two or three sets of 8 to 10 reps. Or I will just keep going until I can’t do anymore.
Those are the basic techniques.
Once you get comfortable with those try a few others. What’s been called a combat grip is when one palm is facing you and the other is away.
Putt a towel over the bar and holding that with one hand and your other on the bar. Since one hand is lower than the other , it makes the one on the bar work harder. And then of course there is the one handed pull up.
You can get some ab work in as well. Hang from the bar palms facing away or each other. Then raise your legs in front of you forming your body into an ‘L’ shape and hold. See how high you can raise them.
Gregg Carter is passionate about helping others transform their bodies and their lives through physical fitness. His website The Fit Pros concentrates on fitness programs and exercises that can be done at home. He also provides free motivation and support.
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Brett Chepenik: How To Do Proper Pull Ups
Article by Kevin Williams
Pull Ups is a strength training exercise which is designed to strengthen the back, biceps and shoulders and increase overall body strength and muscularity.The pull up movement begins with the arms fully extended above the head, with an overhand grip on the bar. Lift your chin above the bar while keeping your elbows back and pushing your chest up during the movement. Upon bringing your chin above the bar, return to the strating position and repeat. Most experts will agree this is the best exercise in building the thickness of one
Benefits of Doorway Pull Up
Doorway Pull Up Bar are an exceptional bodily physical exercise to do every day because of the fact they allow you to practice your core, burn fat, and construct muscle. A pull up is normally completed by making use of potentially a chin or pull up bar. It really is feasible to find the regular pull up gear at any health club otherwise you might set up 1 in your residence.
There are a lot of distinct kinds of exercises available for you personally to complete that emphasize specific components around the physique. You will discover exercises that operate inside your again, legs, thighs, hips, and butt. A pull up bar is a lot more than in a position to supporting your excess fat as you grip the bar and try to pull yourself up. Using a couple of chin ups, pull ups, and leg ups everyday is far more than sufficient for an effective, strengthening bodily workout regimen.
Best Doorway Pull Up Bar strongly emphasize your arms and abs.
By using the correct method, anybody can successfully complete a couple of sets. If you are in a position to total a pull-up, then that’s just one additional advantage you will have for obtaining into the rather finest type of one’s lifestyle.
In the starting, plenty of women and men can’t even do 1 chin-up or pull-up. Which is why I’d recommend creating up your muscle by strengthening the arms and core with simpler workouts. Each and every time you get to the pull-up bar, try to pull yourself up only a little bit additional. With time, you will be shocked by how far you have arrive. Also, do not overlook to alter your diet plan to make certain that it fits your workout program. If you are consuming unhealthy, then it does no very good to physical exercise. Diet strategy and physical exercise have to run together so as for you personally to obtain into very good kind.
For your residence, a totally free standing pull up bar is just as efficient as anything the fitness center has to supply. By operating in your pull ups and using the pull up bar the suitable way, you’ll be able to do 10-20 reps in no time. Via a healthy individual diet plan plan, the suitable exercises, and the right attitude, obtaining into great shape may be a breeze.
The 3rd benefit is the fitness element, time and time once more we are informed that regular physical exercise will support maintain a healthy system. In case you have time restraints or can not pay for the expense of heading to the fitness center, the doorway chin up bars offer a price successful way for getting match which can effortlessly be scheduled into your day without the hassle of going towards the gymnasium or if you are self aware about the body, you are able to work out in the comfort of your property.
Check you more information about Entrance Pull Up Bar. For more reviews about the Doorway Pull Up Bar Damage and other consumer products, visit
All About Pull Ups
Pull ups are just like pushups in a sense that they are often avoided due to the fact that they can be extremely difficult for some people. A lot of people make this mistake when they are planning their workouts. If an exercise is difficult for you, this simply means that you need to make progress in that particular area. It is common for weight lifters to be able to pull down heavy amounts of weight on the machines, however they will struggle when it comes to just a single pull up. This is because pull ups are the ultimate in bodyweight exercise, and in order to do them you must have an incredible amount of strength. With these exercises you can build a lot of lean body mass in very little time. They also build a strong back and arms.
Since these exercises require the movement of multiple joints and work out a group of muscles, they are considered to be compound exercises. A standard pull up in which you grasp a bar with your palms directed away from your body focuses most of the work on the wings or lats, as well as providing a secondary workout for the forearms, biceps, traps, chest and rhomboids.
A chin up or an underhanded pull up puts most of its focus on the wings and lats as well, but shifts part of its attention to the backs of the shoulder and then also places a lot of emphasis on the biceps. You can use chin ups as an alternative to doing curls, since they do work the biceps so well.
The third most common variation of this exercise is when you grip the bar sideways with your palms facing each other. This is a mix of the chin up and the pull up. A good thorough workout will have all three of these variations in order to maximize your efforts.
You will be making fast progress due to the fact that you will be lifting the same amount of weight each time you perform your workout. As you gain muscle you will progressively be lifting more weight, however this is relative. You shouldn’t feel discouraged if you are only able to do one rep at first. Just find a set amount that is comfortable for you, even if it is only one, and do as many sets as you are able to do in a day. Then take a day off where you just rest, and go back to it the following day. Keep on repeating this until eventually you will be able to complete more sets or more reps.
If you have a hard time doing any at all, you can try another strength building exercise called a supine row. Basically, it is a horizontal version of a pull up. Use your bar or bench press and lay down beneath it. Get your body stiff and pull yourself up toward the bar.
You can use this information on pull ups to build strength in new ways, and it won’t be long before the results start showing!
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Article by Mikediamond201
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Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Huggies Diapers Coupons
Huggies is home to a wide range of baby products that provide protection and comfort to babies. What’s surprising today is that many new parents are not aware of the availability of Huggies diapers coupons that can help save them money off their expenditure on baby diapers.
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